Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2019
Peace be upon you all I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah. He is alone and has no partner. and I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is His Servant and Messenger. After this I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed.
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. The Gracious, the Merciful, Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help. Guide us in the right path –
The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings, those who have not incurred displeasure, and those who have not gone astray. As I mentioned during yesterday’s Friday sermon, nowadays, the world is very rapidly moving away from their God. A large number of people are not only distancing themselves from religion,
Rather they deny the very existence of God Almighty. While living in this environment where material means are considered to be everything, even some of us become influenced by this environment. This includes adults as well as children and the youth. Under such circumstances, we have a huge responsibility
To continuously be watchful of our conditions. We must save ourselves as well as our children from the influence of this environment. We must make efforts to bring ourselves closer to God Almighty and we must make effort to bring our children closer to God Almighty as well.
Save yourselves from the filth of this world and save your progenies from the filth of this world as well. Set such personal examples for your children whereby following the footsteps of adults, the children may also tread on the paths that may lead one to religion,
Which may lead one to the nearness of God Almighty, which may lead one to develop belief and certainty in the existence of God Almighty and which may enable one to achieve the love of God Almighty and put right the affairs of this world as well as the hereafter.
Where on one hand, this is the responsibility of the men that they should set their examples and should live cautiously in this materialistic world with all its pomp and splendour, on the other hand it is also the responsibility of the women as well. The Tarbiyyat (moral training) of the children
Has been laid on the women by Allah and His Messenger. If our women love God and have the fear of God Almighty in their hearts, then they need to make much effort in order to take care of their children in this society. Many mothers present their children for the Waqf-e-Nau scheme.
Their subsequent T arbiyyat is also their responsibility. However, if all the children including W aqf-e-Nau or not Waqf-e-Nau are not equally looked after, then one of the children will be negatively affected; either the Tarbiyyat of the children that are Wa
Or the Tarbiyyat of the children that are not Waqf will be affected negatively. Hence, we should not think that we only have to take care of the Waqf-e-Nau children or that we only have to take care of the boys and have to be strict only with the girls.
Some mothers pay more attention to their sons or some mothers pamper their sons and are strict with their daughters. In any case, if this differentiation exists and there is discrimination regarding T arbiyyat , then one or the other child gets spoiled. Tarbiyyat is a very delicate matter in this environment.
Hence, every step that we take forward should be taken very carefully in matters of Tarbiyyat . If men are not taking their part of the responsibility seriously and their actions are negatively affecting the children, and especially the boys, then you should also advise such men and pay attention to your husbands.
There is a need for women to be an excellent example of a guardian of the household. The Holy Prophet (saw) has said that “my companions are an excellent role-model for you. My male and female companions are both a role-model for you.” It is not that only men are an excellent example
Rather the women who had the honour of pledging their allegiance to the Holy Prophet (saw), they also set their examples as well. They too are a pure example for us. The female companions were such that they established examples of their worship. Such examples can be found where they spent their nights in worship
And observed fasts during the day. Subsequently, their husbands had to complain to the Holy Prophet (saw) ‘that my wife remains occupied in worship the entire night and does not fulfil her obligations and rights.’ As a result of this, the Holy Prophet (saw) had to explain to the women
That they should adopt a middle path; ‘you should not remain constantly occupied in worship to the extent ‘that you are unable to fulfil the responsibilities of the home, ‘nor should you be inclined to the world to such a degree that you remain completely ignorant of religion.’
The Holy Prophet (saw) said that you should adopt the middle path. Hence, when they complained, they complained about the fact ‘that our wives are always occupied in worship.’ That atmosphere was such that it transformed these people completely. Even if the women had any complaints about [their] husbands,
They were such that they fast the entire day and worship during the night. Hence, it is mentioned in a narration, that once, the state of a female companion was such that it was clear that she was not taking care of herself at all.
Her clothes were dirty, she had no regard for the state of her clothes, nor did she combe her hair. She did not adorn herself according to the customs of that time. Upon this, one of the wives of the Holy Prophet (saw) asked her when she came to her
That ‘what kind of a state are you keeping yourself in?’ In response to this she said that ‘for whom shall I get ready and adorn myself?’ ‘My husband remains occupied in worship during the nights and observes fasts during the day. He does not pay any attention towards me, or even look at me.’
Upon this, the honourable wife of the Holy Prophet (saw) said to the Holy Prophet (saw) that this is the state of the wife of such and such person and in relation to her husband she has said that he pays no attention towards her. He remains occupied in worship and observing fasts.
Upon this, the Holy Prophet (saw) said to that person ‘that you also have to fulfil the due rights to your wife. ‘ He (saw) said that I am nearer to Allah the Exalted than you. ‘However, I observe fast, break the fast, fulfil the rights of children,
‘fulfil the rights of my wives as well as the rights of society. Hence, you should also fulfil the rights of your wife and children.’ Thus, a short while later, this very female companion, who was previously in a bad state, went to the wives of the Holy Prophet (saw) again.
On that occasion, she had adorned herself and was dressed very well and had applied some perfume. They asked her that what is the reason for being so well adorned and dressed-up? Upon this, the female companion replied that ‘following the instruction of the Holy Prophet (saw), my husband pays attention towards me’.
Hence, these were the people, whose examples we are instructed to follow. We should not become engrossed in worldly affairs and destroy our life along with the lives of our future generations in this world and in the hereafter.
This is the example of a female companion who adorned herself for the sake of her husband. She did not apply make-up in order to show it to the world. She did not do any fashion to show to the world. Rather, whilst treading on the path of righteousness
And whilst establishing examples of purity within their homes, they established such examples through which God the Exalted was pleased with as well as His Messenger (saw) and as a result of this the atmosphere of the home became peaceful and this also morally trained their children.
Nowadays, we observe that there are some mothers, who leave their children at home, dress up and go out with their friends. They apply make-up and neglect their Purdah . How can it be said about such women that they are among those who morally train their children,
Or that they are guardians of their homes. Indeed, it is also correct when some women say that our husbands tell us that ‘you should walk around with us without observing Purdah , that you should also apply make-up etc.,
‘that you should join mixed parties and that you should also sit with men at home. ‘ So, such men should also reflect upon why they are adamant on destroying their lives and the lives of their future generations in this world and in the hereafter.
Thus, it is integral for all of our men and women to evaluate themselves the examples that have been established before us and the community of the Masih and Mahdi whom we affiliate ourselves with in this age; he has especially emphasized upon following the examples of the companions
And has taken an oath from us to bring about pure transformations within ourselves; so, do we endeavor to live our lives according to this? Has even 1/10 of these pure examples brought about any changes within ourselves? Do we find even a subtle sign of those standards in our worship?
If not, then this is a condition that we should be worried about. If we do not bring about any changes in our state in this materialistic world, and if our worship is not up to the standard that God Almighty expects from us, then there can be no guarantee
That our future generations will remain firmly established in their faith. Thus, in order to fulfil the purpose of our creation, in order to protect our generations from destruction, and in order to bring them closer to God Almighty, we must focus on our worship,
We must focus on our morals and we must display other virtuous examples as well. Yesterday, as I stated in my Friday sermon and directed everyone’s attention towards the fact that men are commanded to go to the mosque to offer the five daily prayers in congregation.
However, permission has been granted for women to pray at home, and they also get an equal reward to men who go to the mosque to pray. Thus, if you do not benefit from this convenience, then what could be a greater misfortune than this?
An Ahmadi woman who has accepted the Imam of the age with the intention that ‘I must protect myself from the disorder and discord that is prevalent in this age’, then it is paramount for her to become a devoted servant. She must become a worshipper of God Almighty
And become one who fulfils the due rights of His servitude. And when you become faithful servants [of God] and worship Him, only then will you be able to perform other virtues. Only then will your focus be directed towards the fact that ‘I must become truly obedient to God Almighty and His messenger’.
Only then will you be considered to be among the believing women. The Holy Prophet Muhamad (saw) states that “A woman has been appointed as a guardian over the home of her husband. “She is responsible for looking after and protecting her home “and their children in his absence.”
Hence, the responsibility of the Tarbiyyat of the children has been put upon the women more so than anyone else. If the husband is engaged in work outside the home and is not present at home, then the wife is the guardian of the home. When children go to school and come home from school,
It is necessary for the mother to be at home so that she may take care of their nourishment, so that she may ask them about how their school went and explain other Tarbiyyati matters to them. Thus, the Tarbiyyat of children is a responsibility
That has been placed upon the shoulders of women the most. Children remain close to their mothers up to a certain age, and as long as Ahmadi mothers understand the command of God Almighty and His Prophet (saw) and fulfil their responsibilities, righteous children will continue to be born and will continue to flourish.
Humans are weak, and they cannot fulfil this responsibility of protecting and being a guardian without the help and grace of God Almighty. Also, women in general are weaker (in comparison to men). In order to protect and act as a guardian for their children,
They must pray a lot along with establishing their own examples and explaining necessary matters to them. It is paramount to seek the help of God Almighty. Those mothers who raise their children whilst praying and seeking help from God Almighty raise a generation of righteous children who remain firm in virtuous deeds.
These children do not only remain attached with their faith but are also those who fulfil the rights that have been bestowed upon them in respect to their parents. There is no doubt that fathers must accompany the mothers in helping them raise their children, and they should certainly help in this regard
Whilst realising that especially boys must be supervised after a certain age by their fathers, otherwise they can be lead to the wrong path. This is why it is important for fathers to comply with their wives when they are scolding their young children for even the smallest of mistakes,
Or even when they think that they shouldn’t be scolded. I say this because at times it seems that some mothers have the habit of scolding their children and this leads to some children becoming stubborn. However, they should still not make it seem in front of their children that their mothers are wrong.
I am saying this because I know that men are also listening to me. Men should respectfully point out the mistake to their wives at another time, but we must remember that the heavy responsibility of raising children is more entrusted upon the mothers.
Today, it is incumbent upon Ahmadi mothers to realise the importance of their responsibility even more than before if we are to save the current generation of Ahmadi children. They must try their level best and pray in this regard. Modern research indicates that even boys feel comfortable communicating
And opening up about their personal issues to their mothers up until the age of 15 or 16, as compared to their fathers. They also give more importance to what their mothers say up until the age of 15 or 16.
We have also seen that many mothers say that they feel as if their children were very good until the age of 14 or 15, but then suddenly ever since they’ve started going out, they’ve changed in a negative way. In any case, it is proven from modern research that boys have a deeper relation
With their mothers as compared to their fathers. Also, our Asian culture seems to demonstrate that sons usually become distant from their fathers around the age of 15 or 16. This is not right and it shouldn’t be the case. This is why I have repeatedly emphasised
That fathers should have a friendly relationship with their children if they intend to ensure that their children remain close to faith in this so called society. Fathers must try their best for this as should mothers as well. Western research proves that the reason why boys tend to become closer to their fathers
At the age of 15 or 16 is because their fathers, or I should say their superficial fathers do not tend to restrict them from enjoying the temptations that are born as a result of adolescence. They allow their boys to do whatever they like.
However, Ahmadi fathers must apply the relation of friendship with their sons so that they can help them to create a connection with faith. In any case, we have also come to notice that in our Ahmadi environment, those mothers who remained close to their children and have taken good care of them
Also remain close to their children when they grow up, as compared to their fathers. Thus, Ahmadi mothers must try and understand the psychology of their children and also assess the impact that this society has upon them, and then raise their children by explaining the variations of what is right
And what is wrong for them. These days, children are taught things in the name of ‘freedom’ that actually have no real concern with them and are too overwhelming for them to understand before they even reach and age of maturity. They simply cannot fully fathom the understanding of this,
However they claim that this is all done in the light of spreading knowledge. These people are pushing children into an abyss of immoral darkness whilst claiming they are spreading the light of knowledge and this is why these children are constantly falling down into this pit of immoral darkness.
In such circumstances, the responsibility of mothers increases in assuring that they safeguard their household from useless and indecent things. To eradicate this, they must first gather knowledge about this themselves, and when their children ask them about such things whilst saying that this is what they have learned in school,
Especially questions in relation to inappropriate relationships, it is then that the mothers should not hesitate and explain to them that these are immoral actions which have no concern with them at this age. This is how we can safeguard and supervise our children
Otherwise this superficial atmosphere will destroy the lives of our future generations in this world and in the hereafter. Every Ahmadi must ponder upon this thought with great concern, and each and every Ahmadi mother must set a very high standard in raising her children by setting a fine example whilst seeking prayers for it.
Their example should be such that it could be said that this is a woman who is accumulating the blessings of God Almighty and relaying them onto her children whilst enabling them to become an asset for the Jama’at as a result.
These children are a trust of the Jama’at that have been entrusted upon you and it is their correct upbringing that makes them the most favoured of Allah’s treasures. These are the people whom God Almighty is always watching with affection
Due to the fact that they do not care to visualise the obscenity of this world because of their purified minds. They have no concern with the obscene, lewd, vulgar and inappropriate content of television and the internet. Their main concern is to search for the blessings of God Almighty.
The world should acknowledge that these are the children who have no interest in indecencies, who have no interest in pointless and vain discussions, who have no interest in wasting their own time, who have no interest in aimlessly roaming around, who have no interest in intoxicating themselves whilst in their groups of boys.
Their only interest is to find the blessings of God Almighty. Their main concern is to become a part of that promise that was made to the Promised Messiah (as) by God Almighty in which he was told that the members of his community will excel in knowledge and wisdom.
This is the promise of God Almighty, and they should aim to become those who guide the world and save it from the mischief conducted by the Dajjal. Thus, you should aim to become those women who produce such treasures and assets, become those female believers and righteous wives
With regards to whom the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) has said that ‘such women are among the best kind of wealth.’ A believing wife is the best wealth one can have. Hence, you should also aim to make your children become prized assets by engraving faith and sincerity within them.
Do not look to attain the prizes of this world. Our Lord is He who is truthful in fulfilling His promises. Whosoever turns towards Him and acts upon His commandments, He fulfils his worldly desires. If whilst treading on the path of righteousness,
If whilst fulfilling the oath of giving precedence to faith over all worldly matters, you are mindful of your faith and your belief in faith and you continue to be mindful of the faith and the belief in faith for your future generations, then God Almighty states that ‘I will provide provisions to such people
From where they expect not.’ As He states [Arabic, Holy Quran 65:v3-4] Whilst elucidating upon this, the Promised Messiah (as) states that one who continues to fear God Almighty, God Almighty will bestow provisions upon him through such means that he would never expect.
He states that the reason the bestowing of provisions has been especially mentioned is because many people accumulate wealth through prohibited means. If they act upon the commandments of God Almighty and tread on the path of righteousness, then God Almighty will bestow provisions upon them Himself.
Then he states that in the same way, God Almighty states [Arabic] He states that as a mother takes special care of her child and nourishes her child, in this same way God Almighty states that ‘I take care of those who become righteous,
I up-bring the righteous people, I become their protector and I fulfil their needs.’ God Almighty blesses their wealth manifold. The Promised Messiah (as) states that when such people turn towards God Almighty in this way, then God Almighty blesses their wealth manifold.
He (as) mentioned these things in a gathering whilst addressing and giving advice to women. Thus, upon moving to these countries, the desire of acquiring more wealth increases considerably and some women nag their husbands and make various demands. They incite their husbands by giving examples of other women
And then among men, there are some who lack in reasoning and intellect and who contemplate on other methods of accumulating as much wealth as possible instead of acting with sound reasoning. This is not merely an allegation upon women that they are the ones ruin their husbands,
It is not only wives who do this to their husbands, there are some mothers who also compel their sons to do such things. They compel their sons to send them money. There are some sisters who compel their brothers to do such things. But in any case, men should act wisely.
There are many men who try to earn money through wrongful means. Even if no one incites them to do such things, it is their own inner temptations that incite them. It is not the case that our men are very pure and holy, they’re also in a pretty bad state.
They try to avoid their taxes and fail to inform government authorities of their income. They receive social help in countries where the government provides it to those people who are not working, then also work discreetly on the side and don’t pay any taxes. So this is wealth which is obtained through un-lawful means
And which is devoid of any blessings whatsoever. Thus, women should also explain to their husbands who have such a mind-set and question as to ‘why you use un-lawful wealth to provide for us and the children ‘when it could become a means of our destruction? ‘Why do you make us sinful as well?
We will only up-bring our children with wealth that is pure and lawful even if it is less.’ When there will be mothers with this mind-set, when there will be wives with this mind-set, then many husbands will reform by themselves and those people who keep this mind-set and act accordingly,
God Almighty states with regards to them that ‘I will grant them provisions through My Grace; ‘I will grant them such provisions in ways that are unfathomable for them.’ Indeed, it is necessary for you to develop contentment within your temperament. Do not exceed in worldly desires to such an extent
That they never satiate your desire for them. You should not continue to feel that your desires have not been fulfilled nor should one desire continue to lead to another. One’s worldly desires should not continue to increase. One should continue to develop more and more religious desires.
In any case, it is necessary to pray to God Almighty to develop contentment within oneself. If God Almighty bestows His grace upon you, only then can you develop true contentment within yourself. God Almighty also develops contentment of heart in those people who try to excel in righteousness.
In the same way, mothers should also remember that for the upbringing of girls, you have to display your own examples as well. You especially have to be careful about your dress code and the level of Purdah that you display to them. Modesty is the true identity of women.
Explain to girls that this so called progressive society does not protect your modesty. You have to explain this to them from their very childhood. You have to explain to them when they turn 5 or 6 years of age that ‘this society does not protect your modesty’.
Your modestly can only be protected by following the commandments given to us by God Almighty. That is why God Almighty has instructed (women) to observe Purdah and to be modest in the Holy Quran. Constantly remind girls to always keep this instruction of God Almighty before them.
There is no need to fall into a minority complex, there is no need to develop a minority complex within your heart. If mothers will maintain the correct level of Purdah and explain the importance of doing so to girls, then surely, this will have a positive effect on them. Some well-educated girls think
That our mothers are from an older age and so how would they know the fact that in order to assimilate into this age, it is necessary to become lenient in observing Purdah and in wearing the Hijab or that in some places, even if one does not observe Purdah
Or does not follow a modest dress code, there is no harm. However, we should always remember that whosoever will act in a manner which is distant from instructions of God Almighty, they will destroy their own lives and the lives of their future generations.
Therefore, without falling into a minority complex, an Ahmadi girl and an Ahmadi woman should renounce and shun any form of apparel which reduces one’s modesty and which negates the instructions of God Almighty. If someone’s excuse is that we have to wear particular clothing for work
Which only consists of a blouse and jeans and nothing else, and a scarf cannot be worn and a long coat can also not be worn, then our girls should refrain from such work. They should refrain from such work that leads one to wearing revealing clothes.
If you believe in God Almighty to be the Guardian and try to become righteous, then according to the promise of God Almighty, He will become the Guardian of a righteous person. If today, you free yourself from observing Purdah, then future generations will seek more freedom and will then deviate far away from religion.
Always remember this guidance of the Promised Messiah (as) (in which he states) that people are emphasising on immodesty like the people of Europe however, this is not appropriate in anyway whatsoever. The Promised Messiah (as) states that this is not appropriate in any way whatsoever.
It is this concept of ‘freedom of women’ which is the very root of debauchery and dissipation. This is the very concept that leads to unnecessary freedom and it is this very concept that leads people away from religion and away from the commandments of religion.
So this concept of freedom is the root of these issues. Therefore, it is necessary to take every step very carefully. Thus, always remember that if you will not act upon the commandments of God Almighty, the commandments of His messenger and the commandments of the Imam of the age
Who is the judge and arbiter with due diligence, then you will lose your faith. Then this claim will also be false that we have pledged our allegiance to the Promised Messiah (as). Instead of being shy in this environment, you should openly tell the worldly people that ‘Purdah is a religious matter of ours
And you should not interfere in our matters of religion’. The well-educated Ahmadi girls here should write articles and periodicals in newspapers about this. Always remember that if you will act upon the commandments of God Almighty, you will earn respect in religious and worldly affairs. Thus, analyse yourselves.
You should not only wear modest clothes and observe Purdah for coming to the mosque or to the Jalsa rather, this should become a distinct quality of yours. You should wear modest clothing wherever you go. You should always remember this advice of the Promised Messiah (as),
That is, ‘adopt righteousness, do not fall in love with the world and its beauty so that you may enter into your graves in a state of being sinless and pure’. He states that do not become lazy in fulfilling the obligations of God Almighty like Salat, Zakat and so on.
He states that you should fulfil your responsibilities with such dignity that you may be deemed to be among the righteous and obedient in the sight of God Almighty. May God Almighty enable every Ahmadi woman and every Ahmadi girl to give precedence to their faith over all worldly affairs.
May He enable them to act upon the instructions and commandments of the Holy Prophet (saw) and of the Promised Messiah (as) and in doing so, may they protect their faith and the faith of their future generations and help them develop a close relationship with God Almighty.
May you be among those who continue to value the honour that God Almighty has given you to accept the Imam of the age and may you never become immersed in the world to such an extent that you become negligent and deviate away from this. Ameen Now join me silent prayers Ameen