Ahmadi Muslim VideoTube Friday Sermon Khalifa V Friday Sermon | May 27, 2022 | 4K ULTRA HD

Friday Sermon | May 27, 2022 | 4K ULTRA HD

Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2022

Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that Muhammad (sa) is the Messenger of Allah

I bear witness that Muhammad (sa) is the Messenger of Allah Come to Prayer Come to Prayer Come to success Come to success Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest There is none worthy of worship except Allah Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.

I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah. He is One and has no partner. and I bear witness that Muhammad (sa) is His Servant and Messenger. After this I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.

All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. The Gracious, The Merciful, Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help. Guide us in the right path – The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings,

Those who have not incurred displeasure, and those who have not gone astray. Today is the 27th of May. For the Ahmadiyya Community this day is known as “Yaum-e-Khilafat” (Khilafat Day). Every year, we hold gatherings on or around this day in order to commemorate “Yaum-e-Khilafat”. However, why do we do this?

We should remain mindful of the answer to this question at all times and we should also tell our children and future generations to reflect on this. This began on 27th of May 1908, when Allah the Almighty – in accordance with His promises –

Blessed us by establishing the institution of Khilafat within the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Allah the Almighty made a promise to the Promised Messiah (as) in relation to the progress of the Jama’at and He fulfilled it on this day. The Promised Messiah (as) had been preparing his Jama’at for some time

That no one could escape death. Even prophets, once they have completed their mission, are raised to Allah (after their demise). The Promised Messiah (as) specially prepared his Jama’at that the time of his return (to his Creator) was nigh. However, along with this, he would also give the glad tidings

That the Community established by the Promised Messiah (as) would flourish and spread and that the promises made by Allah the Almighty to him would certainly be fulfilled; and that the Jama’at would progress by the grace of Allah, and no one could hinder it.

In one narration, the Holy Prophet (sa) has made reference to his era and also the era of the latter days, i.e., referring to the time of the Promised Messiah (as) and also about the establishment of the institution of Khilafat after him. Hence, in a gathering with his companions, the Holy Prophet (sa) said:

“Prophethood shall remain among you as long as Allah shall will “(i.e., the Holy Prophet (sa) will remain among the companions). “Then, He will bring about its end and follow it with Khilafat on the precepts of prophethood “(i.e., a rightly guided caliphate will be established, “(which will precisely follow in the footsteps of prophethood)

“which will remain as long as Allah shall will and then bring about its end.” For some time now I have been mentioning accounts of the companions that participated in the Battle of Badr, which also included the rightly guided caliphs.

These days, accounts in the life of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (ra) are being narrated. Throughout the accounts relating to the caliphs, it is clear as daylight that in their role as the Khalifa, all of them worked selflessly, followed the traditions of the Holy Prophet (sa) and made the Holy Qur’an their guiding principle.

In other words, they tried to remain firmly established on the precepts of prophethood throughout. Nevertheless, continuing his statement, the Holy Prophet (sa) says that a tyrannical monarchy will then follow according to Allah’s decree and that people will be dejected and perturbed. When this comes to an end, something even worse

In the form of monarchical despotism will follow it according to Allah’s decree. History bears testimony to this. As a matter of fact, even until today, the Muslim rulers, who have become distant from faith, are treating their citizens in the same way,

Be they political rulers or rulers in the forms of kings, one party, or the other. Whoever takes the reins of the government, they become immersed in materialism. Nevertheless, the Holy Prophet (sa) says that once all of this befalls the Ummah, the mercy of Allah the Almighty will be kindled

And He will put an end to this era of tyranny and oppression. Following this, Khilafat on the precepts of prophethood will be established. Having said this, the Holy Prophet (sa) fell silent. The prophecy made by the Holy Prophet (sa) foretelling a time when cruelty and oppression would end

Was for those people who would pledge allegiance to the Seal of the Caliphs – the Promised Messiah and Mahdi (as) and would act in accordance with his teachings. Allah the Almighty has established this system, but if the people do not come under its fold and persist in their stubbornness,

Then the only outcome is exactly what the Muslims are witnessing today. May Allah the Almighty grant these people wisdom and foresight, and may they become those who recognize the true servant of the Holy Prophet (sa), instead of becoming those who, by rejecting him,

Increase in their cruelty toward the community of the Promised Messiah (as). Nonetheless, it should be clearly understood that the Holy Prophet (sa) falling silent after stating that ‘in the latter days, there would be Khilafat established amongst you ‘on the precepts of prophethood’ denotes that this establishment would remain for a very long time.

Owing to not understanding certain aspects, some people allege that the silence denotes that this establishment – i.e., the Khilafat established after the demise of the Promised Messiah (as) – would come to an end quickly. All such people are gravely mistaken.

The Promised Messiah (as) himself has clarified that this institution is one that would remain. The promises made to the Promised Messiah (as) by Allah the Almighty will surely be fulfilled. Even if the heavens and the earth are rent asunder, there is nothing that can prevent divine promises from being fulfilled. Nevertheless, whilst clarifying

That the institution of Khilafat is one that will remain established, the Promised Messiah (as) says to members of the Jama’at: “So dear friends! since it is the practice of Allah, from time immemorial, “that God Almighty shows two Manifestations “so that the two false joys of the opponents be put to an end,

“it is not possible now that God should relinquish His practice of old. “So do not grieve over what I have said to you (i.e., about news of his demise); “nor should your hearts be distressed. “For it is essential for you to witness the second Manifestation also,

“and its Coming is better for you because it is everlasting the continuity “of which will not end till the Day of Judgement. “And that second Manifestation cannot come unless I depart. “But when I depart, God will send that second Manifestation for you

“which shall always stay with you just as promised by God in Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya.” The words of the Promised Messiah (as) wherein he says that this is a promise from God Almighty and that the second manifestation, or in other words, Khilafat, will remain until the last day means

That such people will continue to be born who safeguard and protect Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. Thus, fortunate are those among us who remain attached to Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya and teach their progenies to do the same, and unfortunate are those who desire to confine Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya to a period of time or those who harbour such thoughts.

Such people will, as always, face failure and be unsuccessful. This has been demonstrated through the history of the community, where the enemies met with failure at the time of the election of the first and second Khalifa. Nevertheless, whilst further elaborating on the fact that Khilafat will remain established, the Promised Messiah (as) states:

“And this promise (i.e. the promise about the establishment of Khilafat) “is not regarding my person. “Rather the promise is with reference to you, as God (addressing me) says: ‘I shall make this Community who are your followers, ‘prevail over others till the Day of Judgment.’

“Thus it is inevitable that you see the day of my departure, “so that after that day the day comes which is the day of ever-lasting promise. “Our God is He Who keeps His promise and is Faithful and is the Truthful God. “He shall show you all that He has promised.

“Though these days are the last days of this world and there are many a disaster waiting to happen, “yet it is necessary that this world continues to exist “until all those things about which God has prophesied come to pass.” And there are still countless promises made by Allah to the Promised Messiah (as)

Which are yet to be fulfilled. The Promised Messiah (as) says: “I came from God as a Manifestation of Divine Providence “and I am a personification of His Power. “And after I am gone there will be some other persons “who will be the manifestation of the second Power of God.”

Thus, the promises of Allah the Almighty to the Promised Messiah (as) about the rejuvenation and progression of Islam – and all other promises which he was foretold will, God willing, surely come to fruition. Those promises will surely be fulfilled. The community will see the day that Islam is victorious, God willing.

The community will witness its own progress, God willing. Those who remain attached to Khilafat will become recipients of the favours and grace of Allah the Almighty. The Ahmadiyya Community will spread across the world, and this is precisely what the Promised Messiah (as) has also said.

Therefore, whilst expounding upon the victory of the community, the Promised Messiah (as) states: “This is the Way of God. “And ever since He created man on earth He has always been demonstrating this Divine practice. “He helps His Prophets (sa) and Messengers (as) “and grants them success and predominance, as He says: “(ARABIC)

“And the word ‘predominance’ is meant that as Messengers (as) and Prophets desire “that God’s Will is established in the world and no one is able to oppose it, “so, in turn, does God demonstrate with powerful signs their truthfulness “as well as the truth they wish to spread in the world.

“He lets them sow the seed of it (the truth), “but He does not let it come to full fruition at their hands “rather He reveals yet another dimension of His Might “and creates such means by which those objectives, “which had to some extent remained incomplete, reach the stage of perfection.”

These prophecies and promises which Allah Almighty has vouchsafed to the Promised Messiah (as) shall reach completion, and this will happen through the system of Khilafat which is continuing after his demise. Allah Almighty will cause this Community to progress, and He is doing so. He Himself is guiding people.

He connects them to Khilafat, and is connecting them now, otherwise it is beyond human capacity to do such a thing. It is beyond human capability to tie the members of the Community with the Khalifa of the time in such a strong bond that it has no parallel.

It is not only the fact that Allah Almighty connects the hearts of those who are already Ahmadis with Khilafat, rather, He also connects to Khilafat the hearts of those who later join the fold, and those who newly convert and have not yet received full moral training.

This is solely the work of God Almighty. After pledging allegiance, they demonstrate the same level of sincerity and devotion to the Promised Messiah (as). They show the same sincerity and devotion for the completion of the Promised Messiah’s (as) mission. They demonstrate this devotion to Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya under his name,

And they continue to demonstrate this. If the manner in which people pledged their allegiance to the First Caliph (ra) was not by the special help of Allah Almighty, then what was it? Aside from a few hypocritical people, who can be found in every community,

People continued to increase in their devotion and love for Khilafat. As for the hypocrites, he reprimanded them greatly and put them in their place, whereby they no longer had the courage to even raise their heads. Thereafter, during the elections of the second Khalifa, in spite of the commotion caused by the same opponents

Who acted hypocritically during the First Khilafat but remained within the Community, the members of the Community called out the name of Hazrat Mian Sahib, Hazrat Mirza Mahmud Ahmad Sahib (ra) and pledged its allegiance to him as the Second Caliph. This was despite the tumult, mischief, and disturbance of these people.

The world then witnessed just how quickly the Community continued to progress. Mission houses were opened around the world, mosques were constructed and literature was disseminated. The tasks with which the Promised Messiah (as) came progressed further. Then, in the time of the third Khilafat, Allah the Almighty blessed the Community with further advancements

Despite the severe attack from the government of the time (i.e., Pakistan Government). Those who claimed that they would reduce every member of the Jama’at to carry a beggar’s bowl, themselves departed this world in a pitiable state. Later, new avenues of progress opened during the era of the fourth Khilafat

And Allah the Almighty demonstrated new signs of His aid and support. New doors for spreading Islam were opened. Those who sought to cut the hands of the Caliph of the time themselves had their hands cut and their bodies were scattered in pieces into the air, but the Community never stopped making progress.

The scope of outreach increased. MTA was launched, through which the message of the Community began to reach every home. This is the progress towards the fulfilment of the promises of Allah Almighty vouchsafed the Promised Messiah (as). If one were to ponder,

What else is this if not the fulfilment of the promises made by Allah the Almighty? Allah the Almighty also manifested His aid and support during the fifth Khilafat. Within MTA, new avenues were opened for propagating the message of Islam and completing the mission of the Promised Messiah (as).

Seven, eight new channels were launched in different languages, whereas before there was only one. Various programmes were then translated into different languages of the world. MTA then reached all those corners of the earth where it previously had not reached, and the message of Ahmadiyyat and the true Islam

Began to reach people living in these countries and areas in their local language, and through this, hundreds of thousands of pious natured people were provided the opportunity to accept Ahmadiyyat. Furthermore, aside from MTA and radio programmes, Allah Almighty has been guided people Himself

And enabled them to accept Ahmadiyyat through dreams and various literature, etc. If we study the history of Ahmadiyyat, we find many instances – during the lifetime of the Promised Messiah (as) – of how Allah the Almighty Himself guided people to accept the Promised Messiah (as).

The same was the case in the time of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (ra) and Allah the Almighty would guide people Himself. Many more people with pious souls continued to join the fold of the Jama’at. Then during the time of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra) similar incidents took place,

Traditions are narrated within various families of how Allah the Almighty bestowed the opportunity upon their elders to accept the truth. The same is witnessed during the era of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III (rh). Even in the time of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh), Allah the Almighty guided pious souls to accept Ahmadiyyat.

All of this was as a result of the promises vouchsafed to the Promised Messiah (as) by Allah the Almighty. During the era of every Khilafat, the Jama’at continued to expand. Even in the fifth Khilafat, Allah the Almighty has continued to bestow His blessings in the same manner.

Allah the Almighty is opening ever new avenues for Tabligh, and is opening the hearts of more and more people to listen and accept the message of the Promised Messiah (as) – which is the message of the true Islam. Such events transpire which show

That the event could only have happened as a result of divine help. Otherwise, simply through human effort, (this number of) people would never accept in this way. I will mention a few incidents which will demonstrate how Allah the Almighty has inclined people’s hearts towards accepting Islam, Ahmadiyyat;

And how He shows them the truthfulness of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya and fills their hearts with the love of Khilafat. Guinea-Bissau, is a distant country situated in Africa; a resident from there, Abdullah Sahib who was previously a Christian, says: “Some time ago, I saw a dream in which I saw a person with a white beard,

“who was wearing a turban and was addressing a congregation. People were listening to the address in complete silence.” He further says: “The person was delivering the sermon in a very simple manner, “which was completely different to the way our people deliver sermons.”

When he woke up, he did not understand the dream and he forgot about it. A few days later he saw a similar dream and owing to this, he was able to vividly recall the face of the person in the dream. He then saw a third dream.

In the meantime, he tried to investigate who the person in the dream was, but he was unsuccessful. Coincidentally, one day, he went to one of our mosques in the nearby town of Farim. It was a Friday, and the members of the Jama’at were listening to the Friday Sermon on MTA.

Upon seeing me (on MTA) he immediately asked the Muallim, “Who is the person delivering the sermon?” The Muallim replied: “He is our Caliph”. Upon this, Abdullah sahib sat down and quietly listened to the sermon. After the Friday sermon, he offered the prayers with the rest of the congregation.

When the prayers had finished, he stood up and said: “Today, I accept Islam,” and then said: “God Almighty showed this man (i.e. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba)) “to me in three (separate) dreams and this left a deep imprint on my soul. “I was in search of him for a long time,

“and so by chance, today, I came to your mosque, and saw your Caliph. “I saw the same face in the dream “and the same scene in which people were sat quietly listening to a sermon. “And so I enter the fold of Islam Ahmadiyya.”

This is how a person living in a far off place was guided (to the truth), in that he was first shown a dream and then Allah the Almighty created the means for him to witness the physical fulfilment of that dream. Some people question as to why do they not experience such things?

This is the grace of Allah the Almighty; He guides whomsoever He pleases. But in order to receive this (blessing), one has to have a virtuous nature and to bow down before God. Undoubtedly it must be due to one of his virtues that Allah the Almighty guided him in this manner.

Amir Sahib of The Gambia writes: “There is a woman by the name of Sister Fatu Sahiba who is almost 60 years old. “She says that a group belonging to an Islamic organisation visited her area “and began speaking against the Jama’at saying “that Ahmadis are disbelievers and will never enter paradise;

“there should be no dealings with them (i.e., Ahmadis) at all. “Most of the people in the village accepted what they said, “but this woman says that she became worried “and began to pray for Allah the Almighty to guide her in this matter. “A few days later, she saw a dream

“in which she saw the members of the same Islamic organisation that visited her village; “she saw that despite the fact that their eyes were shining bright like the stars “and they were holding copies of the Qur’an in their hands, “but they were complaining that they cannot see the text of the Qur’an.

“Upon this they began making a commotion “that Allah the Almighty had caused them to lose their vision, “and owing to this they would not be able to earn a livelihood, “and they have been humiliated and left in ruins. “She says that she saw in the dream that the members of the same organisation

“desired to shake the hand of the Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Community, “but they are unsuccessful in this, and they admitted that undoubtedly Ahmadiyyat is true, “but if they accept Ahmadiyyat, they will lose all their followers. “Nonetheless, in the morning, this woman narrated this dream to her family –

“some people allege that Africans have less understanding – “but nevertheless, her interpretation of this dream was “that despite their eyes shining brightly, “they were unable to see the writing in the Holy Qur’an, “this meant that they had completely strayed off the right path.” Thus, some people who accept Ahmadiyyat experience such extraordinary incidents

Which clearly proves that it is the special support of Allah the Almighty which enables them to see such insights. Guatemala is a country in South America; Yorunika Sahiba, who lives in San Marcos, which approximately 250 km away from our mosque (in Guatemala), close to the Mexican border;

She says: “Ten years ago I saw a person in a dream who told me that the path of truth is Islam. “He said for me to read the Holy Qur’an, to which I said that I did not know how to read the Qur’an. “However, that person said that ‘you can read the Qur’an.’”

Next morning, when she woke up, she informed her husband and father about her dream, but they said: “Islam is not the path of truth, it is a religion that teaches terrorism.” All of them were Christians. Nonetheless, she says: “My heart was not content.

“I began researching about Islam on the internet and started learning about Islam myself.” One day she went to the market and saw a woman wearing the veil. Seeing the woman in a veil she became curious; she met the woman and enquired about her attire.

That woman responded; “I am a Muslim, and that is why I am wearing the veil.” Thus, this woman became an acquaintance and informed her about Islam in detail. The woman who she met (in the market place) was an Ahmadi. Yorunika Sahiba says: “After hearing about the teachings of Islam from her

“I pledged allegiance (bai’at), but my family members were not pleased. “They would constantly raise allegations. “I was unable to respond to them, “so I said to her (Ahmadi woman) to come over to my house “and that I would gather my relatives.

“Thus, we had countless sittings in which we propagated the message of Islam.” She even began spreading the message (of Islam Ahmadiyyat). She not only pledged allegiance, but also began propagating the message. She gathered her friends and also gave them refreshments.

One of her son, who is becoming a lawyer and is in his final year of university, also pledged allegiance. She was so passionate and enthusiastic that she learnt how to read the Holy Qur’an using the internet. She even managed to memorise many chapters of the Holy Qur’an and using the audio –

As she could not write Arabic – she wrote the entire Qur’an in Roman English. Ameer Sahib says: “When I went on a visit, I saw her notebook. “She wrote the entire Holy Qur’an by hand. “And now she is learning the Arabic recitation and is writing it in Arabic.”

In this manner, Allah the Almighty is not only bringing pious souls into the fold of the Jama’at, but is also fulfilling the promises He vouchsafed to the Promised Messiah (as) that were to be fulfilled after his demise. Indonesia is another distant country;

A youth residing there was informed about (the teachings of) Islam Ahmadiyyat as a result of which he immediately pledged allegiance. Noor Sahib, the Sadr of that Jama’at says: “Before he left, I gave the youth some books as well as some brochures “which had the picture of the Promised Messiah (as).

“When the youth returned home, “his father saw one of the brochures and asked him who was the man in the picture. “He replied ‘It is the picture of the Imam Mahdi. ‘Last night, I saw in a dream that the Imam Mahdi had arrived. ‘(The youth was previously acquainted with the Jama’at)

‘For this reason I immediately pledged allegiance.’ “Upon this, his father said: ‘I also would like to pledge allegiance.’” Allah the Almighty is admitting people into the Jama’at in this manner. Azila Karim Sahib, who is a Muallim in Burkina Faso, says: “Hamid Sahib lives in our area and regularly listens to the radio

“and had great sentiments for the Jama’at. “He would also give chanda, and in fact he became very regular in paying the chanda, “yet when it was asked of him to pledge Allegiance, “he would avoid it using one excuse or another.” Perhaps it was not the obligatory chanda,

He would perhaps pay towards Tahrik-e-Jadid and Waqf-e-Jadid, or he would contribute to some other scheme or give as Sadaqah. Nonetheless, he would give chanda and make financial sacrifices. When I was in Ghana, I also saw that of those – who understood their responsibilities –

Many would come and give their Zakat amount to us saying that if they give the amount to their religious clerics, they would embezzle it, but they knew that the Jama’at would use it appropriately. This is how some people give financial contributions there.

One day he saw in a dream that there is a gathering and some people are inside the four walls of the compound whereas some people are outside it. He says, “I observed that the people inside the room were all Ahmadis. “Upon this, I said to myself,

‘I am also with them, therefore I should also be allowed to enter.’” A sound then emanated, “Only those shall enter this room who have taken the Bai’at. “Since you have not taken the Bai’at, therefore you cannot enter inside.”

And so, the very next day, after witnessing the dream, he came and took the Bai’at. Despite the efforts of the people, they could not convince him to enter the Jama’at, however since he possessed a pious nature, therefore Allah the Almighty did not allow him to be ruined, nor desired this for him.

Thus, Allah the Almighty guided him in this way. This is also an answer to those who raise the allegation that they do not experience any (true) dreams. One has to first purify themselves and remove all the (external) thoughts in one’s mind and supplicate and then Allah the Almighty also grants guidance.

There is a member from Mali, Muhammad Kone Sahib. He heard the Jama’at’s radio station and also those who speak against the Jama’at. Thereafter, he began to pray so that Allah the Almighty may guide him to the right path. He says, “After this, I saw an elderly person in my dream who was saying

“that whether one accepts now or later, every single person shall one day enter Ahmadiyyat.” Thus, this has been destined by Allah the Almighty. Allah the Almighty has vouchsafed His promise to the Promised Messiah (as), and just as the Promised Messiah (as) has also mentioned,

That the mission of the Promised Messiah (as) shall be fulfilled through the establishment of the blessed institution of Khilafat. Subsequently, he took the Bai’at. The missionary in Guinea-Bissau writes that Usman Sahib is a member who recently accepted Ahmadiyyat.

(Prior to his acceptance) he found out that many members of his family were accepting Ahmadiyyat. And so, he gathered some Maulvis and went to their area, so that they could oppose the Jama’at. Our Muallim told them that they could certainly oppose them and no one would stop them,

However they should at least listen once to what their message was and thereafter they could oppose them through argumentation. The Maulvis refused to come and listen to their message, however Usman Sahib accepted their invitation and came to listen to what their message was.

He was informed about the advent of the Promised Messiah (as). It was a Friday when he arrived and at the time my sermon was being broadcast on MTA. They told him that if he had some time he could listen to the Friday Sermon

And he said that he would listen to some of the sermon as he had some time. When he began listening to the sermon, he completely forgot how much time had elapsed and ended up listening to the entire sermon. After this he stated, “The Ahmadiyya Jama’at cannot be disbelievers as is alleged by others.

“This is because your Khalifa is mentioning the life of a companion of the Holy Prophet (sa) “and a Jama’at of disbelievers cannot do such a thing.” Thereafter, he stopped opposing the Jama’at and after some time, he also joined the Jama’at along with his family. He has not only entered the Jama’at,

But he is also engaged in Tabligh (propagation) and regularly pays his Chanda. This is the impact of the sermons which Allah the Almighty grants to the sermons of the Khalifa of the time. The local missionary in Congo Kinshasa says that he started a Tabligh campaign in an area.

The non-Ahmadis began to oppose the Jama’at through very careful planning. After three months, Usman Sahib, who was among those who were opposing, contacted the mission house and stated that he wanted to join the Jama’at along with his entire family. When he was asked the reason for this, he said,

“One day my wife was watching satellite TV and came across your MTA channel. “Since she knew that I was at the forefront of opposing Ahmadiyyat, “she called me over and when I was about to say something against the Jama’at, “my wife told me that I should watch the programme first and then speak.

“(At the time, my sermon was being played on MTA as well) “After listening to the sermon, “I was convinced that what I had heard that day was indeed the true image of Islam “and after listening to the Khalifa, “I no longer had any doubts about the truthfulness of the Jama’at.”

This is not owing to any personal achievement, rather it is the manifestation of Allah the Almighty’s blessings of His divine promise vouchsafed to the Promised Messiah (as) of fulfilling his mission through Khilafat. The missionary in-charge of Guinea Bissau says that they preached in a village and many of its residents accepted Ahmadiyyat.

However, four families refused to accept Ahmadiyyat. When our team went to the village to install MTA, the Muallim also invited all those families who had refused to accept Ahmadiyyat and informed them that they had a Muslim channel and they should come and watch it as well

Whereby they will also be able to see the image of the Promised Messiah (as) as well as the Khalifa of the time. He says that when the installation was complete and the TV was turned on once again after the prayers, my sermon was being played on MTA at the time.

The non-Ahmadis present began to attentively listen to the sermon. Since it was being played in the English language, the Muallim told them that he would translate for them. They replied that though they couldn’t understand what was being said, but by God, whatever the person was saying could not be a lie.

If this was the Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Jama’at then this Jama’at could not be false and they announced to accept Ahmadiyyat right away. The Muallim from Mali writes that a person visited their mission house and told them that he regularly listened to their radio channel and he wanted to take the Bai’at.

The gentleman then filled out the Bai’at form. Since he was quite well-educated, he asked if there was literature in the French language, so that he could benefit from it and also give it to his friends. The Muallim gave him the French translation of the book,

“World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace” which is a compilation of my various lectures relating to the establishment of peace. He opened the book immediately and when he saw the photo inside, he began to cry.

He said that when he was in Daun, he would often pray to God to be guided to the right path. At the time, he saw the Khalifatul Masih on countless occasions in his dream and he did not know at the time who that person was.

He said that today he realised that his prayers had been answered and Allah the Almighty guided him. Nisma Sahiba is an Arab lady. She says, “two year prior to my Bai’at, “I saw the image of the Promised Messiah (as) for the first time,

“and whilst addressing it (in fact, before narrating this, she had mentioned that) “you spoke of a child who had scribbled some lines and had written, ‘Huzoor, I love you!’” She states, ‘Children do not lie and this incident had a deep impact upon my heart.” And so, she also took the Bai’at.

She further narrates, “After some time, I looked at the photo of the Promise Messiah (as) “and said, ‘Your features indicate that you are a pious person and cannot be a liar, ‘but despite this I cannot testify to the fact that you have been divinely commissioned.’

“Two years later, after doing further reading, I took the Bai’at in early 2016. “However, despite this I harboured some doubts with regards to Khilafat. “The Satan within me would say that “how could I allow a person who claims to be the Khalifa to take control of my life;

“why should I write to him and inform him of my matters; what was the benefit of Khilafat? “However, all these doubts were removed “after reading ‘Khilafat-e-Rashidah’ and ‘Nizam-e-Khilafat and Obedience’ “which were written by Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra). All the matters were explained in these.

“I then wrote a letter to you and upon receiving the reply, “all my doubts were completely removed and I was convinced “that Khilafat indeed follows in the footsteps of the Promised Messiah (sa).” She further wrote, “The love which Allah the Almighty bestows in one’s heart

“is indeed deeply rooted and we cannot understand how this comes about.” She further wrote, “It is for this reason that majority of the Ahmadis “have love for the Promised Messiah (as) in particular “and for all the Khulafah in general just like children have (for their parents).

“Prior to the Bai’at I had no idea of this kind of love.” A circuit missionary from Nigeria says that during a question and answer session a debate ensued that instead of adding the father’s name to the child, the child should be given the family name

Which has been passed down from generation to generation. Upon this, they were told that according to the teachings of the Holy Qur’an, the child should be attributed to by its father’s name. Some of the non-Ahmadis and those who had recently converted to Ahmadiyyat were not entirely satisfied by this response.

He says, “However, two days later as you were delivering a sermon on the Companions “you related incidents (from the life) of Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit “and said that the Arabs began calling him Zaid bin Muhammad, “at which time Allah the Almighty commanded that he should be called by his father’s name.

“Upon hearing this sermon, all the members of the Jama’at “and the others became very happy as the Khalifa of the time “had guided them in the matter which we had been discussing only two days prior. “Some thought that perhaps in the span of two days,

“the missionary had relayed this news to the Khalifa of the time “due to which he mentioned this, “however he assured them that he had not said anything.” He says, “We rejoiced at the fact that Allah the Almighty Himself “provided the answer to our question.

“It was out of this happiness that a wealthy member of the Community “purchased another large TV to watch MTA “and asked for it to be put up in the Lajna portion of the mosque where the ladies sat, “so that they were not bereft of the blessings of Khilafat.

“He then said that Khilafat speaks to the hearts.” Who is the one establishing this connection with Khilafat in people from remote areas and Ahmadis from various countries and backgrounds? Surely, it is the support and help of Allah the Almighty, otherwise this cannot be fathomed by the human mind.

Then, there is Barifan Sahiba, a woman from Norway; she says that every true Ahmadi says, “Our beloved Huzoor resides in our hearts and before our eyes and we pray for him. “Our only worry in the world is to make him happy “and to come up with ways of helping to lighten his burden.

“You have stated in your sermons that the Companions used to protect the Holy Prophet (sa) “by bearing the blows of arrows and would stand firm in the face of any onslaught. “My eyes fill with tears upon imagining such instances

“and wonder what I would do if faced with the same situations (she is an Arab). “Would I stand firm as well? “I then pray that Allah the Almighty enables us “to protect the Khalifa of the time and Khilafat with our hearts and our lives; “by sacrificing our wealth and our progenies

“just like the companions did (for the Holy Prophet (sa)). “For many years, I have been praying in my Salat “that Allah the Almighty causes angels to descend upon you in numbers “equal to the number of your worries and the responsibilities you bear, “and for them to surround you.”

This is the connection of sincerity and loyalty which Allah the Almighty establishes in people’s hearts and, God-willing, Allah the Almighty will continue to grant the Community of the Promised Messiah (as) and Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya such people who increase in their loyalty and sincerity. Worldly people cannot understand this.

An Arab in Germany accepted Ahmadiyyat and his friends asked him, “How could you become a Qadiani?” The new convert replied, “There are a hundred Arabs here (he was an Arab) “and none of you can agree on any matter. “The Ahmadiyya Community has a single leader

“and it is according to his command that the Community moves “which is why its endeavours are blessed. “So tell me, what extraordinary qualities do you possess “which would cause me to leave them and join you?” Thus, so long as every Ahmadi remains attached to Khilafat,

They will continue to inherit the blessings of Allah the Almighty. In order to achieve this, we must mould our actions according to the teachings of God Almighty. It is only then that we will benefit from this bounty and this is what Allah the Almighty has promised;

Those whose faith is accompanied by actions which comply with ways outlined by God, they will continue to reap the blessings of Khilafat. In other words, we will reap these benefits when we have complete faith in Allah the Almighty accompanied with fulfilling the rights of His worship

And when our every action is in search of attaining Allah the Almighty’s pleasure. The Promised Messiah (as) states: “In the Holy Qur’an, Allah the Almighty including good deeds along with faith. “Good deeds are those which contain not the slightest bit of deviance.”

He states, “If there is even a single person in a household who carries out good deeds, “then the entire household is safeguarded. “Think of it as such; if good deeds do not exist, then mere faith is of no benefit.” Hence, we must continuously analyse ourselves and beware lest Satan attacks us.

Allah the Almighty enabled our forefathers to accept the Promised Messiah (as) or enables us to accept him. This is His favour and in order perpetuate the bounties of this favour we must always strive to increase and protect our faith

So that each one of us may partake of this bounty which was foretold by the Holy Prophet (sa) and which was promised by Allah the Almighty to the Promised Messiah (as); that is the institution of Khilafat. Hence, we must continue to analyse ourselves

So as to see the degree to which we have attached ourselves to Khilafat so that we may be united in establishing the Unity of God Almighty in the world. At one instance, the Promised Messiah (as) states: “Rejoice and be happy that the field of achieving nearness is vacant.

“(i.e., the field of attaining nearness to God and drawing close to Him is empty) “Every nation is in love with the world and to what pleases God the world pays no attention. “Now is the time for those who wish to enter this door “(i.e., the door that leads towards God Almighty)

“that they, mustering all their strength, “show their mettle and win the much coveted prize from God. “Do not think that God will let you go to waste. “You are the seed which the Hand of God has sown in the earth. “God says that this seed will grow and flower

“and its branches will spread in all directions and it will become a vast tree.” The Promised Messiah (as) further states: “God addressed me and said that I should inform my Jama‘at “that those who believe and their belief is not adulterated with worldly considerations “and is free from hypocrisy and cowardice

“and is not found wanting at any stage of obedience, “such people are the favourites of God. “And God says that indeed these are the ones whose station is that of Truth.” He has stated all of these things in his book “The Will”

In which he also gave the glad tiding of the establishment of Khilafat. Hence, this statement of his indicates that every Ahmadi should have a connection of sincerity and loyalty with Khilafat and they are the ones who will rise to the level of doing justice to their oath of allegiance.

It is only when this is achieved that we will be doing justice to commemorating Khilafat Day. May Allah the Almighty enable everyone to do justice to their oath of allegiance and also reap the blessings of Allah the Almighty. I would also like to briefly announce

That today, the Ghana Jama’at is commencing its Jalsa Salana for three days – rather it is a two-day Jalsa on the 27th and 28th (of May) and will be held at Bustan-e-Ahmad. Aside from this, they have arranged 119 centers across the country

Including five larger centers which will all be connected via audio and video link. The Ghana Jama’at was established in 1921 when Maulana Abdul Rahim Nayyar Sahib (ra) departed from London and arrived in Ghana. Last year, Ghana Jama’at wished to celebrate their centenary but were unable to due to COVID.

They have now decided to continue with their programme in 2022-23. May Allah the Almighty make their Jalsa blessed in every way and continue to increase Ahmadis there in sincerity and loyalty. Similarly, The Gambia’s Jalsa Salana is also commencing today and will be a three-day Jalsa.

May Allah the Almighty bless this in every respect. All praise is due to Allah We laud Him, we beseech help from Him and ask His protection; we confide in Him, we trust Him alone and we seek protection against the evils and mischief of our souls and from the bad results of our deeds.

Whomsoever He guides on the right path, none can misguide him; and whosoever He declares misled, none can guide him onto the right path. And we bear witness that none deserves to be worshipped except Allah. We bear witness that Muhammad (sa) is His servant and Messenger.

O servants of Allah! May Allah be merciful to you. Verily, Allah commands you to act with justice, to confer benefits upon each other and to do good to others as one does to one’s kindred and forbids evil which pertain to your own selves

And evils which affect others and prohibits revolts against a lawful authority. He warns you against being unmindful. You remember Allah; He too will remember you; call Him and He will make a response to your call. And verily divine remembrance is the highest virtue.

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