Ahmadi Muslim VideoTube Friday Sermon Khalifa V Friday Sermon | November 5, 2021 | 4K ULTRA HD

Friday Sermon | November 5, 2021 | 4K ULTRA HD

Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2021

Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that Muhammad (sa) is the Messenger of Allah

I bear witness that Muhammad (sa) is the Messenger of Allah Come to Prayer Come to Prayer Come to success Come to success Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest There is none worthy of worship except Allah Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.

I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah. He is One and has no partner. and I bear witness that Muhammad (sa) is His Servant and Messenger. After this I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.

All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. The Gracious, The Merciful, Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help. Guide us in the right path – The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings,

Those who have not incurred displeasure, and those who have not gone astray. One of the qualities of a believer, as mentioned by Allah Almighty in the Holy Qur’an, is that they spend their pure wealth in the cause of Allah the Almighty in order to acquire His pleasure.

At times, Allah Almighty has mentioned spending one’s wealth and has merely said that those who do so are believers. At other instances, He has mentioned this whilst drawing our attention towards giving charity and at times, He has made a mention of spending one’s wealth in relation to Zakat (almsgiving).

Furthermore, in relation to those who make sacrifices and spend their wealth in the cause of God Almighty, He has also laid out how and where this wealth should be spent. It is the practice of divine communities that they spend their wealth in the cause of Allah Almighty

In order to purify it and in order to acquire the blessings and pleasure of Allah Almighty, and in the same manner, financial sacrifices are made in the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community as well. The members of the Community are aware that this is a commandment of Allah Almighty

And they are also aware of how these sacrifices are spent. The mission with which the Promised Messiah (as) was sent, i.e. to establish the unity of Allah Almighty across the world and to raise aloft the flag of Islam and the Holy Prophet (sa) across the world, is not an ordinary task.

To spread this message across the world is an extremely vast undertaking. Nevertheless, this requires expenses and by the grace of Allah Almighty, the members of the Jama’at understand this commandment of Allah Almighty and spend their wealth in His cause and try to fulfill these requirements. By observing the extraordinary sacrifices

Made by Ahmadis spread across various countries of the world, a person acquires even greater certainty in the fact that the Promised Messiah (as) was that very Appointed One by Allah Almighty, through whom the beautiful teachings of Islam were to spread across the world in the latter days.

If the opponents were to carefully look merely at this sign and they do this after removing the rancor from their hearts and in a just manner, then this very sign of the truthfulness of Ahmadiyyat would be enough to cleanse their hearts from their unjust opposition.

However, their hearts are even harder than stones, particularly those of the so-called scholars. Nevertheless, their matter is with God Almighty. As I mentioned, Ahmadis spend their wealth in the cause of God Almighty with the intention of helping to fulfill the mission of the Promised Messiah (as)

And raising the flag of the Holy Prophet (sa) across the world. There is no doubt that Allah Almighty has promised the believers that whatever wealth you spend in the cause of Allah Almighty, He will return it manifold. However, there are many such Ahmadis

Who have the intention of merely acquiring the pleasure of God Almighty and if they receive any worldly benefits then this is the grace of Allah Almighty. Their way of thinking is for Allah Almighty to be pleased with their sacrifice and for these sacrifices to provide them with a good reckoning (in the hereafter).

The Ahmadiyya Community is not a community of billionaires. Rather, the majority of the members are poor or people of an average income. Despite this, they are filled with a spirit of sacrifice. They continuously endeavor to play a part in the rejuvenation of Islam.

As such, even their small sacrifices find acceptance with Allah Almighty and they bear fruits worth millions of pounds. Hence, the main thing is for Allah the Almighty to accept these sacrifices. Despite its limited resources, by the grace of Allah the Almighty whatever project the Jama’at initiates

Is granted such blessings that those who observe the Jama’at think that perhaps the Jama’at is spending many millions of pounds on this project. However, they do not know that this money has been donated by those poor people whose wealth has been greatly blessed

And as a result of which even our small projects seem huge. I would also like to mention here that when the Jama’at grows, then people of various mind-sets, as well as those who do not have much knowledge (of the Nizam-e-Jama’at) or even those who have been Ahmadi for a long time

But do not have much knowledge (of the Nizam-e-Jama’at), they often discuss these issues at home and also in front of their children as well which causes questions to be raised in their minds. As a result they question the need of paying Chanda.

Firstly, it is the duty of the office-holders to remove these doubts from the minds of people through their own conduct and actions. They should help people develop a sense of trust so that people know that the Chanda they give is for particular projects and that is what the Chanda is spent on.

Secondly, they should explain to them in a loving manner about the significance of financial sacrifices and the importance it holds in the sight of Allah. It is the financial sacrifices that people offer as a result of which they attain the pleasure of Allah the Almighty.

With regards to where these financial sacrifices are spent: it is spent for the propagation of Islam. We also have a TV channel and a large amount of money is spent towards this. Also for the publication of books and the Holy Qur’an.

These funds are also spent towards the education of poor children and to feed the hungry. It is spent towards the training of the missionaries and the Tabligh carried out through them. Mosques are being constructed. Similarly, there are various other projects of the Jama’at.

I have not said this because God-forbid a lot of people have started to ask these questions. The reason why I have mentioned this is because when the Jama’at grows, then due to its spread the mischievous people and also those who seek to create evil enter the community and try to cause disorder.

Such people try to create doubts in the minds of those who are less trained. By the grace of Allah the Almighty, the members of the Jama’at have a very firm belief that resources are needed for the administrative structure of the Jama’at to function

And that it is the commandment of Allah the Almighty to spend in His way. Thus, there are countless examples in the Jama’at, where despite having nothing themselves, they spend – through some means or another – in order to attain the pleasure of Allah, and Allah never allows such sacrifices to go to waste.

Allah the Almighty then grants them according to His promise: “And will provide for him from whence he expects not.” Allah the Almighty fulfils His promise; Ahmadis are not such that they only read this in the Qur’an, but they see this being fulfilled even today and write about their experiences. I will present some of these examples; these are not incidents of the past,

In fact Allah the Almighty is strengthening the faith of believers even today. This not only strengthens the faith and is of benefit to those upon whom Allah bestows His grace directly, but also strengthens the faith of those who are near to them. Owing to them, they also develop a realisation

And try to excel in financial sacrifices so that they too can attain the pleasure of Allah. As I mentioned earlier, I will present a few examples from the letters that people write to me about the ways in which Allah the Almighty blesses them.

One example has been written by the missionary-in-charge of Guinea Conakry; he writes that when he read out some faith inspiring incidents from my sermon to members of the Jama’at and said that they ought to set such examples as well; subsequently Maimoona Sahiba called him and said

That she did not have any money to spend on her household needs, and that her husband was out of town owing to his work. After the Friday prayers, her father gave her 100,000 Guinean Francs as a gift. She says that she was in two minds

Whether she ought to pay (Tahrik-e-Jadid) chanda or spend it on household needs. She then prayed and gave half the amount, i.e. 50,000 Francs, towards chanda. She says: “24-hours had not passed “when miraculously I was bestowed 300,000 Francs by Allah the Almighty “from where I could not even imagine I would receive money.

“Upon this, I thanked Allah the Almighty “for granting me the opportunity to make the correct decision.” She says that it also increased her in her faith. A president from a Jama’at in Canada writes that when the secretary for Tahrik-e-Jadid enquired

About the total outstanding amount from the members who were not able to pay, it turned out to be a small amount – $325 – which is a small amount considering their (Canada’s financial) situation. She says: “I thought that I would pay it from myself.

“But when I checked my account, I did not have any money left. “In fact, the account was in minus as I had spent $3 more.” She then says: “However, when I checked the account the following day, “I was left astonished as there was more than $3000 in my account.”

She says that this was an amount that had been pending for quite some time and there was no chance of receiving this amount. However, when Allah the Almighty saw her intention to pay the remaining amount, He ensured the means so that she immediately received

That amount which had been pending for a long time. Then Shaheen Sahib, a member from South Africa writes: “I paid my chanda for Tahrik-e-Jadid and gave half the amount in my bank account.” He says that it was not a substantial amount

But he thought that since it was the last month for the Tahrik-e-Jadid year, if he did not pay then, he may not get another opportunity. He says that he paid the amount. On the same day his father came to visit him

And said that he had transferred some money to him for his use and would receive it soon. Shaheen Sahib says that the amount he received from his father was 20 times the amount he had paid for chanda Tahrik-e-Jadid.

He says that he paid chanda on the amount he received from his father as well, thinking that since Allah the Almighty bestowed him a greater amount from where he did not expect it, on the same day he paid this second amount, he received a phone call from his boss,

Informing him that they were willing to offer him a job in Dubai if he wished to go. Nonetheless, he agreed to go and in this way he was granted a very good job abroad. He says: “These two incidents were not coincidences,

“rather I am convinced that this was the grace of Allah the Almighty “because of giving chanda and offering this sacrifice.” A missionary from Australia writes: “A member from the Jama’at said that he pledged to give chanda, “but his financial situation was not good. “He said that when he paid the amount,

“he was convinced that Allah the Almighty “that Allah would grant him a hundred-fold in return as this is His promise. “(Some people also have this thinking) “He had bought a plot, which hardly expected to increase in value. “However, after paying the chanda

“he says that miraculously the profit on the plot increased 100 fold. “He says that after this he was fully convinced “that Allah the Almighty accepted his sacrifice and bestowed His grace.” The missionary in Kazakhstan writes that a devoted Ahmadi local, Ali Bek Sahib gave 10,000 Tenge (which is the local currency there)

Towards chanda Tahrik-e-Jadid and after giving his chanda he left for work. He says: “A few days later, a senior executive of the company called me “and said that since the company had made extraordinary profit, “the company had decided to give three employees a bonus of 100,000 (Tenge) for their hard work.”

He then says: “Allah the Almighty gave me ten times the amount I gave towards chanda “and I never expected to receive it.” A member from Birmingham, UK says: “I pledged allegiance in 2016 along with my family. “At the time, I was facing severe financial difficulties and was in a lot of debt.

“After entering the Jama’at, when I began paying my chanda according to my means, “in fact on occasions I gave more than what I could afford in certain initiatives, “in the early days that I had pledged allegiance, “my wife had to set up a Tabligh stall in a school.

“I took a day off work to look after the children. “Owing to this leave from work, I suffered a loss of £100. “At the time my financial situation was very difficult and this was a very big amount.” Nonetheless, he says: “I thought to myself that it is Allah’s work

“and one should make a sacrifice for this, and so I took a day off work. “However, Allah had other plans. “As soon as my wife finished and came home, “my boss called me saying that if I can come to work within the hour “as there is urgent work that has just come up.”

He further says: “I left immediately and on that day I only worked for one hour, “but received the full day’s wages of £100. “When I came come and told my wife (both of them had recently accepted Ahmadiyyat), “we remained elated for many days owing to Allah the Almighty’s grace upon us

“and we thanked Him.” Wakeel-ul-Maal Tahrik-e-Jadid Qadian says: “There is a member of the Jama’at in the state of Kerala, India, who is very wealthy. “He is a well off businessman “and is extremely passionate about giving Tahrik-e-Jadid chanda, etc. “Each year he gives a large sum towards it.”

He further says: “Owing to the Coronavirus situation, “his situation was such that he did not have the means to give a large amount. “He paid his Hissa Amad, etc., and other contributions, “but did not have enough for Tahrik-e-Jadid. “He said: ‘Allah the Almighty has always granted me ‘the opportunity to give chanda (Tahrik-e-Jadid).

‘But at present my situation is such that there is no means for me to pay.’” Nonetheless, he had full trust in Allah that He would provide him the means to pay it. He further says: “Just two days before the end (of the Tahrik-e-Jadid year)

“he gave a substantial amount of 1 million (Indian) rupees towards Tahrik-e-Jadid.” He says that during the Friday Sermon, the missionary reminded people about paying chanda Tahrik-e-Jadid and also narrated some incidents taken from my sermons. This gentleman was so affected by them that instead of presenting 1 million rupees,

He gave 1.8 million rupees for chanda Tahrik-e-Jadid. Owing to this he was convinced that he would secure the governmental project and said that if he secured the project, he would give an even greater amount for Tahrik-e-Jadid. Nonetheless, by the grace of Allah, even amongst the affluent Ahmadi members

There are those who have a passion to offer sacrifices and the money they earn, instead of hiding it away, they strive to spend it in the way of Allah. Habib Sahib, a missionary from Burkina Faso writes, “Saure Saeedo Sahib is one of our members. “He still had to pay 1,700 CFA (for Tahrik-e-Jadid)

“and there was only one week remaining before the end of the year. “In any case, he made the effort and paid 2,000 CFA “which was a little more than what he had to pay. “He says that not even an hour had passed since he paid his Chanda

“that one of his acquaintances sent him 10,000 CFA “and then an hour later he sent another 10,000 CFA. “His friend then phoned him and said that he sent him 20,000 CFA as a gift. “Saeedo Sahib stated that this friend of his had never sent him any money before that

“and that it was the first time. “He stated that he paid 20,000 CFA “and Allah the Almighty granted him double the amount within two hours.” Thus, through this people’s faith is strengthened. The Muallim of the Lungi region in Sierra Leone, Abdullah Sahib, writes, “Pajeng Kain Sahib is an elderly member of the Jama’at.

“Last year his promise for Tahrik-e-Jadid was 25,000 Leone. “This year he promised to pay 50,000 Leone but was also facing some financial difficulties. “When an announcement was made regarding the collection of the Tahrik-e-Jadid, “he enquired what his promise was from the missionary. “When he was informed that it was 50,000 Leone,

“he was astonished as to how 50,000 Leone had been written “because it was not possible for him to pay that much. “He was told that in fact he himself had written the promise. “Upon this he became silent. “A week later, he attended an Ansar meeting and informed them

“that he had a total of 60,000 Leone and he had left 20,000 Leone at home “and brought the remaining 40,000 Leone to contribute towards the Chanda for Tahrik-e-Jadid “and that he did not even have any money now for his return journey.

“In any case, I told him that since he had offered a sacrifice in the way of Allah the Almighty, “He will provide the means for it. “He began to walk home on foot and on the way he happened to meet an old friend of his.

“He had not met him since a long time and so they began talking. “When the friend was about to leave, “he took out 30,000 Leone and gave it to this elderly gentleman as a gift. “He then stated that he knew a lady and went to visit her to enquire about her health.

“When he was about to leave from there, “she gave him 10,000 Leone in order to cover the fare for his journey home. “He states that in this way Allah the Almighty granted him the money “which he had paid towards the Chanda for Tahrik-e-Jadid.

“He then paid the remaining amount of the 50,000 Leone he had promised. “He then states that he was granted another blessing as well. “One of his relatives, who lived in abroad phoned him “and said that he had not spoken to him for a while

“and that he was gifting him 400,000 Leone as a gift. “Thus, he was not only granted the same amount in return, “but in fact Allah the Almighty granted him ten times the amount. “He said that he was not only able to offer a sacrifice,

“but it also proved to be a means to strengthen his faith.” The missionary of the Bako region in Guinea Conakry writes, “We held a ‘Tahrik-e-Jadid Week’ for the collection of Tahrik-e-Jadid Chanda. “We drew the attention of the members during the Friday Sermon “and also visited the houses of the members.

“We visited the house of a very devout member, Jibraeel Sahib, “who is a carpenter by profession and reminded him to pay the (Tahrik-e-Jadid) Chanda. “Jibraeel Sahib stated that at the time he only had 20,000 Franc “which he had kept to cover his expenses, however donated it all towards his Chanda.

“He said that he did not have anything else besides that, “but prayed that may Allah the Almighty accept his sacrifice. “Jibraeel Sahib states that he had prepared a wooden bed frame three months ago “in order to sell it but no one was buying it. “He states that very soon after paying his Chanda,

“someone came and purchased the bed for 500,000 Francs. “Upon this, Jibraeel Sahib immediately phoned one of our missionaries “and told him that not only did Allah the Almighty accept his sacrifice, “but granted him manifold in return. “He also narrated this incident to his friends as well in order to strengthen their faith.”

Munir Hussain Sahib, who is a missionary in Freetown, Sierra Leone, writes, “There is a Khadim, Sufi Songo Sahib, who is a student “and currently residing in the mosque for the purpose of his studies. “(He had heard my sermon or perhaps a recording of last year’s sermon on Tahrik-e-Jadid

“(wherein I mentioned about those people who had offered financial sacrifices). “He says that he heard the sermon very intently “and was filled with great passion and a zeal “to also have the opportunity to offer financial sacrifice. “However, the difficulty was that since he was a student,

“he could not do any other work and he was barely able to cover the expenses for his studies. “Nevertheless, despite his difficulties, he was extremely anxious to take part. “He wrote a promise of 500,000 Leone to the Secretary Tahrik-e-Jadid, “which was very difficult for him to pay.

“He was worried as to how he would pay it and began praying day and night for it “so that Allah the Almighty would grant him some means whereby he could fulfil his promise. “A few days later, one of his relatives brought his son with him

“and told him that he wanted to enrol his son into an Ahmadiyya school. “And so, Sufi Sahib spoke to the principal and he offered him a place in the school. “Upon this the boy’s father gave him 100,000 Leone “and said that this would come in use to cover his expenses for food, etc.

“He says that in fact that day he had nothing to eat but despite that “he gave that entire amount towards Tahrik-e-Jadid “so that he could at least fulfil some of his promise. “He then states that a few days later he received a call from an unknown person

“who told him about some work and that they would pay him a good amount in return “if he was willing to take it on. “He immediately agreed to it “and by the grace of Allah the Almighty he received a million Leone as wages for his work

“and he immediately fulfilled his promise for Tahrik-e-Jadid.” The missionary-in-charge of Gabon writes, “There is a new convert, Isa Denda Sahib; prior to his Bai’at and paying Chanda, “his circumstances were such that at times two or three weeks would pass by “and he would not find any work.

“However, since he started to pay his Chanda regularly, he finds work on almost a daily basis. “He travels from very far in order to pay his Chanda “and he would almost pay the same amount for the taxi fare as his Chanda. “Hence, we made an arrangement for him

“so that he can send his Chanda from home instead of spending twice the amount.” A lady from Jordan writes, “It has been 22 years since I accepted Ahmadiyyat. “I have noticed that ever since I have become an Ahmadi “whenever I make the intention of paying Chanda,

“Allah the Almighty provides the means from somewhere. “At times, I receive the exact amount which I had intended to pay for Chanda. “These are the blessings of the Jama’at.” She further states, “I have studied engineering. “If I find work which I can do from home, I take it.

“It is my habit that I do not take any money from my husband in order to pay the Chanda “because often he does not have enough money. Hence, I pay the Chanda from my own earnings. “This year I had forgotten and thought that I had already paid my Tahrik-e-Jadid Chanda,

“however when I was reminded I did not even have one dinar at the time. “I was concerned as to how I would pay the Chanda “when a female student came to me and asked if I could give her tuition. “By the grace of Allah the Almighty now through the tuition fees,

“I will be able to pay the Chanda and will also save some money from it as well.” The president of the Boko Bagala Jama’at in Burkina Faso writes, “A few non-Ahmadi friends came to me and said, “‘We are astonished upon looking at the condition of your crops.

‘We noticed that you all would spend a lot of time helping in the construction of the Jama’at school ‘and there was no one behind to look after your crops. ‘However, despite that our crops are not as good as yours.

‘In contrast we gave all our time to our crops, but our crops are not as good as yours’” Upon this the president (of the Jama’at) stated, “We all did this work for the sake of Allah the Almighty and the Jama’at. “Whatever time we sacrificed for the construction of the school, we prayed that,

“‘O Allah! Protect our crops for we have placed our trust in You.’ “thus, Allah the Almighty accepted our prayers “and our crops turned out to be in good condition. “Now we pay our Chanda in accordance to the yield of our crops.” Children also have an awareness of making sacrifices.

They are children living in developing countries, but their awareness is of such a level, that in some instances, children in developed countries and children who are well-educated do not possess the same level of awareness. There is an incident that demonstrates this, related by Hussain Yusuf Sahib, the Missionary in Zanzibar, who says,

“Some children were playing outside of the mosque “when an elder passed by and was happy to see them. “He gave them 1400 shillings so that they could buy themselves some sweets. “The children took this money and went to an Ahmadi shopkeeper “and had him divide the money into change.

“The children took this change to the mosque, and instead of buying sweets, “they divided their money and each gave 100 shillings as Chanda, “and they joyfully kept their receipts. “When the Ahmadi shopkeeper learned “that the children had gotten change in order to give Chanda, he was left utterly astonished.”

God-willing, it is these children who will become the firm foundations of the Ahmadiyya Community in the future. Then, there is another astounding instance of children presenting sacrifices. The following incident is also from Tanzania; the Mu’allim from Sumve writes, “There are three children in our Jama’at who are studying in the fourth grade

“and they regularly attend Ta’lim and Tarbiyyat classs in the mosque. “All three belong to financially poor households “and they do not have any regular source of income. “Since last month, all three were competing “with regards to offering contributions for Tahrik-e-Jadid. “Each one of them would individually bring their contributions

“and would try to offer whatever amount they had. “Whether it was 500, 400, or 700 hundred shillings, they would give whatever they had.” He continues, “Once, I asked them where they were getting this money from “that they would bring for Tahrik-e-Jadid?

“One of them said that he would go to the forest with his mother “and help her to chop wood “and he would set aside whatever pocket money he received to give in Tahrik-e-Jadid. “He said that ever since he started offering financial contributions, “he would always find customers for their wood immediately

“and they never suffered any loss. “The second child said that “he would also take out an amount from his pocket money to present as Chanda. “The third child said that there are some fruit trees near his home. “Sometimes, he would sell any extra fruit, and would offer the amount he earned for Chanda.

“These three children also spoke about the blessings of financial contributions, “and how they experienced peace in their lives by offering financial contributions.” May Allah the Almighty increase the faith and sincerity of these children. These are the rewards of faith which even our children reap. The Missionary In-Charge of Belize writes –

This is another example of a child, who is living in a completely different part of the world. One child is living in one part of the world and the other in a completely different part and yet their thinking is the same.

“A 14-year-old child in Belize donated all his savings towards the construction of the mosque. “He also showed an excellent example of sacrifice towards Tahrik-e-Jadid. “This child belongs to a very poor household “and his father covers the expenses of the household with great difficulty. “When the missionary informed them about the importance of Tahrik-e-Jadid,

“this young boy presented one dollar and said that this donation was on behalf of his family. “The missionary was pleased with this because he knew “that based on their financial circumstances, this was a great sacrifice on their part. “However, this child, whose name is Danyal, stated not write down his name.

“He said that this was on behalf of his family but he will pay his own contribution later. “The next day, this child presented another 10 dollars and said, “‘I was convinced that Allah the Almighty will certainly bestow His blessings upon my family.’ “And with that he presented his own contribution.”

In relation to how Allah the Almighty instils the passion for sacrifice in the hearts of those who have newly joined the Jama’at and how He treats them, Nooruddeen Sahib from Morocco states that after doing the Bai’at in 2017, he started taking part in financial sacrifices.

At the time, he had a very meagre salary but one day he heard one of my sermons on the Jama’at’s website in which I was mentioning the sacrifices offered by the companions of the Promised Messiah (as) and other Ahmadi members. He states that after a few days, his heart was filled with passion

And he went to the National Sadr of the Morocco Jama’at and told him he wished to enter Nizam-e-Wasiyyat. He explained to him the various conditions and regulations, which in turn further fuelled his desire and he did his Wasiyyat. After a few months his personal circumstances improved

And he found employment in a very good company with a good salary. He is currently working as a manager of that company in another city. He said that in just a matter of three years, his salary had tripled. And the company has so much trust in him

That when he was about to leave the capital city of Morocco, his manager asked him whether he knew of any other Ahmadi like him who would want to work with them. He says that upon hearing this he became quite emotional and tears began to flow from his eyes.

He then spoke to one of his Ahmadi friends in the city and he got the job. That Ahmadi friend has also been made a manager now. He says that he receives pressure from his family members with regards to him paying the Chanda

And he is also mocked by some of his other relatives as well. However, he is grateful to Allah the Almighty that owing to his Chanda, he has never had to experience any financial difficulties. A missionary from Perth, Australia writes: “When a Khadim was reminded about paying chanda Tahrik-e-Jadid,

“as he had not yet done so, he said that due to COVID-19, “he did not have any work and was facing financial difficulties. “A few days later he came and informed me that in order to fulfil his promise, “he sold a few things in his house.

“He said that as soon as he had paid the amount, “a few days later I got four different contracts for work “and also a new all-expense-paid job; his income increased more than before as well. “The Khadim said: ‘All this was only due to the blessings of Allah the Almighty

‘and the chanda I paid by selling things from the house, ‘Allah the Almighty returned it back to me immediately.’” Then a Secretary Tahrik-e-Jadid from another city in South Australia writes: “A devoted member had yet to pay his promise for Tahrik-e-Jadid. “When he was reminded about it, he said:

“‘I have put my house on for sale, as soon as it is sold I will pay it.’ “Two days later he phoned me and said that owing to the grace of Allah, “his house sold for an unexpectedly high profit “and he was convinced that it was due to his promise of paying chanda.

“He paid six times more than his promise for Tahrik-e-Jadid.” Allah the Almighty blesses people through worldly gains as well. But despite this, the thinking of an Ahmadi is that these blessings are not due to any excellence on their part, rather it is due to offering sacrifices,

And only an Ahmadi can think in this way and not anyone else. The missionary of Argentina writes that he wrote an essay on the topic of financial sacrifice to raise awareness and included words from a sermon of mine

In which I said that new converts should be told that offering financial sacrifices is essential and that they should be told that the message of Ahmadiyyat that has reached them is owing to those who sacrificed their wealth under the scheme of Tahrik-e-Jadid,

And so they should also participate so that they can bring reform to their lives and further propagate this message. This is the excerpt he cited from my sermon and published. He further writes: “When this essay was sent to the members of the Jama’at, “Anas Ezekiel, a youth, contacted me and said

“that he would like to come to the mission house and give his contributions to Tahrik-e-Jadid. “Despite the severe heat, he boarded a public bus right after school “and travelled for over an hour to reach the mission house “and contributed 1000 Argentinian Pesos for Tahrik-e-Jadid.” He further writes: “I was very surprised.

“His financial situation was not such that he could afford this. “Also he was still a student in school and did not have a particular source of income. “The financial situation of his family were not good either.”

He further says: “Even on that day, he did not eat lunch due to a shortage of money. “Upon asking him about the matter, he said that the shared excerpt of the Khalifa of the time “had an extraordinary impact on his heart,

“in which it was stated that new converts should also contribute to the scheme of Tahrik-e-Jadid “because the message of Ahmadiyyat reached them by means of Tahrik-e-Jadid. “He said that on the one hand, he read this excerpt,

“and on the other, he came across a verse of the Holy Qur’an in which Allah the Almighty states “that martyrs and their sacrifices should not be considered deceased, “rather they live on for eternity.” He writes: “He said: ‘I also desired to offer such a sacrifice whose benefits

‘and impact would live on even after my demise.’ “He said that his family members, “who are all non-Muslims, gifted some money to him on his birthday. “He was contributing all the money he had remaining from that amount to Tahrik-e-Jadid

“so that it can be used to further convey the message of Ahmadiyyat to others “just as it was conveyed to him.” This is the revolutionary change that develops within those who accept Ahmadiyyat. Whether they are new Ahmadis or Ahmadis of old,

All of them are greatly impacted when they hear how the Ahmadiyya Jama’at spends its funds. If there is a lack of awareness in this regard in some members of the community, then awareness should be raised and the purposes and importance (of financial sacrifice) should be explained to them,

Which could also result in an increase in contributions. Nonetheless, there is also an incident from Liberia. Murtaza Sahib, a local Muallim and whose local Jama’at consists mainly of new converts who converted from Christianity, writes: “In regards to the scheme of Tahrik-e-Jadid, I went to visit a local Jama’at.

“I arrived there in the afternoon and most people were out working in their fields. “I said to those who were present that I would stay the night there “and would not leave until a hundred percent of the members contributed to this blessed scheme.

“In the evening, when all the people returned to the village, “I presented the background and importance of the grand scheme of Tahrik-e-Jadid before them “and encouraged all of them to participate. “By the grace of Allah, every male and female member contributed enthusiastically. “The next morning, when I was taking my leave,

“I was told that there is a fellow Ahmadi by the name of Alfanso Sahib “who has been living out in his fields for the past two months “and has not yet contributed to Tahrik-e-Jadid. “However, due to the distance and because the rains have obstructed the pathway, “it would be difficult reach him.

“I replied that I would certainly reach him. “I told them that all of the members of their local Jama’at “would be part of this blessed scheme. “Some members of the community tried to stop me, but I insisted. “Nonetheless, some members accompanied me. “After a two-and-a-half-hour journey on foot,

“when we reached Alfanso Sahib, he was shocked, but was overjoyed. “Immediately, he contributed to Tahrik-e-Jadid. “Alfanso Sahib’s wife and children were also living with him. “His wife had not accepted Ahmadiyyat. “Upon seeing what had happened, “she said that she was greatly impacted by the spirit with which Ahmadis serve their faith.

“Therefore, from that day forward, she too would enter the fold of Ahmadiyyat “and her children would also become part of this community.” As such, due to its blessings, a whole family was enabled to enter the fold of Ahmadiyyat.

How do those who take Bai’at truly understand how important it is to offer financial sacrifices? In this regard, a missionary from Mali writes: “There is a member in one of our regions by the name of Sedu Sahib. “One day, he came to the mission house in Kita

“and offered his contribution to Tahrik-e-Jadid saying, “‘The year for Tahrik-e-Jadid was coming to a close ‘and I had been worried for days for God Almighty to enable me to pay the amount I have pledged. ‘Today, God Almighty has enabled me to do so, and so I have come.’

“One of his legs was impaired. “When he was told that he did not have to trouble himself “and that we would have come to him instead, he became impassioned and said, ‘I have accepted the Imam Mahdi and despite my apparent physical disability,

‘I consider myself in much better condition than some of those who are healthy. ‘By the grace of God Almighty, I hold great pain for the cause of my faith. ‘Perhaps my coming here in this condition for the betterment of the religion of God Almighty

‘will be accepted in His court and will become a means of my forgiveness.’” A missionary from Benin writes: “There is a local Muallim, Motowoma. “He said that he went to visit a new local Jama’at in his zone. “The president of the local Jama’at explained,

“We had always been Muslims and would annually either offer some financial sacrifice “or offer some amount to our imam for the sake of Allah. “This is the first year that we are Ahmadis, “and for the first time, we have offered our financial sacrifices to the Ahmadiyya Jama’at.

“Previously, whatever we gave to our imams was spent by them, “however, after giving the contributions “and asking the missionary about how the financial sacrifices would be spent, “upon hearing about the extraordinary purposes for the expenditures, “we were completely unaware of it. “The Jama’at does not waste even this meagre offering

“but uses it in every minor and major work for the advancement “and the propagation of Islam all around the world. “Even a person who contributes only a few (CFA) Franc “will receive an exceptional reward for it. “Therefore, in understanding this philosophy of sacrifice, “we have contributed to Tahrik-e-Jadid

“and have felt that our homes were not afflicted with financial problems this year, “nor have we incurred any expenses for our health and our children’s health this year. “Our attendance in our daily prayers has also increased more than before. “Allah Almighty has protected us and,

“by the grace of Allah Almighty, this time we have felt comfort and satisfaction in our hearts “that our financial sacrifices have not gone in vain.” Some people allege that the people of Africa living in remote areas are unlearned or do not have any vision.

This (just presented) is such a profound outlook and such a lofty vision, the likes of which does not occur to even those who are very well-educated. The manner in which they explained everything and how the importance of financial sacrifice dawned upon them –

It is the result of the revolution that takes place within people after they pledge allegiance. May Allah Almighty enable every single one of us to make sacrifices for the propagation of Islam, and may we be those who contribute from our pure earnings.

May these sacrifices find acceptance in the sight of Allah Almighty and may He be pleased with us. Now I shall announce the commencement of the new year of Tahrik-e-Jadid and present some details. By the grace of Allah the 87th year came to an end 31st October and the 88th year has begun.

By the grace of Allah, the Ahmadiyya Jama’at contributed £15.3 million, which is an increase of £842,000 from the previous year. Out of all the Jama’ats around the world, this year, Germany stood first by some distance. The financial situation in Pakistan remains dire, yet the members continue to increase in their sacrifices.

Pray for them also. Aside from this, they are victim to many other difficulties nowadays. Every day there seems to be a lawsuit against someone, court cases are filed against them and the government is making every effort it can to subdue and harass them. May Allah the Almighty remove all their worries

And enable them to hold all their activities freely; whereby they can hold their Ijtema’at and annual gatherings, and be able to present their sacrifices openly. They will of course not express their sacrifices themselves but we can mention them,

However due to certain restraints, it is not possible to even mention some of their sacrifices. Nevertheless, as for the others who made sacrifices, I have already mentioned that Germany stood first, followed by the United Kingdom, then America in third position, Canada in fourth, a Middle-Eastern country in fifth,

India in sixth, Australia in seventh, Indonesia in eighth, Ghana in ninth, and another Middle-Eastern country in tenth position. In terms of the overall contribution from the African countries, Ghana stood in first position, followed by Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Tanzania and then Sierra Leone. I have mentioned in the past that Sierra Leone can improve,

And despite the fact that there is indeed much room for improvement, they are not giving it the attention that is required. If the people are told in a proper manner, they will find them to truly be those that make sacrifices, as I have presented in the incidents.

They are followed by Gambia, Benin, Uganda, Kenya and then Liberia. In terms of the increase in contributors, Nigeria holds the first position, then Gambia, Senegal, Ghana, Tanzania, Guinea Conakry, Malawi, Uganda, Guinea Bissau, Congo Kinshasa, Burkina Faso and then Congo Brazzaville. As for the increase in participants in the larger Jama’ats outside of Africa,

Germany stands first, then the United Kingdom, Holland, Bangladesh then Mauritius. By the grace of Allah contributions from the members of Daftar Awwal are still being paid. The first ten Jama’ats of Germany are as follows: Rödermark was first, followed by Neuss, Mahdi-Abad, Cologne, Rodgau, Nieda, Flörsheim, Pinneberg, Frankenthal and Osnabrück.

The local Amarats in Germany are as follows: Hamburg, Frankfurt, Gross-Gerau, Dietzenbach, Wiesbaden, Mörfelden, Riedstadt, Mannheim, Darmstadt, Russelheim. In terms of the contributions towards Tahrik-e-Jadid received in Pakistan, Lahore is first, followed by Rabwah, then Karachi. In terms of the districts, Islamabad is first, then Gujranwala, Sialkot, Umerkot, Multan,

Toba Tek Singh, Mirpur Khas, Attock, Mirpur, Azad Kashmir and Dera Ghazi Khan. The position of the local Jama’ats in regard to highest contribution is as follows: Amarat Defence Lahore, Amarat Gulshan Abad Karachi, Amarat Azizabad Karachi, Amarat Township Lahore, Amarat Model Town Lahore, Amarat Mughalpura Lahore, Amarat Dehli Gate Lahore,

Amarat Clifton Karachi, Bahawalnagar city, and Hafizabad city. The positions of the top five regions in the UK are as follows: Baitul Futuh Mosque is first, Fazl Mosque is second, followed by Islamabad, Midlands and Baitul Ehsan. The top ten positions of the larger Jama’ats of the UK, in terms of total collection,

Is as follows: Farnham, Islamabad, South Cheam, Fazl Mosque, Worcester Park, Birmingham South, Walsall, Aldershot, Gillingham and Guildford. The positions of the Jama’ats in the USA in terms of contributions, are as follows: Maryland, Los Angeles, Detroit, Silicon Valley, Chicago, Seattle, Central Virginia, Oshkosh, Atlanta, Georgia, South Virginia, Houston, York and then Boston.

In terms of total contribution, the positions of the local Amarats in Canada are as follows: Vaughan, Peace Village and Calgary are level, then Vancouver, Toronto West and then Toronto. The top ten Jama’ats in India for their total contribution are: Qadian is first, Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Karulai, Pathapiriyam, Kolkata, Bangalore, Kerang, Calicut and Melapalayam.

The top ten provinces in terms of sacrifices made, are as follows: Kerala is first, followed by Tamil Nadu, Jammu Kashmir, Karnataka, Telangana, Odissa, Punjab, Bengal, Delhi, Lakshadweep. The top ten Jama’ats of Australia are as follows: Melbourne Long Warren, Castle Hill, Marsden Park, Melbourne Berwick,

Adelaide South, Penrith, Perth, ACT Canberra, Parramatta and Adelaide West. These were the Jama’ats in Australia. May Allah the Almighty greatly bless the wealth and progeny of all those who offered sacrifices. All praise is due to Allah We laud Him, we beseech help from Him and ask His protection;

We confide in Him, we trust Him alone and we seek protection against the evils and mischief of our souls and from the bad results of our deeds. Whomsoever He guides on the right path, none can misguide him; and whosoever He declares misled, none can guide him onto the right path.

And we bear witness that none deserves to be worshipped except Allah. We bear witness that Muhammad (sa) is His servant and Messenger. O servants of Allah! May Allah be merciful to you. Verily, Allah commands you to act with justice, to confer benefits upon each other

And to do good to others as one does to one’s kindred and forbids evil which pertain to your own selves and evils which affect others and prohibits revolts against a lawful authority. He warns you against being unmindful. You remember Allah; He too will remember you;

Call Him and He will make a response to your call. And verily divine remembrance is the highest virtue.

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