Ahmadi Muslim VideoTube Friday Sermon Khalifa V Friday Sermon | خطبہ جمعہ | March 9, 2012

Friday Sermon | خطبہ جمعہ | March 9, 2012

Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2012

Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah. Come to Prayer Come to success Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. There is none worthy of worship except Allah.

Peace be upon you all, I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah He is alone and has no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is His Servant and Messenger After this I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed.

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. The Gracious, the Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help. Guide us in the right path

The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings, those who have not incurred Thy displeasure, and those who have not gone astray. Prophets come to the world to bring mankind closer to God, to make man worshipper of God and to make man practice God’s commandments.

Amongst all the prophets, our master and guide, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) brought the most perfect teaching with him. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) did full justice to that teaching that was revealed to him. The manner, in which he did justice to the teaching that was revealed to him, was completely unparalleled.

He took this message of truth to the Bedouins of Arabia, he took it to the slaves, and he took this message of truth to the tribal chiefs of Mecca, without any fear whatsoever. He took this message, to even powerful kings

And in doing so, he reminded all these people towards the rights due to God’s worship. After him, this immense task was carried out by the Companions of the Holy Prophet (saw), who conveyed this message to the entire world. 1400 years later, in accordance with the promises of God Almighty,

The true and Ardent Devotee of the Holy Prophet (saw) was sent to the world. He once again revived this mission and he called the world towards Allah, the Supreme. He taught the world how the path leading to God could be ascertained and how it could be reached.

He informed that if one is in search of God, then the path leading to God is only, and only Islam today that can achieve this objective. The Promised Messiah (as) also provided this very invitation to non-Muslims. In one of his verses of poetry, the Promised Messiah (as) states:

“Come people, for this is where you shall find the Light of God”. Elsewhere in his writings, the Promised Messiah (as) states: “A study of the religions of the world reveals that every religion, except Islam, “contains some flaw or the other. “This is not because they were all false in their origin”.

In other words, the Promised Messiah (as) explains that all the flaws found in religion today are not due to the reason that they have the flaws to the outset, the Promised Messiah (as)continues, “but because after the advent of Islam, God gave up His support to other religions.

“They became like neglected gardens, which had no gardener to look after them “and for the irrigation and upkeep of which, no arrangement had been made. “So gradually, they began to decay, all their fruit bearing trees became dry and barren “and thorns and weeds spread all over instead.

“Spirituality, which is the root of all religions, “was lost from all these religions and nothing was left, but mere words”. Then the Promised Messiah (as) explains: “Because Islam is the last and final Shariah, or law, “thus God did not neglect the teachings of Islam and protected it from becoming dry,

“rather in different locations, at different times, in every century, “in order to keep Islam alive and fresh Allah the Almighty continued to send guardians”. The Promised Messiah (as) says: “In the current age, “I have been sent by God and I am the Mujaddid, the Reformer of the last millennium.

“Therefore, in order to become a fruit-bearing tree in that beautiful garden, “to bond with that Ardent Devotee of the Holy Prophet (saw), is a duty of every single Muslim”. Because establishing a living connection with God Almighty can only be achieved through this means alone.

The Promised Messiah (as) conveyed the beautiful teachings of Islam not only in India but rather beyond the confines of India also. He infused this spirit within the people who took his Bai’at, his Pledge of allegiance, that is the Companions of the Promised Messiah (as) that,

“Tell the world to come closer to God and to establish a connection with their Creator. “This connection can only be formed in the true sense by bonding oneself “with the true and Ardent Devotee of the Holy Prophet (saw)”.

Those who took the Bai’at, Pledge of allegiance of the Promised Messiah (as) included poor people, labourers, landlords, farmers, uneducated village folk, business people, office workers and even educated persons. All of these people understood and comprehended the message of the Promised Messiah (as)

According to their individual capacities and they benefited from being in his company. After comprehending the true message of Islam, they strove to convey that message within their respective spheres. They acquired true knowledge and insight regarding the superiority of Islam

Over other religions and became a part of those people who invited others towards God. Therefore, these were the people who strived to their utmost to rapidly spread the true message of Islam in India and beyond. At this time, I will relate some accounts relating to the preaching efforts of these people.

Hazrat Imam Din Sahib (ra) states that, “Once Maulvi Fatah Din Sahib wrote a letter to me that, ‘in Dharamkot’,” Dharamkot is a name of a place, ‘Maulvi Abdus Subhan Maniawala has come for a debate. ‘Come immediately; come to Qadian with a Maulvi or religious scholar.’

“We took Maulvi Abdullah Sahib Kashmiri and reached Dharamkot. “There were many people gathered there. “Maulvi Sahib, upon seeing this large gathering went to Sardar Bashan Singh in Bhagowali. “Then our entire community went to Bhagowali “with the zeal that was in them for Tabligh or preaching.

“Finally, the debate took place with Sardar Bashan Singh as the Chairperson “and the discussion was held regarding the issue of life and death of Jesus (as). “However, the opposing camp then stalled “and said they would not proceed until it could be proved

“that there was evidence that Mirza Sahib’s name is found in the Holy Qur’an. “Further they placed a condition that the name should be shown in the Holy Qur’an “as ‘Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, son of Mirza Ghulam Murtaza’. “Only then would they accept and proceed. “Otherwise they said they would not continue with the debate.

“So Maulvi Abdullah Sahib replied that, ‘I will provide you evidence from the Holy Qur’an’. “Thus, the debate restarted. “The other Maulvi then demanded the evidence. “So Maulvi Sahib from our side said, ‘All the prophets ‘who came in the past regarding whom prophesies were made,

‘first show any citations of their names with parentage in the Holy Qur’an. ‘But if this method was not documented as regard to earlier prophets, ‘why is this question raised now?’ “The opposing camp did not provide any sensible response to this. “Ultimately, they sat down embarrassed.

“Sardar Bashan Singh who was chairing this debate exclaimed that, “This Maulvi has no knowledge and he started abusing the other Maulvi’.” “Finally”, says the narrator that, “Allah the Almighty granted them victory and success”. He relates that, “We mentioned this incident to the Promised Messiah (as) who said,

‘Why did Maulvi Sahib not say that Allah Almighty has given my name in the Holy Qur’an, ‘His name will be Ahmad’?.” Hazrat Pir Iftikhar Ahmad Sahib writes about his respected father Pir Ahmad Jaan Sahib, and he writes this before the claim of the Promised Messiah (as).

He says that, “My father accepted even then that the Promised Messiah (as) “was the Mujjadid of this age. “With great fervour he propagated this message further amongst his friends and acquaintances, “and he also published an extensive leaflet.” The narrator writes that, “At this time this has already been published in the Al Fazl.”

In addition to preaching efforts, he and his followers would partake in monetary contributions. In fact, the final part of his life was spent in the endeavours to carry out preaching efforts and also provide financial contributions. In this era this was also the purpose of the advent of the Promised Messiah (as).

With the Grace of Almighty Allah, aside from books and other literature of Jama’at through MTA, God the Almighty is enabling the propagation of the message of Islam to spread in different languages. In the outset when MTA began, there was only, one satellite that broadcast for a few hours.

Today, with the Grace of Almighty Allah, the programs of MTA are broadcast on ten satellites all over the world. Where in India, in certain places, large satellite dishes were required to receive MTA, there efforts are being made and facilities are being provided

So that small satellite dishes can be used of one and a half or two feet through which the programs of MTA can be received, God willing. Nonetheless, now I return, to relating these accounts. Hazrat Master Nazeer Hussain Sahib, son of Hakeem Muhammad Hussain Sahib,

Marham-e-Isa, narrates, “Since childhood, I had a great zeal for Tabligh or preaching. “Until 1903, my father lived in Bhati Darwaza Lahore in the area of Bhatranga. “During those days, an Ahmadi, Abu Saeed Arab had come to visit my father. “Observing my keenness towards religion and Preaching, “he provided me with some simple arguments

“regarding the death of the Messiah Jesus (as) and the advent of the Promised Messiah (as). “I would present these arguments before the Imams of various mosques “and demand that they provide the answers to these. “At the time, I went to the Imam of the high mosque in Bhati Darwaza

“and I presented these arguments before him. “He said to me, ‘I will only respond to you, when you go with the Promised Messiah (as) ‘for a walk when the dust is blowing in the wind. ‘Then when you return home, observe that is there dust on his face like the others’.”

This Imam placed the stipulation that go for a walk with the Promised Messiah (as) and observe that when the dust and sand is blowing in the wind, does that dust and sand settle on the face of the Promised Messiah (as).

“The Imam said, ‘if you witness that it is not settled on him then I will provide the answer’.” He did not say that I will accept, he said that, “I will only provide the answer and I will explain the facts and realities to you”.

So, this narrator continues that, “Because previously I had many opportunities “to walk with the Promised Messiah (as), “thus immediately I set off to Qadian with my father. “I set off for an early morning walk with the Promised Messiah (as). “He would walk rapidly during the morning walks.

“At times, I would have to run to catch up with him. “By coincidence, on that day, the wind was blowing, “sand and dust rose up in the air and fell upon everyone there. “When the Promised Messiah (as) returned from his walk “and stood before the round-shaped room of his home,

“all his companions encircled him and stood around him. “Breaking through the circle, I stood near the Promised Messiah (as). “I compared the countenance of everyone standing there “with the countenance of the Promised Messiah (as), “and I was struck entirely and dumbfounded.

“that there was not even a hint of dust or sand upon the countenance of the Promised Messiah (as), “whereas everyone else’s faces were filled with dust and sand. “I mentioned this to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (ra) on that same day.

“He responded that, ‘This is a sign of his being the Promised Messiah (as).’ “I then returned to Lahore and I went to the same Imam of that mosque, explaining to him that “I had also mentioned this incident to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (ra)

“saying that he has said that this is a sign of the Promised Messiah (as). “The maulvi abruptly stated that, ‘I do not accept this. ‘Nooruddin has made this all up and has told you to say this’.” The narrator of this account says that, “In short, that he was deprived of this blessing

“whereas we witnessed the sign with our own eyes.” Hazrat Sher Mohammed Sahib relates once, “I saw a dream that a well is filled with milk. “I give certain friends bucket loads of milk from that well. “Subsequently the well dried up.

“Upon this I go to Maulvi Fata Din Sahib, and I relate to him this dream. “He responded that, ‘Go to Maulvi Abdul Kareem Sahib or go to Maulvi Nooruddin Sahib’. “I thus went to Qadian; I related this dream to Maulvi Abdul Kareem Sahib “who said milk could be interrupted as knowledge.

“I replied that, I have no education whatsoever. ‘This knowledge’ he said, ‘ – means the knowledge that is taught by God the Almighty, ‘and the bucket loads of milk you provided to others, ‘means that many will benefit from your knowledge ‘relating to the claim of the Promised Messiah (as).

‘The well drying up means that those who stopped you from carrying out Tabligh or preaching ‘and stopped you from saying Mahdi relating to the Promised Messiah (as) ‘will one day die right before your eyes’. “Consequently”, he says, “All of these things came true.

“Despite fierce opposition in Khan Fatha, the whole village due to my preaching, “God’s Support and Succour and the prayers of the Promised Messiah (as) became Ahmadis.” Hazrat Kazi Mohammed Yousuf Sahib states, “During my travels of India, he was from Mardan, “I travelled to Bombay, Delhi, Agra, Shimla and Calcutta.

“In Balochistan I went to Sibbi, Quetta and Mustang. “In Afghanistan I travelled to Jalalabad, Kabul and Chari car Nomanie. “In Punjab, Murree, Qadian, Gurdaspur, Amritsar, Rawalpindi, Sialkot, Lahore, “and Wazeerabad, were all seen by me. “I saw the entire frontier and the agencies. “Then I visited Sawaat, Jammu and Kashmir.

“In Rosabell I saw the grave of Hazrat Yuzu Asif or Yus Asif, which is in Mohalla Khanyar. “Since the day of my Bai’at, my Pledge of Allegiance, all students of the Islamic school “in the city of Peshawar and in all the districts of the area

“would call me as Qadiani, Mirza Qadian and Qadian”. Since the day of his Bai’at, he expressed his new-found faith in such a way that he became renowned all over. He says, “If for example I went in to the football field, this is all people would be talking about.

“In this way Ahmadiyyat spread profusely, people started asking questions of me. “On a daily basis question and answer sessions and also discussions ensued in abundance. “Gradually, in school in Shahi Bagh “and also wherever the opportunity arose, I preached in this manner.

“Eventually, this message and preaching came out of the confines of the school “and spread in Peshawar and also Sarhad. “This is because in all the districts “I travelled to in Sarhad (frontier area), I went alongside the honourable Commissioner, “and I had the opportunity to travel to all the agencies in Sarhad (frontier area).

“I would go to meet all the students of the Islamic school and college in their boarding “and would preach to them there. “Through my writings, speeches and discussions, Ahmadiyyat spread all over Sarhad and these areas, “in particular elder people became Ahmadis. “Those who became Ahmadis through me

“or became Ahmadis through those who became Ahmadis through me, “they must number approximately 200 or 250. “Some of these have passed away whilst others are still alive. “During the second Khilafat some of these joined the Lahori sect, “whilst the others remained within the Jama’at.”

Hazrat Ahmad Din Sahib (ra), son of Mana Sahib states: “Once I heard in a Friday Sermon the Promised Messiah (as) stated himself, ‘Even the uneducated in my community will prevail over others ‘who will not be able to compete with them’,

“in other words none-Ahmadis will not be able to compete with any Ahmadi”. He states that: “I myself have witnessed that despite the fact of being uneducated and an illiterate, “I have completely defeated the non-Ahmadi Mullahs to the extent

“that they would say that you tell a lie that you are uneducated and an illiterate.” In other words the Maulvis again refused to believe that he was uneducated. Hazrat Dr Muhammad Bakhsh Sahib, son of Mian Kaalay Khan Sahib states: “In 1903, I took the Bai’at in the district of Shimla via a letter.

“I met the Promised Messiah (as) in 1902, “when the Promised Messiah (as) placed some mehndi or type of colouring on his beard “that was wrapped with a cloth. “He was wearing a cloth around his waist. “He was staying in the house adjacent to Masjid Mubarak, on a straw-like bed.

“There were four or five people present whom the Promise Messiah (as) met and shook hands. “He enquired about everyone’s wellbeing and he asked me where I had come from. “I said from Mauza kheeran wali, state Kapoor Thala and I have come on leave,

“I work in the artillery, and I am the only Ahmadi there in the army, “it is extremely difficult to preach in the army although I am passionate to do so. “The officers do not allow me to preach. “The Promised Messiah (as) said: ‘You will not remain alone.

‘Steadfastly continue preaching Ahmadiyyat, do not become anxious or falter’. “The Promised Messiah (as) enquired ‘Do you live in just one placer in Chowni (cantonment)?’ “I replied that every three years our location is changed. “He said, ‘Wherever you go, make sure you meet the Jama’at there’.”

This is a golden principle and an important injunction that. wherever you go, every Ahmadi must ensure he keeps a connection with the local Jama’at. Hazrat Mamoo Khan Sahib, son of Kaalay Khan Sahib narrates: “In 1902, I saw a dream that the moon breaks and falls into my lap.

“I related this dream to the late Syed Muhammad Shah Sahib Machiwalla, “who was a sincere and devout Ahmadi. “He explained that, ‘You will be granted honour and respect, ‘or through you an elder or holy person will become Ahmadi.’

“At the time I was 24 years old. Syed Muhammad Shah Sahib and I were working in the same school. “He started preaching to me. “In those days a prophecy relating to Pandit Lekh Ram had become quite famous. “I said to Shah Sahib, ‘If this prophecy related to Lekh Ram comes true,

‘then I will certainly take the Bai’at, the Pledge of Allegiance.’ “Subsequently, this prophecy was fulfilled and I immediately took the Bai’at. “At the time, Maulvi Abdul Karim Sahib was alive. “Through Syed Muhammad Shah Sahib, I wrote a letter pledging my allegiance, “it was presented to the Promised Messiah (as)

“and the reply from him was written from him by Maulvi Abdul Karim Sahib in writing. “I received the letter, that ‘the Bai’at, the Pledge of Allegiance has been accepted, ‘and the Promised Messiah (as) has prayed for you’. “In 1904, I took the Bai’at through writing,

“and in 1906, I took the Bai’at or the pledge of Allegiance in person.” Hazrat Mian Abdul Rashid Sahib relates: “A non-Ahmadi youngster in Lahore who was employed in the railways “was inclined to the Arya concepts. “His parents were extremely perturbed by this, and took him to a Maulvi of the Begum Shahi Mosque.

“The youngster presented some criticisms of the Aryas’ to that Maulvi of the Mosque. “The Maulvi became enraged and furious and started running after him to beat him.” He presented criticisms of the Aryas’, the Maulvi had no response and in anger he was about to hit him.

“The youngster left everything behind including his turban and fled, people ran behind him. “Seeing this predicament, an Ahmadi named Ahmad Deen Sahib, who worked as a tailor; “he also went alongside them and went all the way until his home. “After ascertaining the facts of the incident, he came to me.”

That is, the Ahmadi came to Mian Abdul Rashid sahib “And he informed me of the predicament that youngster was saying “and said, ‘We most certainly should meet him and make every effort to reform his thoughts’.” This was the passion and heartfelt pain; he was concerned that how a Muslim could become an Arya?

This passion was only in the Ahmadis, while the Maulvis only wanted to beat the youngster. He writes that, “Then alongside my colleague we went to the youngster. “First, he avoided any discussion “and said plainly that I have become an Arya, anything you say will have no impact upon me.

“He had abstained from eating meat and had adopted all manners of the Aryas, “he would go to the Arya gatherings, he would worship with the Aryas, “but in any case, my continual visits “and my persistence lead him to becoming slightly friendlier.

“When he went for a walk, I would go alongside with him and at times, “I would wait for him to leave the home so that I could go for a walk with him. “After a few days the Easter holidays arrived. “I said to the youngster to come with me to Qadian.

“However, he was not prepared to do so, and would say that, ‘I am not ready to go to any Maulvi’. “I tried to explain profusely that you will be caused no harm in Qadian “and neither will anybody mistreat you.

“You can present whatever criticisms you may please, and I take responsibility for all of this. “After much insistence, he agreed, and we went to Qadian. “There we met Hazrat Maulvi Nooruddin sahib, Hazrat Khilafat ul Masih I (ra), “who met the youngster with great kindness and compassion, and he said to the youngster that,

‘Present whatever criticisms are in your mind, we will provide the reply to them’. “So I said to him that this youngster has chosen abstinence to meat etc. “that he no longer eats meat and has adopted Hindu customs. “Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (ra) then made arrangements

“for lentils and pita bread to be sent for his house for that youngster. “The youngster was extremely impressed by this “that his specific requirements of food were being taken care of. “I took him along with me for the Zuhr prayers. “After the prayer, the Promised Messiah (as) stayed in the Masjid Mubarak.

“In those days, the Promised Messiah (as) was writing some literature regarding the Arya’s. “Subsequently he mentioned the criticisms of the Arya’s within that gathering after the prayer “and provided the response. “This had a great impact upon the youngster. “Many of the objections in his mind were dispelled he started developing interest regarding Islam.

“After the Asr prayer, I took him to a Dars-ul-Qur’an ” of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I, Hazrat Maulvi Nooruddin Sahib (ra).” Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (ra) would give Dars-ul-Qur’an even during the time of the Promised Messiah (as). He writes that, “I took him to the Dars-ul-Qur’an which was held in Masjid Aqsa.

“We both went to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (ra) and I asked him to explain to this youngster. “He replied that, ‘Allow him to present his criticisms,’ he inquired about the eating of meat. “Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (ra) provided an excellent response “and he was satisfied with the reply.

“After the Maghrib prayer we once again came before the Promised Messiah (as) “who was sitting on an elevated place and was talking to the people around him. “People normally asked questions through Hazrat Abdul Karim Sahib (ra). “This youngster listened to the discussions; after this, he raised no criticisms.

“On the second day at the time of Zuhr, he performed his ablution and offered the prayer. “Then he heard the Dars of Hazrat Maulvi Sahib (ra) again. “On the third day this Arya youngster did the Bai’at, “the Pledge of Allegiance of the Promised Messiah (as) and reverted to Islam once again.

“Now he held so much love and passion for Islam that he goes to the gatherings of the Arya society “and preaches the qualities of Islam and responds to their criticisms and objections”. This was the heartfelt pain and passion in these persons.

They did not want even one apostate of Islam to go to waste. Mian Abdul Aziz Sahib, Al Maroof Moghul Sahib relates, and he is describing the state of the Pathaan Maulvi’s, he says, “In Neela Gumbath a Pathaan Maulvi was of middle age, I started preaching to him.

“He accepted that the Promised Messiah (as) was true, “however he said, ‘It is useless for you to preach to me because it is a custom in our people ‘that once we reject something that even if God comes ‘and informs us of it we will still not accept it.’

“It was related after, that the end of the Maulvi was such that he committed suicide and died.” There is a second account of this and this is also coincidentally of a Pathaan Maulvi. He ended up taking poison and killing himself over a love affair. “He had a shop in the Lohari Mundi.

“Whenever we would pass by a shop he would often say, ‘There go the disbelievers.’ “Once I said to him, at least, investigate and examine the facts “instead of merely calling us Kafir whenever we pass by.

“He said, ‘Even if God came to me and told me about this, I would still not accept it’; “he gave the same reply.” Hazrat Munshi Qazi Mahboob Alam Sahib states that, “I was doing Tabligh or preaching, to Mian Musa Sahib, I sent him to Qadian,

“but he returned from Qadian with no end result and did not take the Bai’at. “From time to time I would read to him the newspaper Al-Badr. “Once I related to him a Hadith that a Bedouin came before the Holy Prophet (saw)

And addressing him stated, ‘Can you swear by God that you are a Prophet of God?’ “The Holy Prophet (saw) said that, ‘I swear by God I am a Messenger of God’, “then that Bedouin took the Bai’at, the Pledge of Allegiance “and he also brought his tribe to take the Bai’at.

“When I mentioned this incident to Mian Musa Sahib, “it had a profound impact upon his heart. “Subsequently he promptly sent a card, in those days there was a card “which he sent to the Promised Messiah (as) “and said, ‘Can you swear by God that you are the Promised Messiah?’

“When this card reached the Promised Messiah (as), “he instructed Maulvi Abdul Karim Sahib to write that, ‘I swear by God that I am that Promised Messiah ‘and Mahdi whose promise was made by the Holy Prophet (saw) to this Ummat or Muslim Community’. “Maulvi Abdul Karim Sahib added one or two sentences himself

“saying that now he had the oath of the Messiah of God; “either he should to take the Bai’at, the Pledge of Allegiance “or he should wait for God’s chastisement. “When that card arrived, Mian Muhammad Musa Sahib “along with his family wrote the letter of Bai’at, the Pledge of Allegiance.

“He said, ‘In this manner I am not alone, Allah the Almighty also included them as well’. Then, Munshi Qazi Mahboob Alam Sahib states that, “In Lahore there was a lawyer whose name was Karim Bakhsh and he was also known as Bakra”. I do not know what kind of name this is,

“He would use extremely profane and abusive language for the Promised Messiah (as). “Once during a debate, he said, ‘Who is it that says that Jesus (as) or the Messiah passed away?’ “I said that I testify that Jesus has passed away; promptly, he slapped me with great force. “I became unconscious and fell down.

“When I departed from there, the next night I saw in a dream, “that Karim Bakhsh Bakra was lying on a broken bedstead. “and he is falling within it “and he is in a state of extreme helplessness. “When I woke up in the morning, I went to him and I said that,

“In a dream, I have been informed that you will be disgraced. “After just a short while one of his daughters who was widow, was assaulted inappropriately “and he had to suffer great humiliation. “An abortion was carried out due to which the daughter was also killed.

“A police investigation followed. He had to pay great expenditure. “He was extremely disrespected, and out of shame, he would not leave his home. “One day, I called out to him and said, you would abuse the Promised Messiah (as) profusely, “now this is your penalty; he did not even respond.”

The state of affairs nowadays is such that, in Pakistan, if you approach a Maulvi even reasonably as I stated, they use the law as a pretext to take legal action against such persons. They attach their honour and name with the name and honour of the Holy Prophet (saw)

And lodge cases of blasphemy against others; this is their state. Hazrat Munshi Qazi Mahboob Alam Sahib states, “When my Nikah was announced, through the blessings of the Promised Messiah (as) “I preached to my mother-in-law who was impressed quite greatly.

“She was not an Ahmadi, she was quite impacted but did not take the Bai’at. “One day she took off her jewellery and said, ‘Present this to the Promised Messiah (as) ‘and say to him that provide me the return or reward for this on the Day of Judgement.’

“Thus I took this jewellery to Qadian and I presented it to the Promised Messiah (as) “saying that my mother-in-law has given this saying that “provide the return for this on the Day of Judgement. ‘InshaAllah she will receive the return or reward for this’. After a short while she passed away.

“I did not join in her funeral prayer “because she had not taken the Bai’at formally, or the Pledge of Allegiance. “When I went to the Promised Messiah (as), and this is in 1906, “I said that she had passed away, but I did not take part in her funeral prayer.

“The Promised Messiah (as) said, ‘You should have offered her funeral prayer ‘because she proved through her actions that she was an Ahmadi. ‘Perhaps due to the environment ‘or a lack of knowledge she did not take the pledge of allegiance formally, ‘but her actions and deeds prove that she was an Ahmadi’.”

In terms of the purpose of the advent of the Promised Messiah (as) which was the propagation of Islam and to establish a connection with God Almighty for this she offered out of the most beloved possessions, such possessions that women love and still love today,

That is jewellery and she gave all of this for the propagation of Islam. She had fear of the Day of Judgement. In her heart was a desire to please God the Exalted. However here it should be clarified that no one should infer from this incident

That whoever says that we say nothing bad to Ahmadis or do not consider them as bad should be counted amongst the Ahmadis. In this specific incident as I stated, this lady gave her most beloved possession and wealth for the sake of the propagation of Islam

To the Promised Messiah (as) and this was the purpose for which the Promised Messiah (as) came. To just not consider Ahmadis bad or to consider them good in your heart is insufficient. The Promised Messiah (as) has said that, ‘If someone does not consider us bad, ‘why do they not openly declare this

‘and if there are no compelling reasons or difficulties ‘why do they not take the Bai’at, the Pledge of allegiance’. To just simply say we are not bad is insufficient. Every decision is made according to specific circumstances and according to the situation. Hazrat Ghulam Rasool Rajeki Sahib narrates that,

“I took the Bai’at, I read the books of the Promised Messiah (as) “and developed a fervour and then started Tabligh, preaching. “In those days my tactic of Tabligh was that wherever I found four or five people sitting down “I would immediately say, ‘Assalam-o-Alaikum’, Peace be upon you,

“and then, ‘Congratulations,’ People surprisingly would say, ‘What the matter is?’ “I would say the Imam Mahdi has arrived. “Upon this some would laugh, some would mock, some would enquire further. “In short in some way or the other a discussion would start “and I would find an opportunity to begin preaching.”

With reference to finding opportunities for preaching in many a places, Jama’ats all over the world is distributing leaflets. As a result of this people raise questions and we provide the answers and new avenues of preaching should open through this. It is insufficient that you merely provide a piece of paper through a leaflet

That this is the message of peace of the Jama’at and then your responsibility ends. In fact, that connection needs to be followed up to the maximum extent possible. Nowadays there are many Mosques being inaugurated in UK. Three Mosques with the Grace of Almighty Allah have already been inaugurated

And three more are going to be inaugurated in the following month. Now the UK Jama’at is also paying attention to this matter. Through these inaugurations of Mosques, new avenues of preaching should open, and new connections should be formed. The local Jama’ats, wherever these Mosques are being inaugurated

Should strive to establish new relationships and connections with the local people because where opposition to Mosques occur, this also incites interest. The reports from the new inaugurations of Mosques state that those who had no connection with us previously are now enquiring about the Jama’at

And when they try to find out details about us, we should take maximum benefit from this. Hazrat Maulana Ghulam Rasool Rajeki Sahib relates that, “Mian Ghulam Muhammad Sahib who was araien of his nation “and a resident of Moza Sa’dullahpur Phalia, district Gujrat,

“he became an Ahmadi through me with the Grace of the Almighty Allah. “Similarly, all the people of his tribe, “even the Imam of the Mosque of Moza Sa’dullahpur, Maulvi Ghaus Muhammad Sahib “who was of the Ahle Hadeeth sect, he also became an Ahmadi through my preaching.”

Thus even amongst the Maulvis, there are good natured and sincere people. Even today such people exist in Pakistan and in other places of the world, who despite being extreme and strict in religious matters and despite opposing Ahmadiyyat due to having heard made up facts and propaganda about us from people,

When they learn of the truth and reality, they understand and comprehend it and take the Bai’at, the Pledge of allegiance. Hazrat Mian Muhammad Abdullah Sahib relates, “In our family Haji Fazal Deen Sahib was the first one to take the Bai’at in Qadian in 1892.

“He was my paternal cousin and he preached to my father and my other brothers until 1903. “One night my father saw a dream, “a beautiful full moon is shining brilliantly from the direction of Qadian. “My father interpreted this as a sign of truthfulness of Promised Messiah (as).

“All of us, on that very day sent a letter of Bai’at, pledging our allegiance.” This same account continues of Hazrat Mian Muhammad Abdullah Sahib (ra). He says, “Even before my Bai’at (my pledge of allegiance) “I used to carry out preaching and after my Bai’at,

“I carried out so much Tabligh that hundreds of persons entered the fold of Jama’at through it.” There are numerous other similar accounts which if Allah wills I will relate in the future; may Allah the Almighty elevate the rank of these companions

Who conveyed the message of the Imam of the time to so many people. Those persons then subsequently conveyed that to others and this preaching continued in the sequence in this manner. Today their progeny is bearing the fruits of their efforts, their piety and their Taqwa (God-fearing righteousness).

Therefore, we should pray for those holy people and elders, through whom Ahmadiyyat is introduced into these families, the future progenies and generations, by these companions of the Promised Messiah (as) of his time. Thus, we should be extremely grateful to them.

True gratitude would be expressed if we pray for them and strengthen our connection with Jama’at and convey this message far and wide to the maximum degree possible. May Allah the Almighty enable all of us to achieve this, Ameen.

Today there is also some sad news one of our brothers, has been martyred in Nawabshah ; To Allah we belong and to Him is our return. Mukarram Maqsood Ahmad Sahib son of Mukarram Mohammad Idrees Sahib. Previously he lived in Karwandi,

But for the past 15- 20 years he was living in Rabwah in Dar ul Rahmat Sharqi (East). Maqsood Sahib’s family came from a village near Qadian called Bhattian Gowt. Ahmadiyyat was introduced to his family through his paternal grandfather, Maulwi Abdul Noor Haq Sahib. He took the Bai’at (Pledge of allegiance) in 1934.

His grandfather had vast experience in agriculture and farming, for this reason Hazrat Khalifatul Masih the II (ra) sent him to look after the land in Sindh in the beginning. He supervised the lands in Nasirabad Mahmoodabad and also in other states. In 1942, he left the supervision of Jama’at estates

And he purchased his own lands and he moved to Khairpur. On 21 December 1966, Abdul Haq Noor Sahib, his paternal grandfather was also martyred, at the time Maqsood Sahib was 12 years old he was an eye witness to that martyrdom. When Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh) was mentioning the early Martyrs,

In his sermon of June 1999, he also mentioned his paternal grandfather in the details of those Martyrs. Until 1983, Maqsood Sahib remained in Karwandi and then he shifted to Rabwah. Since he came to Rabwah he worked in Raja Naseer Sahib’s Homeopathic Curative Company. He was assigned as a sales person in Sindh region.

He would go there on a visit every month to sell some medicine or to take orders, On the day of martyrdom on 7th March 2012, in the morning approximately 11 ‘o clock, he reached Nawabshah. In the afternoon approximately 3:30pm, he was in the well-known market, Mohney bazaar,

When two unknown assailants on the motorbike stopped him and fired at him and he was martyred there. Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return. The police took his dead body to hospital and the post mortem was undertaken there.

As we are aware that this is the second martyrdom in Nawabshah within ten days. He was a Moosi. The wife of the Martyred said that two- three months before today, the martyred said that, ‘I am receiving threats’. Further, he would go to a shop of a Hindu person to obtain supplies.

Some extremist even threatened that Hindu person that, ‘If this Mirzai comes to your shop again we will kill you and this Mirzai’. The wife of the person who was martyred says, “He was a person of high moral standards. “He was regular in prayers and he would regularly also offer the optional prayers.

“He would offer prayers in congregation and he was at the forefront of the financial sacrifices.” He gave his wife’s chanda himself before he went on his visit and he also completed his own chanda arrears or contributions. He had great passion for calling people to God, which he had inherited from his paternal grandfather.

During his tour, he would keep with him Jama’at literature and distribute it and was very active in preaching. Certainly, due to his preaching efforts opposition also arose against him even if he went there for few days, he was introduced in the shops and the markets as an Ahmadi.

And once he was introduced as such he would also distribute literature to people. He was an extremely friendly, loving and honest and upright person. He was at the forefront of service to mankind. He would provide medicine and help to poor people without charge and for free.

He had great love for Khilafat and he had great affection and connection with the Holy Quran. His wife mentions further that, “Once I said to Mukarram Maqsood Ahmad Sahib, “that can we be counted amongst the families of the martyrs?” He replied that, “Why not? If Allah Almighty accepts this request then we can”.

He leaves behind his wife Amtul Rashid Shaukat Sahiba and apart from this he has three sons and two daughters. His sons lives here in Manchester and are unmarried. Amongst his daughters one is married in America and one is in Rabwah, who works as a teacher in one of our schools.

May Allah Almighty elevate the rank of the deceased and grant patience and steadfastness to his family he leaves behind and may God’s chastisement rapidly descend upon the enemy. There is a second funeral which I will lead after the Friday prayers just now

Hajra Begum Sahiba wife of late Mistri Mohammad Hussain Sahib, darvesh Qadian. She also passed away on the night between 4th and 5th March at the age of 79. Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return. She was a daughter of Mukarram Munshi Abdur Rahim Sahib Faani of Amroha,

Who for the sake of migration moved to Qadian in 1950. She was married in 1951 and she lived with her husband for a very long period of time, in a Darvesh lifestyle with great steadfastness and gratitude. She had ten children. Despite having a large family of five sons and five daughters,

She brought them up in an excellent manner, with great moral upbringing. They are all married and have children. The deceased was a Moosiya she has been buried in Bahishti Maqbarah, Qadian. May Allah the Almighty grant forgiveness to the deceased and may He elevate her rank,

And may He grant her a high station in paradise amongst those He is pleased with and may Allah the Almighty grant solace, steadfastness and patience to the family she left behind. All praise is due to Allah. We laud Him, we beseech help from Him and ask His protection;

We confide in Him, we trust Him alone and we seek protection against the evils and mischief of our souls and from the bad results of our deeds. Whomsoever He guides on the right path, none can misguide him; and whosoever He declares misled, none can guide him onto the right path.

And we bear witness that none deserves to be worshipped except Allah. We bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. O servants of Allah! May Allah be merciful to you. Verily, Allah commands you to act with justice, to confer benefits upon each other

And to do good to others as one does to one ‘s kindred and forbids evil which pertain to your own selves and evils which affect others and prohibits revolts against a lawful authority. He warns you against being unmindful. You remember Allah; He too will remember you;

Call Him and He will make a response to your call. And verily divine remembrance is the highest virtue.

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