Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2014
Even before the claim of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) he received this revelation which he continued to receive until the end of his life, on a number of occasions, which means ‘that people who shall be directed by revelation from heaven, will help you’. In 1907 he also received the revelation that
‘they will be coming to you by every distant track.’ This revelation has been fulfilled most spectacularly in various forms at various times and continues to be fulfilled even today. People have come to the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) from different places
And at different times, in other words in the life of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) this occurred and after the demise of the Promised Messiah through the continuing establishment of Khilafat- e-Ahmadiyyat, these people flocked to the Khalifa. Today as well such people continue to come who become helpers of Khilafat.
Allah the Almighty not only causes their hearts to incline in this direction to become helpers, but furthermore, in order to fulfil the mission of the Promised Messaih (on whom be peace) a great passion, zeal, commitment and devotion is produced in their hearts.
Subsequently they give everything in order to fulfil this and they become the Sultan-e-Naseer, helpers towards the Promised Messiah and Khilafat. They become as if the arms and hands to help the Khalifa. The people of this type, in accordance with the Qu’ranic commandment (Arabic)
They become well versed in matters of religion and convey the message of the truthful religion to their fellow countrymen and they dedicate their entire lives to fulfil this. There are many such people who came from these far off places, where until the 60’s and 70’s of the 20th century, the state of communication
And of letter writing etc was that it would take often six months for a letter to reach the recipient. So for people to come from this background and to come into the system of sacrificing their entire life and a with complete conviction and faith to learn the religion properly
And in depth and to do Waqf, to sacrifice their lives completely for their faith and then consequently to fulfil the devotion absolutely And further more to be ready to make every single possible sacrifice for the cause of the movement. So where all of this, on the one hand is proof of the truthfulness
Of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), there on the other hand the sacrifice of such persons to still be seen by people today is also a proof and truth of Ahmadiyyat. Even more so, this testifies to the fact that such people are truly righteous,
As a result of their qualities of righteousness and sincerity, Allah the Almighty looks upon them mercifully. Allah the Almighty selects such people and forms them into brilliant stars. At the present time, I will mention such a righteous and faithful and loyal person towards the Jamaat, whose name was Maulvi Wahab Adam.
He left the country in Africa at that time, in order to sacrifice his life for the faith and in order to become a helper of Khilfat with a resoluted determination that now I, using all my capabilities and abilities will fulfill this mission that I am devoting my life to.
He came into the fold at such a time when Rabwah was still just being populated. The means of communication in Africa at the time was such that it would take many months to communicate with one another. This beloved holy brother of ours.
This truly devoted and dedicated soldier of Khilafat who would act upon every indication of the Khalifa and every decision and verdict that would be made by the Khilafa of the time, he would with absolute conviction would accept it. Even the smallest of the instructions of the Khilafa, even the desire
And the wish of the Khilafa would leave him restless and yearning in order to fulfil it. When I spent more than eight years in Ghana and I worked with him, at that time even then I saw his connection and devotion with Khilafat as I have just related.
After I became the Khilafa, with me also his obedience, his submission, his devotion and his loyalty, he did not allow to be effected in any way, after I became the Khilafa. As everyone is aware Maulvi Wahab Adam Sahib passed away in the last few days.
For the approximately last year, he stayed here and returned in March or perhaps the end of February. The time period that covers his services to the movement of the servant of the faith span over fifty years. His services, his personality, his role and characteristics and the accounts of his devotion
And loyalty cannot all be encompassed in a short period of time. None the less, I’ll present to you some details which will highlight some aspects of his life. First of all, Ahmadiyyat in his family started through his mother and father. Wahab Sahib’s son informs, that Wahab Sahib was a born Ahmadi.
His father Suliman K Adam Sahib and his mother Ayesha Akwa Sahiba, accepted Ahmadiyyat. Basharat Bashir Sahib was the Ameer of Ghana at the time or Mubaligh Wahab Sahib’s father was a Muallim at the time. Wahab Adam Sayib did not see his father in an age of maturity,
Because his father passed away when he was at a very young age. The mother said that the father had a keen desire that Wahab Sahib should become a missionary of the community, so in order to fulfil this desire of the father, the mother sent Wahab Saab with Basharat Bashir Sahib to Rabwah.
Wahab Sahib had never seen the picture of his father and just a short while ago someone showed him the picture, in which there was also the picture of Wahab Sahib’s father, then he came to know that this was his father. Wahab Saab was born in the Brofeyedur village in the Ashanti region.
He was born in December 1938. He acquired his elementary education from United middle school. Later he studied at the Ahmadiyya Secondary School in Kumasi. There, he completed his education, none the less he studied for some time but then later he dedicated his life and did Waqf.
In 1952, he was involved in Jamiyya Ahmadiyya Rabwah and was sent there to acquire his education. In 1960 he achieved his Shahed degree from Jamiyya Ahmadiyya Rabwah. He returned to Ghana. There, he was posted in various places as a regional missionary.
And he was able to continue serving there until 1969, in this first region. Hereafter he was made the principle of the Jamia- tul-Mubasharin in Ghana. The circumstances at the time were such that there were small mud huts. There were no bath rooms.
Straw mats used to be stood on their sides and also wooden sticks and makeshift toilets were made in this manner. This could no longer be even perceived in Africa. He told me once that the state of the toilets was such that they would place two stones
Or bricks, and one would bring water from afar and then use that water for washing. In other words this was the very early period and the circumstances were as such. In 1971 Wahab Sahib was appointed to the UK as a deputy Imam of the Fazal Mosque
And he continued to fulfil this responsibility until 1974. In 1975 he was appointed the Ameer and missionary- in-charge of Ghana. And he served in this capacity for approximately thirty-nine years until his demise. So somebody has written that when the number of people increased
In Ghana, in the Jamaat, it was considered that there should be an increase in the central missionaries rather than muallameens. So for this purpose Hazrat Kahlifatul Massih II said that some youth should be brought here to Rabwah to be trained.
So at that time two small children at the age of fourteen and fifteen, Abdul Wahab Adam Sahib and Bashir bin Saleh Sahib were sent to Pakistan as I said. With great endeavour, with great commitment and with great passion they made efforts to complete their education.
In 1957 Saleh Sahib due to the heat fell ill. He was sent back to Ghana, but the illness proved fatal and on 16th November 1958 Saleh Sahib passed away at the age of 19. Wahab Sahib then continued studying at Jamia alone for 8 years.
He achieved the Shahid degree there and he became a central Mubaligh / Missionary and went to Ghana. By the time he went to Ghana, the Jamaat had increased somewhat there. People were greater inspired and had more passion and thus, started sending their children to Jamia Ahmadiyya, Rabwah. Thereafter, eight or ten became missionaries.
Then there was some restrictions placed and now in Ghana there are missionaries being prepared locally. There is an international Jamia were young people come from different countries in Africa and they complete the Shahid course. On one occasion when he was in Rabwah the ambassador from Ghana visited there.
Wahab Sahib informed him how Rabwah was populated, how it was a barren land and people had made sacrifices. He presented all the accounts in such a manner that it led the ambassador to say ‘if someone does not believe in God – no believes in the oneness of Allah the Almighty –
Than after hearing this account most certainly he will come to believe in the existence of God in the manner that Rabwah became to be populated’. So Wahab Sahib did not let go any opportunity go to waste preaching. So he explained him how we spend the early period in Rabwah.
He said there was no electricity, there was no drinking water and it had to be brought from far off. There were no buildings. The roof of the hostel was made of mud, as was the flooring. When it rained the roof would leak and would cause flooding on the ground.
In fact he would say sometimes jokingly that even their luggage and suitcases would start floating in the water. This was the state and the condition of the time. Than a building was purchased in Ahmad Nagar and the Jamia started there. There was a hostel for those who had come from abroad.
There was one person there from England. One person there was from Germany. Abdul Shakoor Sahib from America and there was another person. There was a white American and also an African American. There was a person from Trinidad. And from China it was Usman Chine Sahib, Ibrahim Wan Sahib and Idrees Wan Sahib.
So this was a hostel comprising of different people. People came from different countries and all resided there. There are only one or two who remained as missionaries, all the rest left it. Or some people they achieved their education, but then started their own other work. So Wahab Sahib relates an incident.
When he was studying in Jamia Ahmadiyya, Rabwah, then at one stage he started encountering difficulties in some subjects for example logic and jurisprudence in Urdu. The time for the examinations approached and they were extremely worried. Amri Abedi Sahib was also studying at the time from Tanzania.
Abedi Sahib suggested Wahab Sahib to go to Maulana Rasool Rajeki Sahib and request him for prayers. So they went to him who was reading a book at that time. When he saw Wahab Sahib he put the book to one side and asked him what the problem was.
So Amri Abedi Sahib said and Wahab Sahib who was also there said ‘we are going to have our exams. We are finding it very difficult so please pray for us. So Rajeki Sahib put his hand up in prayer and said you also join me in supplication. After the prayer Rajeki Sahib said
‘whilst praying I saw in a vision the Promised Massiah (on whom be peace) and I saw that he was putting his blessed hands over both of your heads. I understand the interpretation of this dream to be that Allah will give you success by virtue of the blessings of the Promised Messiah.
So he relates that this is exactly what happened and miraculously everything seemed easy afterwards. The study seemed much simpler. We gave the exam and it seemed very easy. When the results were released, Wahab Adam Sahib came first in his entire class. He was also blessed with other honours that he achieved.
The first African central missionary was Wahab Sahib. The first Ghanaian Ameer and Missionary-in-charge was Wahab Sahib. The first African Ahmadi who in representation of Khalifatul Massih was made Ameer Muqami Rabwah was Wahab Sahib. The first central missionary from Africa, who was able to serve in Europe
Was Wahab Sahib. The first African who was made an honorary member of Majlis-e-Ifta was also Wahab Sahib. In representation of the centre he was sent to countries such as Canada, Germany, Benin, Mali, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Jamaica.
He travelled to all these countries as a representative of the centre. He was able to carry out a lot of research regarding Islam, Race and Christianity and he wrote many articles on this. He also established a foundation in the name of his mother for the needy people.
During his time as the Ameer, Jamaat Ahmadiyya Ghana achieved great progress. There were some schools already, but many more schools were formed. Some were re-established and some had improvements made within them. More than 400 schools of Jamaat Ahmadiyya are present there. There are teacher training colleges.
Jamia-tul-Mubashireen and Jamia International are all prominent achievements. There are seven large hospitals and two homeopathic clinics, which are all in operation in Ghana. In addition there is also social welfare work continuing. The Jamaat has achieved extraordinary status in the electronic and print media in Ghana.
On two of the famous highways of Ghana, Ameer Sahib expended a lot of effort to place very large billboards along the path. Everyone travelling sees the poster which has written on them that the awaited Messiah has come and this is the Messiah.
This is how they are openly carrying out preaching there in Ghana. He also received worldly accolades and honours. They include: In Korea the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace (USA) for selfless and glorious efforts for peace, he was given the honour of ambassador of peace.
He was given the honour of Ambassador of Peace. Similarly from the government of Ghana, Ameer sahib Ghana in acknowledgement of his work in education, health, agriculture and for the peace of nation he was given a special national award of companion of the order of the Walters.
On 10th November 2007, acknowledging his achievements a large university, the University of Cape Coast, awarded him an honorary PhD. So these are the blessings of doing Waqf, devoting your life with sincere intentions so along with serving the faith Allah gave him worldly blessings and rewards.
If he was not Waqf he may have done some other business or work and nobody would have known who Wahab Sahib was. Then on an international level his responsibilities are as follows. The Centre for Democratic Development Ghana, he was a member of it; Ghana Integrity initiative he was the Vice Chairman of it,
National Peace Council member and he played a very prominent role there. He played a very prominent role in Ghana to unite the political political classes to establish peace and governance. He was a co-founder and National President for the Council for Religions represented by the people of different faiths.
He was also a member of the National Reconciliation Commission. He was here in London in 1974, when there were extremely perilous circumstances In Pakistan faced by the Jamaat, which was facing a period of tribulation. Wahab Sahib, along with the Imam of the Fazl mosque here, worked night and day.
They would continuously stay awake many nights and relayed information to the press and media. In 1973 Wahab sahib was made the Deputy Editor of the Muslim Herald. He started two new columns in this. One the London Diary. In this there would be monthly reports and the other column was called Your question answered.
Questions received by different people would be variously answered. In addition in the London mosque study circle, he presented numerous subjects and topics, which particularly answered the questions of the new generation. The Vice President of Ghana said that he was a glorious leader of our nation.
On the demise of this glorious leader the government of Ghana is equally saddened in pain and loss with the family of his and also the Ahmadiyya Muslim mission. For the efforts he made for peace we will always remember him. Similarly, the leadership that he did of the Ahmadiyya community in Ghana ,
The work that he made for the educational development is something, we will never forget. With a heavy heart we say goodbye to a scholar and religious leader. May the efforts that he made to establish peace always remain forever. The former President of Ghana John Kufuor said
‘He was a great religious and political leader.’ Doctor Mustafa Ahmad who is a Member of Parliament and Minister of State, who is a muslim, said ‘Inna lilahae wa inna lilahae raajaeoon’ Surely to Allah we belong and to him we shall return. He said that Ghana has lost a very respectworthy son.
The efforts that he made to establish peace, the country will continue to reap benefits from it. We will always remember his extraordinary endeavours. May Allah the almighty elevate his status. Charles Palmer Buckle, who is an Archbishop of Accra, He relays that he was the standard bearer of serving humanity.
He was a messenger of peace and he would spread the love of God. He was established upon such high viewpoints and thoughts and the works that he established may they remain forever. Reverend Professor Emmanuel Essante, who is the President or the Head Bishop
Of the Methodist church and also the Chairman of the National Peace Council relates: An extremely peaceful person, one who loved his nation, a great leader, has suddenly returned to his Lord. The National Peace Council will always maintain his values that he adopted to establish peace. Similarly other people have also written their remarks.
Representative of the Foreign Ministry, Hajji Muhammad Gadu Sahib, who is a Deputy Chairman of the Governing Council and the Ghana Council of Religious Peace says that we have lost a great pillar of the muslim community. According to the rest of the world, Ahmadis are non-muslims,
But here the muslim organisations say that we have lost a large pillar of the muslim community. He established bridges of tolerance between different faiths. Maulvi Wahab Adam sahib was an extremely talented, able leader who united people. He spent a large part of his life devoted to serving humanity.
Then his son has related some of the circumstances relating to his life. Hassan Wahab Sahib says, ‘my father was a true servant and loyal soldier of Khilafat’. For every important matter he would seek guidance from the Khalifa. At times he would also write to the khalifa for even petty small matters.
For example, one week before his demise, when with his illness he became quite weak the doctors said to him to go to the hospital. He replied to the doctor that first take permission from the Khalifa of the time and only then will I go. Relating to his thankfulness and gratitude his son writes
‘He had vast experience of life and whichever accounts he related would have a deep impression on morality. In 1990 when one of his sons went abroad, then he complained to Wahab sahib that it takes a long time to contact back home. The letter reaches after a long time.
Email and internet facilities were not available at that time. Upon this Wahab sahib counselled him that look when I was studying in Rabwah then it took six months for my letters to reach my mother. You should be thankful to God that nowadays we have these more modern communications.
Regarding his habit of being always hard working, his son says that sometimes we saw that after the Fajr prayer he would begin his work. Then apart from his prayer times and eating, he would continue working as long as the next Fajr.
When the last days of his life he could not sit down due to his illness, we saw him working whilst lying down. He would write long notes and long letters until the end and he kept on sending me letters until his death. He would always write his own letters by his hand
And one of his other qualities was that he would write it in Urdu. Regarding his tolerance, patience and good nature, his son said that he was a very pleasant person. For example during his illness, we knew that he was not well and we knew
That he was fighting for his life, but despite this he never mentioned and uttered a word regarding his illness. In fact whenever we asked him about it he would say that I am better than before, whereas we could see that day by day he was becoming weaker.
Even in the harshest days of his illness he would joke and relate jokes to us. In the context of the illness he faced, he endured it with great patience and only he can do this who has absolute belief in Allah the Almighty
And acts patiently purely for the sake of pleasing Allah the Almighty. He had pancreatic cancer and some people would assert at the time perhaps that he was unaware of the extent of his illness. However, people were wrong. He knew everything.
He was satisfied and content with the fact that Allah had given him a good life alhamdolilah And he was content with the will of God that either the Allah the Almighty should cure him or the decree of Allah the Almighty should come into pass.
Regarding this Zubair Khalil Sahib says that: “I had the opportunity to go with Wahab Sahib to a specialist doctor for a check-up. When the doctor notified him of his fatal illness, he laughed and said: ‘I have a God.’
We also ask Khalifa of the time for prayers all the time who does pray for us. If Allah wills me to die, then I am satisfied with this. The doctor listening to this was quite moved. He said that he saw in a dream. The one who writes this account says that
He saw in a dream that you are announcing on the TV that Ameer-e-Ghana is a “Noor”, a spiritual light. His son further relates relating to his hospitality. Whoever would go to meet him, he would present juice himself. Many Muslim and non-muslim friends have said this to me,
That Wahab Sahib would treat us like his own children. Whenever anyone asked him for any advice he would make sure he helped them. In Ghana coconut is particularly presented for hospitality and this is specially kept in the fridge to present to guests. So recently Mubarik Zafar Sahib went to Ghana and he says:
Despite Wahab Sahib’s illness, he made an effort, to himself open the coconut and set the straw and present it to him. He could not even lift up his hands himself fully, so with someone else’s help he tried to put the straw in. So this was his special quality of hospitality,
That he made every effort to fulfil until his last breath. The wife of Basharat Bashir Sahib writes: When Wahab Sahib completed his education and with the grace of Allah became a successful Missionary, then from the very beginning Wahab Sahib had great humility.
I was married in 1974, I saw that Wahab Sahib would visit our home. And say to me, that ‘Give me the shoes of Maulana Sahib’ and that is Basharat Bashir Sahib, to polish them. I became extremely worried that, how would I take the service
From a young Murabbi (Missionary), but he would insist upon this. And he would do this because of the kindness of Basharat Bashir Sahib, bringing him to Rabwah and he wanted to return this. And anyway he had great respect for teachers. Similarly he wrote a long article on the demise of Basharat Bashir Sahib.
And when she mentioned this, she became extremely happy. The son relates another account. That there are many incidents were he used his contacts to help people. And he would have even helped people he would have not known before.
Once a widow came to him, it was said that she was a widow and she desired to carry out some work to stand up on her own feet, for which she requires financial aid. My father never knew this widow before, but my father helped her so she could begin her own business.
Wahab Sahib would be extremely kind and loving to children. Whenever he would meet any children, he would give them chocolates and sweets and balloons which he would keep in his pocket. Once someone complained to me about his bad treatment, I said I do not believe this.
But nonetheless I forwarded this to Wahab Sahib to which he responded; That I always place myself into hardship to take care of others. Nonetheless there is always a group of people who are up bent on complaining. Whether they are treated in a good manner or otherwise.
Then relating to his relationship and loyalty with Khilafat. He always believed that no task should be formed without asking the Khalifa. Doctor Taseer Sahib writes: ‘The quality of Wahab Sahib was, that he always obeyed.’ So Doctor Taseer Sahib himself was a Doctor in Ghana.
He says once during the time of Hadhrat Khalifa- tul Masih the fourth, a non-ahmadi Radiographer suggested to place an X- Ray machine in the hospital, which apparently seemed like something positive for the hospital. When I asked Wahab Sahib about this, Wahab Sahib said:
‘before deciding anything, do not go forward until you receive permission from the Khalifa of the time. First seek permission and then act. So when he asked permission, the permission was not given. And therefore they were saved from many difficulties. Mehmood Nasir Sakib Sahib, the Ameer Jama’at of Mali,
Who previously lived in Burkina Faso. Mehmood Nasir Sahib that is, relates, that Wahab Sahib was a missionary, who was a role model for those of us who came behind him. On many occasions I had the opportunity to meet him. I have seen that place in the village in Burkina Faso
Where he would once reside, in a mud hut. Trough the efforts of Wahab Sahib, Jama’at Ahmaddiyya Burkina Faso was established in 1986 and was registered. In the 2005 Jalsa Salana Burkina Faso, I sent him as a representative. So there he recalled many of his memories.
In the circumstances in which he came to Burkina Faso, how the Jama’at was registered. There were many difficulties, which with the grace of Almighty Allah were all removed. The Burkina Faso Jama’at was established trough him. We have also seen him going there.
Upon the Khilafat Jubilee Jalsa there was a cycle delegation from Burkina Faso. He sent a message that he would welcome them himself into Tamalay. Despite his engagements he went there, which was two-three hundred miles journey and he welcomed them at the border. Hafeez Mashood Sahib says:
‘Once a few years ago, I said that prevalent amongst of people of Africa is that Ahmadies do not do Hadj. And non-ahmadies have spread this far and wide. And I said that this is why our mubaligheen, our missionaries, should go for Hadj and a scheme was started for this purpose.
So Mashood Sahib said that I suggested to Wahab Sahib, that he suggested the names of different people to go for the Hadj. Why do you not go yourself? So he immediately responded, that ‘I am already a Hadji.’ So I could not understand this. So seeing my confusion, Wahab Sahib said:
‘Once during the time of Hadhrat Khalifa-tul Masih, the third, I had intended to go for Hadj, but at the time the minister of religious affairs was a muslim. He directly opposed and blocked me from being granted a Visa. After a short period of time Wahab Sahib met Khalifa-tul Masih the third, who said:
‘What are the reasons for you not being granted a Visa?’ When Wahab Sahib informed him of the reasons, then Hadhrat Khalifa-tul Masih the third remained silent for a short period of time and kept looking at him. Then he said : ‘Just now Allah the Almighty assured me in a vision
That you are doing the Tawa’af and you are circling around the Ka’abah and 60 to 70,000 people are doing the Tawa’af with you.’ So this is why he said that I am already a Hadji. So this does not make any difference to me. Patience was a great quality he had displayed.
One of his son-in-laws was in America, who was martyred. Some robbers or vagabonds attacked him and he was martyred on the spot. On that day in Ja’amia Ahmadiyya Ghana, it was the annual educational award ceremony. Before coming to the programme Ameer Sahib was informed about this killing.
Now evidentially, a father had just found out that his daughter had become a widow. He would naturally be concerned. A grown up daughter with three young children. Ameer Sahib remained three or four hours in the programme and did not let any visible sign be shown on from his face of his concern.
He spent the entire function smiling and in the evening when the entire program finished, he then informed us that this tragedy has occurred and today my daughter has been widowed and my young son-in-law has been killed and martyred. A Russian person Kanat Beg Sahib says
‘In 2008 I had the opportunity to attend the Jalsa Salana. I was invited to come to the residence of Ameer Sahib Ghana . Ameer Sahib met me in his traditional dress, embraced me and he met me in such a manner that my five days of exhaustion through my journey vanished.
He says ‘even now when I look at the pictures I feel the warmth in his hands.’ One aspect of his conduct which I really liked, was that he was seated besides the President of the country. Whilst giving respect to the President, he gave exact the same respect to those on duty,
And that person who was holding the umbrella to block out the son. He asked each one turn by turn, ‘Have you tired? Are you thirsty?’ In other words he would care for the rich and wealthy, but he would equally take care of the poor and impoverished.
We were staying in a guest house, he continues to relate. So when Wahab sahib turned around to see whether the rows are straight or not, so the Russian guest did not have a prayer mat underneath him. Ameer Sahib considered that perhaps he would not be able to offer the prayer properly
On that floor, so Wahab Sahib picked up his own prayer mat and gave it to him. So the next day he would bring two prayer mats. Majid Sahib relates that his connection with Khilafat and the manner in which he obeyed was exemplary. So he related an account.
Last year in the afternoon he came to the office, everyone was eating their lunch. He said he wanted to make a phone call to Ghana. Majid Sahib said that I said to him first have some food and then phone after.
He said no, Khalifatul Masih has given an instruction and I need to convey that right now so that work can start immediately, food can be eaten later. So he phoned conveying my message and he told them to immediately start the work and give a report.
His humility and humbleness was such that whenever he came into the office and would be seated in the office of Majid Sahib, he would stand up for the reason that he would say you are our officer it is our duty to respect you.
Once they were eating lunch in the office and there was excessive salt in the food. Majid Sahib perhaps because of blood pressure does not eat that much salt. So Wahab Sahib silently got up, went to the office and brought his food from there.
He said that I have checked, there is less salt in this. So these are the people who in accordance with the Quranic commandments give preference to other people’s emotions over their own. Qureshi Daud Sahib who has stayed for some time in Ghana also relates
That apart from being a regional missionary, I also had the opportunity to work with him with urdu letters. He always treated everyone with great kindness and love. He said once I went to Pakistan on leave and when I returned I said to one of my friends
That my flight is arriving at 11 o’clock at night so come and collect me. He said when I exited the plane I was astonished beyond bounds. Even at that time at night, Abdul Wahab Adam Sahib was stood at the door from where we
Enter into the airport. After clearing immigration, with prayers he then saw him off. He taught us to write letters to Huzoor with such respect, that when writing urdu letters at times if there was any mistake in the letter, that we were writing to Huzoor,
Then we would try to correct that report with Tipex. He would reject it and say to rewrite the whole letter, because if it is sent like this it is disrespectful. Mirza Naseer Sahib writes, ‘He would not leave off the work to be carried out at another time.’
He would always complete it out there and then. He would complete his work with great passion and effort and then leave. He would also greatly encourage other workers.’ Once a function was being held several hundred kilometres away. He took Mirza Sahib with him. It was a dirt path which was completely broken
And also extremley bumpy. When after a long journey he arrived there, he learned that the event had been postponed. It is very hard and difficult journey. But he did not express anything nor show any anger or displeasure whatsoever. Although the Principal there had previously informed about this,
But the cable could not be received. Many Waqfeen e Zindagees, life devotees, write that sometimes due to the circumstances, milk was not available. So he would immediately make arrangements for it. Similarly Mujeeb Bashir Sahib has written about this.
Then Dr Abdul Kharik Sahib says that once he met me in Rabwah, he did not know me. I told him that I am the son of Maulana Ghulam Bari Sahib. He then got up and embraced me and said you are the son of my teacher and extended me great respect.
Khalid Sahib of Russian desk relates, ‘When I informed him once that I have come from Russia he said that you are very fortunate, you are a very lucky person. I was astonished and said that why is he saying this that you and your missionaries working in Russia are very lucky and fortunate.’
Upon this he responded that it is a prophecy of a prophet the Promised Messiah that the Jamaat will spread there in large numbers and achieve great progress so you are very lucky and blessed that you are a part of this.
So thus he had this complete faith and conviction and he expressed this that Those missionaries who have just entered there, they should also be blessed that they are going to become a part of the history. Similarly Malik Muzzafar Sahib says, that once I realised his political influence
And persuasion, that I was travelling from Accra to Tema, two cities, that on the way was a barrier. There was a newspaper being sold there. I saw Wahab Sahib’s photo on the front page of the newspaper, I enquired from the local missionary who said that just a few weeks ago there was a
General election held in Ghana, and the party won the election with just a small margin, which the government was not accepting. So there was a threat of a lot of disorder on this occasion. Wahab sahib met both parties and made full efforts to bring about peace between the parties.
So this newspaper was reporting this story and the country was admiring his efforts. Shamshad Sahib, who is nowadays a missionary in the USA, but has lived in Ghana, said: ‘Once I was transferred to Sierra Leon, the city I was in, there the people made a
Delegation and went to Wahab Sahib, Ameer sahib, trying to reason with him that Shamshad Sahib should remain in Ghana. Upon this Wahab sahib said ‘look the noble president of the community desires the progress and prosperity of his local community. Regional Chairman desires progress
In his region, the Ameer of his country desires progress of his country, so most of all above us is the Khalifatul Masih, he wishes to see progress all over the world. So therefore who is appointed where is known best by the Khalifa.
If he is being transferred to Sierra Leon from Ghana, then a Khalifa knows that his services are required more there. If we write to the Khalifatul Masih to ask him to not be transferred, this would be against etiquettes.’ It was explained to them that look I respect your sentiments,
However despite this it is our duty to fulfil the directive of the Khalifatul Masih. So thus he greatly further explained to them the importance and significance of Khilafat and its blessings. This is how those people gained further knowledge and understanding into how Khilafat should be respected.
There is one account which is humorous, related by Mubarak Saddiqi Sahib. He says Wahab Adam Sahib came here and one day sat in my taxi and asked me to take him to the London Mosque. So I knew him but he was unacquainted with me.
I have quite a mischievous nature and like to joke. So Mubarak Sahib said to Wahab Sahib why are you going to that Ahmadi mosque? As soon as he heard this Wahab Sahib started preaching to him and said that according to the prophecies of the Holy Prophet the Promised Messiah’s advent
Has occurred, after thorough research we have accepted him, whereas you are sitting idle and have rejected him. So we reached the masjid Fazl and for a long period of time we remained seated and he preached to me. He relates, that I said jokingly to him, but I said it to him seriously
That I have heard that your Kalima is separate. Upon this he said our kalima is La illaha illallahu Muhammadur rasoolullah, Then he grabbed my arm and said come and I will show you the Kalima written on the mosque. So after quite some time I joined my hands together and said I know you
In fact I respect you greatly, I am an Ahmadi and I am a local Qaid. I was only joking. Upon this Wahab Sahib greatly laughed and said if you had not informed me of this, I would have picked you up myself and carried you in. Indeed he would have done so.
Ataul Mujeeb Sahib relates as I have said previously that Wahab Sahib served as Ameer-e-Muqami in Rabwah. Ataul Mujeeb Sahib has written and I also recall this, that for a short period of time Hazrat Khalifatul Masih, the third, went out of Rabwah and he appointed Wahab Sahib as Ameer-e-Muqami.
Maulana Abdul Atta Sahib was appointed as the Naib Ameer and he would always become tearful upon this. Indeed when I was in Ghana he told me on numerous occasions that Hazrat Khalifatul Masih, the third, desired to give me a lesson and counsel me.
Hazrat khalifatul Masih the third had his own manner of doing so. The admonishment was a result of some of reports of some Ghanaians who asserted that when we have our own Ghanaian missionary, who is talented and able why is he not made our Ameer and instead we have a Pakistani Ameer?
The lesson Khalifatul Masih was giving is that you are speaking of Ghana, whilst I am making you the Ameer of Rabwah. So Wahab Sahib himself said ‘it gave me a great lesson.’ This is why then in the Jamaat there he entrenched within them the realisation of the respect for Khilafat.
When recently in the year that he was here, the Ghana Jamaat decided that the Jalsa should not be held because arrangements would not be proper. I expressed some displeasure upon this. I said to Wahab sahib that you have come here
And people behind have begun to think in this manner, so what is going on? Bilal sahib said that Wahab Sahib was quite dejected and melancholy because of this, He would normally always be smiling but on that day he remained in deep thought, phoned him and in a dim voice would say something.
This is the only time when I have seen him serious and visibly concerned, But actually his restlessness was an expression of his love for Khilafat. So after his treatment here, when he returned he made the Aamla write letters of forgiveness to me. That we have made a mistake
And we will hold a Jalsa. With the grace of Allah the Jalsa was held and it was very successful Jalsa and he wrote that the jalsa this year was more successful than in previous years and the facilities were better. So most certainly this was a result of obedience to Khilafat.
In this way in his every decision, he thought that he would obey the Khilafat like a heartbeat. Faheem Bhatti Sahib said that he was very selfless, he said once I went to him although he was ill, he was washing the dishes in the sink.
I said let me wash them and he said no, there is no need at all. He then related an incident. He said once he went to Pakistan on leave and Hazrat Khalifatul Masih the third said, you do not have any holidays,
Go to the villages and work there. Wahab sahib relates that the experience I gained from going to the villages benefitted me greatly. I saw the wisdom in the decision of the Khalifa of the time. Those people who would work all night, Wahab sahib would ask them for tea
And would take care of them himself. Saleem ul Haq Sahib relates, that one day the decision was due from the supreme court of Ghana, when Wahab Sahib was here in the previuos year. I met him after Fajr and he said the TV is broken, please fix it, because I need to give
A report to the Khalifatul Masih regarding this verdict. So he relates that I was not aware of how to fix it but my children will do so. So his children did fix it upon which Wahab Sahib was delighted. He gave them chocolates and he said that you are the warriors
Of the Promised Messiah on whom be peace and he said these youths will become the means of a brighter future and the great progress of the jamaat. Inshallah they will be victorious and this is the way he would encourage them.
Ibrahim Ikhlaf Sahib has also met him, he writes that there was no pretentiousness in him, he had great love and devotion for Khilafat. Whenever any central representative went to Ghana he would respect them greatly. I mentioned that I also had lived in Ghana. I have stayed in Ameer sahibs home
For a few days in the beginning. He would take care of the smallest of matters, including Pakistani food. Not just me but every Pakistani that would go to Ghana, he would take care of them. One good quality of his which I have seen of his is of Nawafil and Tahajjud.
Once after a long journey to the Northern region he came there. It was a very bad road, a long journey with exhaustion, and he arrived at 11 o’clock and had dinner and became free at 12 o’clock. At night I woke and saw outside
And in the courtyard with a mat laid out of the mosque, I saw, in great humility he was offering his Tahajjud and it was 1.30 at night. Who knows how long he was offering it for. He perhaps only slept for half an hour forty-five minutes and said his Nawafil prayers,
Whether tired or anything else he never left saying his Nawafil. Whilst in Tamale, a Murabi, a missionary, before non ahmadies and before me, behaved very badly towards him. Wahab sahib did not say anything. I was angry and I also admonished that missionary.
All Wahab Sahib said in urdu that be careful of the jamaat’s honour and dignity before non-ahmadies but he remained silent otherwise. Then he said to me ‘why do they say such things and what effect will it have on the non- ahmadies?’
So he had lots of pain and all he was concerned off was the jamaat’s honour and dignity. So then such people do not even remain as waqf. That missionary returned to the Markaz and was alleviated, but seeing Wahab sahib’s patience at a time astonished me,
Although he was Ameer, he could have taken any action. When I was yet in Ghana on many occasions he would mention to me with heartfelt pain that some missionaries do make a lot of effort but there are other missionaries
Who do not work better and only respond that we cannot work any harder than this. Whereas they should endeavour to open new avenues of preaching and we should convey the message. What he said was a hundred percent correct. Some people merely assume that the manner they are already adopting
Has been established and should continue following the same line and no new method should be adopted. None the less Wahab Sahib always endeavoured to convey the message of Ahmadiyyat the true message of Islam everywhere, for this he would make personal efforts and he would also expect others to do so.
For this he would remain restless and he would pray. He never had any greed. In Rabwah Pakistan, the Jamaat workers at the very beginning would be given some plots at a cheap price. In the previous year he wrote to me perhaps for the reason that jamaat’s money
Is being spent on his treatment, so in order to compensate this, he said that the plot that was worth hundreds of thousands of rupees, he said I would like to give it to the jamaat and I am doing so. So it is also that he had no worldly greed or adverse at all.
The property worth at least 20-25 hundred thousand rupees, he handed over to the Jamaat. His death was also given great state honour. The president of the country in his state house had his funeral and memorial service with full protocol. The funeral was accompanied by police, the army
And paramilitary forces , cars arranged by the government and he was given full honour. Then there was a memorial service and in the state house different ministers, the president, the vice president all eulogized about him. The representative of the president, the speaker of parliament who is a representative
Of the president and also the vice president was also present there. So he was given full protocol and complete respect and honour. So the different religious leaders there, including Christians, also spoke in a great admiration of him. Fareed Sahib who is the principle of the Jamia Ahmadiyya Ghana
He spoke about the islamic philosphy of life and death in light of the Quran and the Ahadith and with the extracts of the Promised Messiah on whom be peace. So with the grace of the Almighty Allah he was given full protocol and respect and was sent off in this manner.
He was buried in the Musiaan graveyard in Ghana. There was ample coverage in Ghana and also Ghana television and it was broadcast through streaming all over the world. He leaves behind his wife Maryam Wahab Sahiba, four sons and three daughters.
May Allah the Almighty keep all of them in his protection and in peace. May Allah the Almighty enable them to establish such a strong connection with Khilafat, he also demonstrated and he desired from his children. May Allah the Almighty grant those he left behind with patience and tolerance.
May Allah elevate the rank of Wahab Sahib and grant him a position amongst his loved ones. 1:07:40.640,1193:02:47.295 After the Friday prayers I will also inshallah lead his funeral prayers in absentia.