Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2015
When relating accounts from the life of the Promised Messiah (as), Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) draws very subtle lessons to be learnt from them. These guide a Momin (true believer) to the correct path of faith.
They also enable a Momin to recognise the true essence of the religion and Allah the Almighty and attain proper insight of it. On one occasion Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) was delivering a sermon in which he gave a commentary of Ayatul Kursi . He was explaining this part of the verse:
“ To Him belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. “Who is he that will intercede with Him except by His permission? ” Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) said: ‘God says here “So now tell me, when all in the heavens and earth belongs to the Master [the Lord]
“how can you make anyone else a god?” ‘People say they worship none else save Allah. ‘However they show homage to those they consider close to God. ‘They give offerings and implore them for prayers and seek blessings from them.
‘In return they believe these individuals will act as intercessors to God on their behalf. ‘However God the Almighty says without His permission none can act as an intercessor. ‘In our era no one is greater in rank than the Promised Messiah (as).
‘Once Abdur Raheem Khan, the son of Nawaab Muhammad Ali Khan, was very ill. ‘The Promised Messiah (as) prayed for the son and received a revelation “He will not be saved.” ‘The Promised Messiah (as) thought: Nawaab Sahib has left everything and come to Qadian.
‘And so if his son died it may become a trial for Nawaab Sahib. ‘Thus the Promised Messiah (as) beseeched God Almighty in supplication: “O Lord, I give my intercession for this child’s health to be restored.” ‘Upon this he received a revelation in response:
“ Who are you to act as an intercessor, without my permission? ” ‘Now look – the Promised Messiah (as) was undoubtedly of the highest rank. ‘His advent had been awaited for the last 1300 years. ‘Yet when he tried to act as an intercessor God the Almighty replied
“Who are you to act as an intercessor, without my permission? ” ‘The Promised Messiah (as) says that when he received this revelation he fell down ‘and his body started trembling and felt he was about to die. ‘Overcome in this state, God Almighty revealed to the Promised Messiah (as):
“ Very well then; We give permission for the intercession. Go ahead and intercede.” ‘Thus the Promised Messiah (as) gave his intercession and Abdur Raheem Khan recovered to good health. ‘It was the Grace of the Almighty that his prayers were accepted ‘and the Promised Messiah (as) was enabled to act as an intercessor.
‘Yet even here, one who has the rank of being the Promised Messiah (as), is told by God “Who are you to act as intercessor, without my permission” . ‘What significance do others have therefore, who walk around as holier than thou ‘and believe they can act as intercessors for anyone.
‘The Hadith teach us that intercession of even the Holy Prophet (sa) ‘will only avail by Divine permission. ‘And so how foolish is a person who thinks individuals can be intercessors in their favour. ‘This misconception has created the ill-habit of shrine-worshipping to become prevalent ‘among our society.
‘They commit Shirk (associate partners with God) embroiled in this ‘and worshipping the Pirs (spiritual leaders).’ Every Ahmadi should remember that Allah the Almighty said to the Holy Prophet (sa), that even his intercession would only be allowed by the permission of Allah alone.
Let us now look at how Allah the Almighty displayed astonishing manifestations of His Might in support of the Promised Messiah (as). Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra), citing an example, relates: ‘Once the Promised Messiah (as) complained of a severe cough. ‘He would stay awake all night to take care of his son, Mubarak Ahmad.’
Mubarak Ahmad was his youngest son. ‘The Promised Messiah (as) would remain awake all night’ Hazrat Musleh-e-Mau’ud (ra) says: ‘I would sleep in those days at around midnight and wake up very early. ‘As I slept I saw the Promised Messiah (as) awake. ‘And when I woke up, he would still be awake.
‘This struggle is what led to the Promised Messiah (as) suffering from a bad cough ‘and this ill-health prolonged. ‘It was my duty to give the Promised Messiah (as) his medicines to drink. ‘It is natural that when one is assigned with a task,
‘he feels he has a right to interfere in matters related to it. ‘Thus I felt I should take my right of being a helper to make suggestions on the food ‘and drink intake of the Promised Messiah (as) and would recommend to him ‘not to eat or drink particular things.
‘Remedies prepared by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (ra) and also allopathic medicines were used, ‘however the Promised Messiah’s (as) cough worsened. ‘This was in 1907. An apostate, Abdul Hakeem, learned of the Promised Messiah’s (as) ‘severe coughing and wrote “Mirza Sahib will die of tuberculosis”.
‘We thought that we should not give Abdul Hakeem the opportunity ‘to rejoice in this wrong way. ‘However the Promised Messiah’s (as) cough was so severe that sometimes it seemed ‘as if he would lose his breath and choke between very long coughs.
‘It was in this predicament that someone came from out of town, bringing with them a gift of fruits.’ Hazrat Musleh-e-Mau’ud (ra) says ‘I presented these fruits to the Promised Messiah (as) who told me to say JazakAllah ‘to the visitor.
‘He then proceeded to pick one of the fruits, which I think was the banana. ‘Then either because I was the one who gave him medicines, or to teach me a lesson, ‘the Promised Messiah (as) said to me “How is it to eat this for one suffering from a cough?”
‘I replied “It is not very good.” ‘To which he smiled, peeled the banana and started to eat it. ‘I said again “The cough is severe and eating this will make things worse”. ‘He smiled and continued eating. ‘In foolishness I continued insisting he should stop eating the banana.
‘He smiled again and said “I have just received a revelation your cough has ended” . ‘From then on his cough subsided, even though he took no medicines ‘and did not take any precautions. ‘On the contrary he lived completely without precaution and taking care of himself ‘and yet his cough diminished.
‘For a month, various treatments were applied and the cough persisted. ‘This is the Divine Will. ‘Normally a lack of precaution leads to illness and treatment restores one to good health. ‘However Allah the Almighty can change the course of destiny. ‘Man has been taught by the Almighty to use the weapon of prayer
‘and submit before the Lord that “I do not desire complete liberty and am frustrated with my current plight. “Thus O Lord confer me with your favour and change my destiny.” ‘Allah the Almighty then sees the person puts his complete trust in Him
‘and thus wills to change his situation and does so, and in this also displays His Might.’ After relating this incident Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) related another faith-inspiring account with reference to Lekh Ram, and says: ‘The incident of Lekh Ram can also be presented in light of the fact that when Allah so wills,
‘he can make a person ill despite having all facilities to good health. ‘The Promised Messiah (as) had been given a revelation by Allah the Almighty that ‘Lekh Ram would perish on the second day of Eid and within six years.
‘It is not difficult for an individual to protect and secure himself for a few days every year ‘in a six year period. ‘He had recourse to making special provisions for his personal safety in this short period of time. ‘Despite this Allah the Almighty fulfilled the prophecy of the Promsied Messiah (as)
‘against all apparent circumstances. ‘Lekh Ram perishing was decreed for 6 March. ‘On 1st March Lekh Ram was summoned to Multan by his organisation ‘where he delivered four lectures, until 4th March. ‘He was then sent a telegram instructing him to reach Sakhar.
‘However as plague had broken out there, the Arya Samaj of Multan prevented him ‘from travelling there. ‘Lekh Ram then prepared to go to Muzaffargarh, however it is unknown why he instead ‘returned straight to Lahore where he arrived in the afternoon of 6 March.
‘Had he not returned on this day the prophecy would have remained unfulfilled. ‘Although he could have stayed outside of Lahore, he returned at the appointed time ‘and was murdered. ‘This example shows that despite good health, safety and security, one can succumb to death.
‘In short, Allah the Almighty can change the course of man’s situation entirely ‘according to His Will and thus demonstrates His Might as he pleases.’ Mention has already been made of Sahibzada Mirza Mubarak Ahmad. Taking care of him had a detrimental effect on the health of the Promised Messiah (as),
But he had great love for this son. Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) relates: ‘Our youngest brother’s name was Mubarak Ahmad, whose grave rests ‘to the East of the Promised Messiah (as)’s grave in Bahishti Maqbara. ‘Mubarak Ahmad was very dear to the Promised Messiah (as).’ ‘I remember we were small and fond of rearing chickens.’
How dear was this son to the Promised Messiah (as and how did he take care of him? ‘Hazrat Musleh Mua’ud (ra) relates: ‘I remember we were small and fond of rearing chickens. ‘Some I reared and others by the late Mir Muhammad Ishaaq Sahib and Mian Bashir Ahmad Sahib.
‘In our childhood enthusiasm we woke early and opened the cage, counted the eggs ‘and would boast to one another which one of our chickens had laid more eggs. ‘The late Mubarak Ahmad would also join in this fun with us. ‘One day however he fell ill.
‘A lady from Sialkot would come to help look after him, whom we called Daadi (grandmother). ‘and others too would call her the same. ‘Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I would get very annoyed by this, however there was no other word ‘to identify with the lady.
‘Hence Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I would call her Jag Daadi (grandmother common to all) instead. ‘When Mubarak Ahmad fell ill this ‘grandmother’ said the reason was ‘because he was always around the chickens where there is filth. ‘Upon hearing this the Promised Messiah (as) said to Hazrat Amaan Jaan
‘[blessed wife of the Promised Messiah (as)] to inform him how many chickens there were, ‘to give the children money for their value, and to sacrifice the chickens to eat. ‘The Promised Messiah (as) greatly loved Mubarak Ahmad. Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) has recorded the state of the Promised Messiah (as) at the time
Of the death of this most beloved son at several occasions who had taken so much care of; the Promised Messiah (as) nursed him with extreme dedication during his last illness. Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) says that ‘The Promised Messiah (as) had a very strong love for our younger brother Mubarak Ahmad.
‘When he fell ill, the Promised Messiah (as) dedicated so much time and energy to his treatment ‘that everyone thought that his death will be a great shock to the Promised Messiah (as). ‘Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (ra) was a very valiant and courageous person.
‘The day Mubarak Ahmad died, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (ra) came to visit him ‘after leading the dawn prayers (fajr).’ Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) says that ‘His role at the time was to look after Mubarak Ahmad ‘and give him his medication on time.’
‘I was the one who asked Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (ra) to come home with me ‘There were other people at home at the time, including Dr Mirza Yaqub Ahmad ‘and probably Dr Khalifa Rashidud Din Sahib. ‘When Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (ra) came to see Mubarak Ahmad, the Promised Messiah (as)
‘told him that the boy looks better now; he is sleeping. ‘While in fact these were the final moments of his life. ‘Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) says that when he arrived with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (ra), ‘Mubarak Ahmad was lying down, with his head towards the North and feet towards the South.
‘Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (ra) stood on his left side and felt for the pulse in his wrist. ‘He could not feel the pulse. ‘At this he asked the Promised Messiah (as) to get some ‘ Mushq’ . ‘Then he tried to feel for the pulse near the elbow but no pulse was there either.
‘At this he said to the Promised Messiah (as), Huzoor, please bring it quickly. ‘Then Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (ra) felt for the pulse near the armpit, but he couldn’t feel ‘the pulse even there. ‘He got worried and urged the Promised Messiah (as) to bring the Mushq quickly .
‘ During this time the Promised Messiah (as) was opening the locked case with the key. ‘Hazrat Maulwi Sahib anxiously asked for the Mushq for the last time. ‘He was overwhelmed with the thoughts that the death of Mubarak Ahmad ‘would be extremely distressing for the Promised Messiah (as).
‘Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (ra) was a strong person. Despite this the thought of impending ‘death of Mubarak Ahmad shook him off his feet and he had to sit down on the floor. ‘He was hoping that possibly the heart of Mubarak Ahmad was still beating
‘and it may be possible to revive the heart with the use of the Mushq. ‘ But the urgency in the tone of the voice of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (ra) made it clear ‘that he was not very hopeful about this. ‘When the Promised Messiah (as) heard his distressed voice,
‘he realised that Mubarak Ahmad was about to pass away. ‘He stopped unlocking his case and said, “Maulwi Sahib, if the boy has passed away, then why are you getting so distressed? “He was a trust from our God to us and now God has taken his trust back.
“So who are we to complain about this? “Perhaps you feel that because I have taken so much care of him, I will be in greater distress. “Serving him was my obligation which I have fulfilled. “Now he has passed away we are fully content with the Will of God the Almighty.”
‘There and then he started writing letters to his acquaintances.’ Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) says that ‘Close to the cabinet for the medicines there were some postcards. ‘So instead of looking for the medicines, the Promised Messiah (as) took out postcards and pen
‘and started writing to his close friends to inform them about the death of Mubarak Ahmad. ‘The Promised Messiah (as) said that “Mubarak Ahmad was a trust from God “who has been taken back to Him. “This is the duty of a true believer that he serves others for as long as he can
“and regards this as a matter of great virtue for himself. “And when the will of God takes its course, a true believer does not get upset. “He regards this as an opportunity to serve others. “However, those who become anguished and distressed at such occasions,
“suffer in this world and in the next as well. “Who could be more unfortunate than the person who suffers twice, once in this world “and then in the next.” Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra), while addressing the people of Qadian, said that
‘You may have witnessed it yourself that during the illness of Maulwi Abdul Karim ‘and Mubarak Ahmad, the Promised Messiah (as) made tremendous efforts to treat them. ‘This degree of effort might have given an impression to those around him ‘that the Promised Messiah (as) believed that the progress of his movement depended
‘upon the lives of these two. ‘During those days, no one talked about anything else. ‘All the talk was about what treatment to give and how and when? ‘But then you saw what happened after their deaths? ‘The change in the Promised Messiah (as) was astonishing.
‘On the one hand he showed great passion for their treatment and care, from morning to evening.’ This was at the time of death of both, Abdul Karim Sahib and Sahibzada Mubarak Ahmad. ‘On the other hand, the Promised Messiah (as) ‘addressed his followers in a comforting manner, with a smile on his face,
‘explaining that God has informed him in advance about these deaths.’ Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) also quotes an incidence that ‘After the death of Mubarak Ahmad, the Promised Messiah (as) came out of the house ‘and sat among the people who had gathered outside.
‘He addressed them by saying that “This is a trial from our God. “The people of our community should not get distressed over such trials and tribulations. ‘Then the Promised Messiah (as) said that “He had a Divine revelation about Mubarak Ahmad “that he would be called away at a very young age.
“In fact, we must cherish his death as we have witnessed the fulfilling of a Divine sign.” Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) said, ‘If any of our brothers, sons or relatives were to die ‘and there was a divine prophecy informing us of their death; then along with the inevitable
‘sadness associated with their death, we will also feel gratified. ‘We will not feel gratified because we don’t care about them, indeed they mean a lot to us. ‘But, God means even more to us; therefore it is not possible for us to ignore a sign of God.
‘Thus, our duty is to demonstrate to the world these two qualities. ‘We must raise awareness about the warnings of great calamities as signs of truthfulness ‘of the Promised Messiah (as). ‘At the same time we should help those who are injured and victims of these calamities.
That is to say that those affected by these disasters are indeed our own brethren. They are dying as a result of the Divine signs of calamities that have been prophesied by the Promised Messiah (as). ‘We must raise awareness about the warnings of great calamities as signs of truthfulness ‘of the Promised Messiah (as).
‘At the same time we should help those who are injured and victims of these calamities.’ ‘It does not behove us to show happiness that people died as a result of a divine sign. ‘Rather, it is imperative for us to help those who are injured or are suffering as a result of
‘these divinely prophesied calamities. ‘This will make clear to the world that we are not afraid to face any taunts or difficulties ‘as a result of publicising the Divine warnings of calamities and this world does not have ‘a greater well-wisher than us.
‘With the grace of Allah, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community helps the people in need everywhere. ‘If we demonstrate both of these qualities than God would also show two of his favours upon us. ‘Firstly, the blessing that comes from the heavens and secondly the favour ‘that appears on this earth.
So, all these incidences bring to light the true character of the Promised Messiah (as). He showed total dedication to the treatment of his son and his close colleague, but when nature took its course, he showed elation at the fulfilment of divine signs and did not show any distress.
When the Divine Decree came to pass he reacted as if nothing had happened. He also enthused the members of this community to do their utmost to turn their attention to Allah the Exalted and aim to gain the best objective in life.
The Promised Messiah (as) explained that the true purpose of our life is to gain the approbation and pleasure of God. The Promised Messiah (as) explained to his followers that when the Divine signs of calamity are fulfilled, we should feel pleased that a Divine sign has come true and at the same time
We must make every effort to serve humanity, suffering as a result of these calamities. Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud says regarding Sahibzadah Mubarak Ahmad Sahib’s intelligence and talent: ‘I will endeavour to explain it with an example of feelings and emotions. ‘Those who have seen the Promised Messiah (as) know that the Promised Messiah (as)
‘deeply loved Mubarak Ahmad. ‘There are many reasons for this. ‘Firstly Mubarak Ahmad was weak and generally suffered from ill health. ‘Because of that the Promised Messiah (as) paid him special attention. ‘And indeed if you give someone special attention, you end up developing a special love for them.
‘Secondly, despite him beeing younger than us and in spite of his tender age, ‘he was very intelligent and capable. ‘This was the reason that the Promised Messiah (as) used to love him so much. ‘Mubarak Ahmad was only seven years old and was able to write poetry.
‘It is quite an accomplishment to become a talented poet at such a young age. ‘One example of his high intellectual capacity and memory is that once the Promised Messiah (as) ‘was writing a poem and asked all his children to find the words rhyming with ” Yahee hay” .
‘Mubarak Ahmad found the most of the rhyming words. ‘These were of very good quality.’ Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) narrates an incident regarding that we should try and serve the creation of Allah physically as well, ‘so the divine attribute of Rabbubiyyat is reflected in us.
‘Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) says that he will never forget that, when he was only 16 or 17 years old, ‘his younger sister passed away. ‘She was only a few months old. ‘She was taken to be buried in the graveyard where Ahrar insist ‘that Ahmadis cannot be buried.
‘After offering the funeral prayer, the Promised Messiah (as) lifted the body of the little girl. ‘At this, Mirza Ishmael Baig Sahib, a local milkman, came forward and requested to help ‘the Promised Messiah (as) to carry the body. ‘At this the Promised Messiah (as) said to him,
“She was my daughter and the last physical service I can offer her is to carry her “to her grave myself.” Reflecting on this incidence, Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) said that ‘If we want to try and mirror the attribute of God “ Rabbul Alameen” in our personalities,
‘it is important to serve the creations of God physically. ‘If you give away all your belongings and income for the propagation of Islam, then you will become an image of the Divine attribute of Malik, ‘but you will not become the reflection of Rabbul Aalimeen.
‘In order to become the reflection of the Rabbul Aalimeen , it is required that you ‘work with your hands and are always ready to serve those in need. What a beautiful explanation. In order to become the image of the Divine attribute of Rabbul Aalameen , it is crucial
That we work with our hands and serve not only our own but others as well. If you ponder over this, it will become clear that such a practice leads to wonderful outcomes. This increases the solidarity within a nation. If everybody in the society has a mind-set to serve others,
The society becomes a really blissful place.’ Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) explained an incidence that reflects that the Promised Messiah (as) placed his trust completely in his God, had total faith in his truthfulness and acceptance of his prayers. Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) relates that
‘Once during the time of the Promised Messiah (as) there was a court case regarding ‘the custody of a mosque between Ahmadi and non- Ahmadi Muslims in Kapurthala (India). ‘The judge presiding over the case appeared quite hostile against Ahmadis.
‘At this, Ahmadis of Kapurthala became concerned and wrote a letter to the Promised Messiah (as) ‘requesting his prayers. ‘At this the Promised Messiah (as) wrote back, saying that “If I am truthful, then Ahmadis will get the custody of this mosque.” ‘Nonetheless the judge continued his hostile manner and finally he wrote his judgement
‘against the Ahmadis. ‘The next day, the judge was getting ready to go to the court to declare this judgement. ‘He asked his servant to help him get his shoes on. ‘The servant helped him to get his boot on one foot and as he was putting the boot
‘on the 2nd foot, the servant heard a thud. ‘He looked up and found that the judge had passed away of a massive heart attack. ‘Then another judge was appointed who changed the judgement in favour of the Ahmadis. ‘This was a great sign for the people of our community and consolidated their faith immensely.
‘Indeed, this is the practice of Allah the Exalted that through His prophets, He gives the news about the future as prophecies; ‘and when the believers see these prophecies come true, this enhances their faith. ‘Indeed, it was the result of the prophecies regarding the future that made people believe
‘in the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). ‘His followers excelled in resolve and courage. ‘Generally people get afraid when they face death, but if the companions of the Holy Prophet (sa) ‘had a chance to sacrifice their life in the cause of faith, they expressed extreme delight.
‘Some of them have known to have said, “By God Who is the Master of Kaaba, I have triumphed”.’ Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) also explained an instance when a vision ( Kashf ) of the Promised Messiah (as) was fulfilled within minutes. Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) explained that
‘Some time one is shown a vision from the divine while wide-awake. ‘This vision does not need an interpretation, as it comes true exactly ‘as it has been shown in the divine experience. ‘Indeed, we have many examples in the life of the Promised Messiah (as) of these visions (Kashafs)
Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) says that ‘Once the Promised Messiah (as) saw a vision (Kashaf) that Mubarak Ahmad ‘has fallen close to a Chatai ( a woven matt ) and has sustained many injuries. ‘Within two or three minutes of this vision, Mubarak Ahmad, who was standing next
‘to the Chatai , slipped and was injured. ‘His clothes were soaked in blood.’ ‘Then to explain the state of the early years in Qadian and the progress of Qadian and the Jama’at, Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) said that
‘There was a time that the Promised Messiah (as) did not have even one person with him. Then his followers increased in number ‘to thousands and now they are in hundreds of thousands.’ ‘Then, there was a time when there was no one in Punjab who believed in the Promised Messiah (as)
‘and now Ahmadis have spread not only in India, rather, in all continents of the world. ‘If the world does not believe in the Promised Messiah (as) and the Jama’at, ‘then where did all these people come from? And now entire countries are converting to Ahmadiyyat or Ahmadiyyat is being spread there.
Hazrat Musleh-e-Mau’ud (ra) says that ‘Just look around; good people are sitting in front of me right now. ‘How many of them accepted the Promised Messiah (as) in the beginning? ‘I think that there are very few people in this gathering who saw the Promised Messiah (as). ‘Majority of those sitting here saw his picture.
‘Then there are also those who saw the Promised Messiah (as) but never got a chance ‘to benefit from his company. ‘And there are very few, probably not more than dozens, who heard him speak ‘and they got a chance to benefit from his company. ‘But where did these people come from?’
Hazrat Musleh-e-Mau’ud (ra) says that ‘My birth and the oath of allegiance almost happened simultaneously. ‘In my childhood, when I reached an age of consciousness, ‘it was that time when a few years of propagation (Tabligh) had passed. ‘But I remember that only Hafiz Hamid Ali Sahib accompanied the Promised Messiah (as)
‘in his morning walks.’ That is, only two people were there. ‘Once the Promised Messiah (as) visited a particular location in Qadian during his walk. ‘Since I was a young boy at that time, I insisted to go for a walk with him. ‘There used to be a type of plant there in those days.
‘It is the same area where Ta’leem-ul-Qur’an High School Boarding and Mosque ‘presently stand. It used to be a forested area. ‘This entire area was filled with this type of plant and other than these plants, ‘there used to be nothing else here.
‘The Promised Messiah (as) came to this location for a walk and brought me along with him ‘when I insisted. ‘But after walking a little distance, I created an uproar that I was tired, due to which ‘the Promised Messiah (as) and Hafiz Hamid Ali Sahib took turns to carry me.
‘I remember that scene to this very day. ‘So it was such a time that although the Promised Messiah (as) had made the claim, ‘there were very few people who followed him and hardly anyone visited Qadian. ‘But now the situation is such that we have to make an announcement repeatedly’
Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud said this in 1937. ‘that people should seek permission before migrating to Qadian. ‘If someone migrates to Qadian without permission, they might be compelled to return.’ Therefore, these incidents are most definitely a source for increasing our faith and conviction.
May God the Almighty increase our faith and conviction and may we all become useful individuals for the Jama’at. After prayer, I will also offer one funeral prayer in absentia, which is for Respected Naseem Mahmood Sahiba, wife of Sayed Mahmood Ahmad Shah Sahib of Karachi.
She passed away due to cancer, on 27 April 2015 in Karachi. She was fifty eight years old. Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return. Her father accepted Ahmadiyyat during the tumultuous period in 1953. He did some personal study after an incident during this time and accepted Ahmadiyyat.
Opposition opens up many ways towards progression of the Jam’at. The incident was as follows: Respected Malik Muhammad Rafiq Sahib was serving in Pakistan Airforce. When he left for Karachi from Lahore, a congregation of Maulavis took the same train from Raiwind.
This incident is from 1953 when the first disorder against Ahmadis took place in Pakistan. The congregation of Maulavis got on the train from Raiwind and stated that we are going for Jihad. What was the Jihad? That we will not rest until we efface Qadianiyyat from this country.
He says that other than Muhammad Rafiq Sahib and his fellow officer, not one Maulavi presented the ticket when the ticket inspector asked for it. This made him think that these Maulavis are on this train without tickets. If they were truthful and their Jihad was real, then they would not travel without a ticket
And damage the national treasure. Now they cause even more damage . Anyway, after this incident when he arrived in Karachi for work, he asked his In-Charge if there was a Qadiani in their unit. After having a conversation with an Ahmadi and finding out more information,
He took the oath of allegiance and entered the fold of Ahmadiyyat. So this is how her father accepted Ahmadiyyat and Ahmadiyyat entered in her family. The deceased was involved in the department of teaching from 1987 until present. God the Almighty granted her immense ability to serve the Jama’at from 1997 till her death.
She had the opportunity to serve as Local Sadr Lajna twice; from 1997 till 2005 for eight years, then from 2007 till 2013 for 6 years. Then she was elected as the coordinator of auxiliaries. She was an Amila member of the district of Karachi and by the Grace of Allah the Almighty
She continued to serve in this position. She was also a Mussia. Other than her husband, Respected Syed Mahmood Shah Sahib, she left behind two sons and two daughters. Both her sons are Missionaries; Hafiz Sayed Shahid Ahmad Sahib who is in Nigeria and the other son is Respected Hafiz Sayed Mashood Ahmad Sahib
Who is serving in Jamia UK. He could not even attend his mother’s funeral. Hafiz Sayed Mashood Ahmad Sahib writes that ‘My parents presented both their sons in the way of God after we memorised the Holy Qur’an.’ They made both sons to memorise the Holy Qur’an and then admitted them in the Jamia.
‘My respected mother gave precedence to faith over worldly matters in every situation ‘and she instilled is us from our very childhood that we were to only serve the Jama’at.’ He says that ‘I still remember that, from an early age, it was her daily routine to make us
‘memorise prayers when we went to bed at night and she also used to pray for us. ‘Particularly, she used to recite couplets from the prayer written by the Promised Messiah (as) ‘in favour of one’s progeny: “My Lord, There is one prayer of mine”. ‘She recited this prayer very melodiously and with immense pain.
‘She used to say that your older brother is going to become a missionary ‘and you are going to Rabwah from Karachi to memorise the Holy Qur’an. ‘Afterwards, Allah the Almighty favoured and both the brothers memorised the Holy Qur’an,
‘then devoted their lives and went to Jamia and now they are both serving as Missionaries.’ He says that ‘During our stay in Madrassah-tul- Hifz, our beloved mother traveled to Rabwah ‘from Karachi almost every month. ‘During those times, the railway system was very frail and painful.
‘She would meet us and listen to the portion we had memorised. ‘She would wash our clothes and iron them. ‘After serving us for a day, she would travel back to Karachi the next day ‘because she was affiliated with the department of teaching. ‘She would return to her school and fulfil her responsibilities.’
He was visiting her just recently during her sickness. He could not attend her funeral but he met her during her sickness. He says that ‘When I went there she said that I always pray to Allah the Almighty that
“O my Master, do not make me a trial for my sons who are life devotees.” A prominent aspect of her life was that she used to help a lot in resolving marital disputes and issues related to marriage of the children of her relatives and also non-acquaintances.
She had immense passion and by the Grace of Allah the Almighty the compassionate relationship she had with the Jama’at and Jama’at members, only for the sake of Allah, was unique and very magnificent. May Allah the Almighty raise the status of the deceased and may He grant her progeny
To continue her virtuous deeds and may He make them heirs of her prayers.