Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2016
I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is His Servant and Messenger After this I seek refuge with Allah, from Satan, the accursed. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds.
The Gracious, the Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help. Guide us in the right path – The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings, those who have not incurred Thy displeasure, and those who have not gone astray.
The Promised Messiah (as) received a revelation, “There is no God but Me, so take Me alone as your Guardian”. The Promised Messiah (as) has been reassured by God Almighty in this revelation that he need not look in any other direction, for God is the One who would cater for
And adorn all his tasks and would further all his works and his mission. God says that He alone is the Guardian over all the Promised Messiah’s (as) endeavours and He would provide the necessary means and resources for them. Since the Promised Messiah (as) had made God his point of worship and
God sent the Promised Messiah (as) to propagate His religion, the Promised Messiah (as) should not fret or worry as God has the power to facilitate all his tasks and would do so. The Promised Messiah (as) has briefly explained this [revelation] himself and says, ‘[This revelation] in others words means [that God says]
‘I alone am the One who will make all your tasks come to pass. ‘Understand that I am the Doer of all your efforts. ‘Do not think that anyone else has the slightest influence in your endeavours being fulfilled.’ The Promised Messiah (as) says, “After receiving this revelation I became terrified and shaken lest
“God the Almighty did not deem it worthy to even refer to my Community by name.” The Promised Messiah (as) drew the attention of the Community to the fact that the revelation reminds every member that God stands in no need whatsoever of their services, help, support and sacrifices.
Since God the Almighty Himself established this Community, He would also provide all the means to make it progress and succeed. The Promised Messiah (as) admonished the members of the Community that they should thoroughly understand that the opportunity
They have been given to serve is purely out of the Grace and Blessings of Allah the Almighty. With the Grace of God members of the Community realised this truth and to acquire Divine bounties and blessings, were ready to offer any sacrifice to help further the mission of the Promised Messiah (as).
Financial sacrifices were a part of this and they demonstrated incredible examples to this end. From the life of the Promised Messiah (as) until today, members of the Community have continued to display these lofty models of financial sacrifice.
Members of the Community who gave these sacrifices never deemed it to be a favour on the Community; rather they thanked God Almighty for being given the opportunity to offer these sacrifices. In addition, this revelation indicates that the system of Khilafat
That would be established after the Promised Messiah (as) should always keep in view that God Almighty would constantly bring about ease in all tasks and efforts. This would be if efforts are made to fulfil the right of servitude to God, if full trust is kept
In God alone, if help is sought from only Him and one relies in none other than God. By doing this God the Almighty would always cater and adorn all tasks Himself, would cause them to be fulfilled and would provide the means and resources to that end, God willing.
As I have said earlier, we continue to witness the support of God the Almighty even today. He constantly instills the importance of sacrifice into the hearts of Ahmadis who subsequently demonstrate extraordinary examples. In the Community there is the system of Wasiyyat and Chanda Aam.
In addition various [financial] appeals are made, from time to time, in which members display astonishing models of sacrifice. There are two institutions or appeals that are on-going and permanent – in other words Tehrik-e-Jadid and Waqf-e-Jadid. Waqf-e-Jadid was initially limited to Pakistan, but was later extended to cover the entire world.
Later still Waqf-e-Jadid expanded and developed tremendously. We find exceptional models of sacrifice being demonstrated by members of the Community in the field of Waqf-e-Jadid. As all are aware, when this appeal of Waqf-e-Jadid was first launched, it was with the purpose to facilitate and progress Tabligh and Tarbiyyat
In remote areas and in villages of Pakistan. When Waqf-e-Jadid was expanded to the entire world, it continued to maintain specific objectives and aims and money was to be spent on particular areas and regions. Those regions in the initial period included India, Africa and other poor and impoverished countries.
And so the appeal was made to galvanise Tabligh and Tarbiyyat in these areas. A young relative asked me a question that, “If Waqf-e-Jadid was previously limited to Pakistan “but it now covers the entire world, what purpose does keeping Tehrik-e-Jadid established serve?”
It is possible that the same question may arise in the minds of others as to why so many [financial] appeals or institutions are required. As I have mentioned, the expenditure for Waqf-e- Jadid only covers specific countries and regions. Normally when money is received from Western and wealthy countries
Under the category of Waqf-e-Jadid, it is spent in villages and remote areas of India and Africa. In fact when Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh) expanded Waqf-e-Jadid to the whole world he had this very purpose in mind; expenditure for Qadian and India should be covered
Through Waqf-e-Jadid, whereas the expenditure for Tehrik-e-Jadid covers the entire world wherever help is needed from the Markaz (Headquarters). Thus money is received in the Centre and then spent accordingly. Nonetheless there are a large number of projects and endeavours being fulfilled through Waqf-e-Jadid in poor or underdeveloped nations.
In the first or second January of every year the new year of Waqf-e-Jadid is announced. As is customary, today also I will discourse on this topic, announce the new year of Waqf-e-Jadid and provide a report and some details of the previous year.
With the grace of God Almighty the 58th year of Waqf-e-Jadid concluded on the 31st December 2015 with His Grace members were enabled to make contributions during the year standing at £6,891,155. This is an increase of £682,000 from last year. Once again Pakistan tops the list of countries in the world
Where communities are established in overall contribution. Before revealing the rank of the other countries I would like to provide some of the details of Waqf-e-Jadid. As mentioned £6.89 million was collected in Waqf-e-Jadid in 2015. A third of the total collections from the poor or underdeveloped countries who contribute to
Waqf-e-Jadid remains within those very countries and is spent on local projects and endeavors. Out of the remaining two thirds, half is spent in communities in Qadian and India as explained, when Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh) was cited relating to the aims and purpose. The remainder portion is spent in Africa and other countries.
In India alone 19 mosques have now been built this year whilst two are currently under construction. 23 mission houses were built this year whilst four mission houses are presently being built. In addition expenditure was spent on various projects in Qadian
Including relating to the Jalsa Gah [The area where attendees convene for the Jalsa]. [The Communities of India] Nepal and Bhutan are controlled from here by Wakalat Tameel-o-Tanfeedh. In Nepal two proper mosques were built and two make-shift mosques. The construction of mosques and mission houses is given special attention everywhere.
In India a delegation visited a communiity in a village, after a very long time. The people of that village said, “We have been Ahmadis for a long time, “however there is neither any mosque nor any mission house for us to avail of here.
“The opponents taunt us that the Ahmadiyya Community has been wiped out here “and their centre in that province is also non-existent. “Thus the opponents say to us to leave the Ahmadiyya Community “as there is no point of us remaining in it.”
So this is how so many of the conversions in the past have gone to waste because contact was not kept with them. Until we have mosques, until we have mission houses and until we have Mualimeen (teachers versed in religious educatio such communities cannot remain established.
Some people object that where have all the people gone [who converted]. Many of them were lost simply because we were unable to maintain contact with them. Thus the current plan is that wherever people do Bai’at (initiation) and a community is
Established of a sizeable number, mosques and mission houses should be built there, whether it is in Africa or India or elsewhere. In addition, [naturally] with projects and plans there is expenditure. In India a large number of Tarbiyyat classes and refresher courses were held during the year and
Expenditure had to be spent on that. If we take the Mualimeen, in India alone, at present the number is 1127. There is considerable expenses on their allowance, accommodation and travel expenditure. In 26 countries of Africa there are presently 1287 local Mualimeen. In some villages alongside the construction of mosques, houses or facilities
Were provided to accommodate Mualimeen . As I have mentioned that where communities are established, it is imperative that Mualimeen are sent there to maintain them. Although the total numbers of Mualimeen is very small in comparison to the very large numbers that we require, nonetheless we need to continue making every effort possible.
So where we are unable to build permanent accommodation we have to rent out accommodation for the Mualimeen. For example at present, in Africa there are 372 communities where we have rented accommodation for Mualimeen. This year in Africa 130 mosques were fully constructed whilst 47 mosques are currently under construction.
This year we plan to build 95 mosques there. In 18 countries of Africa 82 mission houses have been built and in 13 countries 21 mission houses are presently being built and there are also other construction projects ongoing. In Africa Tarbiyyati (educational) classes and refresher courses are held for new converts.
In approximately 2155 locations around 27,000 Tarbiyyati classes and refresher courses have been held and around 100,000 new converts attended them. 1132 Imams received training. As I have mentioned for the Taleem and Tarbiyyat of new Ahmadis and to train them to be active members of the Nizaam-e-Jama’at (system of the Community)
Taleem and Tarbiyyati classes were held in various countries. Many sincere [non-Ahmadi Muslim] Imams take the Bai’at (initiation) and enter into the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. So classes are essential for them to give them new training and Tarbiyyat to teach them about the correct Islam and doctrines and issues.
Thus, as I have mentioned, Imams are also included in this training. Training classes are held at various times of the year ranging from one to two weeks and this requires expenditure for their accommodation, food and so on.
According to the reports I have received Burkina Faso and Niger need to give more attention as considerable improvements can be made in areas where there are shortcomings. Now I shall present some details of the contributors [to Waqf-e-Jadid ]. Previously, I detailed the increase in contributors.
Now I shall present some details of the contributors to Waqf-e-Jadid. In 2010 there were 600,000 contributors. At the time I counselled the Community that Tarbiyyat would not be possible until the new members were included in the financial contribution system ( Chanda ).
Now with the Grace of Allah the total number of contributors has reached to above 1.2 million. However even now there is plenty of room for improvement because, as I have said, it is essential that we go on reminding people to join the financial contribution system.
Certainly Allah says that without financial sacrifice one cannot progress in their faith. Further the system of Chanda is such that it provides a way for contact to be maintained and those who contribute, witness first-hand the blessings of financial contribution, which leads to greater enthusiasm.
I shall present a few accounts relating to this before you. From Tanzania our missionary writes that a new Ahmadi lady from a village had taken the Bai’at only a month ago. She was informed about the blessings of Waqf-e-Jadid and
Replied that although she did not have any money to give she did not want to deprive herself of these blessings as the year for Waqf-e-Jadid was coming to an end, and said to wait for a moment.
Thus she went home and picked up the eggs that were in her house and proceeded to the market and sold them, for which she received 2000 shillings. She duly returned and handed over the money for Waqf-e-Jadid. Now this lady had only become Ahmadi one month prior to this
Yet she fully realised the importance of financial contribution. Then there is another lady who is a new Ahmadi and she also had nothing at home to eat yet she handed over whatever money she had to Chanda.
She relates after giving the money she had that she had been owed money for a very long time from someone who had borrowed money from her but who was not returning it. Immediately after giving Chanda, she received a message from that person saying
They had the money to give back and she should come to collect it. That amount was four of five times greater than the amount this lady had given towards Chanda. A lady from The Gambia took the Bai’at two years ago and had been married for the last ten years.
When an appeal was made for Waqf-e-Jadid last year she contributed according to her capacity and also wrote to me prayers. With the Grace of Allah she has been blessed with twins and she remarked that she now understood the blessings of financial contribution.
Ameer Sahib from Gambia writes that, “A friend from a village was so ill for a year, “that he could neither walk, nor go about anywhere nor do work. “His financial circumstances were extremely dire as a result. “When reminders were made last year for Waqfe-e-Jadid, he had with him 5 Dalasi
“which had been given to him as alms. “He duly gave these 5 Dalasi he possessed towards Waqf-e-Jadid. “Allah blessed him and his work so profusely that this individual who couldn’t even walk “or go about anywhere now owns a herd of animals and also does farming.
“He expressed that, ‘All of these bounties and grace bestowed upon him by God Almighty where his ‘crops have returned a good harvest and he has a herd of animals ‘are blessings purely due to giving alms’.” Again from The Gambia, Ameer Sahib writes that, “A lady’s husband had suddenly disappeared seven years ago.
“She was extremely distressed and worried. “People would say to her that, ‘So much time has elapsed since your husband went missing ‘which means he must have died – you are better of marrying again.’ “But she would refuse to re-marry.
“When she was approached to give Chanda Waqf-e- Jadid she handed over five Dalasi in contribution. “She relates that after doing so she attained peace and tranquility of the mind. “Not only this, but two months after her husband suddenly returned in good health. “He had been either trapped somewhere or
“had ended up in a location from where it was extremely difficult to return.” So thus the situation was resolved for her as her husband came back and with the Grace of Allah the Almighty they now have a daughter. From Finland a person writes that, last year he had pledged 510 Euros towards Waqf-e-Jadid.
However this year as his financial circumstances had worsened he thought he would pledge 100 Euros as he would be unable to give more. He said, “I was chastised by God Almighty in the following way –
“one day my car broke down on the road and I had to take it to the mechanics for repair.” The total bill for the repair was exactly the amount he had previously pledged – 510 Euros. Upon returning home he immediately said that in reality Allah was teaching him a lesson
And he promptly he fulfilled his pledge of Waqf-e- Jadid and gave over the amount for contribution. In Sierra Leone an Ahmadi lady is the Headmistress of a primary school. She says, “The missionary reminded us about Waqf-e- Jadid. “I did not have anything to give as I had already contributed previously.”
She says her brother had become Christian a long time ago and angrily left for the US and said to her that she should also renounce her religion to become Christian and join him. She had given her financial contribution with great difficulty due to her circumstances.
In any case the brother called her saying, “You can stay a Muslim and Ahmadi, I have no objection “however I have been inspired to support you and thus I am sending you a large amount of money.” Thus the sister was able to reestablish a connection with her brother and
Also she was able to gain financial affluence. From India a missionary writes that, “A friend in Kombitod went to the shops to buy some jewellery for his daughter. “He was looking at the jewelry he liked when Jummah time approached.
“He said to the shopkeeper he would go for Friday prayer and then return to purchase the jewelry.” The summary of my Friday Sermon was read out in which I announced the New Year of Tehrik-e- Jadid; spoke of financial contribution and also narrated an incident of a blind lady’s financial sacrifice.
This had such an impact on this member that instead of spending his money on the jewellery, he paid it towards his remaining Waqf-e-Jadid promise. When he came out of the mosque and mentioned this to his wife, she was very happy and said that she too had the same thought that
They should give this money towards Chanda [financial contribution] and God Almighty will make other provisions for them to purchase the jewelry for their daughter. The inspector for Wafq-e-Jadid in Saharanpur, India, writes that, he went to an Ahmadi’s house in a village in UP [Uttar Pradesh] for Waqf-e-Jadid collection.
The [Ahmadi] gentleman told his wife that Eid was approaching, however he only had 200 rupees. She could either make some clothes for herself or she could pay it towards Chanda. She replied that the clothes can be made afterwards, but the Chanda should be paid first.
Only a few months had passed that the [inspector] went again to collect the Chanda and was extremely happy to see their house. The [Ahmadi man] told him that they had received a lot of work since they paid their Chanda.
First, he would work on the fields using other people’s tractor, however, now God had blessed him so much so that he had bought his own tractor and had been immensely blessed in his work. In India’s Arisa community there is a place-Juggat Giri, I think it is in Arisa, wherever it may be,
There was a person who was under a lot of debt and due to this he would hide from people. He secretly left his hometown and went to Hyderabad. When the missionary or the inspector [Waqf-e-Jadid] found out about his whereabouts they went to see him and told him about the importance of Chanda.
Somehow, he was able to pay his Chanda and also remained in contact with the Community. After this, God Almighty blessed him so much that he began to receive a regular income and God Almighty enabled him to pay off his debts.
However, not only was he able to pay off his debts which were causing him to hide from people but he was now able to buy his own house. He also increased his [Waqf-e-Jadid] promise manifolds and The Inspector [ Waqf-e- Jadid] for Bengal and Sikkim writes that,
A person from a local Community joined Ahmadiyat ten years ago. He was always at the forefront of financial sacrifice. This year when he was approached regarding the Waqf-e-Jadid budget, he said that he was experiencing a lot of [financial] difficulty because his father recently had an operation and he spent 100,000 rupees.
He therefore reduced his promise from 22,000 Rupees to 17,000 Rupees. However, when the time came for collection, he gave 22,000 Rupees. He said that he thought why should he limit a good deed, which he had already started. Thus, God Almighty increase one’s faith and makes people realise themselves that they should offer
Sacrifices so that they can increasingly become the recipients of God Almighty’s grace. An Ahmadi from Mauritius says that in 2015 when I announced the new year for the Waqf-e-Jadid, he fell into deep thought as he had never contributed towards this Chanda.
He says, “While the sermon was going on, I promised to God Almighty that if I find work, “I will pay 25,000 Mauritian Rupees, which is approximately 500 pounds, towards Waqf-e-Jadid.” He says, “A few days later, I received a contract worth 500,000 Rupees and I was certain that
“God Almighty has granted me twenty times more than the amount I promised.” The first thing he did after receiving [the contract] was to pay his Chanda. Benin is a country in Africa where there is a very devoted Ahmadi, Amoso Qudoos Sahib.
He is only young, 16 or 17, and worked as a labourer in order to pay his Chanda. His brother was ill and despite being treated in various leading hospitals, there was no improvement. He was very worried and also wrote to me for prayers and continued to pray himself and
Paid 100 CFA Francs towards his Chanda. He had paid the Chanda with the thought [of his brother’s health], therefore God Almighty blessed him so much that his brother was miraculously cured. The missionary who relates this account says that they told him that since his brother was ill,
He may need this money therefore he should not pay his Chanda now and pay it later, however, he refused to [pay later]. Thus, he paid in cash and God Almighty rewarded him immediately. An Ahmadi member in Benin writes that he regularly pays his Chanda.
He says that on 4 December 2015, a large group of thieves were stealing buffalos and arrived at his village and also took all his buffalos whilst threatening him with weapons. The group of thieves had only left the village when a very powerful storm broke and
All the cows and buffalos became frightened and ran and the thieves could not control them. The Ahmadi gentleman’s cows retuned back to him, in fact the other animals also came there and were then returned back to their owners. However, he told all [the villagers] that their animals have returned back to them
Because of him as he is among those who regularly pays alms. Such is the progress in faith made by those in far-off lands in Africa after having entered the community of the Promised Messiah (as). Regarding a community in Australia, the secretary for Waqf-e-Jadid writes that, “There was a lady
“who heard the previous year’s Friday Sermon on Waqf-e-Jadid and it had a great impact on her. “She had 2000 dollars with her and immediately gave them.” Similarly, our missionary from Australia writes about an incident regarding a child. He says, “While he was talking to the family the child was sat nearby listening.
“After a short while he brought a small [toy] car and took out 200 dollars from it and “said that this was for Waqf-e-Jadid from him.” The National president of Norway writes that a Norwegian lady, who is a new convert, when she was informed [of Waqf-e-Jadid], she immediately paid 200 Norwegian Krone.
Later, she said that the day she paid her Chanda, the next day her boss her called her and raised her salary by 200 Norwegian Krone, even though she did not put in any kind of request or demand. She also said that she had only given 200 Krone once,
However she is receiving an extra 200 Krone every month now. There is an Ahmadi member in Congo-Kinshasa, who recently did Bai’at. He was informed of the Jamaat’s financial system and he immediately began to regularly pay his Chanda. This new Ahmadi says that due to his Chanda his financial situation has greatly improved.
Before, whatever work he would try his hand in would never be fruitful. However, since he started to regularly pay alms, God Almighty has blessed him so much that he now has his own cows and his livelihood has become immensely blessed. The National Secretary for Waqf-e-Jadid in Germany writes that
There was a seminar held in one of the Jamaats in Germany. A lady, who is a new-convert also attended. The Sadr Lajna told him that after the seminar this lady paid a large sum of 400 Euros towards Waqf-e-Jadid. She is the only Ahmadi in her family and faces a lot of opposition.
May God Almighty remove this opposition. The National President of Canada writes that a Khadim paid 25,000 dollars towards Humanity First for the Syrian refugees but told them to keep his name confidential. Initially, he was in Saffe Awal [high paying band] for Waqf-e-Jadid, or perhaps he was asked to be join in Saffe Awal,
But he was a little hesitant and promised that he will be in Saffe Daum. However, when it came to the time of [collecting] Chanda, he said he will pay according to the rate of those in ‘Saffe Awal’ and therefore they should include him in that category. The missionary of Tanzania writes that
A few years ago one of the members converted to Ahmadiyyat from Christianity. He says, “Last year in Ramadan, some of the shops were burnt down due to a fire that “broke out in the market place and all of the stock of my shop was completely reduced to ashes.
“I was solely dependent on this shop and could not think of what to do now. “Some of the other shop-owners suggested that I should take a loan from the bank on interest and “restart my business just as some of the neighbouring shop-owners were doing.
“However, I said that God Almighty is fully aware of my situation and needs.” Look how God Almighty increases people’s trust [in God] and also how he grew strong in his faith after converting to Ahmadiyyat from Christianity. He said, “I will certainly not do anything which God Almighty has forbidden to do,
“therefore I will not take an interest [based loan], even if apparently seems advantageous.” He says, “Some of the local Community members helped me and “some of them helped me without me even asking them. “So, I was able to start to work again and God Almighty blessed me so much
“that immediately after starting work I increased my Chanda and I paid more than I had promised.” He says, “It had not even been six months since my shop burnt down that God Almighty “had blessed my livelihood so much that this new shop was attracting so much business that
“I had not earned so much in six months compared to what I was earning now so quickly. “My wife was ill and she too by the grace of God Almighty is much better now.” He says, “This is all due to spending in the way of God Almighty.”
It has been mentioned in a Hadith that there is blessing in spending in the way of God Almighty with wealth that is pure. We can see that how God Almighty rewarded this person who said that he will not acquire wealth through unlawful means, instead he took some help and
Borrowed some money and started his business and thus God Almighty blessed him. The Holy Prophet (saw) has stated that even a date seed which has been acquired with pure wealth can turn into a mountain. He also stated that a calf eventually becomes a mature animal,
Similarly sacrifices made from a pure wealth are increased by God Almighty. God Almighty shows such wonders to the members of the Promised Messiah’s (as) community. As I mentioned earlier, now I will present the report for the previous year, After Pakistan, the country which is number one and number two among the whole world
But number one among the countries outside of Pakistan is the UK. Second is USA, third is Germany, fourth is Canada, fifth is India, sixth is Australia, seventh is Indonesia, eighth is a Community in Middle East, ninth is Belgium and tenth is Ghana. Increase based on local currency: Ghana is number one,
After them it is USA and then UK. With regards to the contribution per person among the larger Jamaats: number one is a Jamaat from Middle East, then it is USA, another Middle Eastern Jamaat, fourth is Switzerland, fifth is UK, sixth is Australia, seventh is Belgium, ninth is Germany and tenth is Canada.
As I mentioned that by the grace of God Almighty this year, more than 1.2 million people took part in the Waqf-e-Jadid scheme. 1, 235, 000 people and this is an increase of 600,000 from the previous year. In terms of contributors, apart from Africa, India is number one, then Canada, UK, USA.
These countries have made an outstanding increase, however Africa the most increase has been made in African countries. Among the African countries, Nigeria is number one, then Cameroon, Guinee-Conakry, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, Benin, Tanzania and then Uganda. The first three Jamaats in terms of adult contributors are, Lahore number one, second Rabwah, third Karachi.
The position for the districts in Pakistan is: Faisalabad number one, then Sargodha, Gujranwala, Gujrat, Multan, Umerkot, Narowal, Hyderabad and Bahawalpur. The first three communities in Pakistan, for the Atfal is: Lahore number one, second Karachi and third is Rabwah. The position for the districts is: number one is Islamabad, number two is Faisalabad,
Number three is Gujranwala, number four is Gujrat, number five Hyderabad, number six Dera Ghazi Khan, number seven is Multan, number eight is Kotli Azad Kashmir, number nine is Mirpur Khas and number ten is Peshawar. The [position for the] large Jamaats in UK is, number one is Worcester Park, then Raynes Park,
Birmingham West, Fazl Mosque, Wimbledon Park, Gillingham, South Cheam, New Malden, Bradford South and then Glasgow. In terms of total collections for the regions, Midlands is number one, then North East, London A, London B and Middlesex. In terms of collection, the first ten communities of USA are: Silicon Valley, Seattle, Detroit,
Central Virginia, LA East, Silver Spring, York, Harrisburg, Boston, Houston North and Dallas. In terms of collection the first five local regions in Germany are Hamburg at number one then Frankfurt, Gros-Gerau, Wiesbaden, Mörfelden and Holdorf. And the ten Jama’ats in terms of overall collection are; Roedermark, Neuss, Radeburg,
Florsheim, Koblenz, Hanau, Hanover, Nidda, Weingarten, Fulda. Out of the three communities in Canada, number one is Calgary, number two is Vaughan, number three is Vancouver. Out of the five big communities Milton and Georgetown are number one. Then Durham, then Edmonton West, Saskatoon North, Ottawa West.
Amongst the Atfal, there are five prominent Communities in Canada. Durham is number one, then Calgary north-west Milton, Georgetown, then Peace Village East and Woodbridge. I have directed attention towards this many times in the past that the work being done in an organised manner in the office of Atfal in Canada,
The rest of the countries worldwide should also focus on this and work accordingly. In this regard, I would like to mention here that the office of Atfal is only in Waqf-e-Jadid, not in Tehrik-e-Jadid. In regards to the overall collection in India, Kerala is number one, Tamil Nadu is number two,
Jammu Kashmir and Telangana, then Kindataka, then West Bengal then Orissa, then Punjab, then Uttar Pradesh, then Delhi, then Maharashtra. In terms of collection, the other Jama’ats are as follows: number one isKarolay, Calicut is number two, then Hyderabad, then Pathapiriyam, then Qadian, then Kannur town, then Calcutta, then Sulur, then Banglore, and Rishi Nagar.
There are ten communities of Australia. Melbourne South, Castle Hill, Mount Druitt, Bezeth, Adelaide South, Plympton, Brisbane South, Brisbane Logan, Marsden Park and Black Town. So, as I said, in Australia or somewhere else, someone asked me a question
That, ‘Is there an office of Atfal in Waqf-e- Jadid, is there one in Tehrik-e-Jadid as well?’ So it should be clarified here that there is no office in Atfal for Tehrik-e-Jadid. The donations collected from Atfal and there is a push for it as well,
Is for Waqf-e-Jadid and there is a separate office for this. May Allah the Almighty immensely bless the wealth and lives of those who offered sacrifice. May He enable them to offer more sacrifice this year. May the number of participants increases as well. Now, after offering prayers I will lead two funerals in absentia.
The first funeral is of Respected Muhammad Aslam Shad Mangla Sahib, who passed away on the night of 31 December 2015, at 10:40pm. He was approximately 71 years old. “Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return”.
He was suffering from a heart problem and went to the hospital for a check up. As soon as the doctor saw him, he said that his condition is not stable and he admitted him. He then suffered a heart attack and he was shifted on to a ventilator.
Then he suffered from a stroke and another heart attack. Then he suffered from problems with his kidneys as well and dialysis was continuously done. Recovery was difficult when he suffered from a third heart attack at the hospital, even though he was being treated, eventually he passed away.
‘Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.’ His father’s name was Haji Salih Muhammad Mangla. He was from 168-171 Chak Mangla, Sargodha. His mother’s name was Sahib Bibi. In 1955, 80 people from Chak Mangla came to Rabwah under the leadership of his father,
Haji Muhammad Salih, and took Oath of Allegiance on the hand of Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra). Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) has mentioned that a group of people met him. Respected Muhammad Aslam Shad Mangla Sahib was in this group amongst the children. At that time his age was only 10 years.
He finished his primary education in his village, then his father brought him to Rabwah for admission in the school there. He was admitted in Taleemul Qur’an High School in sixth grade. His father handed him over to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III (rh), Sahibzada Mirza Nasir Ahmad,
Who was the principal of that college, and said to him that “I am handing a sparrow to you. “You make him a falcon.” Therefore, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III (rh) replied, “Alright, InshAllah. He will become a falcon.” And MashAllah, Allah enabled him to do a lot of service afterwards.
He passed his Matriculation examination in 1961. Then he finished his BA from Taleemul Islam College. He did MA Arabic from Punjab University with a distinction. After completing his MA in Arabic in 1966, he worked as a lecturer in Taleemul Islam College, Rabwah for 14 years until 1980.
Either in 1974, or 1975, the government nationalised schools and colleges. Anyways, in 1980 the government transferred Ahmadi teachers to different locations. He wanted to serve [the community] and he was not satisfied with the situation, so he resigned. He presented himself to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III (rh) to devote his life.
Huzur (rh) said “Come to my office.” Huzur (rh) appointed him at the Private Secretary’s office and after three months he was appointed as an Assistant Private Secretary. In 1982, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh) appointed him as Private Secretary and until his demise, he served as Private Secretary in Rabwah.
He got the opportunity to serve as Private Secretary for one year approximately when Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh) migrated to London. From 1982 up to his demise, he got the opportunity to serve as Secretary Majlis-e-Shura. From 1968 till 1983, he served Khuddamul Ahmadiyya in various positions.
From 1986 till 2015, he got the opportunity to serve Ansarullah in varous positions and at present he was Naib Sadr. He has left behind his wife, six sons and two daughters. May Allah the Almighty grant them patience and enable them to continue with his good deeds.
One of his sons, Muhammad Nayyer Mangla, is a Missionary working in the Research Cell in Rabwah. The other son, Atiq Mangla is a Waqf-e-Nau and he is a Medical Lab Technician. His son-in-law says that he [Respected Muhammad Aslam Shad Mangla Sahib]
“possessed many qualities and he used to face every type of difficulty himself with courage and “I never heard an expression of pain or suffering uttered from his tongue. His entire life was devoted for the service of faith. “Morning, evening, day and night, all the time he was busy with Jama’at work.
“And he actually fulfilled the right of his Waqf.” I have witnessed this myself. His son, Nayyer Amad, says that “He would wake up for tahajjud prayers and he would instruct his family to do so as well. “He used to pray with immense gentleness and passion.
“He would take children with him when attending prayers in congregation.” His daughter Abida says that, “He had a lot of trust in God, “he was a person of great courage and ambition. “He would not utter anything from his tongue or express any signs [of discomfort]
“in the face of any difficulty, rather, he would cry in front of God and beseech His help “and he would write to the Khalifah of the time. “And he would always seek guidance from the Khalifah of the time for his affairs, “whether the matter was significant or insignificant.
“He was very particular in taking care of his relatives a lot.” His daughter-in-law says that, “He possessed countless qualities. “He was a person of a gentle temperament, he was very hospitable and social. “He never mentioned any office related matters at home. “If we used to hear about something from outside, he would say
‘Oh you heard something, go ahead and tell me about it as well.’ “He never discussed anything office-related matter at home.” His daughter-in-law is the daughter of Aslam Bhrona Sahib Shaheed. She says that “After the martyrdom of my father, He took care of me even more.
“He gave his daughter-in-laws a status in the household. “Daughter-in-laws were consulted whenever there was an issue.” This is the proper way to make homes heaven-like. His nephew says that, “I saw every moment [of his life] to be sacrificed for the sake of the community and Khilafat. “He had a strong relation with Khilafat.”
Doctor Mas’ood Al-Hasan Noori Sahib writes that, “I had the opportunity to observe some qualities of Respected Mangla Sahib for eight years. “The prominent features amongst his qualities which I have noticed are as follows: “I found him to be humble in nature, very high in morals, compassionate, social,
“and a person who was free from arrogance and hatred. “A very humble man. “Despite diabetes, blood pressure and heart problems “he would offer his five daily prayers at the mosque with preparation.” “He was a loyal servant and very sincere to Khilafat” says Bashir Ahmad Sahib, a worker in Private Secretary’s office.
He says “I had the opportunity to work with him for 22 years and “he would always cooperate with me in a loving and affection manner. He would always guide me.” Waseem Sahib, a worker in Private Secretary’s office says “This humble one’s residence was besides Mangla Sahib’s residence.
“Once my mother was sick and he repeatedly asked me about her health.” Mirza Daud Sahib, a worker in Private Secretary’s office says “I worked with Mangla Sahib for 24 years and he always put his trust in me. “Supervised the work and provided guidance.
“If someone would get upset, he would call that person in immediately and try to please him.” Khalid Imran, a worker in Hifazat-e-Khaas, says that “He possessed countless qualities. “However, the attribute of forgiveness was most prominent. “Regardless of how upset he would be with a worker, upon his apology,
“Mangla Sahib would immediately forgive and not hold any grudge against that person.” Saleem Zafar sahib, a worker here at the Private Secretary’s office, also says that “There is a very old relation with Mangla Sahib and I do not remember any incident when
“he had an argument with someone or he was upset at someone permanently. “He would always smile.” Ataul Mujeeb Rashid Sahib, Imam of London Mosque, says that “I had a long relation with him. “We worked together for Khuddamul Ahmadiyya headquarters in various capacities. “We stayed in touch afterwards as well.
“His love and faith for Khilafat and sense of responsibility were most prominent qualities.” He says that, “In those days when programmes such as Liqa Ma’al ‘Arab “and other Question and Answer sessions were recorded, “many times according to the instruction of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh),
“I got an opportunity to contact him to obtain various information. “He would send the required information immediately that I used to present.” Malik Naseem Sahib says that, “He was Mohtamim Muqaami and I was Nazim Khidmat-e-Khalq in Rabwah. “Once there was an accident.
“He came to my house at 11:30pm on his bicycle and he said ‘An accident has occurred and there are patients in Faisalabad. Go there immediately with Khuddam. ‘I have arranged a car. ‘Some people need blood, make arrangements accordingly’.” He says that “It was cold.I said ‘Mangla Sahib, drink tea before leaving.’
“He replied ‘It is not time for tea. People are dying. Go there immediately.’” At that time he was suffering from a severe flu and fever. Regardless of that, his sense of responsibility was such that he rode his bicycle and
Went to the residence of Nazim Khidmat-e-Khalq personally and sent him with a prepared team. There is not an iota of exaggeration in the qualities that everyone has mentioned, including children and outsiders as well. I have mentioned this before that in my opinion his qualities were
A lot more than what has been mentioned here. I had known him for a long time. Perhaps, he taught me in college for a few days when he came to college in the beginning. Later on I worked with him in Khuddamul Ahmadiyya and Ansarullah.
Afterwards, when Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh) appointed me as Nazir-e-A’la, I was constantly in direct contact with him. I have always witnessed him to be very obedient, very much prepared for work, and he would work with a sense of great responsibility. Then after Khilafat whenever I gave him any work, he did it.
His humility and humbleness was such that many times I called him here for Jalsa, whenever he would come here, he would sit with all the workers in the office and work. He never said that, ‘I am Private Secretary there [in Pakistan], ‘so I should get a separate desk and chair here.’
He would sit with all the other workers and would take care of the most insignificant tasks here. May Allah the Almighty elevate his status and treat him with mercy and forgiveness. The second funeral prayer is of Ahmad Sher Joya Sahib the son of Hakeem Salih Muhammad Joya Sahib.
He used to live in Belgium and passed away at the age of 67. “Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.” He worked as a social worker there. He was particular in prayers. He was a very loving, kind towards the poor, righteous and sincere human being.
He has left behind two daughters and three sons. One of his sons, Usama Joya graduated from Jamia UK, and is currently serving as a missionary of the Community in Mayotte Island. He was not able to attend his father’s funeral prayers because was in the field.
Doctors had declared Ahmad Sher Joya Sahib as incurable due to cancer and stated that he has only a few days to live. Respected Usama Joya, who is a missionary, was here during those days and he was also worried because of his father’s illness.
However, his father told him that “Your duty is to stay on the field. “Do not worry about my illness. “Go and fulfil the responsibility which has been entrusted upon you by the Community “and the Khalifah of the time.” So his father forcefully sent him away and passed away a few days later.
May Allah the Almighty immerse him with His mercy. May Allah Almighty grant patience to Respected Usama Joya, who is busy serving the religion. May Allah Almighty enable him to serve faith more than ever before and may he be able to fulfil the virtuous desires of his parents.
By the grace of Allah, all the missionaries, graduating from here are doing a lot of work. May Allah the Almighty permanently establish their humility, capability and ambition to work. All praise is due to Allah. We laud Him, we beseech help from Him and ask His protection;
We confide in Him, we trust Him alone and we seek protection against the evils and mischief of our souls and from the bad results of our deeds. Whomsoever He guides on the right path, none can misguide him; and whosoever He declares misled, none can guide him onto the right path.
And we bear witness that none deserves to be worshipped except Allah. He is alone and has no partner. We bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is His servant and Messenger. O servants of Allah! May Allah be merciful to you. Verily, Allah commands you to act with justice, to confer benefits upon each other
And to do good to others as one does to one ‘s kindred and forbids evil which pertain to your own selves and evils which affect others and prohibits revolts against a lawful authority. He warns you against being unmindful. You remember Allah; He too will remember you;
Call Him and He will make a response to your call. And verily divine remembrance is the highest virtue.