Ahmadi Muslim VideoTube Friday Sermon Khalifa V Friday Sermon | خطبئہِ جمعہ | November 27, 2020

Friday Sermon | خطبئہِ جمعہ | November 27, 2020

Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2020

Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah

I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah Come to Prayer Come to Prayer Come to success Come to success Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest There is none worthy of worship except Allah Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.

I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah. He is One and has no partner. and I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is His Servant and Messenger. After this I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.

All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. The Gracious, the Merciful, Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help. Guide us in the right path – The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings,

Those who have not incurred displeasure, and those who have not gone astray. Today, I will speak about the Khulafa-e-Rashidin [Rightly-guided Caliphs] and begin with Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib (ra). [His full name was] Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib bin ‘Abdil Muttalib bin Hashim.

Hazrat Ali’s (ra) fathers was Abd Manaf, who was known by title of Abu Talib. The name of his mother was Fatima bint Asad bin Hashim. He was born ten years prior to the advent of Prophet Muhammad (saw).

With regards to the appearance of Hazrat Ali (ra), it is mentioned that he was of average height; he had dark eyes and was of a heavy build with broad shoulders. Hazrat Ali’s (ra) mother named him after her father, Asad. Abu Talib was not at home at the time of his birth.

When he returned, he changed his name from Asad to Ali. Hazrat Ali (ra) had three brothers, Talib, ‘Aqeel and Ja’far and two sisters, Umm-e-Hani and Umm-e-Jumanah. Aside from Talib and Umm-e-Jumanah, all of them accepted Islam. Hazrat Ali’s titles were: Abul Hasan, Abu Sibtain and Abu Turab. In a narration of Sahih Bukhari,

Hazrat Suhail bin Sa’d relates that the Holy Prophet (saw) went to the house of Hazrat Fatimah (ra), but did not find Hazrat Ali (ra) at home. The Holy Prophet (saw) enquired: “Where is the son of your paternal uncle?” Hazrat Fatima (ra) replied:

“We had an argument. He was upset with me and left and did not take his siesta at home either.” Upon this, the Holy Prophet (saw) instructed someone to look for him. This individual returned and said: “O Messenger of Allah! He is sleeping in the mosque.”

The Holy Prophet (saw) went to the mosque and found Hazrat Ali (ra) lying there. His back was uncovered and had somewhat been covered in dust. The Holy Prophet (saw) wiped away the dust and said, “Get up, O Abu Turab [dust]! Get up, O Abu Turab!’

Since then, he started being called by the title of Abu Turab. In relation to how he came under the guardianship of the Holy Prophet (saw), Mujahid bin Jabr Abul Hajjaj relates: “The Quraish were faced with a great hardship. “But Allah the Almighty ensured that this hardship

“was a blessing and good fortune for Hazrat Ali (ra). “Hazrat Abu Talib had a large family. “Hence, the Holy Prophet (saw) went to his paternal uncle Hazrat Abbas, “who was among the more affluent people of the Banu Hashim and said: “”O ‘Abbas! Your brother, Abu Talib, has a large family.

“”You are aware of the circumstances the people are facing “”due to the famine. (there was an outbreak of famine at the time) “”Let us go and help reduce the burden with regards to his family.” “The Holy Prophet (saw) said to Hazrat Abbas (ra):

“”I will take one of his sons and you should also take one. “”In this way, we will look after them to ease the burden from Abu Talib.” “Hazrat Abbas agreed to this. “Both of them went to Hazrat Abu Talib and said: “”We wish to reduce the burden of your family,

“”until a time when the circumstances faced by the people improve.” “Hazrat Abu Talib said: “You may do as you please, but leave Aqil with me.” “Hence, the Holy Prophet (saw) included Hazrat Ali (ra) as part of his family “and Hazrat Abbas took Ja’far and included him as part of his family.

“Hazrat Ali (ra) stayed with the Holy Prophet (saw) “until Allah the Almighty appointed Muhammad (saw) as a prophet. “Hazrat Ali (ra) affirmed his belief in the Holy Prophet (saw), “accepted his message and testified to his truthfulness. “Hazrat Ja’far stayed with Hazrat Abbas until he, i.e. Hazrat Ja’far, accepted Islam.

“Following this, Hazrat Abbas released him from his guardianship.” This narration was taken from ‘Tarikh al-Tabari’. Mentioning the same incident, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib (ra) has presented it in the following manner: “Abu Talib was a very respectable man. “However, he suffered from poverty and would just about survive of what he had.

“Particularly, as a result of the drought in Makkah during those days, “Abu Talib was the victim of great suffering. “When Muhammad (saw) noticed the anguish of his paternal uncle Abu Talib, “he approached his uncle Abbas and proposed, “‘O Uncle! Your brother Abu Talib lives in a state of difficulty.

“‘Would not it be worthy, if from his sons you took one to your home and I bring one to my home.’ “Abbas agreed to this proposal “and both of them went to Abu Talib and presented this proposal. “Among his children, Abu Talib dearly loved his son Aqil, hence he said,

“‘Leave ‘Aqil with me and if you wish, you may take the others into your care.’ “Therefore, Ja‘far was taken into the guardianship of ‘Abbas “and Ali (ra) was taken by Muhammad (saw). “Hazrat Ali (ra) was approximately six to seven years of age

“and from that day he remained in the blessed guardianship of Muhammad (saw).” In relation to Hazrat Ali’s (ra) acceptance of Islam, Ibn Ishaq relates that Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib (ra) came to the Holy Prophet (saw) a day after Hazrat Khadijah (ra) had accepted Islam and began offering prayers

Alongside the Holy Prophet (saw). The narrator states that upon observing the Holy Prophet (saw) and Hazrat Khadijah (ra) offering prayers, Hazrat Ali (ra) enquired, “O Muhammad (saw), what is this you are doing?” The Holy Prophet (saw) replied,

“This is the religion of Allah which He has chosen and has established it through His messengers. “Thus, I invite you to Allah and His worship and to denounce Lat and Uzza [idols of the Meccans].” Upon this, Hazrat Ali (ra) stated, “This is something which I had never heard of till this day.

“However, I cannot say anything until I have mentioned it to Abu Talib.” The Holy Prophet (saw) did not wish for this matter to be disclosed before his formal announcement of prophethood. And so, the Holy Prophet (saw) stated,

“O Ali, even if you do not wish to accept Islam, however keep this matter to yourself.” That very night, Allah inspired the heart of Hazrat Ali (ra) to accept Islam, and so the next morning he presented himself before the Holy Prophet (saw)

And submitted, “O Muhammad (saw), what is it that you called me towards yesterday?” The Holy Prophet (saw) stated, “To testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah. He is One and has no partner. “And to denounce belief in Lat and Uzza

“and express your aversion to those who are held as partners of Allah the Almighty.” Hazrat Ali (ra) gave testimony and accepted Islam. Fearing Abu Talib, Hazrat Ali (ra) would discreetly visit the Holy Prophet (saw) and kept his acceptance of Islam hidden form others. According to the narrations,

Hazrat Ali (ra) was already staying in the house of the Holy Prophet (saw) but nonetheless this is how it is narrated in Usdul Ghabha. After Hazrat Khadijah (ra), Hazrat Ali (ra) was the first to accept Islam. At the time, he was 13 years of age

And according to other narrations his age has been reported as 15, 16 and 18. Those who have complied the biographies have also discussed at length as to whether it was Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra), Hazrat Ali (ra) or Hazrat Zaid (ra) who was the first among the men to accept Islam.

Some have reconciled this matter by stating that Hazrat Ali (ra) was the first to accept Islam amongst the children, Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) was the first amongst the elders and Hazrat Zaid (ra) was the first amongst the slaves. In relation to this, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib (ra) presents his view.

He writes, “There is a discord amongst historians in reference “to who the first convert among the men was after Hazrat Khadijah (ra). “Some name Hazrat Abu Bakr ‘Abdullah bin Abi Quhafah (ra) “while others say Hazrat Ali (ra), whose age, at that time, was only ten years.

“Others assert that the freed slave of the Holy Prophet (saw), “Hazrat Zaid bin Harithah (ra) was the first one to embrace Islam. “However, to us, this argument is useless. “Hazrat Ali (ra) and Zaid bin Harithah (ra) were among the house-folk of the Holy Prophet (saw) “and lived with him as his own children.

“They were to follow whatever was said by the Holy Prophet (saw), “as a matter of fact, no verbal declaration was even necessary. “Thus, their names need not be included. (i.e. whether the Holy Prophet (saw) issues a declaration or not it was the same, they did not need any verbal declaration to accept Islam)

“Among the rest, Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) is unanimously accepted “as the first and foremost in his acceptance of Islam.” Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) states, “Prophet Moses (as) had to supplicate to Allah the Almighty to be granted a helper, “however the Holy Prophet (saw) holds such a lofty status

“that he was granted a helper without even having to ask for it.” Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) here is referring to Hazrat Khadijah (ra) and is explaining how she became a helper to the Holy Prophet (saw). Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) further writes:

“The Holy Prophet (saw) holds such a lofty status that he was granted a helper “without even having to ask for it, “in other words his wife, whom he loved dearly and who was the first to accept Islam. “Everyone is free to adopt whatever religion and belief they wish to,

“and no one can compel anyone to believe in something. “Thus, it was possible that when the Holy Prophet (saw) informed her “about receiving his first revelation from God Almighty, “she would not have supported him “and may have wanted to take her time to think about her decision. “But this was not the case.

“Without any kind of hesitation or reluctance, “Hazrat Khadijah (ra) immediately stood in support of his claim “and the Holy Prophet’s (saw) concern that Khadijah (ra) may not accept him was removed “and she in fact became the very first person to profess belief in the Holy Prophet (saw).

“At that time, God Almighty from the heavenly throne was stating, “‘O Muhammad (saw)! You have great love and affection for Khadijah “‘and you feared that perhaps Khadijah may leave you “‘and were concerned as to whether or not Khadijah would profess her belief in you. “‘However, did We not fulfil your need?'” After this Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) further continues:

“After this, when the conversation regarding the divine revelations took place “in the home [of the Holy Prophet (saw)], “Zaid bin Haritha (ra), who was a freed slave and lived in their home came forward “and submitted, ‘O Messenger (saw) of Allah! I profess my belief in you.’

“Hazrat Ali (ra), who at the time was 11 years old and was only a child, “was stood by the door and was listening to the conversation “that was taking place between the Holy Prophet (saw) and Hazrat Khadijah (ra). “When he heard that the Holy Prophet (saw) had received a message of God,

“Ali (ra), who was a talented and intelligent child, who had piety rooted in his nature, “whose passion to perform virtuous deeds would reinvigorate every now and then “but was yet to reach its full perfection, “who had such strong sentiments and feelings but were still deeply concealed within,

“whose disposition had been ingrained to accept belief in Allah the Almighty “but had not yet found the opportunity to do so, “when he realised that now was the time for his passion to truly manifest, “now was the time for the nurturing of his emotions and sentiments that were hidden within,

“when he saw that God was now calling him towards Him, “the young Ali (ra) in his state of deep anxiousness “nervously and shyly went forth and submitted, ‘O Messenger (saw) of Allah! “‘I also affirm belief in that which my aunt and Zaid have also accepted.'”

It is written in ‘Tarikh al-Tabari’ that whenever it would be time for prayer, the Holy Prophet (saw) would go towards the valleys of Mecca without letting his uncle, Abu Talib or any of his other uncles or anyone else from his people finding out.

Hazrat Ali (ra) would also join him, and they would both offer their prayers and would return in the evening. This practice continued till one day Abu Talib witnessed them both praying and said, “O my nephew, what kind of religion is this which you have adopted?”

The Holy Prophet (saw) replied, “O my Uncle! This is the religion of Allah and that of His angels, “messengers and the religion of our father, Abraham (as).” Or perhaps said something to this effect. The Holy Prophet (saw) also stated, “Allah the Almighty has sent me to mankind with this religion.

“O my uncle, you have the greatest right that I exhort you about it “and invite you towards this guidance. “And you will be held most accountable in regards to the matter “pertaining to my acceptance and support.” Or perhaps said something to this effect. Upon this, Abu Talib replied, “O my nephew,

“I do not have the strength to abandon mine and my ancestor’s faith. “However, until I am alive, I swear by Allah “that nothing will happen to you which displeases you.” Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib (ra) relates this incident as follows: “One time the Holy Prophet (saw) and Hazrat Ali (ra)

“were offering their Salat in a valley of Mecca, “when suddenly Abu Talib passed by. “Until then, Abu Talib was completely unaware of Islam, “thus, he stood there and observed this spectacle with great amazement. “When the Holy Prophet (saw) completed his Salat, “he asked, ‘What religion is this, which you have adopted?’

“The Holy Prophet (saw) responded, “‘Uncle! This is the religion of God and the religion of Abraham.’ “Then, the Holy Prophet (saw) briefly presented an invitation to Islam before Abu Talib, “but he brushed it off saying, ‘I cannot forsake the religion of my forefathers.’

“But with that he also addressed his son Hazrat Ali (ra) and said, “‘My son, undoubtedly, do support Muhammad (saw), “‘for I trust that he shall call you towards nothing but goodness.'” In accordance to the commandment of Allah the Almighty,

There is an incident of the Holy Prophet (saw) admonishing his near and close relations. Hazrat Baraa bin Azib (ra) relates that when the following verse of the Holy Qur’an was revealed to the Messenger (saw) of Allah: [Arabic, Holy Qur’an 26:215] “And warn thy nearest kinsmen” [Holy Qur’an 26:215]

The Holy Prophet (saw) instructed Hazrat Ali (ra) to prepare one Saa of food and also a leg of a she-goat and according to another narration it was one Mud instead of a Saa. There are four Mud in one Saa which is approximately 2.5 Seir or 2.5 kg.

It also states here that in Kufa and Iraq, the measurement of one Saa is equal to 8 Mud which is approximately 4.5 Seir. But regardless of whether it was 2.5 Seir or 4 Seir, the Holy Prophet (saw) instructed for the food to be prepared in this small quantity

And also instructed for a bowl of milk to be prepared and to then gather the people of Banu Abdil Muttalib. Hazrat Ali (ra) stated, “I did exactly as I was instructed “and approximately 40 people gathered. “The Holy Prophet’s (saw) uncles, Abu Talib, Hamzah, Abbas and Abu Lahb were also present.

“I presented the large tray of food before them. “The Messenger (saw) of Allah took a small piece of meat and broke it with his teeth “and placed its pieces on the edges of the tray in order to bless the food.

“The Messenger (saw) of Allah then invited them to eat in the name of Allah “and everyone ate to their fill. “I swear by Allah, the food I presented before them was sufficient only for one person. “Thereafter the Holy Prophet (saw) instructed me to give everyone something to drink.

“I then brought the bowl of milk and they all drank from it to their fill. “And I swear by Allah that the amount I presented was only sufficient for one person to drink. “When the Holy Prophet (saw) decided to address everyone present in the gathering, “Abu Lahab quickly interjected and said,

“‘Look at how your fellow tribesman has cast a spell upon you all.’ “Upon this, everyone dispersed “and the Messenger (saw) of Allah was unable to address them. “The next day, the Messenger (saw) of Allah, stated, “‘O Ali, prepare the same food and drink as you had prepared yesterday.’

“I did just that and gathered everyone “and the Messenger (saw) of Allah blessed the food “in exactly the same manner as he did the previous day. “Everyone then ate and drank to their fill. “Thereafter, the Messenger (saw) of Allah stated,

“‘O Banu Abdil Muttalib, I do not know of any young man from among the Arabs “‘who has conveyed a better message than what I bring to you. “‘I convey to you a message regarding this world and the hereafter. “‘Who will assist me in this regard?'”

Hazrat Ali (ra) further states, “Upon hearing this, everyone fell silent. “I then submitted, ‘O Messenger (saw) of Allah, “‘despite the fact I am younger than everyone present here, but I will be your helper.'” In regards to this incident, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib (ra) states

In the Life and Character of the Seal of the Prophet (saw): “The Holy Prophet (saw) instructed Hazrat Ali (ra) to make arrangements for a feast “and invite the Banu ‘Abdil Muttalib so that the message of truth be delivered to them. “Hence, Hazrat Ali (ra) made arrangements for a feast

“and the Holy Prophet (saw) invited all of his immediate relatives, “who at that time, more or less, amounted to 40 people. “When they finished their meal, “the Holy Prophet (saw) attempted to make an address, “but the wretched Abu Lahab said something which caused all the people to disperse.

“Upon this, the Holy Prophet (saw) said to Hazrat Ali (ra), “‘We have lost this opportunity, but arrange for another feast.’ “Thus, the Holy Prophet (saw) gathered his relatives once more. “This time the Prophet (saw) addressed them saying: “‘Look here O Banu Abdil Muttalib!

“‘I have brought unto you the like of which has been brought to no other tribe by any man. “‘I call you to God. If you pay heed to my call “‘you shall become the inheritors of all the bounties of religion and this world.

“‘Now tell me which of you shall be my helpers in this cause?’ “Complete silence had overtaken the gathering “when suddenly a feeble thirteen-year-old boy stood up with tears in his eyes and said, “‘Although I am among the weakest and youngest of all, I shall support you.’

“This was the voice of Hazrat Ali (ra). “When the Holy Prophet (saw) heard these words of Hazrat Ali (ra), “he turned to his relatives and advised, “‘If you but knew, listen to the voice of this child, and believe.’ “When the participants saw this spectacle, instead of taking a lesson from it,

“they burst into laughter and Abu Lahab stared at his elder brother Abu Talib, “‘Lo! Muhammad (saw) orders you to follow your son!’ “Then these people left mocking at the weakness of Islam and the Holy Prophet (saw).” Mentioning this incident Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) has written that Hazrat Ali (ra) was 11 years old.

Children ought to listen to this in particular how Hazrat Ali (ra) stood up to assist the faith. “When the Holy Prophet (saw) received divine revelation, “he organised a feast in which all the prominent chieftains of the Mecca were invited. “After the meal, the Holy Prophet (saw) stood up and said:

“‘I would like to speak about my claim [of prophethood]’ “but all of them stood up and swiftly left the gathering. “Witnessing this, Hazrat Ali (ra) came to the Holy Prophet (saw) and said: “‘O my brother! What did you do? “‘You are aware that these people only care for worldly things,

“‘you should have spoken to them first and then presented them with food. “‘These wretched people ran away as soon as they finished the meal, “‘because they were only interested in the food. “‘If you spoke to them first, then even if you spoke for two hours,

“‘they would certainly have remained sitting and then we should have given them food.’ “Thus, the Holy Prophet (saw) invited them again, “but this time he first spoke to them and then presented them with food. “He then stood up and said: ‘O people! What I mentioned to you were the words of God.

“‘Is there anyone among you who will assist me and help with this task.’ “All the elders remained seated, but Hazrat Ali (ra) stood up and said: “‘My dear cousin! I shall assist you.’ “Thinking that he is a mere child, the Holy Prophet (saw) stood up again and said:

“‘O people! Is there anyone among you who will assist me?’ “Again all the elders remained seated, but that 11-year-old child stood up and said: “‘My dear cousin! I am with you and I shall assist you.’ “The Holy Prophet (saw) then realised that in the eyes of God,

“the only courageous man is this 11-year-old child “and instead all the elders are like children, devoid of any strength; only this child is wise. “Thus, Hazrat Ali (ra) joined with him and remained by his side until the very end. “It was the same Ali (ra) who later became a Caliph

“and further strengthened the foundations of the faith. “Similarly, God Almighty blessed him with pious progeny “and twelve Imam’s were born from his progeny for twelve consecutive generations.” Whilst mentioning Hazrat Ali (ra), Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) once stated: “When Hazrat Ali (ra) accepted Islam, he was only a child,

“but he professed belief knowing full well “that he would have to endure every hardship and difficulty for the sake of Islam, (Although he was only a child, but he professed belief and understood that he would have to make sacrifices)

“to the extent that if necessary, he would even have to sacrifice his life for God Almighty. “From the Ahadith we learn that in the early days of his ministry, “the Holy Prophet (saw) organised a feast in which the Banu Abdil Muttalib were invited.

“They were informed about the Divine message [of Islam] during this gathering “in which many of the relatives of the Holy Prophet (saw) were present. “When everyone had eaten, the Holy Prophet (saw) wished to deliver an address, “but Abu Lahab made everyone leave

“and they all left without hearing what the Holy Prophet (saw) had to say. “The Holy Prophet (saw) was astonished “that these people did not even listen despite eating the meal. “Nevertheless, the Holy Prophet (saw) was not disheartened by this, “in fact he instructed Hazrat Ali (ra) to prepare another feast for them.

“Thus, they were all invited once again. “When they had eaten to their fill, the Holy Prophet (saw) stood up and said: “‘Consider how much Allah the Almighty has favoured you “‘by sending His prophet from among your people. “‘I call you towards God; if you pay heed to my words,

“‘then you will become the recipients of both spiritual and worldly bounties. “‘Is there anyone among you who will assist me in this task?’ “Upon hearing these words, a deafening silence descended over the gathering, “but then all of a sudden, a young child stood up and said:

“‘Even though I am may be the weakest and youngest of all those gathered here, “‘but I will assist you.’ “This child was Hazrat Ali (ra), who, at such a time, announced his support for the faith.” We find in narrations how Hazrat Ali (ra) offered sacrifice during the Holy Prophet’s (saw) migration.

It is stated that when the Meccans had unanimously agreed to kill or capture the Holy Prophet (saw), they gathered around his house. The Holy Prophet (saw) was informed about this plot of the enemy through Divine revelation. Allah the Almighty permitted the Holy Prophet (saw) to migrate to Medina

And thus, he made the necessary preparations. He instructed Hazrat Ali (ra) for that night to sleep in his bed. Hazrat Ali (ra) slept in the same red Hadrami [a type of cloth] sheet that the Holy Prophet (saw) would use to sleep in.

In the morning, the group of idolaters that were waiting in ambush, entered the home of the Holy Prophet (saw); Hazrat Ali (ra) got out of bed. When they moved nearer to him, they realised who he was and asked where his friend was, i.e. they asked the whereabouts of the Holy Prophet (saw).

Hazrat Ali (ra) said: “I do not know where he is, am I his guardian? “You ordered him to leave Mecca and he did as you ordered him.” The idolaters rebuked Hazrat Ali (ra) and beat him. They took him to the vicinity of the Kabah and detained him for a while,

But then released him. In another biography of the Holy Prophet (saw), it is stated that Hazrat Ali (ra) remained in Mecca for three days in order to return the possessions and belongings the Meccans had left with the Holy Prophet (saw) for safe keeping. He then migrated and met the Holy Prophet (saw)

When he was staying with Umm Kulthum bin Hidam in Quba. In relation to the aforementioned incident which took place during the time of migration, it is written in Life & Character of the Seal of Prophets: “In the darkness of the night, the cruel Quraish from various tribes

“had besieged the home of the Holy Prophet (saw) with their bloodthirsty intentions. “They were waiting for dawn, or for the Holy Prophet (saw) to come out of his home, “so as to launch a sudden assault and assassinate him. “Various trusts belonging to the disbelievers were still with the Holy Prophet (saw),

“for despite their extreme enmity, “many people would often entrust their belongings to the Holy Prophet (saw) “on account of his truthfulness and trustworthiness. “Therefore, the Holy Prophet (saw) explained the accounts of these trusts to Hazrat Ali (ra), “and instructed him not to leave Makkah until these trusts were returned.

“Then he instructed, ‘You lie on my bed,’ and assured him that no harm would come to him. “He lay down and the Holy Prophet (saw) covered him with his red-coloured mantle. “After this, the Holy Prophet (saw) invoked the name of Allah and left his home.

“At that time, the besiegers were present in front of the Holy Prophet’s (saw) door. “However, since they did not anticipate “that the Holy Prophet (saw) would leave his home so early in the night, “at that time, they were in such a state of unawareness

“that the Holy Prophet (saw) left right through their midst, “leaving them in their ignorance, and they had not a clue. “Now, the Holy Prophet (saw) was silently, but quickly, passing through the streets of Makkah, “and it was not long before he reached the outskirts of town “and started towards the Cave of Thaur.

“The entire matter had been pre-settled with Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra), “who also met the Holy Prophet (saw) en-route. “The Cave of Thaur, which is remembered as a sacred memorial, due to this very occurrence, “is situated to the south of Makkah. In other words, to the other side of Madinah,

“at a distance of about three miles atop a wild and abandoned mountain, “the Cave of Thaur is situated at a substantial height. “Its trail is also very difficult to cross. “Arriving there, Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) squeezed in first and cleaned the area, “and then the Holy Prophet (saw) also entered. “On the other hand, the Quraish who had besieged the home of the Holy Prophet (saw), “would peer through after short intervals,

“and upon seeing Hazrat Ali (ra) who was in fact lying in the place of the Holy Prophet (saw), “they would find comfort. “But the next morning, they found out that their prey had slipped their hands. “Upon this, they franticly ran here and there, searched the streets of Makkah,

“looked in the homes of companions, but nothing was to be found. “In their rage, they took hold of Hazrat Ali (ra) and beat him somewhat.” Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) has written about this sacrifice by Hazrat Ali (ra) in the following manner: “When the Holy Prophet (saw) was leaving,

“he instructed Hazrat Ali (ra) to lay down on his charpoy. In those days there was no custom of using charpoy in fact even today it is not commonly used in Mecca. [charpoy is a traditional woven bedstead used in the subcontinent], (In some narrations it is was incorrectly mentioned

That the Holy Prophet (saw) asked him to lie down on his charpoy. This referred to the place where they would usually sleep as there were no proper beds as such.) “At night, when the Holy Prophet (saw) passed by those people, “some of them even saw him

“but thought that it is someone else who came to meet Muhammad (saw) and was returning home. “The reason for this was that “the Holy Prophet (saw) left his home in the most courageous manner “whereby he was not fearful in the slightest. “The enemies thought Muhammad (saw) would never dare to leave his home

“in such a brave and bold manner. “Indeed, it could only be someone else who came to visit him. “Then to reassure themselves that he was still there, they peaked through the gap of the door “and upon seeing a person sleeping they thought that it was Muhammad (saw).

“Thus, they stood watch over the house the entire night. “When they thought the time was right, they entered the house. “Perhaps noticing the person laying down “they became suspicious that it did not seem like Muhammad (saw). “When they removed the cloak from his face (or perhaps the face was uncovered)

“they realised that the one sleeping was Ali (ra) and not Muhammad (saw). “They then discovered that Muhammad (saw) had safely departed, “and for them there was nothing left but to live with this defeat.” In another place, Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) states: “Allah the Almighty enabled Hazrat Ali (ra) to make a great sacrifice.

“On the night of the migration, when the Holy Prophet (saw) was departing his home, “he instructed Hazrat Ali (ra) to lay down where he would sleep, “so that if the disbelievers peered inside they would see that someone was sleeping there “and to prevent them leaving to search for him.

“At that time, Hazrat Ali (ra) did not say: ‘O Messenger of Allah (saw)! “‘The house is surrounded by carefully chosen youths of the Quraish with swords in hand. “‘If in the morning they discover that you have left, they may kill me,’

“instead, Hazrat Ali (ra) calmly laid down in the place of the Holy Prophet (saw) “without any hesitation. “The Holy Prophet (saw) placed his sheet over him. “In the morning, when the Quraish realised “that Hazrat Ali (ra) was the one sleeping [in the house] instead of the Holy Prophet (saw), “they became enraged.

“They even hit and beat Hazrat Ali (ra), but what more could they have achieved by doing this? “Divine Decree had come to pass “and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) had safely left Mecca. “At that time, how would Hazrat Ali (ra) ever have known

“about what he was going to receive in return for his level of faith. “Indeed, Allah the Almighty knew that in return for this sacrifice, “He was not only going to honour Hazrat Ali (ra), “in fact, Hazrat Ali’s (ra) progeny would also be granted honour.

“Thus, the first grace Allah the Almighty bestowed upon Hazrat Ali (ra) “was that he had the honour of becoming the son in law of the Holy Prophet (saw). “The second blessing Allah the Almighty bestowed upon him

“was that He instilled so much love in the heart of the Holy Prophet (saw) for Hazrat Ali (ra) “that the Holy Prophet (saw) praised him on countless occasions.” Nonetheless, this is the same incident that I have presented from several different sources.

In essence the incident is the same, but it has been explained in different ways. The reason why I mention all of them in detail with further explanations so that one can learn new things from it or it is presented in a different manner that sheds further light from a different angle.

Furthermore, it highlights the different aspects of their personality or the personality of the companion, who in this case is Hazrat Ali (ra). One can learn of each companion’s relationship with the Holy Prophet (saw). Thus, it may seem like the same incident is being repeated again,

But the way it has been mentioned is different and for this reason I mention them all. Similarly, this incident has been mentioned in relation to Hazrat Ali (ra). Nonetheless, his accounts are remaining and I will narrate them in the future, God willing.

At present, I shall speak about some deceased members and also lead their funeral prayers. The first is of a martyr, Dr. Tahir Mahmood Sahib, son of Tariq Mahmood Sahib of Marh Balochan, in the district of Nankana. Last week, after offering the Friday prayers on 20 November 2020,

The opponents of Ahmadiyyat shot him as a result of which he was martyred. “Verily to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.” According to the information, Dr. Tariq Sahib went with his family members on 20th November to offer the Friday prayers at the home of his uncle, Respected Muhammad Hafeez Sahib.

After offering the Friday prayers, they left at approximately 2:30pm. When they made their way on to the street, a 16-year old youth named Mahd was armed with a pistol and shot Dr. Tahir Mahmood Sahib, as a result of which he was martyred. “Verily to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.”

Dr. Tahir Mahmood Sahib was 31 years of age. His 55-year old father Tariq Mahmood Sahib, who is the Finance Secretary and former Sadr, was severely wounded in this attack and received a bullet to the head. He is currently going under treatment in hospital.

Saeed Ahmad Maqsood Sahib, the 60-year old uncle of Dr. Tahir Mahmood Sahib, who is the Sadr of the Jama’at, and Tayyeb Mahmood Sahib, 26 years of age, who the Za’eem Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya were also injured in the firing and received treatment in hospital for a short while.

They have now recovered but the father of the martyr suffered severe injuries. The assailant had fired two magazines and was about to load the third when he was apprehended. As it were, the enmity of the people there has taken another form whereby they are inciting young boys to carry out their attacks

So that later in court they can claim that they are juveniles, so the punishment should be lessened or even pardoned. Hence, they are pursuing new avenues. On the one hand they claim to have no complaint [against us] and that they are not being cruel at all

Nor perpetrating any kind of injustices against Ahmadis, but on the other hand, martyrdoms are continuing and some government officials are forcibly filling [false] lawsuits. May Allah Almighty enable these people to understand, and if not, may Allah seize them Himself. Ahmadiyyat was introduced to the family of the deceased

Through his paternal grandfather, Hakeem Muhammad Ibrahim Sahib who pledged allegiance along with some other family members when was 13 years old during the Khilafat of Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra). The deceased attained his FSC from Islamiyyah College Lahore. Thereafter, in 2013 he completed his MBBS degree from Moscow, Russia.

Currently he was preparing for the PMC examinations. He also worked for some time in the Fazl-e-Umar Hospital. The deceased possessed many excellent qualities. He had unbound love for Khilafat. He was extremely respectful to office-bearers of the Jama’at and to guests. Whenever he was asked by the Jama’at to carry out a task,

He would immediately offer his services. He served as the Qaid Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya. On several occasions he would use his own car to transport patients who were unwell to the hospital. He was always at the forefront in rendering his services and he had a great rapport with people outside the Jama’at.

Many compassionate non-Ahmadis have expressed their sorrow after this incident. For a long time this family has had to endure severe opposition. In 1974 the opponents set his grandfather’s shop on fire. In 2006, his father, Tariq Mahmood Sahib was targeted in a barbaric attack.

Just a few days ago, an opponent of Ahmadiyyat spat at his father as he was passing by the market. They were regularly targeted by these people, nevertheless, they remained steadfast. Sadaqat Ahmad Sahib, the missionary of St Petersburg, Russia writes, “He spent a long time in Russia for his studies in Kazan, Tatarstan

“and returned to Pakistan having become a successful doctor. “During the he spent here for his studies, “Dr. Tahir Mahmood Sahib remained extremely dedicated to the Jama’at. “He was regular in offering the Friday prayers and in giving alms.

“In spite of the fact that his hostel was quite a distance away from the mission house, “he would attend Jama’at programmes and participate wholeheartedly. “He was considered among the most intelligent among his group of medical students. “Even though the teaching was in English,

“due to his personal effort and passion, he became quite fluent in Russian also. “He had told all those in his hostel in Kazan that he was an Ahmadi, “and so he also had to endure persecution, “because there were other Pakistani students who are bitter opponents of the Jama’at.

“Despite this, when the opportunity arose he would preach to them also.” He further writes: “I went to Pakistan and met him. “He told me that the persecution in Marh Balochan had increased severely “and so he wished to move to Rabwah and even had a house constructed there.”

Fareed Abragemov is a Russian Ahmadi from Kazan, Tatarstan. He says that Dr. Tahir Mahmood Sahib learnt Russian very quickly. He was very cheerful and pious. Light would be shining from his smile. Dr. Tahir Mahmood Sahib is survived by his father, Tariq Mahmood Sahib, his mother, Shamim Akhtar Sahiba,

His brother, Qasim Mahmood Sahib who lives is Germany, and his sister, Faiza Mahmood Sahiba, wife of Naseer Ahmad Sahib of Germany. These were those he left behind. May Allah Almighty elevate him in his rank, grant him a lofty place in paradise. May He grant health to those injured and a complete recovery.

May He protect them all from any type of complications from their injuries. May He continue to shower His blessings upon all of Dr. Tahir Mahmood Sahib’s relatives and close ones. The next funeral is of Jamaluddin Mahmood Sahib who served as the National General Secretary in Sierra Leone.

He passed away on 3rd November due to a heart attack “Verily to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.” He served as the National General Secretary for the last 16 years. By the grace of Allah, he was a Musi [part of the institution of Al-Wasiyyat]. The missionary in-charge, Sa’eed-ur-Rahman Sahib writes,

“Among all the excellent qualities he possessed, “one that stands out was that he practically strived his utmost “to save all Ahmadis of the world from nationalism and to unite them as one family. “He worked with great wisdom and sincerity. “Approximately 2,000 people attended his funeral and burial.

“On this occasion, two government ministers, the Chief of Army Staff Sierra Leone, “several members of parliament, “Paramount Chiefs and scores of high government officials were in attendance.” The Secretary of Nusrat Jahan, Mubarak Tahir Sahib writes, “Jamaluddin Mahmood Sahib was a very sincere and devout person “who served the Community with all his heart.

“He had the honour of serving as the National General Secretary for a long time “and he was also the Deputy Manager of the Ahmadiyya Printing Press in Sierra Leone.” Jamaluddin Mahmood Sahib was originally from Ghana. Mahmood Sahib’s father, Ibrahim Kojo Mahmood Sahib was sent by Hazrat Maulana Nazir Ahmad Mubashir Sahib

To serve in the line of education in Sierra Leone. Mubarak Tahir Sahib writes, “Jamaluddin Mahmood Sahib resided with me in Rokupr for 13 years “(his father sent him there to gain an education). “He was inclined towards religion from an early age. “He was regular in offering prayers in congregation

“and was at the forefront in rendering his services to the Community. “He would carry out Tabligh activities with the Khuddam of Rokupr.” The in-charge of the Raqeem Press Sierra Leone, Uthman Taleh Sahib says, “Jamaluddin Mahmood Sahib served for a long time before me as the in-charge. “I spent 12 years working with him.

“In that time, he never expressed “that I was younger and more inexperienced than him in any way, “rather, he would always show respect and say, “‘You are a missionary and you have been appointed by Khalifatul Masih.’ “Not once did he ever disobey me in any matter.

“He exemplified obedience and humility to such a degree “that if ever he was asked to do a task he would begin right away “and would exhaust every avenue in his attempts to complete it.” He says: “During this time, I learnt a great deal from him.

“He consistently offered the tahujjud prayer on a daily basis “and was particular about offering salat in congregation. “The manner in which he prayed was so wonderful that it was worthy of envy. “He always prayed with great fervor, humility and concentration.

“He had a profound love for Khilafat, and would intently listen to every Friday Sermon.” He further writes: “According to the culture of Sierra Leone, “Jamal Sahib gave many children a place to stay in his home, “and afforded them an education at his own expense.

“Now, [having grown up] many of them are employed in good jobs “and remember him with great respect and fondness.” Naveed Qamar Sahib, who is a missionary, writes: “Jamal Sahib would be at the forefront “of taking part in the various financial schemes of the Community.

“He would make exceeding contributions to the Tahrik-e-Jadid and Waqf-e-Jadid schemes “on behalf of his parents and other elders of his family. “Whenever he visited his family village of Rokupr, “despite being busy, he would ensure to reach the mosque in time for prayers.

“Often, he would utilize the time between the Magrib and Isha prayers “to educate people about the teachings of the Community. “He would especially expound upon in a beautiful manner “the importance and blessings of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya “and the need for remaining attached to it.”

He further writes: “Jamal Sahib had a loving and affectionate relationship with everyone. “Upon the news of his demise, Ahmadis and non-Ahmadis alike shed tears. “This was the very reason why there were so many people present at his funeral; “not only from nearby, but also those who travelled great distances to be present.”

The deceased had two wives. He had separated from his first wife; however, all of his children were from her, which include two daughters and two sons. One of his daughters is married and lives in Australia. Aside from her, two of his children are studying in Ghana and one is studying in Sierra Leone.

He does not have any children from his second wife. May Allah Almighty treat the deceased with mercy and forgiveness and elevate his station [in heaven], and enable his children to continue his virtuous deeds. The next funeral is of Amatus Salam Sahiba, wife of the late, respected Chaudhary Salahuddin Sahib of Rabwah,

Who was formerly the Nazim Jaidad and Masheer-e-Qanooni. She passed away on October 19; “Verily to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.” Her husband, Chaudhary Salahuddin Sahib, was the grandson of companions of the Promised Messiah (as), Hazrat Chaudhary Abdullah Khan Sahib (ra) and Hazrat Hamnah Bibi Sahiba (ra);

Both his paternal grandfather and grandmother were companions. Amatus Salam Sahiba’s son, Naeem-ud-Din Sahib writes: “One of the everlasting imprints which my mother left on me “was the attention she drew towards offering prayers; “this was the thing she was most firm on.

“She was strict in ensuring this and was very firm in this course of action. “Our home practically served as a hostel “as many relatives would live with us due to their studies and would stay for many years. “My mother made sure that every single relative was regular in offering their prayers

“under all circumstances. “She taught all of her children the recitation of the Holy Qur’an herself “and appointed a tutor for the older children. “The other trait which left a lasting impact on me “was the fact that she always strove to ensure the comfort and ease “of everyone staying in her home.

“If the house workers took a day off, “she never hesitated to wash the clothes of all the children, “whether her own or the others [staying in her home]. “Both sides of the family often visited Rabwah, “while my father would often be out of Rabwah owing to his responsibilities in the Community.

“My mother was always hospitable to all of the guests and would take care of all matters. “I was the eldest son, thus she trained me to be hospitable and to never fall short in doing so.” He further states, “Our great paternal grandmother, paternal grandmother,

“and maternal grandmother would often stay with us for extended periods of time. “By the grace of God we were six siblings “and many other children of our extended family would stay in our homes due to their studies. “However, despite all this, she would serve these three elderly ladies

“all year round in an exceptional manner. “On the occasion of the Annual Convention (Jalsa Salana), “without any exaggeration, the number of guests would reach 80 or 90. “Tents would be pitched outside the house in order to facilitate their accommodations and food, “while beds would be arranged from the village.

“Both my father and mother would oversee all of this together “with great love, affection and openheartedness. “Every relative, without exception, has expressed how loving and hospitable she was.” One of her nephew’s writes: “I stayed at her home during my studies;

“never once did she give us the same food cooked in the morning for dinner, “nor did she ever give the food cooked in the evening for breakfast, “rather she would always make fresh parathas [flat unleavened bread made in butter or oil] “and provide fresh yogurt for breakfast.”

This was the degree to which she cared for the children of other family members who were staying with them due to their studies. This was in spite of having many children of her own. She displayed exemplary love and obedience for the Khulafah. He also writes that she instilled the same sentiments

For these respectable and honourable personages in them so that love for them was fully engrained within them. Her daughter-in-law, Nabila Naeem Sahiba says: “The deceased possessed many virtuous qualities. “She was regular in offering prayers, “reciting the Holy Qur’an and offering the tahujjud prayer. “She was a very patience and grateful.

“She never complained even during times of hardship. “She would be always content with the Will of God Almighty. “She took care of the poor and could not bear to see anyone in pain “and was ever ready to help them. “She was at the forefront of obedience and loyalty to Khilafat.”

May Allah Almighty instil these same qualities in her children and her progeny. May He grant her forgiveness and mercy and elevate her station [in heaven]. The next funeral is of Respected Mansoor Bushra Sahiba, who was the mother of Dr. Latif Qureshi Sahib. She passed away on October 6 at the age of 97.

“Verily to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.” She was from the progeny of companions of the Promised Messiah (as); she was the maternal granddaughter of Hazrat Munshi Fayaz Ali Kapoortahlwi Sahib (ra) and the paternal granddaughter of Hazrat Sheikh Abdur Rasheed Sahib (ra) –

Both were companions [of the Promised Messiah (as)]. When she was young, she had a close relationship with Hazrat Amman Jan (ra). Though the deceased’s memory had weakened, she never forgot to offer prayers. She also regularly listened to the Friday Sermon on MTA.

She was pious and faithful; by the grace of Allah Almighty she was a musia. As I mentioned earlier, she was the mother of Dr. Latif Qureshi Sahib; Qureshi Sahib and his wife Shaukat Gohar Sahiba also passed away recently. While they were alive, both of them looked after her.

Both passed away during her lifetime. Her granddaughter Ismat Mirza writes, “My grandmother was a true believer. She truly loved Ahmadiyyat and Khilafat. “I have never seen anyone who worshipped more and revered the Holy Qur’an more than she did. “She was quiet and simple by nature.”

May Allah Almighty treat the deceased with forgiveness and mercy and elevate her station in heaven. After the Friday prayers, I will offer the funeral prayers of all the deceased members, God Willing. All praise is due to Allah We laud Him, we beseech help from Him and ask His protection;

We confide in Him, we trust Him alone and we seek protection against the evils and mischief of our souls and from the bad results of our deeds. Whomsoever He guides on the right path, none can misguide him; and whosoever He declares misled, none can guide him onto the right path.

And we bear witness that none deserves to be w o rshipped except Allah. We bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. O servants of Allah! May Allah be merciful to you. Verily, Allah commands you to act with justice, to confer benefits upon each other

And to do good to others as one does to one’s kindred and forbids evil which pertain to your own selves and evils which affect others and prohibits revolts against a lawful authority. He warns you against being unmindful. You remember Allah; He too will remember you;

Call Him and He will make a response to your call. And verily divine remembrance is the highest virtue.

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