Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2017
Oh Oh I do Allah Allah alone ash hadu Allah Allah alone ash hadu Ana Muhammadan Rasulullah ash hadu Ana Muhammadan Rasulullah Oh hire an SLO Hire a nurse Allah hello fellow oh hey little fellow Allah Akbar Oh Oh hello You know bill After reciting at the SHA hotels the smear and surah fatiha hazard Emil Manila da-da-da-da-dah Vanessa disease said through his grace that allowed the Almighty has United deities around the world when through MTA and made us so well informed that now there is no need to wait for a certain period of time for
The magazines and newspapers of the community to be published in order to hear about the toes of the Khalifa program as well as about the Jamaat events and other news rather every news reaches instantly and every event is watched as it unfolds was ma Cooper 40th of Syria which is what gives our
In fact sometimes the listeners instantly send their views and express their sentiments regarding the proceedings of the jalsa and their atmosphere during the live programs nevertheless as everyone is aware jalsa salana germany took place recently people wrote to me regarding that too often people write about programs from
Various other places and countries in particular wherever I travel to people specifically express their views regarding that particular place or event with varying sentiments one expresses gratitude towards Allah the Almighty and praises him for having granted this blessing ie of MTA or through this means it has United the community of the
Promised Messiah lay Salaam as one entity he has vowed safe physical means for a beautiful sight of the Jamaat members being beaded into one string thus whereas on the one hand we should be grateful to Allah the Almighty with this on the other hand we should also be
Thankful to the workers of MTA which include volunteers as well as full-time staff these people are behind the cameras also work in the transmission rooms or occupied with other tasks a multitude of work has spent effort on producing transmitting each program while some among them are those who are
Visible and sat in the studios in addition to them there are some workers who whenever I go on a talk go along from here taking with them their equipment so the other thing that cetera then the volunteers and staff the countries where the events take place also work alongside them there also
Exists a team of such volunteers and regular staff in Germany who produce various programs of interest and may Allah the Almighty reward all of them and this is also what people write in their letters may alert the Almighty bless the workers of MTA and they offer the sentiments likewise there are
Workers engaged in various other departments during the jalsa who rendered their services on a voluntary basis they serve the guests incessantly in larger countries their number has been well reach thousands which includes men’s women’s young boys and girls as well as children they work with such a
Spirit which in this era is only visible in the video community a glimpse of which we saw a few weeks ago here in the UK annual convention and now we have seen the same outline the jalsa salana in Germany the dollar key thus all participants should be thankful to these volunteers
Who as I always say work with a passion for the sake of Allah the Almighty all being selfless the actions of these workers served as a means of silent league for the non apathy and non-muslim guests in program who say regarding the programs of jalsa salana that are
Broadcast on MTA people send their comments and they benefit from those programs and enjoy them however the impressions and feelings of the attendees from outside of the community and the expressions of their sentiments upon witnessing the service of the workers are neither shown no reported English else holidays nor is it
At all possible to somehow show these workers in addition to performing their duties are serving as silent missionaries neither the screen of MTA reports this aspect nor can the presenters do justice to this task likewise the attendees of jalsa also leave a good impression on the guests through their conduct the guests later
Indicate all this thus it is incumbent that this aspect of effects and impressions of jalsa salana also be presented before the people and I present it for this purpose that the amedy is living around the world may also come to know as to how the influence of jalsa salana serve as an exceptional
Affection to the attendees from outside the community that the attendees and workers may also know as to how their behaviors silently bring the attendees from outside the community closer to the beautiful teachings of Islam in this regard I will now present the impressions of guests who had come from
Various countries so that this aspect of the blessings of jalsa may also come before us and we may be given another opportunity to be grateful to Allah Almighty and that we may pay attention to further informing our conditions guests of Arab origin who works with the Red Cross Germany this year expressing
His sentiments he says when I would hear my non-muslim friends criticise Islam I would be unable to defend Islam due to the mutual dislike and dispute of Muslims today during this jalsa having seen the collective as well as individual peace love and unity of your Jamaat and having witnessed in the
Members and the sentiment of love and obedience towards the khalifa my head has been lifted with pride and honour in that i have witnessed a jamar with my own eyes the members of which are peaceful and whose gatherings are well organized he says that by putting your example with great confidence to my
Non-muslim friends I can now respond to their allegations against Islam then a German guest Michael Fischer’s I attended the jalsa say that prior to attend the Joseph when I frequently read in the newspapers that an ADIZ are peace-loving people in my heart I would think that many people also claim to be peaceful
After coming here I have witnessed with my own eyes that a testimony of the claim of peace followed by its practical example can merely be found this Joseph where people are personally spending their time in peace and love and also welcoming other participant on assuring to see such a boss gathering with such
Peace on other occasions even if 500 men gather together there is bound to be a quarrel he says that having attended the jalsa and having witnessed this peaceful environment of yours I testify to your claim of peace then a German lady by the name in Marathi okolloh who is in
Regular contact witness the program of bet ie the Pledge of Allegiance ceremony during the jalsa she says almost all of my questions have been answered and sold one by one that I now believe that I will not attend the jalsa are much longer as a guest rather it is my desire
To personally do Beth and enter the Jamaat a lady by the name Maria Jose from South America it is currently a student in Berlin and has come here to study express her sentiments by saying I was completely unaware of Islam or at media prior to this event I was informed
About the Jamaat through the wife of the missionary in Paraguay I found out that a giass of the ahmadiyya community is held hence I came in order to attend after coming here I was amazed to see people of so many nations races and colors living together with such unity and
Experiencing an atmosphere of peace and comfort in every direction every person no one has any fear participating in such a beautiful gathering is a new experience to me it is my desire to return to Berlin and contact the Moscow Valentia Jamar V we’re going to further strengthen my relationship with his Jamaat my
Heartfelt comfort by being around you then three ladies from Macedonia who’s working for a social welfare organization one of them says that many Muslims live in our surroundings in Macedonia however this kind of Islam and such a social demonstration there all succeed our expectation we have witnessed your members your teaching and
Your leadership and we will return with the awareness of being able to do such a mark she says this Jamaat and it’s Joseph’s serve as an example for others such a peaceful teaching life and such an organized Jamaat is capable of representing Muslims at an international
Level on this occasion we came here on the invitation of another person however we hope to bring guests with us in the future and to personally introduce the Jamaat the Muslims of Macedonia thus this is how Allah the exalted opens avenues for the bleak Christian guests from Latvia by the name of May
Colors I was also present he is a student and is interested in researching into different religions he says I am deeply interested in religions and due to this very reason I have the teachings of juju MA and I’m now seeing its practical demonstration I find your teachings and your conduct
Positive and attractive oh yeah I have felt a spiritual devotion in the participants of Joseph the spiritual devotion that is felt by these guests should not be temporary only for the days of jalsa rather yes it is the responsibility of the Ahmadiyya said participate in the jalsa to make this
Their permanent trait a lady journalist from latvia called kristina Hobart whilst expressing her confessions wrote for the past six months I have been working on a project was regards to the various sects within Islam in this regard I also went to Istanbul and met with various Islamic sects there however
Having seen the imam of the ahmadiyya jama’at here in future i do not have the words to express the state of my heart during our meeting I asked him I she asked me of what is the solution for radicalization and extremism we gave a complete answer to this difficult
Question in Meili two words by saying that the solution to these problems is to provide adequate education and upbringing and to teach Islam correctly she says that certainly proper understanding is the solution to these issues and the true servant of the Holy Prophet sallallaahu Lewis Salam has granted us the awareness of this
Knowledge and he has shared this teaching with us therefore every entity should not only take pride about such impressions of others we should consistently strive to improve our practical sessions only be r7a you assume shall be local with relatively car professor Liu Lydia Sahib from Cordoba University and let me
Attended the gel surname on sherry wrote I attended such a vast Muslim gathering for the first time in my life to see the imam of the ahmadiyya muslim community for the first time was a unique experience and i will always remember that feeling that the rest of my life my
Words do not render justice to my emotions it is my belief that this jamaat and the khalifa of this jamar are completely different from other muslims and I sense this difference within me every who’s present at the jalsa left an impression upon the 46 members of the Bosnian delegation attended the jalsa
This year out of which 18 were enmities and the remaining approximately 28 were being introduced to the community which was a polygamous a thorough one of the guests yes my cyber who is also the president of an NGO and was introduced to the Jamaat recently she drove alone
In her car old hundred kilometers in order to get his astonished to see the immense Josa arrangements and wondered God what kind of people they are I did not notice any flaw in the jalsa raging on this is the result of the service rendered by the volunteers it does
Nothing but impress the outsiders then there was a guest by the name Nejad sahib who is from the bosnian roman catholic community he is a famous politician well-known sexual and also the counsellor of the city of he says lastik jolts arrangements were executed very well prior to my attendance at the jalsa
I had never been to a similar event Joseph was a learning curve for me in various ways after witnessing the sincerity of the volunteers I concluded that they have very strong faith and the conformity in their words elections was a secret behind their progress when the main thing that developed this condition
Within them was their connection with halawet when these people attend our events negative concept of Hell offered in their minds and the fear that it causes are both destroyed there for every energy worker should strive to maintain and preserve these my eyes I guess attended the jalsa with his wife
On their personal expenditure he says that the way guests are treated here and the love shown people here I say this genuinely if they tell us to sleep on the floor and offer us only dry bread even then we will have no complaints the reason being the love and affection we
Found here cannot be matched anywhere in the world the annasaheb a Bosnian guest also attended the jalsa she is a nurse by profession shop and he’s connected to the Jamaat through another family she attends the Jamaat programs along with her husband and son she also cooperates
A lot in the Jamaat related she traveled to the jalsa with her husband and her and also varying travel expenses she says was God who none could they occur all the jealous arrangements were executed perfect the watching decency workers we felt ashamed for they were enduring such difficulty for our sake
Their job alone over there come on you’d say of Jubilee de fer yo Sammy Sammy Louie yo suki mo the jalsa atmosphere left a very positive impression on the Musa I guess who attended the jalsa for the very first he says upon my return I should convey the
Message that I cannot render in words about what my heart was during the jalsa these things can only be experienced and for this reason everyone should spend a few days with this heavenly community in order to obtain conviction about the truth those amongst us create some issues to fight and develop grievances
Such people should be ashamed after listening to the impressions discussions of these non Jamaat guests and they should always treat each other with love and affection this year a delegation from Bulgaria comprising of 52 people attended the jalsa in Germany among them 20 were Hadees and 30 to 1 anima DS they
Travelled for approximately 32 hours by bus to reach Germany the delegation included businessmen lawyers for lecturers students as well as people from ordinary walks of life one of the ladies as he know us said this is the first time I have attended the jalsa I
Have heard a lot about the jalsa from a madhi’s in Bulgaria from different nations were all gathered in one place is what we see every one of them was meeting one another with respect if one wants to make a change in their lives and they need to attend the jalsa I have
Learned a great deal from here I would particularly like to mention two things firstly one is taught the love of God and secondly people are told to love Bulgaria is also among the countries whose registration has been canceled a lot and the opposition of the Masters ie
The clerics as a result is also influenced by them therefore pray for the Jamaat in Bulgaria that may Allah the Almighty improve their circumstances and the Jamaat can be rewritten openly preached that may God Almighty enable them to once again conduct Garamond activities give me the phone yes shaman guests from the bulgarian
Delegation how many phonies I’ve said it is the first time I’ve attended such a blessed it is difficult to describe in words but I learned only a madhi’s who truly knows about show respect and wish to make the world to heaven like one can truly acquire the spiritual light like a
Light which grants like them I will now for the rest of my life inform people that Ahmadiyya Aslam which is striving to establish peace in the world he also said I requested from the press then deem or office I have a guest from this delegation addressed me and said your
Dress in which love for mankind was mentioned Japan it was very impressive for both possible similarly he says I really love when children would serve water to me like speak to me in very loving manner the future of a nation children are like this then mrs. dese’s
Laius i a psychology lecturer says this is the first time I have waited in a job this jalsa is a miracle at the generals ability you receive love peace and respect here and I did not witness a single argument everyone was taking care of each other and meeting each other
With smiles on their face I have specific dietary requirements and from among thousands of guests I was served food according to my diet clear requirements when I felt ill I was immediately given medication there was no VIP and everyone was I was then very impressed by the Friday sermon to love
Mankind conceal the faults of others to help one another not display someone’s errors in front of others but instead pray for them or such teachings which were mentioned by His Holiness which made me contemplate if only the world could hear his voice today if they wish to tread the bright path they must
Listen to such voices and observe his teachings a young man from Guinea Bissau ik abu bakr sahib who is pursuing a master’s degree in public security in a university in portugal stated the security arrangements which i saw in the jalsa were completely unique to take care of a gathering of 40 thousand
People without the help of the police is no insignificant feat to take care of such a large assembly is difficult even for a state there are always some kind of incidents local altercations and disturbances I did not see a single police officer here that gel Suzuki but
Despite that I did not see a single person fighting rather everyone seemed to be filled with love and brothers this really left an impression on my how the next country a delegation of 65 people from Macedonia came and participated in the gel sorrow three of us a large
Number of them travelled by bus for 42 hours covering a distance of approximately 2,000 kilometers among them were five journalists of four different television stations three were representatives of regional TV stations while one journalist belonged national TV station during the jalsa the journalists carried out their recordings and took interviews from different
People further 28 journalists also met me they said that they will make a documentary and show the recorded footage and the entire interview they had conducted among them 32 were Christian 23 were at madhi’s and 10 were non at Moody’s on the last day one of
Them took the oath was a guest from the Macedonian city of Ur / Bella gist who is a lawyer by professional in that he said this is the first time I am attending this jalsa the entire organization of the event was outstanding and I did not see any flaws
Speeches left a deep effect that I learned from the speech that Islam actually means in reality islam teaches the people important fundamental matters as to how to establish a healthy peaceful society and to bring it into practice Islam always teaches to do good and abandon people this is a teaching
Which if we act upon it then the world will become a cradle of peace and love without war she then says whatever you said about the rights of women I understand to be a very good teaching women are responsible for the education and upbringing of children and their
Role is very important in this matter then summarizing the speech of women’s rights in short I will only say that you mentioned that it is the responsibility of a woman to look after the nest while the man is the one who protects it I believe that the husband is the head of
A family all the wife is the neck neither can survive without the other I’m go the bed ceremony deeply impressed me in Lamaze and it felt as if time had come to a standstill there were people everywhere and they did not want to be deprived of these moments all the paths
Were in one direction leading to where the head of the community was that moment outside the jawsaw hall resembled a barren desert and nobody could be seen visible outside nevertheless I do have a few grievances the Germany Jamaat members should not be overly pleased Almighty did cover up our weaknesses
However that their beard department needs to keep this in mind that outside the jalsa gah should become like a desert in reality the reason is that I received some complaints there were people walking around outside during the jalsa proceedings and MTA continued to show them even though it is a good thing
That they showed the reality I think the more focus should be on the event during the preceding two MTA at the very least many people who have become aware of the aforementioned lady says I learned a great deal about Islam throughout the jalsa it may be that the words be
Forgotten but my depiction of Islam now will always remain said in which put Islam kinesin with only the runaway key here a female guest from Macedonia which television reporter says the jalsa has guided me to a new aspect of Islam near the developer there was a time when even
The word Islam sort of be unlawful but now I have been given a new introduction to Islam as a journalist I am very grateful to you for this new experience I will take these impressions back with me to Macedonia in my meeting with His Holiness let me also had a very positive effect
On me but what you say is very true if you wish to understand this Islam then you should learn about it directly from the Holy Quran such ridicule should not be made the truth which is expressed by the people nowadays Amenti in the end I wish to say that I was completely
Satisfied with all the answers of the head of the community he guided me to new directions and horizons and I’ve now seen the true picture of Islam Cydonia TV Asahi did you get there so I’ll just ask you say you mr. lucky meeting a believer shovel merely in the
Earth another macedonian TV reporter wrote sq5 says this is the first time I have participated in such a media TV well this was new to me the workers of the jobs I did not seem to hide at all the mannerisms of the workers was very
Strange to him so they did not seem wary at all I was very amazed to see so many people gather in one place and everyone was competing their own tasks and no one has I am very pleased to have been among these people and some of them become my
Friends and friends are a wealth after this Joseph I felt as if I had become very wealthy the TV asahi keep surfing and getting it go then all those go another TV Macedonian Rodney as a generous the jalsa is a new experience nobody else ago but I had asked any new
International event or important to journalist Jessica them I feel very lucky to have witnessed this chelsa and to have learnt about it all the arrangements of her jokes are really oppress me I have learned many new things about Islam after this chelsa Macedonia was younger I took interviews
Of those who accepted Islam when I returned to Macedonia I shall make a documentary of all these free recordings and spread this message to the people of Macedonia the same ethnic that promote youth a guest from Lithuania by the name Agosti Sahib says I felt as if I was in
My own home your community comes from different corners of the world together here for a short while yes but and there is an air of devotion with all around them with them for a foreigner like me it is absolutely astonishing and it is like a completely different world I am
Very happy to have the opportunity to witness different cultures and backgrounds religions traditions to eat and drink and many other things for you family people to tackle the different difficulties every single day for a grand purpose it’s very praised but God throws thing I’ll give you a jet to hear
The to never lay claim on your teachings are correct and there is a universality about it Jamaat no creeps of the ik know they really cushy como Japan I guess from listening essays steel system with witness the community from uploads it has been a real pleasure for me because previously
I knew nothing about Muslim I’ve learnt a lot from this jalsa then now I will be able to live my life as best as I can the teachings of this place have proved beneficial to me was becoming a better sighs okay I’ve been treated very well
Thus the known as many also feel a change within them after attending the jalsa via teas for whom the jalsa organized how much of an effort are we required to make in order to bring about the change within ourselves I felt as if I was the only guest and
Everyone else was taking care of my country I am highly appreciative of this another guest from Lithuania missus agreed to say this is my first time attending this event and I was truly astonished to see so many people within there were people from different faiths and cultures that were all gathered
Together when everyone was helping one another I was also truly amazed and astonished at how beautiful the event was organized not listening to the proceedings when meeting a believer has further increased my interest to learn about the community I would certainly read your literature listening to the addresses by the head
Of the community I have realized that whatever was said was rational I had a very good experience and now I shall wait for the next joke however she did have a suggestion for Germany’s administration I believe that various programs and exhibitions were organized during the session intervals in order to
Improve this more information should be given about that a larger number of people can visit them Estonia similarly a delegation consisting of 18 people attended in which one was a non-ahmadi and rest of the 70s from Estonia Laura sighs states I’m extremely impressed with the organization of the Joseph it seems as
If the administration have thought about every possible situation from before there was a solution to every knee in difficulty that rose as I guess I was treated in every need of – Carol I generally found the atmosphere to be the attendees of the jalsa were very
Peaceful and I’m very happy that I have so many good who relate their experiences with the community I listened to the speeches of the Joseph especially derived great pleasure from this thing to the head of the community which was in relation to the current affairs the message of the addresses
Were very clear and with a new thinking and understanding which I shall be taking backward the concluding address by the head of the ahmadiyya community tells one wander over many things and this left a deep impression on me it was truly an impactful a delegation comprising of 48 people attended from
Albania 19 and 29 one on a midi albanians they traveled for 43 hours among them what who represents is from the government of stability one of these was the chairman of the State Committee or in our cults hungry guarantee similarly a delegation of 20 people attended the jalsa from Hungary 11 were
A madhi’s and the rest were nonetheless a guest Egeus I was originally from Armenia and it’s very renowned for a social work in the town I mean she is also a spokesperson of the cabinet for the one of the missionaries in the evening in the other faiths and
Witness who I am when I came from behind and took the elders as well as the children of love later when she was told about the total intendant’s she said the Christians should have attended ten times more in number to learn how to respect one another in a civilized
Society you must be more another guest from Hungary to gaber Thomas explaining his sentiments religious humanity and Brotherhood witnessed here and the opportunity to derive anything not be found anywhere else in the world I have worked as a priest in America for a long time I’ve traveled the world such a
Slight deformities are extremely fortunate that they have a leader who loves the ahmadiyya and guys doing everything having attended the jalsa you my faith has greatly strengthened he further said your community is growing day by day and we Christians are decreasing by the day our churches are becoming empty when I
Asked the head of the community he also said that materialism is increasing and spirituality is diminishing hence all of this is happening he also said we have to tell the world that we have one God only by believing in him we can establish peace a serene friendly
Welcome the money Sahib said I was introduced to the community almost one month ago I was present with one of the gatherings of the Ahmadiyya for the first time I then attended the jalsa with my family people were very nice and hospitable spoke about the beliefs of
The community in a very loving and effective the things which I considered to be a miracle they despite such a large number of people in the 10 days there was not a single instance of any fight in fact even during the Hajj people sometimes argue another thing which I consider to
Be a miracle is look at women guests Brotherhood and respect my wife does not once did anyone look at her which ill intent he’ll be cyrusi to talk about you despite such a large number of people in attendance at the job the organization of the event was and for the purpose of
Safety and security all measures were taken despite such a large number of volunteers offered an exemplary service our amedy brothers served us in the most excellent manner in providing food and accommodation indeed it is evidently clear we find truth in every word an action of theirs which is known as
In many other sects in Islam although I am NOT an Ahmadi I must say I’ve to commend all your efforts a Syrian friend from after listening to the address of the head of the ahmadiyya community my heart is filled with emotions of great joy and happiness in one single address
He presented a solution of all the world’s problems here he further said he told us how peace can be established among the different countries and provided a solution in light of the Islamic teachings as a result of this I have begun to take pride in being
Another guest boy maybe as I have said the head of the ahmadiyya community spoke about the importance of understanding one another and exchanging views this is something that the world is in need of today’s law his words have forced me to ponder over the current state of affairs in the world by quoting
The verses from the holy quran he proved that islam is not a religion of extremism he also told the Holy Prophet peace be upon him it was such a person that would forgive his after listening to the address of the Khalifa I have come to realize for the first time that
What Islam really is LOM is a religion of peace and affection is certainly not like the one media has portrayed in Germany for the past two or three years on the bed ie the pledge of initiation ceremony has been taking place for those attending the jalsa 33 people from 11
Different countries had the opportunity to perform the bed ceremony they originated from Albania to the Gambia Ghana Germany Iraq Yemen Morocco Palestine Syria Turkey Lithuania Geneva from Estonia was also the presentation had the opportunity to perform the bed Jamaat I said I am of Palestinian origin and married to an Estonian you
I’m attending the jalsa salana for the second time after the first time I see Joseph I returned home with a locking down to the reservation during this jalsa i prayed fervently to god almighty to guide me to the right thoughts and if the ahmadiyya community is the correct way to spend one’s life
May God guide me towards it as a result of the satisfaction that God Almighty granted me I performed the bed the following day I consider myself very fortunate that countless people at the jalsa prayed for me to become an addict I listen to all the speeches last year
However this year I had the opportunity to listen attentively to the entire proceeding even consequently the God Almighty instilled the truth of that mediate in my heart and it showed me that this is the future I performed she further had I’ve never seen such unity and Brotherhood amongst the women
Because I met women from the various countries many of whom I may never meet again whatever nevertheless I will always remember them in my prayers my belief that becoming an ahmadi joining the community was part of the will of God Almighty these were the sentiments of some of the guests that I have
Presented by the grace of Allah the Almighty the jalsa becomes a source of opening people’s thoughts and as well as removing people’s doubts and reservations it also presents the truth may Allah the Almighty continuously spread these blessings with regards to the media coverage on the first day took
Place of the Friday prayers national and international international media outlets included television and newspaper collectives from Macedonia Austria Brazil and belch among the German national television channels were present as well as three press media outlets the local media outlets and TV radio channel and three other prism according to reports the coverage of
Three days collective media outlets included five television channel three radio channels and 61 other media the message of the jalsa salana reached more than 59 million two hundred thousand average furthermore the coverage by international media outlets that is expected to be important the coming weeks according to the media
Representatives is expected to reach a viewership of 41 million of 300,000 similarly the coverage of jalsa salana germany was shown using the website and with the help of MTA german news they also uploaded the press release from the central press and media department the joseph was also covered widely on social
Media this included which had four posts were viewed by four hundred and twenty thousand people and 36 thousand likes and comments in addition to this on Twitter five hundred and thirty six thousand people saw the shelter tweets and 5800 328 about Joseph these were some of the sentiments of various guests
That attended the jalsa there were some shortcomings which I mentioned I have already mentioned one earlier in that people were wandering outside the revered department should work to ensure that people do not wander around aimlessly through the proceedings the sound system did not function properly especially during the Friday sermon in
Addition to this there was some technical issues although they were resolved later and improved the Germany Jamaat should work to improve in this department there were some complaints that there was too much the audible interference and the in here translation devices this should also be rectified similarly due to an unanticipated amount
Of guests almost four hundred guests were left without mattresses although this is not a grave issue nevertheless Germany Jamaat should make better provisions for the future just some people have also complained about the lack of discipline inside the gel cigar this needs to be addressed one
Reason for this could be that one of the machines of the cooling system for the hole broke down as a result of this the temperature inside the hole increase however even here during the jalsa salana UK energy inside the marquee the temperature is quite high yet people remain seated quietly therefore this is
Not an excuse and if their beer department should work particularly in this regard they should remind the Hadees all year round nevertheless with regards to these shortcomings an inch in depth also ponder over their own efficiencies and work similarly there were complaints about the shortage of food on the first
Date the quantity of food was insufficient respect to the number of attendees nonetheless this issue should have been resolved by the following day however this was not the case and the sullen ie the meat curry continued to be insufficient in the end doll my curry
Made of lentils had to be made on an emergency basis and this continued to occur many people will only serve this as a result focus their attention on this matter and ensure adequate planning is made beforehand may Allah grant all of the workers to strive towards improvement for the future during this
Tour there was also a mosque opening ceremony this function by the grace of Allah this had a positive me on the guests and they unequivocally expressed their opinion yes this Islam should spread throughout this ceremony also received wide publicity representatives of two television channels or two newspapers were present and through
These outlets the message of the true Islam in support 1.65 million people which I never or job better for her miss may mosey may allah enable the Germany Jamaat to work towards spreading the message of Islam in a greater capacity in the future and further enable them to
Build upon the coverage they receive I mean say you know when you’re they love all alone well money living follow me alone well I shall go no no Well for sure