Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2018
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah Come to Prayer Come to success Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
Peace be upon you all, I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah He is alone and has no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is His Servant and Messenger After this I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed.
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. The Gracious, the Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help. Guide us in the right path
The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings, those who have not incurred Thy displeasure, and those who have not gone astray. With reference to the Spiritual Influence of the Holy Prophet (saw), the Promised Messiah (as) states:
“It is my belief that the Spiritual Influences of the Holy Prophet (saw) was so magnificent, “that it was not granted to any other prophet in the world. “This is the secret behind the progress of Islam “that the Noble Prophet (saw) possessed an immense power of attraction.
“Moreover, his worlds bore such an impact that whoever would listen to them, “would become captivated.” He further states: “Those that were entranced by him became completely purified.” Then relating to the kind of changes the Holy Prophet (saw) brought about in his companions, the Promised Messiah (as) states:
“When we look at the condition of the companions, we do not see any one among them who would lie, “whereas when we look at the initial condition of the Arabs, “we find them to be embroiled in all types of filth; they were engrossed in idolatry;
“they would brazenly usurp the wealth of orphans and were involved in all kinds of evils “and lived like bandits. In short, from head to toe they were immersed in obscenities. “However, the Holy Prophet (saw) brought about such a revolution among them, “the example of which is not found in any other nation.”
At another occasion the Promised Messiah (as) stated, “The miracle of the Holy Prophet (saw) is so great it is sufficient to open the eyes of the world.” The Promised Messiah (as) further states: “Reforming an individual is difficult. “However, in this case, an [entire] nation was prepared, “who showed such an example of their faith and sincerity that they readily let themselves “be slaughtered like sheep for the sake of the Truth they had chosen. “The reality is that they were not earthly any more.
“Rather, the teaching, guidance and effective admonition of the Holy Prophet (saw) “made them heavenly; and they acquired holy attributes.” He further states: “It was only due to this reformation and guidance that Allah the Exalted, “by way of a prophecy, named the Holy Prophet (as) ‘Muhammad’. “Through this he was to be praised in this world because he filled the world “with peace, reconciliation, excellent morals and righteousness.”
Even today, we see that those who are just, cannot withhold from admitting that the Holy Prophet (saw) transformed those who were extremely ignorant, ill-mannered and immersed in all sorts of immoral vices, into well-disciplined and saintly people. A few years ago, a Jewish scholar came to meet me and said,
“Although, Jews are prohibited from entering the Al-Aqsa Mosque [in Jerusalem], “I went there and was able to see all of it.” The details of that visit, which he narrated to me, are very lengthy, but nonetheless he stated, “In several instances, the tour guide suspected that I was not a Muslim.
“At all such occasions, I would say something, which would indicate that I was a Muslim, “to the extent that in order to satisfy the supervisor, “I even recited the Kalima: “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger”. “Nevertheless, once I had visited the entire mosque, the supervisor said to me:
‘Despite the fact that you have recited the Kalima, ‘I still have some reservations about you being a Muslim. ‘Now that you have seen the mosque, tell me the truth.’ “I told him that you are correct in saying that I am not a Muslim, but I am a Jew.
“As far as reciting the Kalima [Muslim creed] is concerned, I believe in ‘La Ilaaha Ilalah’ i.e. “that there is none worthy of worship except Allah. “I also believe in my declaration of ‘Muhammadur Rasoolulah’ [Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah]
“because I know the history of Arabs and what the circumstances of the Arabs were in that era. “The state of Arabs prior to the claim of the Holy Prophet (saw) “could only have been rectified by a prophet. “A worldly leader could not have reformed that state.
“Therefore, regardless of the fact whether I believe in the Holy Prophet (saw) or not, “I consider him to be a prophet sent by God.” Nevertheless, despite being a worldly person, he testified and acknowledged this magnificent revolution of the Holy Prophet (saw). Thus, if someone looks at this with justice,
Seeing the extraordinary reformations that were brought about within the companions through the spiritual power of the Holy Prophet (saw), he will have no choice but to acknowledge the fact that the Holy Prophet (saw) was most certainly a prophet of God. With regards to the companions, their extraordinary status and extraordinary reformations,
Which were brought about within them, the Promised Messiah (as) states on occasion, “Look at the example of the companions. “The examples of the companions are in fact such which resemble the examples of all prophets. “God only loves our actions. “They sacrificed their lives in similitude to sheep.
“Their example is such that the form of prophethood, which commenced from the time of Adam (i.e. the form, appearance, status and perception of prophethood which began from the time of Adam), “could not be comprehended. “However, the companions illuminated and manifested this and informed us that this is called truthfulness and sincerity.”
The Promised Messiah (as) further states, “The example of the life of discomfort which they lived can also not be found anywhere else. “The group of the companions was a unique group. “It was a group worthy of honour and worthy to be followed. “Their hearts were filled with certainty and conviction.”
“When [a person is endowed with] conviction, “he gradually desires to sacrifice his wealth in the initial stages. “Following this, when his certainty increases, “that person filled with conviction is willing to sacrifice his life for the sake of God.” Mentioning the grandeur of the companions, the Promised Messiah (as) stated on one occasion,
[Arabic] (Al-Nur: 38) Allah the Exalted states in the Holy Qur’an “Whom neither merchandise nor traffic diverts from the remembrance of Allah.” Elaborating on this, the Promised Messiah (as) states, “This single verse is sufficient in relation to prove [the status of] the companions. “They made great reformations.
“Even the British acknowledge the fact that it is difficult to find their like. “They were people of the desert, yet, it was astonishing to see such bravery and courage.” The Promised Messiah (as) states, “They are such people, whom neither merchandise nor traffic diverts from the remembrance of Allah.
“In other words, their love for God is so absolute that worldly engagements, “regardless of their abundance, cannot interrupt and disturb this state of theirs.” The Promised Messiah (as) further states, “Remember that the true servant of Allah the Exalted are those, “with regards to whom Allah has said:
[Arabic] [Whom neither merchandise nor traffic diverts from the remembrance of Allah]. “That is, when a person’s heart develops a true loving relationship with God, “he cannot separate himself therefrom. “This state can be understood in this manner that when the child of a person falls ill for example,
“regardless of where he goes or becomes engaged in a certain task, “his heart and attention will be dedicated towards his child. “Similarly, those people who form a true relationship with God based on love, “cannot forget God under any circumstances.” Thus, the noble companions, may Allah be pleased with them all,
Had developed such a true loving relationship with God the Exalted, that it was completely out of the question that they would become neglectful of God or that they would hesitate to make any form of sacrifice. There are many examples in relation to the companions.
It is narrated with regards to Hazrat Khabbab bin Al-Aratt that when the time of demise approached, he was so fearful of Allah that he asked for his coffin to be brought in order to look at it. Upon seeing it he discovered that the coffin was made out of a very fine material.
He asked his family members: “Are you going to give me such a lavish coffin?” He started to cry and said that the paternal uncle of the Holy Prophet (saw), Hazrat Hamza, was given a coffin which consisted of one piece of cloth and even that was so short that if you covered his feet,
His head would remain uncovered and if you covered his head, his feet would remain uncovered. Upon this, with the instructions of the Holy Prophet (saw), his feet were covered with grass. Following this, he said with utmost apprehension that,
“During the time of the Holy Prophet (saw), I did not possess even a dinar or dirham. “However, today, as a result of the blessings of the Holy Prophet (saw), “due to the favours of Allah the Exalted, as a result of accepting these sacrifices,
“Allah the Exalted has endowed me with such [an abundance of] wealth that “the box in the corner of my house contains forty thousand dirham.” He further said, “That Allah the Exalted has given me so much that I fear that
“Allah the Exalted has perhaps given me the reward for my deeds in this very world “and that I will be deprived of the rewards of the hereafter and the life to come.” Towards the end of his illness when the companions visited him and comforted him,
They would say that it seems that you are also going to meet your elder companions. Upon this he started to cry and said “Do not think that I cried as a result of being afraid of death.
“I cried because the status of the companions whom you have called me their brother, is very lofty. “I am not sure whether I am even worthy of being their brother.” He further said that “Those people, who passed before us, “did not derive benefit from the worldly provisions which we enjoy and benefit from.”
His fear of Allah the Exalted and the state of his righteousness was such that he considered himself to be most weak. He was fearful and mindful of Allah as to whether He will be pleased with him after his demise.
Furthermore, this was his very prayer that Allah the Exalted may be pleased [with him]. His sacrifices and service towards faith were not less than that of anyone else. Hazrat Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, lead his funeral prayer during his caliphate and spoke remarkably in in his favour.
The status of Hazrat Khabbab can be gauged from these very words. He said that “May Allah the Exalted have Mercy on Khabbab. “He accepted Islam with utmost love and eagerness and was then enabled to migrate [to Medina]. “Following this, the life he lived was that of a Mujahid [servant of God].
“He passed through severe trials and demonstrated examples of utmost patience and steadfastness.” Hazrat Ali further said that “Allah the Exalted does not let the reward of such people, “who act virtuously, go to waste.” Observe the magnificent status of Hazrat Khabbab in the eyes of Hazrat Umar.
Once, Hazrat Umar called Hazrat Khabbab, placed him on his seat and said that “Khabbab! You are worthy of sitting on this seat alongside me. “I do not believe that except Bilal there is anyone deserving to sit on this seat alongside me.
“He, i.e. Bilal also bore many hardships as a result of accepting Islam in its early stages.” Hazrat Khubab said “O Ameerul Mumineen [Commander of the Faithful], by all means Bilal is also worthy “but the reality is that there were those present to save Bilal from the idolaters,
“and hence Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) bought him and set him free. “However, I had no one to deliver me from this cruelty and “there was even a day when the disbelievers seized me and threw me into a fire,
“and an oppressor put his foot on my chest so it became impossible for me to escape the fire. “My back was burnt on the burning coal.” After rekindling the coal they turned him over on to it.
Hazrat Khubab lifted his cloth from his back and showed where white lines were marked on his back. He said that these marks were as a result of being made to lay on the scorching coal. His skin and fat were burnt, and then this white skin from within emerged.
Hazrat Khubab also fought in the Battle of Badr, the Battle of the Ditch and the Battle of Uhud. Despite all that, at the time of his death his only thought was whether or not God Almighty would be pleased with him. Then there was a companion Moaz Bin Jabal.
He was renowned for performing the Tahajjud prayer and worshipping for long durations. His relatives described his Tahajjud prayers in following way – that he would supplicate to God “O my Lord, at this time all are in their slumber and all eyes [of the people] are shut.
“O Allah You are the Living and Self-Subsisting. “I ask of You Your Paradise, but I am careless in doing so. “In other words I am slack in doing good deeds and too weak and frail to escape the Fire.
“I know that there is the Fire of Hell and one must do good deeds to [save oneself] from it, “but I am much too weak to be saved from it. “O Allah grant me guidance from Thyself, “the guidance which will be granted on the Day of Resurrection,
“the day on which You will do as you have forewarned.” He would spend a lot in the way of Allah and would even go into debt by spending in this manner. With regards to Hazrat Moaz bin Jabal, the son of Hazrat Ka’ab bin Malik states: “God Almighty’s treatment with Moaz is astonishing.
“He was very handsome, generous, his prayers would often be accepted, “whatever he would ask of God, He would grant it. “God Almighty had a special relationship with him. “Even if he fell in debt, God Almighty would provide for means to pay it off. “God Almighty blessed him with extraordinary understanding and insight.”
As a result of their love for God Almighty they developed a love for the Holy Prophet (saw), or it can be said that out of their love for the Holy Prophet (saw) they developed a love for God. It was the spiritual influence of the Holy Prophet (saw) that
Developed the awareness of the love of God Almighty within them. As mentioned, the spiritual influence of the Holy Prophet (saw) caused a revolution in them and if this had not been the case, these stories would never have been documented.
The love God Almighty held for the Holy Prophet (saw) was also such that has no match, just as the Promised Messiah (as) mentioned. Hence, such an incident of Hazrat Shammaas Bin Uthman (ra) has been preserved in history which has become an example of love for the Holy Prophet (saw) and
Of the highest levels of sacrifice for the sake of Islam. During the Battle of Uhud, where there is the incident of Hazrat Talha (ra) when he put his hand forward to protect the blessed countenance of the Holy Prophet (saw)
So that no arrow could harm him, there, Hazrat Shammaas (ra) also played a great role. Hazrat Shammaas (ra) stood beside the Holy Prophet (saw) and took the blows of every encounter. The Holy Prophet (saw) stated regarding Hazrat Shammaas (ra) that
“If I were to compare Shammaas to anything then I would liken him to a shield, “because during the Battle of Uhud he was like a shield to me. “He protected me from the front, behind, the right and the left and fought until his last breath.” Wherever the Holy Prophet (saw) would look,
He would see Hazrat Shammaas (ra) fighting with outstanding courage. When the enemy were successful in attacking the Holy Prophet (saw) and he fell unconscious, even then Shammaas (ra) stood before him like a shield, up to the point where he was severely wounded. It was in this state that he was taken to Medina.
Hazrat Umme Salma said “He is my uncle’s son and I am his closest relative, “therefore he should be treated in my house.” But due to the severity of his injuries, he passed away after a day or two. The Holy Prophet (saw) said that Shammaas should be buried in the clothes he was wearing,
As is custom with other martyrs. Another Companion, Saeed Bin Zaid was the brother-in-law of Hazrat Umar (ra). It was due to his acceptance Islam that when Hazrat Umar (ra) moved to strike him, Saeed’s wife, the sister of Hazrat Umar (ra) came before him and was injured.
This had a deep effect on Hazrat Umar (ra) which turned his attention towards accepting Islam. There is one incident outlining Hazrat Saeed’s standard of self-sufficiency and fear of God. He made his living on one of his properties, or one of his plots of land.
A woman also had a plot of land adjacent to his. She claimed ownership to his land saying that he had seized some of her land. Hazrat Saeed (ra) replied that there is no need to fight the case, and withdrew all his land.
He handed over the plot of land to that woman and said “I heard the Holy Prophet (saw) say that if someone unlawfully takes “even a hand’s-breadth of the land of another, “on the Day of Judgement, he will have to bear the burden of seven lands.
“Hence, I do not wish to have this allegation upon me nor do I wish to fight, “but the world should not say that I seized the land of someone else.” People could have said that he seized the land of a woman and now that she knows he has returned the plot of land.
Therefore, to clear himself of this allegation [he handed it over]. He was inclined to supplication and often prayed for this woman that if she has not been wronged and in fact herself is the oppressor then may God Almighty seize her and may her end not be good.
The narrator says that this woman lost her sight and became an example for others when she died. It was the habit of the Companions to speak the truth and not to fear anyone. It is narrated about Saeed Bin Zaid (ra) that
One day the appointed governor of Kufa, Ameer Muawiyyah was sat in the mosque. Hazrat Saeed (ra) also went there. The governor welcomed him very hospitably paying great respect and sat him down. At that very moment a man from Kufa came and began insulting Hazrat Ali (ra).
Hazrat Saeed (ra) became enraged by this but he did not remain silent, as one may have thought the wise thing to do since he was with the governor. Instead he said that “I heard the Holy Prophet (saw) say that Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali
“Talha, Zubair Bin Al-Awwam, Sa’ad and Abdur Rahman Bin Auf will be in Paradise.” He also said that “There is also a tenth whose name I shall not mention.” When they persisted in their questioning, he said that it is “I, Saeed Bin Zaid.”
There is another Hadith narrated by him in which it is stated that the greatest crime, i.e. unlawful act, is to unjustly attack the honour and integrity of a Muslim. This is the very thing which the Muslims have forgotten today
And from the larger scale all the way down to the small scale and in minor issues, we see that Muslims are attacking the honour of other Muslims for their own vested interests. We find mention of another companion, Hazrat Suhaib bin Sanaan Rumi (ra). When Muslims were granted permission from God Almighty to migrate,
Hazrat Suhaib (ra) also decided to migrate. He gradually progressed in life as initially he came as a slave [to Mecca], was freed and then started doing some trade and eventually became a very wealthy merchant and earned a lot of money through his trade.
When he was about migrate, the people of Mecca said to him that “When you first came to the city you were a poor slave “and therefore we will never allow you to take away with you the wealth that you earned here.”
So he said, ‘Very well, I shall leave my wealth here, now will you allow me to go?’’ Therefore, he left behind half of his wealth with the Meccans and began preparations to migrate. When he left for Medina with his family, some of the people from the Quraish followed him.
Suhaib (ra) was a very brave individual and a very skilful archer and so when he saw the Kuffar [disbelievers] approaching him, he took out all the arrows from his quiver and placed them on the floor. He then said,
‘‘O Quraish! You know very well that I am far more skilled in archery than you are “and until my very last arrow you will not be able to get to me. “Thereafter, I will have my sword and you shall have to fight me with that,
“therefore it is better that you let me go peacefully “and you can even take whatever wealth I had left for myself from such and such place.’’ Thus, with great wisdom and by sacrificing his wealth he managed to save his family and himself and safely reached [Medina].
When Suhaib (ra) met the Holy Prophet (saw) and informed him that he sacrificed all his wealth and safeguarded his own life as well as his faith and arrived there, the Holy Prophet (saw) replied that this was not a fruitless transaction but rather a very profitable one.
Thus, every companion had their own unique qualities. Once, Hazrat Umar (ra) said to Hazrat Suhaib (ra), “You are extremely generous in feeding others, however I fear that you may be too extravagant.” Hazrat Suhaib replied, “The food I give is due to an instruction of the Holy Prophet (saw).
“The Holy Prophet (saw) advised me that “the best among you is he who feeds others and extends the greeting of Peace.” To say Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rehmatullah Wa Barakatahu is a good deed and described as an excellent quality of people by the Holy Prophet (saw).
[Hazrat Suhaib (ra) states, “I strongly adhered to this piece of advice “given to me by the Holy Prophet (saw) when I arrived in Medina “and I only spend what is lawfully right and do not indulge in extravagances.’
Hazrat Umar (ra) held Hazrat Suhaib (ra) in very high esteem and thus had written in his will that Hazrat Suhaib (ra) would lead his funeral prayer and also stated that until the next Khalifa was not elected, he would lead the prayers. Hazrat Usama was the son of Hazrat Zaid (ra)
Who was a slave that had been freed by the Holy Prophet (saw). Hazrat Usama (ra) was extremely fortunate as the Holy Prophet (saw) had shown him great love. The Holy Prophet (saw) loved him so greatly that Hazrat Usama (ra) himself states that
The Holy Prophet (saw) would place Hazrat Hussain and him on his lap and say, ‘‘O Allah! Show love to these two for I also love them.’’ However, when it came to one’s moral training and matters related to faith
Then this personal love would no longer exist and all that mattered was God and His injunctions. During the time of the Holy Prophet (saw), Hazrat Usama (ra) was very young, in fact he was only 18 years of age at the time of the Holy Prophet’s demise.
However, he still took part in some of the battles. One incident of his is that during a battle, a Kafir [disbeliever] came before Hazrat Usama (ra) and he immediately recited the Kalima [Islamic declaration of faith],
However he still killed him as he believed that he only did so out of fear of being killed. Hazrat Usama (ra) relates, “I mentioned this incident to the Holy Prophet (saw).” The Holy Prophet (saw) replied, “Did you kill him even after he had recited the Kalima?”
I replied, “He only recited it in order to be saved from being killed.” The Holy Prophet said, “Did you cut open his heart and see?” He further stated, “Did you kill him after he had recited the Kalima Shahada?” Hazrat Usama (ra) narrates that ‘‘The Holy Prophet (saw) repeated this sentence so many times
“that I wished that I had not been a Muslim before this day.’’ Hazrat Usama (ra) states, ‘‘I vowed from then to never kill anyone who recited the Kalima.’’ Only if the Muslims of today could understand this. Not only are they committing cruelties against non-Muslims but Muslims are killing Muslims.
Regarding the war in Syria it is said that in the last few years since this war started, hundreds of thousands of Muslims have been killed by other Muslims. Those who recite the Kalima are killing their fellow Muslims, and doing so in its very name.
Similarly, in Yemen those who recite the Kalima are being attacked and are being subjected to all kinds of persecution and torture. May Allah guide the Muslims so that they refrain from merely raising slogans of love for the Holy Prophet (saw) and his companions (ra), and instead act according to their example.
In reality, these people are gratifying their own egos in the name of Islam, whereas they do not even know the basic tenets of the Islamic teachings. They only wish to make themselves seem superior; verbally they will only proclaim the name of God, however, deep down they care only for themselves.
In order to establish true righteousness in the world today, God Almighty has sent the Promised Messiah (as). Looking at the condition of the Muslims in the world, they can never reform themselves unless they believe in the Promised Messiah (as). Seeing their condition should make us swell up with emotions of gratitude
That God Almighty enabled us to accept the guide of this age, who God Almighty sent as the ardent devotee of the Holy Prophet (saw). The Promised Messiah (as) informed us of the noble status of the companions and advised us to follow their example.
He explained to us what the conducts of the companions were and also said that we should consider them as our role models and strive to emulate their example. If we keep these things in mind and try our utmost to act on them by first understanding them, only then can we become true Muslims.
On one occasion the Promised Messiah (as) stated: “The truth of the matter is that unless an individual abandons all ones desires and passions, “and then strives towards God, they can never achieve anything and instead will harm themselves. “However, when one relinquishes all their carnal passions and desires, and
“turns to God Almighty empty handed with a pure heart, “then God Almighty grants to that person and grants divine succour. “Nevertheless, the condition is that a person should be willing to experience death for this “and be ready to suffer every type of humiliation and also taste death.”
Then the Promised Messiah (as) further states: “Observe that this world is a transient place, “however one only tastes the delight of the world if they eschew it for the sake of God Almighty.” For this reason, we have witness a person who is dear to God, as we heard incidents of companions,
When they abandoned worldly pursuits for the sake of God Almighty, He bestowed them abundantly. However despite being granted profusely they were still apprehensive about their end and the hereafter; they had completely submitted themselves to [the will of] God Almighty. The Promised Messiah (as) writes: “Whosoever is dear to God Almighty,
“God in turn spreads their acceptance and recognition throughout the world, “the likes of which worldly people make a thousand attempts to achieve; “for example for them to receive a title, or for them to be granted a rank of honour,
“or for them to be granted a place in the royal court or a seat in a shrine. “Thus, all worldly honour is bestowed to them [i.e. the dear ones of God] “and every heart is intoxicated with the grandeur and admiration
“of those who are willing to abandon everything and forsake everything for His sake. “Not only are they willing to abandon everything, rather they demonstrate it practically. “In essence, those who sacrifice everything for the sake of God are bestowed everything.
“They do not die until they are granted manifold of what they sacrificed in the way of God. “God Almighty does not withhold any amount due to a person, but alas, “the people who accept this and are aware of the reality of these matters are scarce.”
May Allah the Almighty enable us to act on these teachings through which we can become the true followers of God Almighty and His Messenger (saw) and also follow His commandments. After the prayers, I will lead the funeral prayer of Mrs Amatul Majeed Ahmad Sahiba, wife of Chaudhry Nasir Ahmad Sahib,
Who is Naib Ameer [Vice President] UK as well as head of the Central Jaidad Office. She passed away on 9th January 2018. To Allah we belong and to Him shall we return. She was the paternal great granddaughter of Hazrat Maulvi Abdullah Sanoori Sahib, the companion of the Promised Messiah (as).
After marriage, they have been residing near Masjid Fazl since 1978. She was regular in her prayers and observing fasts as well as paying her Chanda. She was very compassionate, would greet everyone cheerfully and was very hospitable. She was a very sincere and pious lady. She would share in everyone’s pain and misfortune.
She had a strong connection with Khilafat and encouraged her children to remain firmly attached. She would urge them to be regular in their prayers. She strived to give good moral training to her children and also had the opportunity to teach the Holy Quran to the local children.
She served in the departments of Khidmat-e-Khalq and Ziafat for Lajna Imaillah UK and also served as Nazima of Mehman Nawazi [Hospitality of Guests] at Jalsa Salana UK. She is survived by her husband, Chaudhry Nasir Ahmad Sahib and four daughters. The current Sadr Lajna [President of Women’s Association]
As well as the former Sadr Lajna, Shmaila Nagi sahiba both have written saying that she was a person who would show love to everyone and this selfless love was felt by all who met her. At Jalsa she served as Nazima of Mehman Nawazi for a long time and
She served with full dedication and sincerity. She had the opportunity to serve as Secretary Ziafat and served with great humility. May Allah the Almighty elevate the status of the deceased and may He enable her virtuous deeds to carry on through her daughters.
As I mentioned, earlier the funeral is present; I will go outside to lead the prayer. The rest of the congregation should ensure the rows are arranged for the funeral prayer. All praise is due to Allah. We laud Him, we beseech help from Him and ask His protection;
We confide in Him, we trust Him alone and we seek protection against the evils and mischief of our souls and from the bad results of our deeds. Whomsoever He guides on the right path, none can misguide him; and whosoever He declares misled, none can guide him onto the right path.
And we bear witness that none deserves to be worshipped except Allah. We bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. O servants of Allah! May Allah be merciful to you. Verily, Allah commands you to act with justice, to confer benefits upon each other
And to do good to others as one does to one ‘s kindred and forbids evil which pertain to your own selves and evils which affect others and prohibits revolts against a lawful authority. He warns you against being unmindful. You remember Allah; He too will remember you;
Call Him and He will make a response to your call. And verily divine remembrance is the highest virtue.