Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2015
A few days ago a columnist in a newspaper and similarly an Australian politician have stated that the root cause of extremism amongst Muslims is Islamic commandments such as Jihad and other similar Islamic teachings. A British government politician has similarly recently said, whilst discussing Islamic injunctions,
That extremist teachings can indeed be traced in Islam and that these harsh and severe teachings are the reason why Muslims are becoming radicalised into becoming extremists. Further, the organisation that has captured swathes of land in both Iraq and Syria and
Set up a government there in the name of Islam, has not merely threatened the Western nations, but rather this group have actually perpetrated barbaric and cruel attacks in some places killing innocent people in the process. That is something I have referred to in my previous week Friday Sermon.
Where on the one hand this has gripped the general public in a state of fear and terror, there on the other hand certain leaders of these nations, whether due to ignorance or because they harbor anti-Islamic sentiments have found this an opportunity to speak out against Islam.
Those who write and speak out on this issue also say that whilst we agree that certain harsh teachings and injunctions can also be found in other religions, however the followers of those religions either do not practice their faith any longer or
They have interpolated their scriptures to meet the requirements of the current times. They emphasise that the Qur’an should also adjust its teachings to fulfil the needs of the modern era. What this proves in any case is that according to them those teachings are no longer Divinely revealed,
But rather what they are left with is merely manmade scriptures. Indeed this was destined to happen because Allah Almighty never promised that He would preserve those teachings and continue to enable people to practice them until the end of times. Whereas Allah Almighty declares in the Holy Qur’an that:
“Verily, We Ourself have sent down this Exhortation, and most surely We will be its Guardian.” Allah Almighty thus provided the means of ‘guarding’ the Holy Qur’an. The Promised Messiah (as) has given commentaries on this verse in various instances in his books. At one place he says:
‘It has been the way and practice of Allah Almighty since time immemorial that when He forbids a people from any act it is certainly in the destiny of that nation that some among them will be guilty of perpetrating that act.
Just as He forbade the Jews in the Torah not to interpolate the Torah and other Divine scriptures, yet ultimately, some of them interpolated these books. However, the Holy Qur’an does not contain an injunction that it should not be interpolated. Rather, it enjoins: ‘Verily, We Ourself have sent down this Exhortation,
And most surely We will be its Guardian.’ The Promised Messiah (as) then says: ‘It is clear from this verse that when a people will be raised to eliminate this Exhortation from the world [i.e. Holy Qur’an], God will safeguard it from the heavens through
One of His Chosen Ones.’ Therefore from time to time these people raise objections against the Qur’an to try and wipe out its teachings, because either there is nothing left of their own teachings or those teachings merely remain in book form. Nowadays there are various forms of communication where people send messages and tweets,
Such as WhatsApp and other modes. On one such platform there was a short video where two young men read various verses to people from a book, which on the outside said “Qur’an”. They would say to the people on the street, who they spoke to, that what type of teaching is this?
Then they interviewed those people to capture their reactions. Every person who learned that these were teachings of the “Qur’an” (Qur’an was written on the outside of the book) felt that it proved that it was these very Islamic teachings that caused Muslims to act in the wrong way.
After a short while the young men removed the cover of the book to reveal that these were not the teachings of Islam, but rather they were the teachings of the Bible that those people on the street had been reading [a Qur’an cover had been placed over a Bible].
But then no one said anything negative about that book, whereas whenever the name Islam is cited, negative opinions are immediately spouted. So those people laughed it off and kept silent. One women said in shock that she had studied in a Christian school
But she never realised any of this [the verses of the Bible that were mentioned in the video]. So this is their condition! When a lone Muslim commits a wrongful act it is attributed to Islam as a whole but when someone belonging to a different religion does the same,
It is said ‘pity on this person as they are insane and mentally unstable!’ We admit that certain Muslim organisations have committed injustices in the name of Islam thereby defaming the name of the religion. But to use that as a basis to target the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and
To go to such extreme lengths are only spite and malice being expressed by people [against Islam]. The extreme example of this nowadays is a Presidential Candidate in the United States who is speaking out against Islam and Muslims. In any case people can continue to say what they want against Islam.
However neither can the teachings of any other religion match the beautiful teachings of Islam nor can any of their manmade laws. They profess that they have altered their laws in accordance with circumstances and conditions. However in accordance with His promises Allah Almighty has sent his Chosen One in this era
To safeguard the Holy Qur’an who has enlightened us regarding the beautiful teachings of Islam. At one place the Promised Messiah (as) says: ‘The Holy Qur’an, which is also known as Zikr [Exhortation], was sent down in an early period to remind people of the truths and verities
Which are inherent in man but had been forgotten. By virtue of the firm promise of Allah Almighty ‘most surely We will be its Guardian’ a teacher came down from the heavens in this age as well. He is a manifestation of:
‘And among others from among them who have not yet joined them’ and his coming was promised. And it is him who now speaks among you.’ The Promised Messiah (as) then says: ‘Allah Almighty promises “Verily, We Ourself have sent down this Exhortation, and most surely
We will be its Guardian” and takes the responsibility of safeguarding Islam ‘and the Qur’an Himself. He thus saved Muslims from tribulation and difficulties ‘and prevented them from being tangled in discord and corruption [in this regard]. ‘Fortunate are those who value this Movement and derive benefit from it
In others word he is referring to those who entered his Community).’ Then, the Promised Messiah (as) says: ‘In accordance with His promise Allah Almighty has sent me at the start of the fourteenth century to establish the greatness of the Holy Qur’an.’ The Promised Messiah (as) says:
‘The support and help of the Holy Qur’an is with us. No other religious leader today enjoys the Divine succour and support that is with us’ All of this is a categorical and decisive rebuttal of the objections levelled by anti- Islamic opponents as they confess that
Other religions have been adjusted to suit the current times. Thus they are acknowledging that those faiths are now lifeless. At the same time the emphatic and passionate words of the Promised Messiah (as) are an invitation to all Muslims to establish a connection with that [Chosen] One in this era to
Demolish the assaults on Islam in this day and age done through the media, print and verbally in speeches and statements. Thus by establishing this bond they should use the beautiful teachings of Islam to silence the voice of the opponents of Islam who allege that Islam advocates extremism and terrorism.
The people or group who claim to spread Islam by force and violence are in reality tools of the anti-Islamic powers. The Promised Messiah (as) has expounded to us very clearly that the current era is not one of the Jihad of the Sword. That Jihad was permitted under certain conditional circumstances
That developed at period of the outset of Islam. At that time enemies of Islam were striving to eliminate Islam completely with the use of force. Islam is actually fully laced with teachings of peace, love and compassion – in other words – the Holy Qur’an is filled with such teachings.
And so in this era we need to promote these teachings. Every single Ahmadi needs to understand and comprehend these teachings. They need to then practice and act upon them also. They need to establish a relationship with Allah Almighty. Only then can we truly fulfil the right of being an Ahmadi.
Today we, the Ahmadis, must illuminate and enlighten both Muslims and non-Muslims with the reality and truth. Critics of Islam are ignorant and it is our task to expose their ignorant condition to them. The teachings of Islam are in fact that of peace and security.
Indeed we must demonstrate these teachings to the world through the teachings of the Holy Qur’an. We must explain to them that when they out of a lack of knowledge allege Muslims become extremists as a result of extreme teachings found in Islam, they say so because they are uninformed and ignorant.
We must also tell the Muslims that they are disgracing Islam by killing and shedding the blood of their fellow Muslims and through sectarianism. Although we have quite limited resources, we should do our utmost to carry out this task in every city and in every country through the press, media and other means.
Today, there is a critical need to display to the world the true face of Islam. In almost every place our communities pay heed towards this, with the Grace of Allah. However the need of the hour demands that we should incessantly and continuously
Utilise the media for this purpose and maintain and increase our links with them. And through the media we should convey this message to the people at large. With the Grace of Allah the Community in the US has quite extensive links in this regard
And this is also true in other countries including here [UK] and also Germany have some connections. So these links need to be extended and widened in their scope as much as they possibly can. Recently an MP from Glasgow spoke out in the [Houses of] Parliament in Britain
About the reality of Islam with reference to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. She said that we find the teachings of peace and security in Islam being practiced by Ahmadis. She added that she attended [our] Peace Symposium in Glasgow which she went on to highly praise.
In response the Home Secretary who was also seated there said that it is very true that the Islam presented by the Ahmadis is completely in contrast to the Islam depicted by terrorists. She said further that Ahmadis are in actuality peace-loving citizens.
It is also a reality that Ahmadis do not present any new teachings, but rather they only present the teachings of the Holy Qur’an. However after this one occurrence if we remain silent and static and do not follow up then after a little while people will simply forget [our message].
[People will say] ‘this issue was mentioned in the British Parliament’ and this sorted the issue. In fact it is imperative that we continue burning the flame of this issue brightly. That is: what the true teaching of Islam is.
When we remain silent, then a single article is written in the press, followed by silence. But any incidence of extremism, even if it is not so, is highly publicised in the media. Thus opponents of Islam are given ammunition to speak against the religion.
When I was recently in Japan similar sentiments could be found among the well-read and educated. In fact a Christian priest said to me that the Japanese people – nay the entire world – stands in great need of the teachings of Islam you have imparted in light of the Holy Qur’an.
However he also went on to say that this teaching would only prove beneficial if does not remain confined to this function which you have addressed; rather you should strive incessantly to convey this message to all the people of Japan.
So now fair-minded non-Ahmadis are even saying to us to not remain silent and withdrawn, but rather, that we should continuously present our teachings before the entire world so true benefit can be derived. It is now the duty of the [Ahmadiyya] community in Japan to implement a comprehensive strategy
And plan in order to continuously fulfil this end. Similarly now, both here in the UK and in the rest of the countries of the world, we need to convey the knowledge and insight of Islam’s beautiful teachings as it was taught to us by the Promised Messiah (as).
No one can match or compete with these beautiful teachings all of which were elucidated to us by the Promised Messiah (as) and are included in so many places in the literature of the community. As the Promised Messiah (as) has said, he was sent by Allah Almighty
To teach and identify the correct interpretations, commentaries and explanations of the Holy Qur’an and to safeguard it. And he fulfilled this fully and splendidly through his statements, speeches and books. In short in this era Allah Almighty has tasked the Promised Messiah (as) with protecting and safeguarding the Holy Qur’an.
It is also the duty of every Ahmadi, therefore, to spread its message to people of every denomination and disposition. They should further this mission in every single place to fulfil their right of Bai’at . Presently, I shall present some examples which establish the beauty and excellence
Of Islam’s teachings pertaining to peace. At one place of the Holy Qur’an Allah Almighty says: ‘There should be no compulsion in religion’ Then the Holy Qur’an says: [Arabic] ‘And if thy Lord had enforced His will, surely, all who are on the earth
Would have believed together. Wilt thou, then, force men to become believers?’ If Allah Almighty had [enforced] his Will, ‘surely, all who are in the earth would have believed together.’ However, this was not the will of Allah Almighty and therefore despite the Holy Prophet’s (saw) desire,
Allah Almighty stated that He would not allow it to happen even though the Holy Prophet (saw) had asked. Therefore, this should always be kept in mind and it is this teaching alone which very clearly shows that there is no compulsion in Islam. The Promised Messiah (as) states,
‘Islam has never advocated compulsion in religion. If you closely study the Holy Qur’an, all the books of Hadith and historical records, and examine them and reflect upon them as far as possible, you will realise that the charge that Islam ever used force
And wielded the sword to spread the faith is an utterly baseless and shameless allegation. Such charges are levelled against Islam by people who have not been able to read the Qur’an, Hadith and the authentic chronicles in an objective and impartial spirit, rather they have made free use of slander and falsehood.
However I know this time is approaching fast when those who are hungry and thirsty for the truth will come to know the reality of these slanderous charges. How can we describe Islam as a religion of compulsion, when its Holy Book, the Holy Qur’an, unequivocally commands: ‘There should be no compulsion in religion’.
This means that you are simply not allowed to convert people by force. Can we ever accuse the great Prophet Muhammad (saw) of using force, while, for thirteen long years of his Meccan life, he continued to exhort his companions at every opportunity not to respond to evil for evil,
But instead to forbear and forgive? Certainly, when mischief exceeded all limits, and everyone joined hands to try to obliterate Islam, God’s wrath required that those who kill by the sword should be killed by the sword. Except for this, the Holy Qur’an does not at all approve of compulsion.
Were it so, the companions of our Holy Prophet (saw), in moments of trial, would not have succeeded in proving their sincerity as true believers.’ If one is forced then one can never express the truth from his heart and nor can one reflect a relationship of devotion.
He further states, ‘While the loyalty of the companions of our Master, the Holy Prophet (saw), is a matter upon which needs no further explanation’ The Promised Messiah (as) further states, ‘Wars in Islam fall under three categories’ i.e. there are three types of wars whereby there was permission to use force in Islam:
‘1. Defensive war – war by way of self-protection’ For self-defence, if someone attacks you then you are allowed to take up arms; ‘2.Punitive war – blood for blood’ When someone has to punished, or if someone has attacked and shed blood,
Then irrespective of whether it is a period of war or peace, arms are allowed to be taken up, or punishment can be handed out or one can be killed; ‘3.War to establish freedom – to establish freedom i.e. to break the hold of those who kill those who convert to Islam.’
The enemy would kill people simply because they had become Muslims. This also relates to faith because since they had changed their faith they would kill them. Thus, it was then that Allah Almighty stated that since they are killing Muslims the sword can be taken up against them.
The Promised Messiah (as) states, ‘Apart from these three reasons there is no other reason for the sword to be drawn or the use of force.’ He further states, ‘The Qur’an clearly commands not to raise the sword in order to spread Islam ‘and that the innate qualities of the religion should be presented
‘and that others should be attracted through pious models. ‘Do not think that in the early days of Islam the use of the sword was commanded, ‘because the sword was never wielded to spread Islam. ‘On the contrary, it was drawn for survival in self-defence against enemy attacks
Or in order to establish peace. Compulsion in religion was never the objective.’ He also states, ‘Those who are known as Muslims and only know that Islam should be spread by ‘ the use of force are not cognisant of the inherent qualities of Islam’ They are not aware of it
‘and their ways are the ways of beasts.’ They are like animals. Therefore, this declaration in the Holy Qur’an, that no one is to be forced into religion, is enough to rebut the allegation of critics. Those who are intellectual know that Islam is being defamed through wrong methods.
As I mentioned earlier, many intellectuals and even a Christian priest have expressed that the peaceful teaching of Islam needs to be propagated extremely widely. And so, those who say to propagate the teaching of Islam are in fact fulfilling the words of the Promised Messiah (as) that
‘those who are hungry and thirsty for truth will come to know the reality of these slanderous charges’ after learning about the true teaching of Islam. However, along with this, the Promised Messiah (as) has drawn our attention as well to present the inherent beauties of the faith.
That is only possible when we have knowledge of them ourselves. Therefore increase your knowledge. Secondly, he stated that you should attract others through your pious personal examples. Thus, establish righteous models so that after observing us people are drawn towards us. Therefore, it is a great responsibility upon every Ahmadi that in order to
Present the inherent qualities of the religion they have to increase their knowledge of the Holy Qur’an and present good models so that they can attract the world towards them. In this age, it is indeed this knowledge and practice that we,
In subservience to the Promised Messiah (as), can partake in protecting the Holy Qur’an and Islam. And, we can tell the world that if they want to establish true peace in the world then it can only be done through the Holy Qur’an.
Regarding those who do not accept Islam, the Holy Qur’an describes them in the following words: [They say] ‘If we were to follow the guidance with thee, we should be snatched away from our land.’ Therefore, the criticism levelled against Islam is not that it [allegedly] teaches
Cruelty and compulsion, rather the criticism of those who do not accept its teachings is that if they were to accept the Holy Prophet’s (saw) teaching, which is a teaching of peace and a teaching of harmony, then the neighbouring nations would destroy them.
Thus, the teaching of Islam extends a hand of friendship and compassion and one that spreads peace and harmony. It is a teaching which promotes peace and love. If some Muslim groups do not adhere [to Islam’s teaching] then that it is their misfortune.
Even though they have the Holy Qur’an with its original text, they do not practice it. They are not safeguarding the teachings and commandments of the Holy Qur’an. It is the Promised Messiah (as) and his community who are the ones who are to safeguard it.
We need to show the world through our knowledge and practice that the threat to their peace is not posed by Islam, instead it is from those who oppose Islam. The extract of the Promised Messiah (as) which I read out also states that
Those who seek to defame Islam have made use of falsehood and slander. In reality it is their falsehood and slander that is putting the peace of the world in danger. For their own personal interests and to seek geographic and political supremacy, they have ignited this disorder.
Some of the superpowers also have a hand in the disorder that exists in the Muslim countries. Now, even their own people in the Western media have started to say that these Muslim extremist groups are a product of their own governments which were created after the Iraq war or the crisis in Syria.
However, by saying this, I do not deem those who in the name of Islam and calling themselves Muslims are carrying out extremism and giving a false portrayal of the teachings of Islam, to be free from any kind of blame. But indeed the superpowers also have a part to play in stoking this fire.
One of the main reasons for all this is the failure to be just. We no longer live in a time when superpowers give a statement and the whole world will accept it. In fact, through the media, analysts now have easy access anywhere [in the world]
To express their views. Even now, on the one hand there is discussion of trying to eliminate terrorism and bombs are being dropped on them, while on the other hand, despite having full knowledge of it, they have turned a blind eye on those who provide them with arms,
Illegally finance them or carry out financial transactions. Therefore, it is not only these Muslim groups who act contrary to the teachings of Islam causing injustice and disorder. Rather, it is also the superpowers who give precedence to their own interests and consider the peace of the world as incidental and secondary.
A true Muslim knows that Allah Almighty is Salaam [the source of peace] and He desires peace for His creation. And among the true Muslims, indeed it is the Ahmadis who are cognisant of all the commandments and guidance Allah Almighty has given in order to grant peace to mankind
And to establish peace in the world. Allah Almighty states at one place in the Holy Qur’an, ‘We call to witness the Prophet’s repeated cry: ‘O my Lord! these are a people who will not believe. And Our reply was, ‘‘So turn aside from them, and say, ‘Peace;’’’ and soon shall they know.’
This is the teaching of the Holy Qur’an. When the Holy Prophet (saw) called people towards God Almighty, they rejected him. The Holy Prophet (saw) states, ‘O my Lord, I am calling them towards peace and harmony, ‘however they are rejecting it.
‘And not only do they reject, but they in fact are a people who do not believe ‘and do not understand the message of peace and in turn they do not grant me peace either. They ruin the peace of the Muslims.’ Allah Almighty replied,
‘so turn aside from them, they do not understand, lack intellect and are foolish people who become infuriated. When you listen to these words of theirs tell them, “I have brought peace for you and my message is one of peace and I will continue to deliver this message alone.’’’
Thus, God Almighty instructed the Holy Prophet (saw) in the Holy Qur’an that even after witnessing and enduring the injustices of the opponent of Islam, your reply should only be, ‘I only extend to you the message of peace and will continue to do so,
So that peace can be established in the world.’ If this is the instruction given to the Holy Prophet (saw), then how important is this instruction for every Muslim? Today, when such circumstances still exist it becomes incumbent upon us to deliver this message in the same manner.
Our duty is to convey the message of peace and harmony. And as the Promised Messiah (as) mentioned, if ever the sword was drawn by the Muslims, it was done in self-defence and to establish peace. It was never done so to commit injustices.
Therefore, it is out of the question that the Holy Qur’an would ever or anywhere give the commandment that if someone rejects you then you can draw the sword against and smite him. If a Muslim group or a Muslim leader is contradicting this through his actions and
Says that their reason for doing so is to establish peace in the world, then that is not true Islam. Rather, they are expressing their personal interests or the interests of the superpowers who are using the Muslims as a tool,
And all the while they place the blame on the teaching of Islam that all this is due to this. A true Muslim and a servant of the Gracious God has been described by Allah Almighty as, ‘and when the ignorant address them, they say, ‘Peace’!’. This is the teaching of the Holy Qur’an.
It is this teaching which gives the instructions to establish peace and harmony at every level and to make every effort towards it. Every one of us, particularly the youth, should never fall into an inferiority complex. It is Islam, and only Islam, that can be the guarantor of peace and harmony in the world.
It is the Holy Qur’an, and only the Holy Qur’an, that gives guidance to spread peace and harmony and to eliminate extremism. Every one of us needs to gain an understanding of this teaching and we need to adopt it. Adhere to this teaching as the Promised Messiah (as) has stated that
Let the world know through your practical examples that it is us whom Allah Almighty has given the opportunity to safeguard the Holy Qur’an and this is Allah Almighty’s grace. The correct commentary and interpretation of the Holy Qur’an is in fact the safeguarding of its meanings.
God Almighty has sent the Promised Messiah (as) in this age for this purpose. By enabling us to accept him, Allah Almighty has chosen and given us the opportunity to partake in this task. It is the responsibility of every Ahmadi to spread this beautiful teaching in the world.
Every Ahmadi boy, girl, man and woman needs to make an effort to fulfil this responsibility. At this moment in time the world is stood at the edge of a pit of fire and at any time circumstances can change and it can fall into it.
At such a time, it is the responsibility of an Ahmadi to try and save the world from falling into this fire and to grant it peace and security. And it is only the Ahmadis that can do this.
Therefore, there is a need to make an effort for this and the main thing required to attain this objective is to try and form a special bond with Allah Almighty. It is to bow before Him and to adopt Taqwah (the fear of God and righteousness) and to create this Taqwah in one’s heart.
Only then can we grant peace and security to ourselves, our generations and to the world. With reference to such occasions and circumstances the Promised Messiah (as) stated: “There is a fire, but those all shall be saved who love the God of wonders and Majesty.”
Thus, there is a need to strengthen the bond with the God of Wonders and Majesty. And we should try to increase in our love of Allah Almighty. May Allah Almighty enable us to do this and may he also give the worldly people reason and rationale
So that they may listen to the voice of God Almighty and try to reform themselves and thus be saved from falling into the pit of destruction. After prayers, I will offer a funeral prayer where the body is present here and another in absentia.
The Funeral is of respected Inayatullah Ahmadi Sahib (where the body is present), who passed away on 9th December. [We surely belong to Allah and to Him we shall return] He served as a missionary of the Ahmadiyya Community for a long time.
His father’s name was Allah Bakhsh Sahib who was the owner of the Allah Baksh steam press. Inayatullah Ahmadi Sahib was born in January 1920. At the age of 5 he came to Qadian and was admitted into Taleemul Islam, Qadian. In 1936 he passed his Matriculation examination from Taleemul Islam High School.
Then in 1939 East Africa he was enlisted into the military as a clerk and discharged in July 1946. On 30th May 1944 aged 24 he dedicated his life [for the community] and started serving as a Missionary in East Africa from July 1946. He retired in December 1979 aged 60.
From 1946 to December 1973, for 33 years and 3 months he had the opportunity of serving outside Pakistan. For four years and four months in Kenya and 18 years and 11 months in Tanzania he served as a missionary. After this, until he retired he served as a missionary in Sialkot [Pakistan]
And also served a district missionary in districts of Jang. Among his offspring are three four daughters and three sons. One of his sons is Habibullah Ahmadi Sahib who also has had the opportunity of serving as a Waqf When Inayatullah Ahmadi Sahib was in Tanzania
And there was an expansion in the activities [of the community] in 1947, Chaudhary Inayatullah Ahmadi was among the missionaries sent by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra) to assist the late Maulana Sheikh Mubarak Ahmad Sahib. There he rendered his services at various places.
Similarly, while Sheikh Mubarak Ahmad was translating the Holy Qur’an into Swahili, at that time Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra) appointed Chaudhary Inayatullah Sahib and Maulana Jalaludin Sahib Qamar as his assistants. In this manner, he was endowed with the task of translating the Holy Qur’an.
He was also given an opportunity to serve as Missionary In-Charge in Dar-ul-Islam. Once, he was on his way on a bicycle to lead prayers in a mosque in one of his communities In the Bangale community. Ahmadis informed him that a non-Ahmadi Imam and others were conspiring.
The Imam had made them join him to burn the mosque and that there would be an uproar. Therefore, Ahmadis advised him not to go to Bangale. Upon this, he very courageously responded that he would certainly go and he continued with his journey.
While he was riding, as I said on his bicycle, along the way he met the Chief of Bangale and upon seeing him ride a bicycle, he stopped his car and invited him to sit in the car. He replied that he was on a bicycle and he was fine.
In any case, upon the insistence of the chief, he sat in his car and the chief brought him to the village. On the way he informed the chief about the situation of the village. The chief summoned all the people and said that he is our guest
And he will not in any case be treated badly nor will I permit such a thing to happen and I will help him with whatever he needs. He also admonished the Imam a great deal. In fact, he also said that I will offer my prayers behind him.
Therefore, when it was time for prayers, the chief stood behind him and offered prayers. He bore a great influence on the people in the area and had a vast scope of contacts. May Allah Almighty exalt the status of the deceased
And also grant an opportunity to his offspring to maintain a loyal bond with community and Khilafat. The second funeral of Maulawi Bashir Ahmad Sahib Kala Afghanan Derwesh. He passed away on 7th December aged 87. [We surely belong to Allah and to Him we shall return]
In his autobiographical life sketch published in the Derwesh edition of the Badr newspaper late Maulavi Bashir Ahmad Sahib Kala Afghanan writes that ‘A friend from my village Muhammad Ahmad Sahin Kala Afghanan came to Qadian. ‘I had just taken my examination at Dera Baba and was in search of employment
‘when Muhammad Ahmad Sahib sent me a message saying that he was leaving the chowngi employment and wanted to work for Al-Fazl. He asked me to take his place in chowngi.’ At this point he was not an Ahmadi. He writes: ‘In 1946 I left my village and reached Qadian and started working for chungi.
When I came to Qadian for work, I did not have considerable information about Ahmadiyyat.’ He writes: ‘I told my non-Muslim friend to guide me to a mosque which does not belong to Qadianis. ‘I cannot go to their mosque. ‘The non-Muslim told me the way to Masjid Aqsa.
‘I went there. I saw a rather large mosque. ‘Someone was offering his prayers there, another was reciting tilawat. There was a beautiful dome. ‘In my heart I was actually pleased that this mosque was very good and that
I will not attend the Qadiani mosque. One day, I found out that this mosque belonged to Ahmadis.’ He writes: ‘I also went to the Mosque of the Ahraris but on seeing the condition there I pledged to myself that now I will only always offer prayers at Masjid Aqsa.’
Then slowly he was introduced to an Ahmadi friend who gave him the literature of the community ‘and the book Tablighe Hidayat and other magazines in response to which, he says, Allah Almighty granted him the opportunity to accept Ahmadiyyat.
In 1947, the country was partitioned and according to the instruction of Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) Khuddam started coming from far flung places to protect the headquarters. On that occasion, he says, ‘I also put my name forward to protect the Centre which was approved
And in this way Allah Almighty granted me an opportunity of being included among the Derwesh.’ he said: ‘After performing the Bai at, I was opposed by my friends and particularly parents. Upon the country’s partition, they also pleaded me to come back to them
And continued to express much regret on account of my becoming an Ahmadi. But on my refusal, my mother and farther cried a great deal to try to persuade but I did not go. I gave precedence to my faith over world.’ Further, he writes: ‘Due to this grief, my mother lost her eye-sight.’
In 1952 he married the daughter of Zahuruddin Sahib of Hyderabad. This marriage granted him two sons, Mahmood Ahmad Sahib and Shuaib Ahmad Sahib. Sohaib Sahib is a life devotee and he is presently serving as Nazir for Expenditure in Qadian. Similarly his son-in-law, Qari Nawaab Sahib, is a life devotee.
He had the opportunity to serve as a rural missionary in Maharashtar Karnatak. He was very enthusiastic about preaching. He would write on a wooden board or small plank that the ‘Imam Mahdi (as) has come’ so everyone could read it and he would start doing Tabligh.
Similarly he had the opportunity to work for various offices. He was manager for Al-Badr newspaper and similarly he worked for Langar Khana [communal kitchen] and other departments. He had vast contacts with various departments and officials [non-Ahmadis] and they used to respect and honour him very much.
Despite of the old age, he always offered prayers in congregation at the mosque. Even on the day of his demise, he offered zuhr and asr prayers at the mosque. He used to offer his prayers particularly in the old section of Masjid Mubarak.
He was a person who saw visions and true dreams. He used to pray a lot. He was very social and many new life devotees who are young benefited from sitting in his company. May Allah the Almighty elevate the status of the deceased.
And may He enable his progeny to become recipient of his prayers and good deeds. The third funeral is of Respected Syedah Qanta Begum Sahiba who is from Urisah [India]. She was the mother of our life devotee, Dr. Tariq Ahmad Sahib who is in charge of Nur Hospital in Qadian.
She passed away on 16 October. [Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return] She was a very contented person, simple, patient and always grateful, kind towards the poor, honourable, virtuous and sincere woman. She took a lot of care for her children’s higher education and good moral and spiritual training.
Her husband was a government worker and his salary was limited. Despite that he would serve his poor and needy relatives considerably and there was a lot of cooperation from late Qanta Sahiba regarding this matter. She never objected, rather, she always encouraged him. May Allah the Almighty exalt the status of the deceased
And may her good deeds continue on amongst her progeny. All praise is due to Allah. We praise Him, we beseech help from Him and ask His protection; we confide in Him, we trust Him alone and we seek protection against the evils and mischief of our souls
And from the bad results of our deeds. Whomsoever He guides on the right path, none can misguide him; and whosoever He declares misled, none can guide him onto the right path. And we bear witness that none deserves to be worshipped except Allah. We bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.
O servants of Allah! May Allah be merciful to you. Verily, Allah commands you to act with justice, to confer benefits upon each other and to do good to others as one does to one ‘s kindred and forbids evil which pertain to your own selves and evils which affect others
And prohibits revolts against a lawful authority. He warns you against being unmindful. You remember Allah; He too will remember you; call Him and He will make a response to your call. And verily divine remembrance is the highest virtue.