Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2015
Peace be upon you I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except God, and I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is His servant and messenger After this, I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. The Gracious, the Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help. Guide us in the right path – The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings,
Those who have not incurred Thy displeasure, and those who have not gone astray. The translation of the verses recited is: “And We will try you with something of fear and hunger, and loss of wealth and lives, and fruits; “but give glad tidings to the patient, Who, when a misfortune overtakes them, say,
‘Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return’.” (2:156-157) These verses outline the qualities a believer displays when faced by any difficulty, tribulation or loss of any kind. God the Almighty says, that one is ascertained to be a true believer when they demonstrate these traits.
Believers have to face loss on a personal level, and at other times on a collective level. A true believer, however, attains the pleasure of God through every loss and emerges triumphant. And he should emerge triumphant. The Promised Messiah (as) has shed extensive light on this subject
From different perspectives in his writings and pronouncements. I shall present some extracts of the Promised Messiah (as) on this topic. Explaining this verse, in one place, the Promised Messiah (as) says, “You should not consider afflictions to be something bad, as one who does, is not a believer.
“Allah the Almighty says, ‘And We will try you with something of fear and hunger, ‘and loss of wealth and lives, and fruits; but give glad tidings to the patient, ‘Who, when a misfortune overtakes them, say, ‘Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return’.
“When this suffering afflicts the prophets, it heralds the glad tidings of reward. “And when this misfortune afflicts those who are evil, it heralds their destruction and ruin. “Thus, when a person faces a tribulation, they should recite ‘Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return’
“so they can seek the pleasure of God the Almighty in the face of adversity. “The life of a believer consists of two parts. He is decreed reward for his good actions. “However for one who displays patience and steadfastness, “there is limitless and infinite reward.” There is of course reward for good actions,
But there is even greater reward for displaying patience as well. “God Almighty says, ‘These are the steadfast and are those who have understood God the Almighty.’ “Allah the Almighty splits the life of those who understand the essence of patience into two parts.
“Firstly, one who is patient has his prayers answered by God when he supplicates to Him. “As Allah the Almighty says, ‘Pray unto Me; I will answer your prayer’ “and ‘I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he prays to Me.’
“Secondly, sometimes God Almighty does not accept the prayer of one who supplicates, for expediency. “At such a time a believer utterly submits to the will of God the Almighty. “It is said that Allah the Almighty is like a friend to a believer.
“Just like among friends, one friend sometimes accepts what the other says, “and sometimes one has to accept what their friend wants. “This is similar to the relationship God the Almighty has with believers. “At times God the Almighty listens to the prayers of believers, as He says,
‘Pray unto Me, I will answer your prayers.’ “Sometimes God Almighty wants the believer to accept what He says and hence God states, ‘We will try you with something of fear.’ “Faithfulness and honesty is found in understanding this point “and not stressing on only one side [of this relationship]’.”
The Promised Messiah (as) says, “A believer should not be grief-stricken “when faced with adversity and misfortune – a believer is not superior to the Prophets. “The fact is, that in times of tribulation, a fountain of love and compassion sprouts open. “Every misfortune a believer faces is followed, without exception,
“with thousands upon thousands of [moments of] bliss, delight and gratification’.” Then the Promised Messiah (as) says, “The beloved of God are not afflicted with misfortune out of their sin. “[Rather] the qualities of a believer are manifested in adversity. “Observe how [marvelously] the morals and character of the Holy Prophet (saw) shine forth
“during times of affliction and in times of help and victory. “Had the Holy Prophet (saw) not endured pain and suffering “how would he have been able to demonstrate these morals to us? “Surely, others consider the suffering and affliction of believers to be exactly that
“ – suffering -however a believer does not consider it to be so’.” The Promised Messiah (as) says, “The most important matter is that “man should be steadfast in true and sincere repentance. “He should understand that through repentance, he will gain a new life.
“And if one seeks the fruits from repentance, then follow the repentance with actions and practice. “Look, when a gardener sows a sapling, he waters it and it flourishes and grows. “Similarly faith is like a sapling, that is irrigated through actions. “Thus actions are immensely important for faith.
“If faith is not accompanied with actions, the sapling of it will wilt away and become lifeless.” The Promised Messiah (as) then says, “In the state of a believer, “do not consider trials and tribulations to be bad . “Only he considers tribulations to be bad, who is not a complete believer.
“The Holy Quran says, ‘And We will try you with something of fear and hunger, ‘and loss of wealth and lives, and fruits; but give glad tidings to the patient, ‘Who, when misfortune overtakes them, say, ‘Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.’
“God Almighty says that we will try you with loss of wealth, life, land and so on; “however those who show patience in such adversity and who continue to be grateful, “are given the glad tidings that door of God’s mercy is flung wide open to them.
“The bounties of God the Almighty will shower upon them who say ‘Surely to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.’ “In other words, we and all we have belongs to God the Almighty “and eventually all will return to Him. “Sorrow and anguish of any kind does not consume their hearts.
“Such people attain a station in God’s pleasure. “Such people are patient and steadfast and God has decreed limitless reward for the patient.” The Promised Messiah (as) then says, “Some people allege that God the Almighty does not listen to their prayers.
“Or they mock the saints and friends of Allah (and target them with insults) “by saying such and such prayers of those friends of Allah were not answered. “In truth, they are completely ignorant to the Divine Law. “[However] One who has this relationship and interaction with God the Almighty “will fully understand this Law.
“God Almighty has presented two aspects whereby He listens and also has Him listened to. “Faith is in accepting these two principles. “Do not become one who stresses on just one of these two aspects, “lest you act contrary to what God states and be one who tries and breaks His law.”
The Promised Messiah (as) says, “There are only two ways of spiritual progress for man. “Firstly, man takes it upon himself to abide by religious obligations as commanded by God “in Salat, fasting, paying Zakat and performing Hajj. “However, as abiding by these matters is in his own hands man is sometimes slack
“and negligent in these and at other times finds an easy and comfortable way to deal with them. “Therefore, the second way is one which directly descends on man from God “and is truly the source of man’s spiritual development.
“This is because in religious obligations man finds some way or the other of leniency or ease. “Observe, if someone was given a whip and asked to hit himself with it, “as a matter of principle and owing to self-compassion of one’s well-being “who would want to inflict pain on himself?
“This is why Allah the Exalted has placed another way for completion “of human development and has stated, [Arabic] ‘And We will try you with something of fear ‘and hunger, and loss of wealth and lives and fruits; but those who bear these difficulties
‘and hardships and endure these worries and hunger with patience and recite, ‘Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return’, ‘for them there are huge bounties, the mercy of God Almighty and special rewards.’ “Look at the way a farmer laboriously ploughs the earth in order to level it.
“He then sows the seed and endures all the difficulties for its irrigation. “After undergoing all kinds of struggles, efforts and ensuring its protection the tilth is prepared. “At times, owing to God Almighty’s fine wisdom there can be hail stones “or due to drought the tilth is completely destroyed.
“In short, this is an example of the difficulties; they are referred to as a predestined difficulty. “It was in such circumstances that Muslims were granted a pure teaching, “it was truly a model and lesson for being content in the face of difficulty.”
Thus, we should always keep this in view that we should never allow this thought to enter our hearts that, ‘Why has God Almighty made us experience ‘such huge losses and put us through trials?’ We should also not become upset because of the opponents’ mockery or their taunts that
‘If God Almighty is with you then why did you incur so much loss?’. I shall reiterate some of the important points that the Promised Messiah (as) has mentioned before us, in these extracts. The Promised Messiah (as) states that, always remember that when prophets
And the dear ones of God Almighty are faced with difficulties and problems – and also the prophet’s communities, who follow its true teachings. In any case, when the dear ones of God Almighty are made to face difficulties
It is not because He wants to put them in a difficult situation or to punish them. In fact, He gives them glad tidings. However, these difficulties become a means of destruction when God Almighty makes the opponents of the prophets and their communities face them and also when they befall upon the wrongdoers.
The Promised Messiah (as) also stated that those who endure difficulties with patience become recipients of God Almighty’s immeasurable rewards. Thus, it is essential for a true believer to understand the meaning of patience. Patience does not mean that one should not be concerned over a loss.
In fact, it means that one should not become overwhelmed with the agony of his loss that as a result he loses all his senses and hope; and no longer utilizes his physical faculties. Thus, concern should be shown to an extent and one should show concern
But alongside this, one should make a solemn and practical effort to attain even greater heights than before, with a new resolve. One should remember that those who are patient, are the ones who understand the reality of prayer. At times, God Almighty immediately accepts the prayer,
And sometimes, due to some reason, He does not accept it. However, a true believer is one who should be content with the will of God Almighty in every situation and should never question His actions. This is true patience and when one demonstrates it then God Almighty tremendously bestows him with His rewards.
The Promised Messiah (as) states that true servants of God Almighty derive pleasure even at times of difficulty because they can see that behind these tribulations there are countless rewards and blessings of God Almighty. The Promised Messiah (as) states that a true believer is put through trials
And tribulations not because of his sins, rather it is a test from God Almighty so that it can also be made manifest to the world that God Almighty’s servants are content with His will in every circumstance. The Promised Messiah (as) states that the most beloved person to God is the Holy Prophet (saw),
However he was subjected to many afflictions; personal as well as to his followers. No one has faced as many difficulties compared to the Holy Prophet (saw) and there is no other example that exhibited such patience in face of difficulties and contentment to the will of God Almighty than the Holy Prophet (saw).
It was these morals that are a model for the rest of the Muslims. Drawing our attention towards true repentance, the Promised Messiah (as) states that, this is extremely important for your success and also for overcoming your trials. Therefore, it is the duty of a true believer that alongside his practical efforts,
He should also pay focus towards repentance. In other words, in the face of every trial and tribulation, a believer should prostrate before God the Almighty and admit to his shortcomings and by virtue of his good actions continue his reformation. The Promised Messiah (as) states that a gardener sows a plant,
Waters it and then look after it. Similarly, a believer should try to irrigate his faith with the water of righteous actions. If you do this, then this shall become the means of a believer’s success. The Promised Messiah (as) also said that one should not be worried by what people say.
Many people pass comments; they even criticise the saints that a certain prayer of theirs was not answered. The Promised Messiah (as) states that these critics are in fact unaware of the divine laws. A true believer knows that sometimes God Almighty listens to the prayers
And other times makes man listen to Him; this is His law. The Promised Messiah (as) has counselled us to not become one of those who break this law. When the incident of the fire was taking place an Ahmadi friend told me that, one of his non-Ahmadi friends said, “If your prayers are accepted
“then why has this fire broken out? And why have you been put in this difficulty?.” The Ahmadi reasoned with him by saying, “Was the Holy Prophet (saw) not subjected to difficulties? “Or the true believers?” Nonetheless, those level allegations will continue to do so.
The Promised Messiah (as) states that, do not become those who contravene the laws. He states that the trials and tribulation do not befall upon the true believers forever. They come and go. Become the recipients of God’s grace through patience, prayer and actions.
Enumerate among those who whenever they are faced with any trial or difficulty recite ‘Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return’. These are those to whom God Almighty gives glad tidings. When a person recited ‘Surely, to Allah we belong’ it means that we belong to God Almighty.
Thus, whenever we recite ‘Surely, to Allah we belong’ after a trial or tribulation, it signifies that because we belong to God Almighty therefore He will not ruin us. If we face any tribulation perhaps God wants to prepare us for an even greater reward.
And by saying ‘Surely, to Allah we belong’, we are prostrating before God Almighty and supplicate that let there be no impediment on our part which prevents us from any bigger reward in the future. In fact, O Allah! We prostrate before You and seek this reward and we are in need of your blessings.
Make us patient and enable us to improve our actions, also, always make us submissive to Thee. When we instil such a habit, then God the Almighty will, God willing, grant us success and will grant the community with even greater success than before. The enemy’s enmity and mockery can do us no harm
If we have a proper and true connection with God Almighty. As I mentioned before that due to the recent fire a lot of damage was sustained in the two halls adjacent to the mosque. It was a very intense fire. When various TV channels and media reported this news,
Some people out of their malice expressed their joy. I cited an example earlier in which someone said that, “It is good that this mosque is burning.” In fact they said that, “It is not even a mosque and because these people are not Muslims “that is why their mosque is being burnt.”
Later, they expressed their regret – after having celebrated – they then expressed their regret but not because of the fire burning a part of the complex, rather that only two halls of theirs burnt and why was it that the mosque did not burn down.
Thus, this is the state of the Muslims of today. However, this is not the case for all the Muslims, as some Muslims belonging to certain areas have expressed their sympathies. One of the messages from among the Muslims expressed their commiseration for the burning of one part of the mosque, its halls.
They said that, “A few months earlier, a fire also broke out in our mosque “and the mosque remained closed for several months and has only re-opened a few days ago.” Some uninformed British people also said that it was good that this happened
But this is due to the fact that there is a lot of hate against Muslims in certain places. However our neighbours and those who know about our community responded to both the non-Muslims and non-Ahmadis telling them that they ought to be ashamed of themselves
Because Ahmadis are the ones that practise the true teachings of Islam. Various TV channels around the world and other forms of media gave coverage to this news. They mentioned a fire breaking out in the largest mosque in Western Europe
And many people commented on who the community is and what kind of people they are. Therefore, this incident gave a lot of exposure of the Jamaat, across the world. Although we were sad but remained patient and said ‘S urely to Allah we belong’,
And God Almighty raised people in our support even during this loss and time of trial and told the world that He is with us. It is not clear to the police yet as to what caused the fire. They have not said anything so far.
However, the most likely cause is that it started from the store adjacent to the kitchen where there were plastic goods and other things which caused the fire to flare up quickly. It then spread through the wooden beams in the ceilings or through the air-conditioning ducts. Nevertheless, whatever caused the fire,
It also indicates towards the failing on part of the staff and management of the mosque. They also need to engage in repentance – a lot of ‘Istighfar’. The damage could have been much worse because of the way in which the fire flared.
Even the Fire Brigade said that we were saved from far worse as the fire was intense, because the temperature was very high and could have caused a lot of damage. Therefore, relatively speaking, there was hardly any loss. I was mentioning earlier how God conveyed the good impression of the community through others.
The press has a habit of over exaggerating and presenting news in a sensational way and therefore are always in search for this kind of news. During the incident of the fire, a member of the press came and interviewed our Isha’at Secretary. Standing on the roadside, as no one was allowed inside.
He asked, “What kind of relations do you have with your neighbours?” and “What are their impressions?” Just as he was asking this question, a car stopped and an English lady came out and said that, “I am your neighbour, I live beside the mosque,” and then offered her help.
Similarly, many other people came; representatives from the church also came. And so, after directly listening to these people, the journalist said that, he had got the answer to his questions and no longer needed to ask him.
On one hand, there was this reaction which came from a majority of whom were not even Muslims. While on the other hand there are some Muslims who are jubilant and are reading ‘SubhanAllah’ – [Holy is Allah]. Fine, today they may read ‘SubhanAllah’ in derision and are calling for God Almighty
To manifest His Divine honour. However, God willing we will very soon build an even better and more beautiful building and will read the true ‘SubhnAllah’ and ‘MashAllah’. As I mentioned earlier to be put through trials is the way of God Almighty. Also, as mentioned that we do not know what caused the fire.
If it was a conspiracy then such things will never hinder the progress of the community. However, as I mentioned earlier, the management should see this incident as a wake-up call to identify their failing and reflect on them. I mentioned in the Eid sermon that the purpose of causing loss and fuelling fire
Is done to stop the objectives of a prophet and a community. However, they have failed in this effort of theirs. Even if someone had ill intentions and although some minor loss has been sustained, God Almighty then also promises glad tidings to those who show patience.
Conspiracies and flaring’s of fire has been here since the claim of the Promised Messiah’s (as) but what results do they show? We find that the community is succeeding in every place. One kind of fire is the apparent one.
However, the other kind is the fire of jealousy and envy that rages inside a person. Though, a part of the building that lies adjacent to the mosque caught fire, however as I mentioned earlier that, God willing, we will recover from our loss and we will also, God willing, partake from God Almighty’s glad-tidings.
Our patience and supplications will grant us the coolness of God Almighty’s shade. However, the actual fire has in fact only fuelled the enemy’s fire of envy and jealousy. As I mentioned earlier that many people were happy that the fire broke out
But then they began to regret that, “Why did their mosque not burn?” “Why have they only sustained a minor loss, it should have been much more.” Thus, the fire which was lit against us is only burning the opponents of the Promised Messiah (as) in the form of jealousy, envy and hate.
The work of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community did not halt even during the fire. Not just outside of London or the UK, rather, we were carrying on with our work here in London. Some of our workers were definitely worried
But as I have stated earlier that experiencing grief at a time of loss is a natural, human thing but one should not be consumed by it. There is a big section of Muslim Television Ahmadiyya’s (MTA) office here. The programme ‘Rah-e-Huda’ was supposed to be broadcasted live that day.
It was decided, by those in charge of this programme, to not broadcast this program because they thought, “We cannot access the MTA office “and we do not know what the situation is over there and it is not possible to go there.
“So today we can show a recorded episode and will not air a live programme.” When I found out, I said that, “The programme will be transmitted live from the Fazl Mosque. “There is nothing that should stop this from happening.” They should not make such decisions without asking me.
They should have asked me immediately about what should happen for this live programme. Making the decision to not broadcast live, was due to despair or it was their intention or they were not able to make a quick decision.
If this live programme would not have aired, they would have conveyed the message to Ahmadis and the entire world that our entire administration has collapsed. So, the programme ‘Rah-e-Huda’ was immediately broadcasted live from Fazl Mosque. People called [during the programme] and their questions were answered and they were satisfied by this.
So it is not our job to despair when experiencing a loss or to leave our places [and duties] and go there to stand around and witness a spectacle. Many people were standing around [watching when the mosque was burning]. They should have left to take care of their own tasks.
Instead, any possible assistance should have been offered, and should be offered, and the rest should be left to Allah the Almighty. Mir Mahmud Ahmad Sahib was visiting during these days. He stated that, “The financial condition of the Community was very weak after migration “When Ahmadis arrived in Rabwah, and it was being populated.
“It was a challenge to construct a new city, buildings for the Community and mosques. “A city was to be established in a barren land.” Everything was to be constructed from scratch. “At that time, when the construction of Masjid Mubarak was complete,
“the word spread that the construction of this Mosque was not done properly. “Perhaps it was thought that the material used for the roof was unsuitable and it will fall. “Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) arrived for prayers and stood inside the door and saw it.
“Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) said, “It is being said that this roof may fall and it should be checked. “If this is true and this building or this roof is that weak and it will need to be reconstructed “then that is fine. Where there are other difficulties as well…”
In those days and age after the partition, there were many trials, “there have been other difficulties and this can be another one as well” Only those who have an idea of the Community’s financial condition in those time can understand
This because there is a great difference between the current day circumstances of the Community and what it was like during those times. Anyway, we have never been agitated by such things and we it will never happen. If this incident is a trial, then we should take an oath, and prove from our actions
That we will pass by this trial successfully, by prostrating in prayer before Allah the Almighty. Now, there are tremendous blessings of Allah the Almighty on the Community’s financial spending. If Allah wills, this loss will be compensated in a better way.
Regardless of the fact that how this loss was incurred, if someone caused it or this happened due to our negligence and carelessness or it was accidental, whatever the cause, if Allah wills, we will, by the Grace of Allah, reconstruct this [building] into something beautiful.
For now, I do not have to say anything to the Community [for this purpose], but despite my saying anything, people have started sending money on their own accord. Particularly children have started to make donations. Without anyone asking the children, they are presenting their savings on their own.
In fact, some have sent their savings’ containers which contain all the coins that were collected. A seven or eight years old girl said to her father, when she enquired about the details, “We use to eat, play and hold functions in these halls. So we should help in its reconstruction.”
These are the emotions of a girl, “For this reason I will give the amount which I have collected.” She brought her savings’ container. Hence, when the children of a nation have such resolve, then who can discourage them? What can this nominal loss do?
Our neighbours are offering their due rights. They are trying to do so. The National President of the Community, UK said that a message was received by the headmaster of the local school that, children are collecting some amount and they want to make a donation for the reconstruction of this building.
These high morals, which should be demonstrated by Muslims are being displayed by non-Muslims. Regardless of the fact that we accept it or not, they have expressed their emotions and we should value that. As I have stated the severity of the fire was immense. Some steel guards and frames were crushed like bent straws,
But regardless of this the records of the few offices that survived also remain unharmed. There are offices of Wassiyat, Qaza or other offices. The entire compound of MTA remained unharmed, they contained some very expensive equipment. By the grace of Allah the Almighty, work has also started there from today.
This portion was connected directly to those halls so when I received the message, I was worried. I ardently started praying after this because if the fire had reached this area, it meant that the fire could continue towards the mosque as well. Anyway, Allah the Almighty showed grace and although the library was damaged,
70 percent of the library had already been moved to a safer area. Similarly, 100 percent of the translation area in the library is safe. The damage of some tapes which contained details from various tours, in my opinion,
Is not such a loss, due to which one can say that our history has been wasted because certain parts were also saved. It is a miracle that the area of MTA offices were left unharmed because the fire burnt the roof adjacent to it, before turning back
Or as Allah the Almighty gave the fire fighters the opportunity to control it. Similarly, Tahir hall and the mosque area was unharmed. As you can see. Allah the Almighty also protected us from any fatalities. One person was working in the library. He did know what was happening outside.
He says, “After finishing my work when I opened the door to come outside, “a black ball of smoke entered through the door. “I got worried and stepped outside. “I tried to run but it was so dark due to the black smoke and everything was closed.
“I could not see anything and I started suffocating.” He says, “At that time I started to feel the wall in the hallway and I started to walk with it. “At the same time, I started to pray “because I was losing my strength due to the suffocation caused by the smoke.
“Allah the Almighty said to the Promised Messiah (as) that ‘Fire is the servant of your servants’ “so I am also a servant, save me.” He says that, “Two or three time I felt that I was about to fall down.”
Had he fallen even for a few seconds, he would have been scalded due to the immense heat. Anyway, he continued to walk through the dark smoke courageously and when he reached the door outside, he saw a light. He says that “When I rinsed my mouth and cleansed myself,
“black coloured water came out of my mouth, as if there was black ink in my mouth.” So this was his condition, but Allah the Almighty saved him miraculously. For him this is a great miracle. Even a few seconds of delay would have burned him. Anyhow, Allah the Almighty has shown immense blessing.
The jealously of those who are jealous will increase. For this reason, pay attention towards prayers. Recite the following prayers: ‘O Lord everything is subservient to You. O Lord, protect us, help us and have mercy on us.’
‘O Allah we make You a shield against enemies and we take refuge in You from their evils.’ ‘Our Lord, grant us good in this world as well as good in the world to come, ‘and protect us from the torment of the Fire.’ If this incident took place due to our inefficiency and weakness,
Then we also need to seek forgiveness a lot. May Allah Almighty grant us the ability to fulfil our responsibilities properly in the future. And may He remove these weaknesses also. If this is a trial, then may Allah the Almighty enable us to pass through this successfully.
May He bestow his favours upon us even more than before. May He enumerate us amongst those patient people upon whom he bestows glad tidings. After offering prayers, I will lead funeral prayers in absentia. The first funeral prayer is of Late Respected Chaudhry Mahmud Ahmad Mubashir Darvesh of Qadian.
He was son of Hazrat Chaudhry Ghulam Muhammad Sahib, a companion of the Promised Messiah (as). He passed away in Qadian on 18th September at the age of 97 years. ‘Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return’ [2:157].
He was from Sargodha. He moved to Qadian to attend Madrassah Ahmadiyya in 1934. In 1943, he was recruited in the army and after retirement, he devoted his life. He moved to Qadian as per the instructions of Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) and he continued to work in various offices.
He worked as an Editor and Associate Editor. He also worked as the Mukhtar-e-Aam for Anjuman in Shajahaanpur. He got the opportunity to work in the offices of property in Qadian and he supervised the estates. He was Qazi Silsilah and served in the offices of Da’wat and Tabligh, Ta’leem and Tarbiyyat.
He then retired from serving Anjuman. He always did poetry and expressed the emotions of the people in his couplets. He was very jolly and a sociable person. He was very fond of hospitality. He was widely accepted amongst the non-Muslims for his good social behaviour. Many non-Muslims attended his funeral.
Allah the Almighty blessed him with four sons and three daughters. Two of his sons are in Qadian whereas one son and one daughter are in Pakistan. Two daughters are in Pakistan. Any guest that would go to Qadian, regardless of the fact that he knew that guest personally or not
He would assist them a lot. He spent the time of Darveshi with immense patience and resolution. May Allah the Almighty exalt his ranks. May Allah the Almighty grant his progeny the ability to continue on his righteous deeds. The second funeral prayer is of Respected Khalid Saleem ‘Abbas Abu Al-Haaji Sahib of Syria.
He passed away on 27 August 2015 due to heart failure. ‘ Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return’ [2:157]. He was amongst the pioneer and sincere Syrian Ahmadis. He accepted Ahmaddiyyat in 1927 due to the propagation of Munir Al-Husni Sahib.
He was very observant of fasting and prayer, very simple in nature, very straightforward in speech. He was a hospitable, hardworking, honest, obedient, righteous and sincere person. He was a carpenter by profession. He deeply loved Khalifat. He was very respectful towards the Jama’at administration and Missionaries.
He used to treat everyone with respect and love. He was very punctual in offering Friday prayers and despite the fact that his house was farthest away compared to all those who attended Friday prayers, even then he was the first one to arrive.
He was very fond of calling Azan (call to prayer in Islam). Despite the old age, he was courageous and he used to walk in order to meet with Ahmadis. He regularly listened to sermons and speeches and he would convey the message to others.
He fulfilled his oath of allegiance until the last breath with sincerity and faithfulness. He had attended Jalsa Salana Rabwah and Jalsa Salana UK as well. All the missionaries and other people who stayed with him praised his extraordinary sincerity and excellent treatment of missionaries. May Allah the Almighty exalt his rank.
Perhaps, only one of his daughters amongst his children is Ahmadi. The rest of his children are not Ahmadi. He was very regretful of to this. May Allah the Almighty grant his children the ability to accept Ahmadiyyat and accept his prayers and pious desires in favour of his progeny.
The incident of his acceptance of Ahmadiyyat is as follows, when he saw that a person was debating with a Muslim cleric and this person was saying something in relation with Allah and the Prophet (saw) and the cleric is continuously calling him a disbeliever.
He was compelled by the fact that the cleric is calling him a disbeliever, even though he is talking about Allah and his messenger. He then asked the same person about the Community and after gaining more knowledge, Allah enabled him to accept Ahmadiyyat. May Allah elevate the rank of the deceased.
The third funeral prayer is of someone but I do not remember the name. Anyway, it is of a Syrian Ahmadi. He was martyred when he was hit by pieces of a bomb due to the combative situation there. May Allah the Almighty elevate his ranks.
Pray for Syria, that may Allah the Almighty make the situation there better. May He grant all the Muslim nations the wisdom and sense that instead of slaughtering one another they become true Muslims and treat each other with mercy
And may Allah the Almighty grant them the ability to accept the Imam of the age. All praise is due to Allah. We laud Him, we beseech help from Him and ask His protection; we confide in Him, we trust Him alone and we seek protection against the evils and mischief of our souls
And from the bad results of our deeds. Whomsoever He guides on the right path, none can misguide him; and whosoever He declares misled, none can guide him onto the right path. And we bear witness that none deserves to be worshipped except Allah. He is alone and has no partner.
We bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is His servant and Messenger. O servants of Allah! May Allah be merciful to you. Verily, Allah commands you to act with justice, to confer benefits upon each other and to do good to others as one does to one ‘s kindred
And forbids evil which pertain to your own selves and evils which affect others and prohibits revolts against a lawful authority. He warns you against being unmindful. You remember Allah; He too will remember you; call Him and He will make a response to your call. 1:01:03.840,1193:02:47.295 And verily divine remembrance is the highest virtue.