Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2016
I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except God. and I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is His Servant and Messenger After this I seek refuge with Allah, from Satan, the accursed. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds.
The Gracious, the Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help. Guide us in the right path; The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings, those who have not incurred Thy displeasure, and those who have not gone astray.
Every individual who sets foot on this earth will one day depart this world, in fact nothing lasts forever. Some depart God Almighty in their infancy as God summons them to Him, some in their youth, some having reached old age and then there are some who reach the ultimate limit of their lives.
God Almighty has mentioned in the Holy Quran as the “worst part of life” in which one returns back to their childlike dependence and lack of understanding and orientation once again. Eventually, even they depart from this world. Close relatives grieve when their loved ones leave this world irrespective of which age they depart at.
However, when some individuals pass away and leave this world, the circle of people to mourn them is very vast. In the same way, if such an admired personality departs in their youth and all of a sudden, the grief and sorrow is multiplied greatly.
Nevertheless, in the face of every pain, difficulty, sorrow and anguish God Almighty has taught us to be content with His will, through the prayer [ARABIC] “Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.’’ And when the close relatives of the departed one display the utmost patience and utter this prayer,
Then just as God Almighty elevates the status of the deceased, at the same time He ensures the measures are in place to provide comfort to those left behind. In recent days, a very beloved and dear Jamia student, Raza Saleem, passed away in an accident, at the age of 20.
“Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.” A loved one mentioned to me that his friend and his wife went to condole the parents within two hours of receiving news of the accident. He says that his wife was left amazed when the mother of the dearly departed said
“He was an incredibly dear son to me, but the one who has called him is even dearer.” This is the response befitting of a believer, which we see amongst the believers of the Promised Messiah (as). No audible lamentation [was witnessed], indeed there is pain and sorrow.
One tends to cry and is in a state of utter shock. Furthermore, who can suffer more than the mother of the young departed one? Or who can feel this loss more than a father who loses his young son. In regards to the father,
I am told that upon receiving news of the accident he was in a state of the utmost grief. He was crying and also must have been praying at that time. Then, when the situation became clear that he had died and
After a short while when he received news that the death has been confirmed – ‘Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return’-he became calm and composed. Thus, this is the true dignity of a believer. The death of a young son cannot be forgotten easily,
But a believer presents his pain in the presence of the Almighty God, he weeps and begs for satisfaction of the heart whilst praying to elevate the rank of the deceased. On that day I was on my return journey from Germany. I was preparing to depart,
But before the journey began I received the news that an accident has occurred. Then during the journey I received the news that the death has been confirmed. The beloved child’s face constantly appeared before me and I had the opportunity to pray. He was an extremely charming boy.
Since the students of Jamia Ahmadiyya UK meet me on a regular basis, therefore I have a personal connection with every single one of them and familiar with all of them. During the personal meetings if there is any time remaining they would ask questions as well.
In my last meeting with this boy, he had some questions on his mind. In reply to his questions a lot of time elapsed as I explained to him in detail. I remember his father said that Raza was extremely happy that the meeting today lasted
Approximately fifteen or sixteen minutes and that he received an answer to his questions. He always had a special love for Khilafat that sparkled in his eyes. When this dear one entered Jamia, I expected him to take part in sports and leisure activities and thought that he would excel in his sincerity and loyalty,
Just as other Ahmadis who are of that youthful age do. However, this boy proved my estimation to be completely incorrect. He was excellent in his studies as well. He was passionate for sports and excelled in sincerity and loyalty.
He had a deep passion to become an unsheathed sword in defence of Khilafat and faith and as the circumstances about which his friends have written about to me, he proved to be just that. Countless people, including his friends, class fellows, students of Jamia Ahmadiyya,
His siblings and parents have written to me about his qualities and the one thing that almost every person wrote of was his humility, his good nature, his honour for the faith and his connection with and love for Khilafat. His hospitality and respecting the sentiments of others were all among his attributes.
On account of the Holy Prophet (saw), these type of individuals are the ones who are counted amongst those on whom paradise becomes obligatory, about whom every individual praises. And this boy had a distinct passion to serve the faith and perhaps participated in sports
And hiking activities because a healthy body is essential to serve the faith. The people who have written about the profile of this beloved boy, every detail mentioned are in praise of his attributes. Respected Raza Saleem was the son of Mr Saleem Zafar, who works in the office of the Private Secretary.
He passed away due to a hiking accident in Italy on 10th September 2016. ‘Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return’. He was born in Guildford UK on 27th September 1993 and was part of the Waqf-e- Nau scheme.
His family’s connection with Ahmadiyyat originated from his great grandfather, Mr Ala Din sahib, who belonged to a village near Qadian. He performed the pledge of allegiance at the hands of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra). Respected [Raza Saleem] joined Jamia Ahmadiyya UK in 2012.
He was going to become the first missionary of his family. He had completed Darja Salisa [3th Year] and was entering Darja Rabia [4th Year]. He was a Moosi and had completed his form. The process was taking place and I wrote to Majlis Karpardaaz that his Wasiyyat had been approved.
Aside from his parents he leaves behind two sisters and two brothers. Hafiz Ijaz Ahmad Sahib, who is a teacher of Jamia Ahmadiyya UK and in charge of Hiking was also on the trip. Whilst outlining the details of the incident he writes, “We had ascended to the peak of the mountain,
“and spent the night in a hut which was situated approximately 500 meters below the summit. “We had returned from the peak and completed the difficult section of the track. “We were accompanied by 10 other hikers. “The next morning around 8am they left the hut and started the descent.
“At that time the weather was perfectly fine. “We were descending in a line when all of a sudden Raza Saleem slipped on a rock “and was unable to balance himself. “Due to the slope he started moving forwards but was unable to control himself and fell head first.
“Despite wearing a helmet he suffered head injuries. “According to the doctors he stopped breathing on impact or perhaps due to his unconsciousness “or due to the impact, either way he fell straight down.” He says “I tried to grab hold of him but was unsuccessful.
“Then I called out to another student, Humayon, who was going ahead. “He also tried to grasp him and although Humayon got a hand to him, he was unable to stop him. “Raza Saleem fell down quite a distance. Having witnessed the accident other students attempted
“to chase after him however I stopped them, as there was a chance of a greater loss. “After this, with the help of other hikers I took the rest of the students back as “they had climbed down quite a distance. “None of the hikers had the courage to walk due to the shock.
“Straight after the accident, emergency services were alerted, “a helicopter arrived within 20 minutes. “Raza was visible to us and we signalled his whereabouts to the helicopter “at which point they dropped one of their crew members. “Until all the students returned to the helipad the news of his death was not disclosed.
“When all the students arrived safely at the helipad, “it was at that point the emergency services confirmed the death of Raza Saleem. “Then within one hour all the students were airlifted to the nearest town. “At the time of the accident the weather was absolutely clear and
“the track we used was called the ‘normal to peak’ track. “His father Mr Saleem visited that place. “He also told me that local people came to meet him “and told him that it was a completely normal track and was not difficult at all. “Also that their children use that track regularly.
“An elderly gentlemen met them and said that he used that same track on a daily basis. “It is said that all people young and old walk along that track. “All of the locals who came to know of the accident came and
“said that although the track was not difficult, it seems that it was destined by God Almighty.” I have explained all the details of the incident because some people are spreading false information through messaging on phones and WhatsApp; some said he went out alone, the weather was awful,
All the measures were not in place or perhaps they did not have the right equipment. Even though the local newspaper reported that all of them were wearing the necessary equipment. People who wish to comment should use some sense. In times like these instead of passing inappropriate comments, people should express sympathy and compassion.
In all this no blame rests on the administration neither on any individual. God Almighty has a time that is destined for all and his time had come. Whether the rock slipped or anything else, whether he felt dizzy. Nevertheless, whatever the reason maybe, it was destiny.
Perhaps God Almighty had only written such a life span. The rest of the children who were with him are in a state of shock. May Allah grant them courage and strength and may they return quickly back to their normal lives.
Nobody can forget the memories, as I mentioned before friends will continue his remembrance. However, there should not be any sense of despair and desolation, nor should there be any fear, especially among the Jamia students. Saleem Zafar sahib writes, “He was my very beloved son.
“He possessed many virtues, of which I will mention a few. “He would always speak the truth. If he had made a mistake, he would never cover it up. “He would not worry about getting reprimanded. “It was his practice to admit his mistake and remain steadfast on the truth.
“He was very loving towards children. He would love his sister’s children a lot. “He was so sensitive that if his sister would scold her children then he would begin to cry. “He would say, ‘Children cannot be reformed by physical punishment’.”
He mentioned to me about his Mulaqat and has also written about it that “Whenever he had a Mulaqat, he would very joyously call and inform us that he had a Mulaqat today.” He further adds, “He would include us in such happy moments.
“Before going in for his Mulaqat, he would always ask for a nail cutter, saying ‘I am about to go inside and I don’t want my nails to cause any pain while shaking hands’. ” How many people are there who take note of such intricate details?
“He would take joy by giving things to others. “From his very childhood when we would bring chocolate or other things “which were supposed to last at least a week but if he got his hands on them the very first day, “he would distribute them to his fellow students.
“Even during Jamia studies, those boys who were from abroad and outside of London “and therefore could not visit their homes, he would invite them to his home over the weekend. “He would inform his mother or sister at home and say,
‘this many friends are coming with me and they will eat with us so please have food ready’.” “If we gave him anything to eat as he would be going to the hostel, so he should keep it, “however he would only take it if it was enough for his roommates
“and if it was not enough he would leave it saying, ‘I cannot eat secretly’.” He further states, “he would sometimes even bring his friends’ clothes home for laundry and “would say, ‘these are my friend’s clothes and if they could be washed and ironed.’ “He had a very loving relationship with his siblings.
“He would do their work and serve them with utmost responsibility. “He was careful when it came to spending on his own being.” One cannot say that he acted niggardly, rather he was not extravagant. However, he was very generous towards others.
And as I have stated that, by the Grace of Allah, his Wassiyyat has been approved. “He had overwhelming love for the Promised Messiah (as) and Khilafat and he would never listen to anything against this. “He would never stay quiet if he heard anything against this.” [His father] says,
“His face would always turn red if he heard anything about this regardless of who said it.” He adds, “We had to take care of his needs ourselves because he was very patient “and would never ask for anything. “During studies, he would always provide great help in English
“to students from abroad, particularly those from Europe.” Some very senior boys also wrote to me that he would help them a lot during their English exams. “There was no such thing as anger in him. He was always seen laughing and smiling.” And everyone has written about this trait of his.
“He would take part in telling clean jokes and would enjoy listening to them as well. “He was very punctual in prayers.” His father states, “He was a Waqf-e-Nau to begin with “but Allah also granted him the honour to become a Waqf-e-Zindagi [life devotee] as well.
“According to his ability, he took his share of the divine attribute “of being truthful by always speaking the truth. “It was my lasting desire that he should serve the Ahmadiyyat Muslim Movement as a missionary.” [His father] also said this to me and I told him that this boy had already become a missionary
Even before completing his education in Jamia. I will share some incidents regarding his passion for the moral training of others and Tabligh . As I mentioned before that this journey was undertaken in order to acquire a healthy body. So in this regard it should be called a religious journey.
May Allah the Almighty continue to exalt his ranks. May He grant him a place amongst His near ones. His father writes “He went to Manchester for Waqf-e-Arzi [period of voluntary service]. “Someone placed an envelope in his pocket the day he was to return.
“He opened the envelope and looked at it. There was some money in it. Raza thanked the person, returned the envelope and said ‘Uncle, we are not allowed to take this’.” The same person wrote to me a few days later that a small boy who is becoming a missionary came here
And he has astonished them. If such children became missionaries then certainly a spiritual reformation can take place in the Jama’at and he wrote to me how he had given him that amount and he [Raza] had refused to accept it and he completed his work with immense diligence.
His mother writes, “My son was obedient to his parents and the Jama’at. “As such, every child has a relationship with their parents, “however his relationship of love with me was very unique. “He was very caring, obedient and “he would speak about even the smallest of matters in a very good manner.
“He would treat both youngsters and elders in a very loving manner. “Whenever he was home he would help me with the house chores. He would ask me in short intervals ‘You are tried. Shall I help out?’ He could never see me in distress and would say,
‘There should not be any tears in your eyes’. “Immediately after returning from Jamia, “he would ask how everyone had been throughout the week with great concern. “During his childhood when Khalifah Messih IV (rh) would visit Islamabad, “he would run out after coming home from school saying that
‘I am going to visit Huzur (rh) and will go for a walk as well’.” Dr Nusrat Jahan Sahiba from Rabwah, who is here and is very sick these days -May Allah grant her good health- had a good relationship with this household.
He [Raza] would say that “I pray for her a lot and may Allah the Almighty grant her health”. May Allah the Almighty accept his prayers for her as well. She writes “I saw a dream Friday night that a lot of people are visiting my house and
“many photos are being taken. I got up scared and told my husband that “I saw a dream which has scared me and I do not have a good feeling about it. “So please give Sadqa [Charity] first thing in the morning.
“He said that ‘I will give Sadqa when I go to the office’ but “even before that this sad news was received.” His mother says, “Whenever I would buy some clothes “and give it to him, he would wear it with without complaining and would immensely appreciate it.
“He was extremely hospitable. He would never forget if someone had invited him over. “Whenever he would meet them or they would visit Islamabad, he would come home immediately “and say that such and such people are visiting. Please make food and invite them over.”
She further says “Before he left for his trip, he taught me how to type Urdu in my phone, “saying ‘because you have to ask other siblings about my condition but now you can write to me ‘in Urdu and I will respond to you myself directly’.” She says, “Whatever advice I would give,
“he would try his best to act accordingly and this is what he told his friends. “He established a relation with Khilafat. “He strived to act according to every little commandment of the Jama’at.” His mother says, “Once he said to me, ‘Mother, I desire to become
‘such a good missionary that I am able to do a lot of Tabligh for the Jama’at and ‘convert so many people to Ahmadiyyat that you become proud of me’.” His sister Rafiya Sahiba says, “He was a very loving brother. “He was the youngest but his thinking was very deep.
“Despite being the youngest he would be considerate of everyone and “he would converse with people of every age group according to their age. “And to this day he has not hurt anyone’s feelings. “He would listen to everything carefully and would respond very respectfully.”
Those people who would visit Islamabad for work, some workers would go for repairs or during the construction of the Lajna Hall, he would also take care of them. He would send them tea or other food items.
He would serve them all the time and people would say that he is the only one who takes care of us. His brother Asad Saleem says, “He had a very simple disposition. He would say whatever was right and truthful. “Just recently we had purchased a new car for him and surprised him.”
Both his brothers have good jobs. They purchased a car for their younger brother. He says, “The very first thing which he asked about this car was its price and “he said that ‘as a missionary I should live a simply life and not take expensive things’.”
His sister, Amatul Hafeez sahiba writes, “One of his virtues was that he did not “like to hear negative things about anyone. He had the skill to transform negative thoughts “of people to positive ones. He would say that we should look at the virtues of people and
“instead of speaking about their evils we should pray about it. “One example of the simplicity in his disposition is that when his mother would give him “new clothes for Eid but after wearing them, he would be worried lest these clothes might “be unnecessarily formal and ostentatious.
“For this reason he would wear something old over it, like a jacket for instance.” Quddus Sahib, who is a teacher at Jamia Ahmadiyya and was also with him [on the hike] says “I know Raza Saleem from childhood. “When he enrolled at Jamia I was in my Final year.
“Thus although in Jamia I only spent a year with him, we often spent time together “carrying out duties at Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Tarbiyyati classes, Ijtemas and Jalsa Salana.” Sadr Khuddamul Ahmadiyya also informed me that Raza Saleem did excellently in the Q & A sessions with Khuddam at the Ijtemas [youth gatherings].
Quddus Sahib writes “Raza Saleem would give duty in the hygiene department” The name ‘hygiene’ is specifically given however it infers cleaning up and so on. “He never complained as to why he had been assigned to this department. “Rather he devotedly carried out this duty with great effort and commitment.
“I had the opportunity to teach him at Jamia. He was a very capable student. “He would sit right at the front very attentively. He always smiled when speaking. “I do not remember him ever expressing any anger, instead he always aimed to help others.
“He was keen on cricket however if he wanted to go and check the score, “he would always seek permission from the teachers first. “During this hike we spent a night in a hut , “in which there was a toilet without a lock on its door.
“Everyone asked him to stand at the door and he did so very happily. “He went on to say that if any of us needed to use it at night, “they could feel completely free to wake him up. “He was due to go to Croatia with his classmate Zafir after the hike.
“However Zafir hurt his eye and Raza would repeatedly express his concern and “said that as soon as the hike was over, they would arrange a check-up in the hospital for him. “Raza Saleem was a very devoted Waqif-e-Zindagi. His outstanding qualities were being hard working,
“being very committed and always treating others with high morals and etiquettes.” Similarly another teacher of Jamia Ahmadiyya, Zaheer Khan Sahib writes, “For the last two years I had the opportunity to teach Raza’s class. “One of the unique qualities I saw in this child was that whatever task was assigned to him,
“he would render it with great effort, dedication and with a sense of responsibility. “At times, I noticed that if the other children assigned to that particular task wondered off “here and there, however he would remain occupied in fulfilling that task and
“would continue doing so with all his effort until the task was not completed. “A great quality of Raza Saleem was that he would never ask unnecessary questions, “but whenever he did, they would always be related to the allegations levelled “against Islam and Ahmadiyyat from the Western part of the world, and at times,
“he would say that he was speaking to a non-Muslim or a non-Ahmadi “and he asked such and such question. “Thus, it is as if God Almighty had placed a burning desire in him for the defence of Islam and “Ahmadiyyat and for responding to the allegations levelled against it.
“A few times, Raza sat with me in order to get a lift and on two occasions “his USB fell out of his pocket in the car. The USB stick would contain the audio recordings “of Promised Messiah’s (as) books and had nothing inappropriate or anything vain.” Another teacher, Syed Mashood Ahmad writes
“He was a part of my tutorial group and alongside the syllabus, “he would take an extraordinary interest in taking part in educational and sporting activities. “His general knowledge level was much higher than the other students”. He further states,
“last year, in order to take part in the Bait Baazi competition [reciting couplets from poems] “he memorised over five hundred couplets and a very notable quality in regards to this was that “he did not just simply memorise them, in fact he would try and understand their meaning
“and for this he would seek help from senior students and teachers.” He also says, “Raza Saleem had a great passion for Tabligh . Last year he was sent to Wolverhampton Jama’at “for Waqf-e-Arzi [voluntary service], during the course of which he distributed leaflets
“and also put up a number of Tabligh stalls alon with the other members of the Jama’at. “There, he came across an Englishman, who was a very active Christian, “and he was very astonished when he learnt [from Raza] about the Promised Messiah’s (as)
“findings in regards to Jesus surviving the crucifixion and migrating towards Kashmir. “After this, he invited him to the mosque and gave him a tour of it and “remained in contact with him for Tabligh . “Similarly, he would always be ready to go for distributing leaflets
“and setting up Tabligh stalls with the local jama’at of Islamabad and Jamia.” Last year some of the students from his class or from Jamia travelled to Spain in the Summer. I told them that they should distribute a minimum of fifty thousand leaflets
And by the grace of Allah the Almighty this group managed to distribute 50,500 leaflets. Mansoor Zia Sahib, a teacher of Jamia writes “He was a student with a very gentle disposition. I never saw a sign or trace of anger on his face. However, if anyone ever levelled any unlawful criticism against Khilafat or
“the doctrines of the Jama’at, then I noticed that there was extreme anger in his face. “This is a clear proof that his entire being was filled with the love for Khilafat and “a sense of honour for it.” Regarding his attachment to Khilafat and seeking religious knowledge,
He further states, “whenever I would mention anything about the Friday Sermon or “assessed [the students] about the sermon, Raza would be able to recall many things from it. “He would listen to the sermon very intently.” He further adds which is something that everyone has mentioned
And that is, “I observed that he had great passion for Tabligh . “It was his habit to preach to non-Ahmadis through social media. “He would make great effort in order to prepare the comprehensive responses to “the allegations of the non-Ahmadis with the help of his teachers.”
One of his class fellows, Safeer Ahmad writes, “I am from Belgium and he was aware of this and knew that I did not go back home on the weekends. “And so, he would always invite me to his house to have home-cooked meals.
“Also, my English is weak and so he would teach me English and help me prepare for my exams.” Similarly another student, Shazaib Atthar writes, “he had a very gentle disposition, he would meet others with great happiness “and was always ready to help others.”
He states, “we were sent for Waqf-e-Arzi and we setup a Tabligh stall in the market. “Two Christians came and Raza introduced the Jama’at to them in a very beautiful manner. “Raza’s knowledge was very extensive and had a great passion for Tabligh .
“He would never speak to anyone with an angry tone. “He would gather all the boys and make plans for excursions.” He further adds, “I recall an incident from 2014 when me and Raza setup a Tabligh stall during our Waqf-e-Arzi .
“Shortly before we were about to leave, some people from Britain First came to us, “who are against Islam and were distributing their leaflets. When they approached us, “they began to ask Raza questions with a very angry tone. “However, he was very soft and gentle while responding to all of their questions
“and eventually they understood that we are not among those Muslims who are extremists.” Another student of Jamia, Zafir, says, “I was sitting with him in the classroom and “all of a sudden he got hold a of a board marker and said,
‘Zafir! We are wasting so much of our time in Jamia’ and began writing up the timetable. “He would then highlight the free slots and say, ‘we should also do something during this time ‘and make it more productive rather than wasting our time.’
“He also had planned to sit with his teachers during his spare time and study various subjects. “The same boy, who has been mentioned earlier in regards to sustaining a minor injury to his eye, “he says, ‘I sustained an injury to my eye and right up until the very end,
“he would continuously say, ‘Zafir, as soon we get to the bottom, we shall go to the hospital, ‘so that you can get proper treatment.” He also says that before the incident took place, while they were descending from the mountain, if ever his foot slipped
Zafir’s foot would often slip, Raza would worry and would tell him to walk cautiously. He further adds, “last year while hiking, I became ill due to the high altitude “and which is known as altitude sickness.” He says, “he would keep comforting me and enquire about my condition but
“little did I know that destiny had something else in plan. After coming back to Jamia from the weekends, “he would have always come back having learnt about the allegations “levelled against the Jama’at and would then seek their answers from the teachers.” Another student of Jamia, Hafiz Taha, writes
“He was greatly attached to Khilafat and had a deep love for it. “He would never tolerate a word said against Khilafat and against the Nizaam-e-Khilafat. “Once, someone who had drifted away from the Jama’at said something incorrect about Khilafat “and Raza said to him, ‘I can listen to everything you say but
‘I cannot tolerate a word about or against Khilafat’.” Another student, Danial, writes “After going hiking last year, we were all taking lessons from Hafiz Ijaz regarding the next hike “and Raza was very happy and we were all making videos on our phone and sharing them with one another.
“He would always try and keep everyone of us happy. “He would always make an effort to ensure that time was not wasted “and every week, he would be reading a new book. “He would strive to become regular in Tahajjud and
“would tell his friends to strictly wake him at the time for Tahajjud if he was still sleeping. “Aside from Jamia studies, he also had great interest in gaining worldly knowledge also. “He took a lot of interest in general knowledge and learning couplets from poems “and would take part in them.”
In short, people have written countless number of incidents. May Allah the Almighty elevate the status of the deceased and grant him a place at the feet of his loved ones. As I mentioned earlier that even before passing out from Jamia, this child was an excellent missionary and preacher and
Had an extremely great a sense of honour and regard for Khilafat. May Allah the Almighty enable all the students from all the Jamia around the world to also increase in their devotion and loyalty and fulfil their obligations. His friends should not simply limit themselves to counting his qualities,
Rather fulfilling the right of a true friend is that they should now inculcate those qualities within themselves and should utilise all their faculties towards the service of faith. May I and the future Khulafa continue to be given excellent helpers.
May Allah the Almighty grant the parents and also the brothers and sisters comfort to the heart and the manner in which they have all shown patience and contentment at the will of Allah, may they continue to remain firm on that and continue to receive the blessings of Allah.
May Allah the Almighty protect them from all kinds of future trials and difficulties. After the prayer, the Namaaz-e-Janaza [funereal prayer] will take place. The funeral is present here, therefore I shall go outside and lead the funereal prayer and members should remain here and organise their lines here. All praise is due to Allah.
We laud Him, we beseech help from Him and ask His protection; we confide in Him, we trust Him alone and we seek protection against the evils and mischief of our souls and from the bad results of our deeds. Whomsoever He guides on the right path, none can misguide him;
And whosoever He declares misled, none can guide him onto the right path. And we bear witness that none deserves to be worshipped except Allah. We bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is His servant and Messenger. O servants of Allah! May Allah be merciful to you.
Verily, Allah commands you to act with justice, to confer benefits upon each other and to do good to others as one does to one’s kindred and forbids evil which pertain to your own selves and evils which affect others and prohibits revolts against a lawful authority. He warns you against being unmindful.
You remember Allah; He too will remember you; call Him and He will make a response to your call. And verily divine remembrance is the highest virtue.