Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2018
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah. Come to Prayer. Come to success. Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. There is none worth of worship except Allah.
May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon you. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah. He is alone and has no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is His Servant and Messenger After this I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed.
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. The Gracious, the Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help. Guide us on the right path.
The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings, those who have not incurred displeasure, and those who have not gone astray. While mentioning the status of the Companions (ra), the Promised Messiah (as) stated at one occasion that:
“The revered Companions (rh), are a clear proof of the character of the Holy Prophet (saw). “Now, if someone were to disregard these proofs, then, in other words, “he would be seeking to disregard the prophethood of the Holy Prophet (saw).” Thus, only that person can truly respect the Holy Prophet (saw),
Who respects his revered companions. One who does not esteem the revered Companions, he can never ever truly esteem the Holy Prophet (saw). Such a person, would be making a false claim, if he were to say that: “I love the Holy Prophet (saw).”
It would be impossible for a person to love the Holy Prophet (saw) but to harbour enmity against his companions. It was the holy Community of the revered Companions, which never parted from their Holy Prophet (saw) and who would not shy away from even sacrificing their lives for his sake.
They were so immersed in the obedience to the Holy Prophet (saw) that they became ever-ready to bear every hardship and difficulty for this. Thus, this is that status of the Companions (rh), which every Ahmadi should keep in front of them.
When we study the lives of the Companions and come to know about their practical examples, their lofty status is further highlighted before us. This status should draw our attention towards the following fact, that their lives, character, achievements, obedience and standards of worship are an example for us
And that we must endeavour to inculcate these [traits] into our lives. Now, I will narrate some accounts of some of the Companions. Abu Dujana Ansari was a Companion. He accepted Islam, before the migration of the Holy Prophet (saw) to Medina. He was a resident of Medina.
He also had the honour of participating in the Battle of Badr along with the Holy Prophet (saw) and he exhibited the virtue of most excellent bravery. Likewise, he also had the opportunity to participate the in Battle of Uhud. After the turning point during the battle
That is, when the Muslims were first gaining a victory and then the battle took a turn, because the disbelievers attacked again due to the designated place being abandoned and thus the battle turned against the Muslims among those Companions, who remained the closest to the Holy Prophet (saw) at that time
Was also Hazrat Abu Dujana (ra). And he sustained many wounds, while defending the Holy Prophet (saw). However, he did not retreat despite those wounds. Another incident, which is found among the narrations about him is that when the Holy Prophet (saw), at one occasion, raised his sword and asked:
“Who will put this sword to its rightful use, today?” It was Hazrat Abu Dujana Ansari, who came forward upon hearing this. He said that: “I promise to fulfill the right of this sword.” The Holy Prophet (saw), seeing his passion, handed his sword over to him.
Then, he gathered the courage once again and asked: “O Messenger of Allah (saw)! How shall the right of this sword be fulfilled?” The Holy Prophet (saw) replied that: “This sword shall not cause the bloodshed of any Muslim, “secondly, the enemy from among the disbeliever shall not escape from it
“and it is only to be used against those enemies from among the disbelievers “who seek to wage war against the Muslims.” He then took this sword and marched onto the battlefield with great pride and honour. Upon this, the Holy Prophet (saw) said that: “Usually, Allah the Exalted dislikes such an expression of arrogance.
“However, today, Allah the Exalted greatly enjoyed the manner “in which Abu Dajjana marched onto the battlefield.” He was martyred whilst fighting Musayilimah Kazzab during the battle of Yamama. With great courage did he make a scheme in order to open the door of the fort, which was locked from inside.
He told his companions to throw him over the wall. It was a very high wall. When he was thrown in this manner, his leg broke. However, despite this, he fought with great courage and opened the door of the fort and Muslims entered [the fort]. He demonstrated astonishing courage and bravery.
Nevertheless, he was martyred whilst fighting in this condition. Once when he was ill, he said to his companion that: “Perhaps Allah the Exalted will accept two deeds of mine. “Firstly, that I do not indulge in any vain discourse, nor speak behind anyone’s back.
“Secondly, I do not hold any grudge or malice in my heart against another Muslim.” Then, we find the mention of Hazrat Muhammad Maslamah, who was from among the first Ansari Muslims [who resided in Medina] and who was a very courageous and fearless person.
Muhammad bin Maslamah also took part in the battle of Uhud and remained by the side of the Holy Prophet (saw) with great resolve and steadfastness. One of his distinctions was that a prophecy of the Holy Prophet (saw) was fulfilled in his person.
On one occasion, whilst handing him his sword, the Holy Prophet (saw) said that: “As long as you fight the idolaters, you should continue to fight them with this sword. “However, when the time comes when Muslims begin to fight with one another,
“you should break this sword and stay at home until someone attacks you or death overcomes you.” He acted in accordance with this guidance and he did so following the martyrdom of Hazrat ‘Uthman, may Allah be pleased with him.
He physically destroyed the sword, made another sword from wood and would place it in his sheath. Someone asked him that what is the use of this. Upon this, he said that the wisdom of this is to maintain a degree of awe.
Moreover, I have also complied with the guidance of the Holy Prophet (saw) not to keep a sword made from steel. Furthermore, a wooden sword cannot harm anyone. Some companions used to say that if there was a person who was not affected by the disorder,
That is the disorder that arose within Muslims after the martyrdom of Hazrat ‘Uthman, it was Muhammad bin Maslamah. In order to safeguard himself from the disorder, he went into isolation and used to say that: “Until the disorder is not resolved, “I intend to spend my life in isolation.”
Thus, these are the people who, if they fought, did so as [their] religion was being attacked. This is the reason the Holy Prophet (saw) said to fight those idolaters, who were attacking in order to annihilate religion. As long as Muslims remained firmly established on this, their power remained as such,
Through which they continued to be victorious. However, when they started to fight with one another, when they were swayed by the words of the hypocrites and began to kill one another, regardless of the fact that their governances remained intact and continued,
They were no longer united and even their governance weakened slowly and gradually. Today, we observe that the internal disputes between Muslims have exceeded all bounds. Furthermore, another prophecy of the Holy Prophet (saw) has been fulfilled that following an era of darkness, when the time of light approaches,
When the time of the Promised Messiah dawns, you should accept the Promised Messiah and attach yourself to [his] Jama’at, as all blessings lie in this. However, by not accepting this Promised One, we observe that Muslims are thirsty for the blood of one another in their very own countries.
Furthermore, the very result of this is that today, the non-Muslim world is governing Muslims. We also find many accounts in relation to Hazrat Maslamah expressing his accurate judgment and demonstrating obedience. Due to this, the Caliphs [successors of the Holy Prophet (saw)] trusted him greatly. Hazrat ‘Umar and Hazrat ‘Uthman in particular had
Entrusted him with very important tasks and campaigns. When complaints against those who were appointed for various tasks in the administrative affairs, when complaints were received against them from other countries and places, Hazrat ‘Umar would at times send Muhammad bin Maslamah in order to investigate these complaints.
One of the very early companions was Hazrat Abu Ayyub Ansari. He was fortunate to have received the honour of hosting and receiving the Holy Prophet (saw) during the initial days of his time in Medina. Every person desired for the Holy Prophet (saw) to stay at their home and everyone was expressing this desire
And requesting the Holy Prophet (saw) [for this honour] at that time. The Holy Prophet (saw) said that leave my camel loose. It will stop wherever Allah the Exalted desires. Abu Ayyub Ansari was fortunate that the camel stopped in front of his home. However, people were not satisfied with this.
They said that our homes are nearby as well, therefore, you should stay with us. Upon this, the Holy Prophet (saw) drew a lot and even as a result of this, the name of Hazrat Abu Ayyub Ansari was selected.
Hence, the Holy Prophet (saw) stayed at his home and there is an incident whilst staying there. The house had two floors. Abu Ayyub Ansari stayed in the upper floor and the lower floor was presented to the Holy Prophet (saw).
He [Abu Ayyub Ansari] was on the upper floor one night, when a vessel or pot of water broke. They used to have pots of clay, in which they stored water. Even today, water is stored in such pots in our third world and impoverished countries, such as Pakistan and Africa. Nevertheless, it broke.
Abu Ayyub Ansari and his wife spent the entire night drying it with their covers. The following day, he related the incident that transpired the previous night to the Holy Prophet (saw) and requested the Holy Prophet (saw) to stay on the upper floor. The Holy Prophet (saw) accepted his requested
And stayed with him for approximately six or seven months. He tried his level best to fulfil his duties and responsibilities of hospitality. He would eat [as a meal] the leftovers of the Holy Prophet (saw). In a narration it is mentioned that wherever the marks of the Holy Prophet’s fingers could be seen,
He would eat the leftovers of the Holy Prophet (saw) from there. One day, he observed that there were no marks of his fingers the Holy Prophet (saw) on the food and that the food seemed hardly to have been eaten.
He went to the Holy Prophet (saw) and said that Huzur, you did not eat today. Upon this the Holy Prophet (saw) said that: “I was about to eat, when I saw that it was prepared with onions and garlic. “As I do not like this, I did not eat it.”
Hazrat Abu Ayyub Ansari said that: “I dislike whatever the Holy Prophet (saw) dislikes “and I will not eat both of these foods in the future.” These are astonishing stories of love and affection. Hazrat Abu Ayyub Ansari participated in all the battles in which the Holy Prophet (saw) was also present.
During the Battle of Khaibar the Jewish leader was killed. When his daughter, Hazrat Safiyya was married to Holy Prophet (saw), the morning after, when the Holy Prophet (saw) came outside to lead the prayers he saw Abu Ayyub Ansari stood watching guard. The Holy Prophet (saw) enquired as to why he was doing so.
He replied that: “The close relatives of Hazrat Safiyya have been hurt at our hands “and some of them were even killed. For this reason the thought came to mind “that I should come and keep guard lest anyone causes any mischief or tries to take revenge.”
The Holy Prophet (saw) then prayed for him in the following manner: “O Lord! Keep Abu Ayyub always under Your protection “just as he readily stayed the whole night protecting me!” Hazrat Abu Ayyub Ansari also participated in the battle of Rome in spite of his old age.
He only participated in order to witness the fulfilment of the prophecy of the Holy Prophet (saw) regarding Constantinople. Nevertheless he also fell ill in that duration. When he was asked as to what his final wishes were his reply was to convey his greetings to every Muslim
And for his grave to be as far as possible within the land of the enemy. Henceforth, after his demise during the night his coffin was taken to the furthest possible point in the land of the enemy where he was buried. Even today his grave is present in Turkey
And it is said that whatever one prays for at his grave, those prayers are accepted. However, there are also certain other wrongful traditions which state that whatever is asked from him directly is answered but such claims are simply false and were fabricated much later as we never directly seek anything from someone.
The result of the prayer of the Holy Prophet (saw) of protection and security of Abu Ayyub was that he participated in many battles and every time came forth as a Ghazi [survivor in battle] and he attained a very long life. Then we have the companion of the Holy Prophet (saw),
Abdullah bin Rawahah who was a renowned poet of Arabia and was also known by his title of the Poet of the Messenger (saw). After the battle of Badr had ended he was the one who delivered the message of victory to the people of Medina.
There are incidents where Hazrat Abdullah bin Rawahah expressed his faith, love and sense of honour for the Holy Prophet (saw) one of which is as follows: “Urwah relates that Usama bin Zaid informed him that the Holy Prophet (saw) was sat on a donkey
“which had a saddle, underneath which was a cloth from Fadak. He had seated Usama behind him. “He had travelled to the tribe of Banu Harith bin Khazraj “to enquire of the health of Hazrat Sa’ad bin Abadah.” This incident took place before the battle of Badr.
The Holy Prophet (saw) passed by a group of people which comprised of Muslims, idolaters and Jews who were all sat together. Among them was also Abdullah bin Ubayy and also in this assembly was Abdullah bin Rawahah. When the Holy Prophet (saw) had drawn closer to group,
The animal he had mounted caused some dust to raise. Abdullah bin Ubayy covered his nose with his cloth and said not to cause dust to fall on them. The Holy Prophet (saw) said to them “Peace be upon you”. Then he stopped and dismounted his animal.
He began calling them to God Almighty and reciting the Holy Quran to them. Abdullah bin Ubayy said to the Holy Prophet (saw): “Mister, this is not good. “Even if what you say is true do not come to our gathering and trouble us.
“So return to where you came from and tell only those who come to you.” Hazrat Abdullah bin Rawahah, who was also sat there said: “O Messenger of Allah! “You may come to our gatherings over and over again, we would very much love this.”
He did not give heed as to what this young man’s leader was saying. This was the sense of honour and love which Abdullah bin Rawahah overwhelmingly expressed for the Holy Prophet (saw) and did not care one bit for the chiefs.
Hazrat ibn Abbas relates that the Holy Prophet (saw) sent forth some companions on an expedition, among whom was Hazrat Abdullah bin Rawahah. It was a Friday and the other companions in this expedition had already left in the morning.
He said that: “I shall perform my Jumu’ah prayer with the Holy Prophet (saw) and then join them.” When the Holy Prophet (saw) has seen him present in the mosque, after completing the Friday prayers he approached him and asked: “What is it that hindered you from leaving with your companions?”
He answered: “O Messenger of Allah! It was my earnest desire and wish “to be present during the Friday prayers with the Holy Prophet (saw) and listen to his sermon. “Thereafter I will take another route and meet up with them.”
The Holy Prophet (saw) stated that: “Even if you spent all that is in the earth “you would still not attain the reward of those who, “in accordance with the instructions departed in the morning for the expedition.” In other words, obedience to an instruction was of more importance.
It has been narrated that after this whenever he went on an expedition or participated in a battle Hazrat Abdullah bin Rawahah was always the first to join the battalion and the last to return to Medina. There is one account in which Urwah bin Zubair narrates that the Holy Prophet (saw)
Appointed Zaid bin Haritha as the army commander. He stated that: “If Hazrat Zaid is martyred then Hazrat Ja’far bin Abi Talib will be the commander. “If he too is martyred then Hazrat Abdullah bin Rawahah will assume control. “If Abdullah too is martyred then the Muslims should appoint whoever they desire as commander.”
When the time came to see off the army Hazrat Abdullah bin Rawahah began weeping. The people asked: “Abdullah why are you weeping?” He said that: “By God I have absolutely no love nor any desire for the world. “However I heard the Holy Prophet (saw) speaking with regards to the Quranic verse:
‘And there is not one of you but will come to it. ‘This is a fixed decree with thy Lord.’ ” “Saying that every man must face the fire once. “Hence, after having treaded this delicate path “the day of reckoning, I do not know what will be my state.”
Nevertheless, the Holy Prophet (saw) has given such God-fearing people the glad tidings of the best possible end. The account of this has also been narrated. During the battle of Mota the Holy Prophet (saw) said regarding the army commanders that: “I have seen them in paradise seated on thrones of gold.
“Thus, these were the people who fulfilled their objectives.” Their desire for martyrdom is evident in the following couplets, the translation of which is as follows: “May I be struck with such arrows and spears “that pass through my intestines to my liver and my martyrdom be accepted before God.
“And so that those who pass by my grave may say that “ ‘O God do good to him, what a great warrior he was!’ ” Some details of the battle of Mota, in which he was martyred are that when they reached Mota they became aware that the Ghassani tribe
Had requested help against the Muslims from Heraclius, Caesar of Rome and that he had sent an army of 200,000 to combat the Muslims. At the time, the leaders of the Muslim army sought consultation together and it was decided to send a message to the Holy Prophet (saw) with a request
For reinforcements due to this increase in number of the enemy or to take any other action that the Holy Prophet (saw) advises. Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra) increased the morale of the Muslims and his war poetry also came to use. The Muslim army consisting of three thousand men
Advanced towards the opposing army of two hundred thousand. Zaid bin Arqam (ra) narrates Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra)’s desire for martyrdom. He states: “Hazarat ‘Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra) took me with him for the Battle of Mu’tah. “We rode together on his camel.”
Hazarat ‘Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra) had raised Hazrat Zaid bin Arqam (ra) as an orphan child and had trained him. He says: “One night I heard Hazarat ‘Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra) reciting this couplet “that was in reminiscence of his loved ones and it stated that I shall never return home again.
“He was singing this couplet with immense joy in which he would address his wife and say “‘Thursday night, when you packed my saddle for this journey in jihad, “you were close to me one last time, such excellent and blessed was your state. “There are no imperfections and flaws in you.
“However, I am here now in the battlefield and I shall never return to you. ’ ” So this was his way of bidding farewell to his family in their absence. When the young Zaid heard this and became sad and began weeping. Hazarat ‘Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra) admonished him and said: “Oh innocent child,
“what do you have to lose if Allah Almighty grants me martyrdom? “If that happens, you will sit on my ride all by yourself and return home comfortably.” Hazarat ‘Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra) demonstrated great gems of sacrifice in the battlefield. Hazrat Nau’man bin Bashir would later on narrate:
“When Hazrat Ja’far (ra) was martyred, Hazarat ‘Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra)’s name was called. “At the time, he was in one end of the army. “He came forward while addressing himself in the following couplet from his war poetry”, the translation of that is: “‘O my soul!
‘Will you not battle in such a manner that you give up your life? ‘You have already entered the pool of death ‘and the time for the fulfillment of your desire to attain martyrdom is nigh. ‘If you were to offer your life as a tribute, then perhaps you will obtain a virtuous fate.’ ”
Mas’ab bin Shiba (ra) narrates: “After the martyrdom of Hazrat Zaid (ra) “and Hazrat Ja’far (ra), Hazarat ‘Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra) came to the front lines. “A spear struck him and a stream of blood gushed forth. “He raised his hands and caught this blood and rubbed it on his face
“and fell down in the middle of the army lines of the enemy and the Muslims. “However, he continued to encourage the Muslims as their army general until his last breath. “While motivating the Muslims in a very effective and passionate manner he sought their help
And said: ‘Look O Muslims! Your brother’s body is lying in front of the enemy. ‘Come forward and push the enemy away from this path and drive them out.’ ” Hence, the Muslims fiercely attacked the enemies at that moment and continued to do so recurrently. In this manner, Hazrat ‘Abdullah also attained martyrdom.
His widow shared one of his great attributes. She got married after his martyrdom and her husband asked her: “Tell me something about Hazarat ‘Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra)’s noble character.” She said: “Hazarat ‘Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra) “would never leave the house without offering two raka’at (units) of voluntary prayers.
“Similarly, the very first thing he would do after entering the house was, “after performing ablution he would offer two raka’at (units) of voluntary prayers.” These were the people who would remember Allah Almighty in every condition and at every moment. There is a narration about his standard of obedience.
Hazrat Abu Lailah (ra) narrates: “Once the Holy Prophet (saw) “was delivering a sermon during which he said: ‘People should sit down.’ “Hazarat ‘Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra) was about to enter the mosque to listen to the sermon “but he sat right then and there. “The Holy Prophet (saw) addressed him and stated: ‘[Arabic]
‘O ‘Abdullah bin Rawahah! May Allah increase your passion of obeying Allah and His Messenger.’” What were their standards of organizing religious gatherings, engaging in purposeful conversations, fulfilling the due rights of each other? Hazrat Abu Dardaa’ narrates: “I seek refuge from Allah Almighty from the day
“that I do not remember Hazarat ‘Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra). “I think of him every single day and the reason is due to one of his good qualities. “Whenever we met, if he would arrive from behind me he would put his hand on my shoulders,
“if he would arrive from the front he would place his hand on my chest and would say “ ‘O Abu Dardaa! Let go and sit down together to reinvigorate our faith. “ ‘Lets talk about faith. ’ ” “ We would sit together for as much as possible and would remember Allah Almighty.
“Then he would say: ‘O Abu Darda! These are spiritual gatherings.’ ” Hence, those who organized such spiritual gatherings also established models for us to follow. How did the Holy Prophet (saw) testify these gatherings and their discussions? Hazrat Anas (ra) narrates: “It was Hazarat ‘Abdullah bin Rawahah (ra)’s practice
“that when he would meet his fellow Companions, “he would urge them ‘Lets believe in our Lord for some time.’ “One day he said the same thing to a man who got angry at this. “He went to the Holy Prophet (saw) and complained: “‘O Messenger of Allah (saw)! Look at ‘Abdullah bin Rawahah.
‘He is turning people away from believing in you and inviting them to believe for a short moment.’ “ The Holy Prophet (saw) said: ‘May Allah have mercy on ‘Abdullah bin Rawahah. ‘He is fond of such gatherings which the angels also take pride in.” He was an exceptional poet.
Amongst the companions of the Holy Prophet (saw), aside from Hazrat Ka’ab bin Malk and Hazrat Hassan bin Thabit, he was among the three great poets. His poetry was in the Razmiya [epic tales] style. The author of Mu’jam al-Shu’arah writes: “Hazrat Abdullah bin Ravaha was a renowned poet in the
“Jahiliyya [pre-Islam era] period, and even after the dawn of Islam he held a prominent status. “Hazrat Abdullah composed such a couplet in praise of the Holy Prophet (saw) “that it is known as one of the greatest couplets. “This couplet captures the state of his heart in
“which Hazrat Abdullah addresses the Holy Prophet (saw) and says: ‘[Arabic]’ ” which means “O Muhammad! Even if you were without the countless signs “that radiate your truthfulness and veracity, “your countenance alone is enough to declare your truthfulness.” These people were true ardent devotees of the Holy Prophet (saw),
Who recognised the truth by merely seeing the countenance of the Holy Prophet (saw). Then from history we learn about the remarkable bravery and courage of two young brothers; Hazrat Ma’az bin Harith bin Rifa’atah and Hazrat Mu’aviz bin Harith bin Rifa’atah.
They were present during the Battle of Badr and also were responsible for killing Abu Jahl. In the Battle of Badr, the fighting was intense. The Muslims saw an army in front of them that outnumbered them by three to one and was fully equipped with all forms of weaponry.
They entered the battlefield with intent to wipe out the name of Islam. The feeble Muslims were fewer in number. Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib has mentioned the entire incident in his book “Seerat Khataman Nabiyeen”. The Muslims were impoverished and in a state of banishment. With respect to their basic provisions [and weaponry]
They should not have survived more than a few minutes. However, they were so focused with the task at hand and the love of the Oneness of God and for their Prophet had made them so bold that nothing in this world could have made them any stronger.
It was their thriving faith that granted them extraordinary strength. In that battlefield they set an example of serving ones faith, the likes of which was had not been witnessed before. Every single person was more anxious than his brother to lay down their lives in the way of God Almighty.
The level of sincerity in the passions of the Ansar in which Abdur Rahman bin Auf relates: “When the fighting began, I looked to my left and right “and saw none other than two youths from among the Ansar. “When I saw them my heart sank, since it was normal practice in battle
“to rely on the fighters to the left and right. “Only if ones sides are strong can a person engage fully in the battle.” Abdur Rahman further says: “I was engulfed in the thought as to how these two can protect me,
“when one of the youths whispered in a manner as to conceal from the other [youth] “ ‘Sir! Who is Abu Jahl; the one who would cause pain to the Holy Prophet (saw) in Makkah?’ “The youth then said: ‘I have made a pledge with God Almighty that I will kill him’
“or he said: ‘I will die trying to achieve this.’” Abdur Rahman says: “I had not yet answered “when the other youth quietly asked me the same question. “The level of their bravery took me aback since Abu Jahl was essentially the General of their army
“and was surrounded by experienced fighters. I pointed to Abu Jahl.” Abdur Rahman further says: “As soon as I pointed towards him, the two youths darted like an eagle, “cutting up the enemy lines until they reached that very spot and attacked Abu Jahl
“with such speed that his other commanders were left stunned and Abu Jahl fell to the floor.” Ikramah bin Abi Jahl was with his father, however he was unable to save him, but he attacked Ma’az with such ferocity that it cut his right arm and it was left dangling.
Ma’az ran after Ikramah, however he managed to escape. Since the partially severed arm was becoming a hindrance in the battle, Ma’az cut his arm off from his body and continued fighting. Thus, these young boys had honour for their faith.
It was the deep love for the Holy Prophet (saw) that had made them fearless in that they wished to finish off that enemy of Islam, who had caused pain to the Holy Prophet (saw) for several years, with their own hands. They were not like the so called Jihadists
Who radicalise youths and say to them to fight for Islam. Rather, they had a purpose; that since the enemy do not permit them to live in peace even after they had migrated; in that instance they were prepared to offer every sacrifice in order to establish peace and to stop injustices.
These days, in order to overthrow governments, youths are kidnapped and then radicalised. Recently there was a news report in which a fourteen year old Syrian boy who had escaped from there said that he was kidnapped on the way to school and forcefully trained to fight.
[He said] “At first I resisted, but then they beat me. Eventually they sent me out to fight. “With great difficulty I managed to escape them.” Thus, these are the sorts of actions being carried out by Muslims in the name of Islam, which are in complete contrast to the teachings of Islam.
If wars were carried out in the name of Islam and people readily sacrificed their lives, then it was only carried out to safeguard religion and to establish peace in the world. Therefore, there is a colossal difference between those who carried out Jihad and the Jihadis of today. The Promised Messiah (as) states:
“I wish to see the same example of the companions amongst the members of my Community “in that they place God Almighty as their priority. “As a result of this they will not be hindered in achieving any of their objectives. “They should consider their lives and their wealth as insignificant.
“I have observed many people who have sent cards [in the form of letters] in “which they express loss in their business or they lost their job or suffered any other misfortune. “Consequently, they instantly begin to doubt whether “or not they committed a mistake in accepting the Promised Messiah (as).”
They begin to have doubts about religion, existence of God Almighty and the Promised Messiah (as). The Promised Messiah (as) continues: “From this, anyone can gauge “how far that individual is from achieving their true goal and aim. “Ponder over what is the difference between such people and the companions?
“The companions [of the Holy Prophet (saw)] wished to please God Almighty, “irrespective of the trials and difficulties they endured in the process. “If one of them did not suffer difficulty or hardships or there was a delay in this regard, “they would lament and weep.” I.e. the companions considered enduring hardships
As a means of gaining nearness to God Almighty. The Promsied Messiah (as) says: “They knew well that enduring these trials, “one can become a moth to a flame in the way of seeking the pleasure of God “and also the treasures buried within.” The Promised Messiah (as) presented a Persian Couplet: [Persian]
That is: “Whatever trial befalls upon them from God Almighty, “there lies beneath it a treasure of the Almighty’s grace.” The Promised Messiah (as) further states: “The Holy Quran is filled with their praise, open it and see! “The lives of the companions demonstrates the truthfulness of the Holy Prophet (saw).
“The noble status of the companions has been described “by the Holy Quran in the following words: ‘[Arabic]’ “In other words, some of them have attained martyrdom and have achieved their true objective. “While others are waiting with the desire to attain martyrdom.
“The Companions did not incline towards this worldly life in that they seek to live long lives “and accumulate wealth and means by which they can lead a carefree and luxurious life.” The Promised Messiah (as) further states: “When I observe the example of the Companions,
“it is by a natural impulse that I express the great blessings of the Holy Prophet’s pure influence “as he brought about a complete transformation in them and made them holy individuals.” [Arabic] The Promised Messiah (as) states: “In essence, it is our duty to remain in search for attaining God Almighty’s pleasure
“and consider this to be our ultimate objective. “All our efforts and struggles should be in order to seek the pleasure of God Almighty, “even if it be by experiencing difficulties and hardships. “The pleasure of God Almighty is better and far superior than the world and all its desires.”
May God Almighty enable us to achieve this. After the Friday prayers, I will lead a funeral prayer in absentia of respected Al-Haaj Ismail BK Addo Sahib. He was a Ghanaian Ahmadi and passed away on 8th March at the age of 84. Surely to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.
He was a born Ahmadi and his father’s name was Ismail Wabina Addo and his mother’s name was Jannat Addo. His father was a Christian and took the Bai’at in 1928 and entered the Jama’at. Ismail Addo Sahib’s mother passed away when he was very young.
He complete his secondary school education from T. I Ahmadiyya School in Kumasi and in 1964 he completed his BA in English. Then he completed his professional qualifications from the Teacher Training College Ghana. He was then appointed as a teacher in various places
And until 1980 he worked as an assistant head teacher in a school. He was then transferred to Saltpond in Central Region and taught English. He would arrange to provide the facilities to the Muslim students in whichever school he was in and he also built a mosque for the Muslim students.
He was appointed as an English teacher in Kwame Nkrumah Unviserty of Science and Technology. He had the opportunity to teach in various colleges. He also wrote a book on learning English and became very popular in Ghana and Nigeria and was used as teaching material.
He was then awarded a scholarship from the University of Bangor in Wales, if this is the correct name, and came to the UK and gained a diploma in the English language. He also served in various roles as part of his service towards the Jama’at in Ghana.
In 1980, the government of Ghana appointed him as the ambassador to Ethiopia. He was serving on this post when the UN appointed him as the chairman of the OAU Liberation Committee and he played a notable role towards the freedom of Mozambique and Angola.
For a short time he was also appointed as the ambassador to Libya. One of his qualities was that he always gave precedence to his faith over worldly things and continued to maintain this as a hallmark of his character. After Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh)’s migration to the UK,
He finished his political career and came here so his children could remain close to Khilafat. He worked as a teacher here while in the UK. He had a deep love for Khilafat and demonstrated great love, affection and obedience to every Khalifa.
A committee was once formed by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh) to compile a book in order to respond to Salman Rushdie and he was also appointed as a member of this committee. He also played an outstanding role in the field of Tabligh, preaching. He would organise Tabligh stalls at various locations
And he would also appear on radio programmes for Tabligh. He would also organise many question and answer sessions. In 1986, when Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh) established the PAN African association, he was appointed as its first president. He was also elected as the first president of the Peckham jama’at.
In 1994, after the inauguration of MTA, he was one of the prominent students of the Urdu Class programme. He tried his utmost in trying to learn Urdu and was famously known as “Bara Bacha”. He was the Ghanaian man that everyone knew. He had two wives.
Upon the demise of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh), he was also part of the electoral committee for Khilafat. When Jamia Ahmadiyya UK was inaugurated, he had the opportunity to be appointed as an English teacher for a short while. He was very righteous, devoted to worship, steadfast, grateful,
Gracious hearted and extremely loving person. He had great passion for worship. The members of his family have mentioned that he was very regular in offering the Tahajjud prayer and he would not miss it even if he was ill. He would recite the Holy Quran ina very melodious tone and with great passion.
He had memorised many verses of the Holy Quran and he would also try to memorise its translation and commentary, so that it could benefit him in his preaching efforts or for the moral training for others. In fact, some of the Ghanaian members have said
That they found certain copies of the Holy Quran in his house which had notes written on them with his writing. In 2005 he had the opportunity to do the Hajj with both of his wives. He was a very joyful and simple person.
May God Almighty elevate his status and grant him His forgiveness and mercy. He has ten children and 23 grandchildren. May God Almighty enable his progeny to also remain firm on piety and righteousness and attached with the Jama’at. As I mentioned that after the prayers, I shall lead his funeral prayer in absentia.
All praise is due to Allah. We laud Him, we beseech help from Him and ask His protection. All praise is due to Allah. We laud Him, we beseech help from Him and ask His protection. We confide in Him, we trust Him alone
And we seek protection against the evils and mischief of our souls and from the bad results of our deeds. Whomsoever He guides on the right path, none can misguide him; and whosoever He declares misled, none can guide him onto the right path.
And we bear witness that none deserves to be worshipped except Allah. We bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. O servants of Allah! May Allah be merciful to you. Verily, Allah commands you to act with justice, to confer benefits upon each other
And to do good to others as one does to one ‘s kindred and forbids evil which pertain to your own selves and evils which affect others and prohibits revolts against a lawful authority. He warns you against being unmindful. You remember Allah; He too will remember you;
Call Him and He will make a response to your call. And verily divine remembrance is the highest virtue.