Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2012
Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah Come to Prayer Come to success Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
Peace be upon you all. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah He is alone and has no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is His Servant and Messenger After this I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed.
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. The Gracious, the Merciful. Master of the day of judgment. Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help. Guide us in the right path-
The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings, those who have not incurred Thy displeasure, and those who have not gone astray. In the previous week’s Friday Sermon, I related some accounts and experiences, of the Promised Messiah’s (as) companions’ preaching efforts.
I mentioned that there were some accounts that remain which I would relate in the future, thus today I will present some of those accounts. As I have explained numerous times in the past, the main purpose of presenting these accounts, is so that foremost people pray for these companions of the Promised Messiah (as),
Who accepted the Promised Messiah (as), and enabled us to partake the blessings of this age. May Allah Almighty continue to elevate the rank of these Companions, otherwise, it is quite plausible that many amongst us, would have been deprived of these blessings, that are granted by God.
The second purpose for presenting these accounts is so that their piety, their courage of belief, their honour for their religion, their passion for serving their religion, can permeate, and infuse into their future generations and descendants. As well as those who may not have direct blood ties with them,
But who have a spiritual connection with those companions, can as a result of that connection, infuse within them a zeal and a passion and by doing so, they can advance the sentiments and, also the heartfelt passion of those elders, and so that they can continue that into their future generations.
Only then, will we be doing justice to the favours that these elders have bestowed upon us. Many people write to me, and also often inform me when they come to meet me in person, that, “You mentioned such and such elder and I am related to them in this and this way”.
However, it should always be remembered that, one can only do full justice to these relationships, when they follow the footsteps of those elders, therefore realising our responsibilities to maintain that relationship and striving to do so, is something we must always keep in view.
The first account I will mention today is of Hazrat Mian Jamaluddin Sahib. He states: “A cleric, whose name was Nawabuddin from the tribe of Arai in the district Amritsar, “in his own presumption, would state, ‘I am rectifying the Mirzais’, “and he would travel village to village in this endeavour.”
He says, “As soon as he arrived In Moza Taragar Al Mashurun Navapindh, which is close to my house, “near the northern part, he started causing a hue and cry, “that if there are any Mirzais, they should come before him. “Since there was no Ahmadi before me in the village,
“and all there were fierce opponents of the Jama’at, while some were acquainted with me, “consulted amongst themselves and then sent a person to me, “who said, ‘Come and challenge with this cleric here’. “His village was nearby to the village where the cleric had come.”
He further states, “I pondered that these people are mere spectators, “they have no interests whatsoever in the truth and the facts. “Ultimately, only disorders results from these people. “I told them Hazrat Sahib, the Promised Messiah (as), “had has told us not take part in meaningless debates.”
This was the era where the Promised Messiah (as) had forbid Ahmadis to take part in debates, because the clerics were unaffected by such debates. He states, “I said that that the Promised Messiah (as) has forbidden us to take part in debates.
“However, if they insist on having debate then If you take responsibility for any disorder, “that breaks out, we will come to your village. “The cleric should present his criticisms once and we shall provide the reply to them once, “rather than any debate taking place and people can decide for themselves.
“Or we, the people in the village, can be responsible for any disorder breaking out, “and the cleric can come here. “So that person took the message to his village. “The cleric, along with three other people, came to the village through a different route.
“He met that village chief, who was a Hindu by faith. “The cleric said, ‘If there are any Mirzai here, bring him here to debate or challenge me.’ “The village chief sent somebody to fetch me. “I had already been informed of the cleric’s arrival, thus I supplicated to God Almighty,
“that ‘O Allah, I am helpless and ignorant and have no quality of my own, ‘all I ask for is Your blessings. Manifest the truth and the reality.’ “After the supplication, I went to the place where the cleric had arrived. “Many Muslims and Hindus had gathered.
“A carpet or a mat was laid out, and the cleric and I sat in the middle. “There was quiet for a short while, then I started speaking to the cleric, “and asked him, ‘What is the reason that you travel everywhere?’
“The Cleric responded by saying, ‘There is great dissention amongst the community of Muslims. ‘I travel around to reform and rectify them’. “Upon this I asked, up until now, to what extent have you reformed people? “And how many certificates have you received from the scholars regarding you being a reformer?
“The cleric said, ‘Yes I have received such and such certificates.’ “I said that show me these certificates then. “The cleric then said, ‘I have left behind those certificates in my village’,’ “and he quickly said, ‘My real objective is that because Mirza Sahib causes dissention,
‘and is a disbeliever himself’, God forbid, ‘and turns other people into disbelievers, ‘therefore I debate with such people’. He further relates, “I then said to the cleric, do tell me why you believe him to be a disbeliever, “and what is main point you wish to debate on?
“The Cleric replied, ‘You are speaking in Urdu, but I shall speak in Arabic’. “I told him that I cannot speak Arabic. “So then the Maulvi Sahib said ‘We can speak in Punjabi.’ “I said that would be excellent. “Then the cleric said, ‘Tell me what you faith is.’
!I said first you tell me what your faith is. “The cleric said, ‘I am a Hanafi and I believe God to be One without partner, ‘and I believe Muhammad the Messenger (saw) to be true, and I believe Jesus (as), ‘based on the 20 verses of the Holy Qur’an, and the authentic Hadith,
‘to be alive in the fourth heaven with that Being. ‘He who rejects this, I believe him a disbeliever. ‘And my knowledge is certified. ‘Now you tell me what your faith is and what your education is.’ “Upon this, this humble one said that, I believe God to be One and without partner,
“and Muhammad, the Messenger (saw) to be the Seal of all the prophets. “I believe Jesus (as), who was from tribes of Israel, “has passed away according to the Quran and Hadith. “I believe that the expected Messiah and Mahdi was to come from this Ummah of the Muslims.
“I believe that the claim made by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), “of being the Messiah and the Mahdi to be true with my heart sincerely. “He who does not believe this, I believe him to not be following the truth. “I do not have any certified knowledge of religious education.
“I have carried out self study. “Further, I have benefited from the blessed company of the Promised Messiah (as). “Furthermore, I declare that if anyone can prove, based on clear verses of the Holy Qur’an, “and Hadith Mutasil Marfu, “that is such Hadith where the chain of narrators directly reaches the Holy Prophet (saw),
“that Jesus son of Mary (as), is alive in the fourth heavens with that Being, “and that he (as) remains alive until today, then I am ready to repent. “This is what I said to the cleric. “The Cleric replied, ‘Fine, write this declaration down, sign it for me.’
“I asked for a pen and paper. “I wrote down this declaration, signed it and gave it over to the Cleric. “The cleric took the paper and said, ‘Do you believe the previous commentaries?’ “I said that those commentaries that in accordance with the Qur’an and Hadith, I accept.
“The cleric then said, ‘Do you know the Holy Qur’an?’ I said yes I know the Holy Qur’an. “Then the cleric said ‘What is the meaning of Qur’an?’ “I knew that he just wanted to have a debate, so I responded that I will not reply to your question.
“First, let us resolve the first matter we were discussing. “The Cleric then said, ‘What is the meaning of ‘Zalikal Kitabu’ (This is the [perfect] book), “to which I replied, first let us answer those questions, for which we are gathered for, “raise objections regarding that and I will respond to those first.
“Then, the cleric asked that, ‘How many verses are there in the Holy Qur’an?’ “I then said that once again you are diverting the matter. “The cleric then said that, ‘How can I know that you really know the Holy Qur’an?’.
“Upon this, I said with the Grace of Almighty Allah, I know the Holy Qur’an better than you. “I say on oath that I will provide you with the answers to your questions within this gathering, “and will not enter into any meaningless debate. “The cleric then asked about the previous commentators,
“and also the statement of the Khulafa-e-Rashiddin. “I said that I truly believe in this, “and the statements of Hazrat Abu Bakar (ra), Hazrat Umar (ra), Hazrat Usman (ra), “and Hazrat Ali (ra) are all accepted by me and further I comprehend all their statements.
“As the Holy Prophet (saw) has stated, ‘For you is my tradition and that of the Companions’. “You have limited Khilafat to only those four Khalifa’s. “We believe that the Promised Messiah (as) is ‘Khalifatullah’, a Khalifa of Allah. “In fact, we believe his way to be the practice of the Holy Prophet (saw).
“In short, the cleric spent half an hour talking here and there. “Then, the cleric said, ‘The Holy Qur’an cannot be understood without reading the commentaries.’ “I said this is wrong. “If it was true that learning the Holy Qur’an was dependent upon the commentaries,
“then if there were no commentaries then would it mean that the Qur’an could not be understood?” “This is not what was decreed by Allah Almighty. “The Holy Qur’an professes: ‘That is, And indeed We have made the Qur’an easy to understand’ [54:18]. “Thus, the Holy Qur’an is not depended upon anything.
“In any case, the cleric would not speak on the actual matter at hand, “and would instead speak around the subject. “Ultimately the chief of the village said to the cleric, ‘Present the verses of the Holy Qur’an, ‘which can prove that Jesus (as) was raised bodily to Heaven’.
“The cleric said, ‘Yes, I will present the Holy Qur’an’s verses regarding this, ‘but this person will not accept it.’ “The chief replied, ‘If he does not accept it, the other people will.’ “The cleric was compelled to say, ‘Bring the Holy Qur’an’.
“A Holy Qur’an, the translation of which was published in Delhi, was brought. “It was given to the cleric in his hand. “As soon as he received it, he stated, ‘This is the Qur’an of Mirza Sahib. I cannot take this.’
“I said that this is absolutely not the Qur’an of Mirza. Open your eyes and look carefully. “The cleric continued to repeat this. “Upon this I said, ‘Curse be upon the liars’, three times. “The cleric took the Holy Qur’an in his hand.
“He looked at the name of the press that published it and said, ‘Who wrote this?’ “I said, God forbid, do you not believe the Qur’an to be the word of God, “you are asking who wrote it? The cleric said, ‘No, no this is my error, who compiled this?’
“I said to the cleric, come in to your senses and find the verses of the Holy Qur’an yourself. “The cleric opened the Holy Qur’an, and he started searching through it, “he spent 20 minutes and he could not find any relevant verse.
“Ultimately, I said, you said you can prove this from 20 verses of the Holy Qur’an. “If you could not find one, find the second verse. “If you cannot find a second verse, find a third verse of the Holy Qur’an.
“The cleric finally said, ‘I cannot find any verse but I shall present a verse verbally.’ “So, the cleric said, ‘There is no verse I can find in the Holy Qur’an, ‘but verbally I shall state a verse’. “The cleric stated, ‘[Arabic]’, “and the cleric translated this as, ‘When Allah said, ‘Oh Jesus!
‘I am about to raise your spirit along with your entire body to Heaven.’ “I responded by asking the cleric to bring forth the actual verse, “with the words from the Holy Qur’an, then we shall discuss. “He then spent another ten minutes sifting through and could not find any relevant verse.
“People started mocking the cleric and said, ‘What kind of knowledge of the Qur’an do you have? ‘You cannot even find one well-known verse.’ People left the gathering whilst ridiculing him.” I mentioned a similar account last time but that was a separate incident.
In any case, this is the normal attitude of the so-called Ulema, or religious clerics. Hazrat Munshi Mahboob Alim Sahib relates: “Hakim Muhammad Ali Sahib Maujid Rooh Jeevan Bhutti Shahi a physician from Jammu Kashmir, “had settled in Lahore after taking out a pension and I would work for him.
“He would often oppose the Promised Messiah (as), “and would use profane and abusive language against him. “One day during a conversation, this Hakim Sahib, “used the word ‘Dayus’ regarding the Promised Messiah (as)- meaning ignoble and shameless. “I prayed profusely at night begged for forgiveness,
“for ever even talking to such a person who has acted so immorally. “However at night Allah showed me in a dream, in which the Promised Messiah (as), “is in the house of the late Mian Chiragh Din. “I am also alongside the Promised Messiah (as).
“I said ‘Peace be upon you,’ to the Promised Messiah (as), who replied, ‘Peace be upon you too’ “He then asked me, ‘Where is that person who calls me a gnoble or shameless?’. “I looked outside and saw Muhammad Ali coming. “I said to the Promised Messiah (as), ‘Muhammad Ali Hakim is coming this way.’
“The Promised Messiah (as) said, ‘Say to him, we do not meet you because you are dayus [ignoble].’ “Only a few weeks passed after this dream and look at how Allah takes His reckoning. “The daughter of the Hakim ran off with a clerk, “but an undercover police officer from Gujranwala police department caught them.
“The clerk claimed that, ‘This girl is my wife.’ Whereas the girl said, ‘This man works for me’. “Their statements contradicted each other, therefore the police where suspicious. “They were taken off the train at the Gujranwala train station, “and presented to the deputy commissioner.
“There, the girl said, ‘My father is dayus (ignoble), he does not have me married’.” The daughter of the Hakim Sahib is saying this herself. “So the daughter said that out of obligation, ‘I am going with this person, ‘to meet the son of a nobleman’ and she related various incidents.
“The commissioner said, ‘Your father has been insulted, now return to him’, “but she refused to go and said, ‘My father would kill me’. “So the deputy commissioner stated that, ‘We will make arrangements’, “and the daughter was handed over to the Lahore deputy commissioner, “so she could be handed over to the father.
“However, it was said that a bail should be taken or a guarantee that he will not harm her. “Thus the deputy commissioner searched for Hakim Sahib. “When he found him he said, ‘You are a great dayus [ignoble]’. “Therefore for the second time, the father was called dayus (ignoble).
“The commissioner said that, ‘You do not look after your daughter, you are shameless. ‘You do not arrange for the marriage of your grown-up daughter. ‘First provide 5000 rupees bail, then the daughter will be handed over to you’. “In this way, revenge was taken.
“A further terrifying end that he faced was that after a short while, “he became known all over the city as ‘Dayus’ (ignoble); everyone would call him ‘dayus’ “and even after, that same daughter ran away and became Christian.” Hazrat Ameer Khan Sahib states: “Upon the demise of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (ra),
“when I heard that Chaudhry Ghulam Ahmad had joined the Lahori movement, “I went to meet him and I informed him of the realities and the facts. “By the Grace of Allah, he was positively affected and he repented from his previous thoughts, “and he came to Qadian.
“Similarly, I preached to Chaudhry Nehmat Khan, Sub-judge in Mauda Khedi, “and he became Ahmadi after a short while. “When he was in Onay I heard that his thoughts were becoming inclined towards the Lahori’s. “I started exchanging letters with him and finally he reformed himself.”
With the Grace of Almighty Allah, the numbers of members of the Lahori movement are very less now. In the last few years, wherever they still remain, a large number of them have converted to Ahmadiyyat, with the Grace of Almighty Allah.
Hazrat Maulvi Abdullah Sahib narrates, “Once I went to meet the Promised Messiah (as). “The Promised Messiah (as) was standing and a companion was standing alongside him. “The Companion saw me and said to the Promised Messiah (as), ‘That this is Maulvi Abdullah Kherinwala.
‘We have held great debates alongside him that is, debates relating to preaching. ‘In every field he has always come out victorious’. “The Promised Messiah (as) stated, ‘Indeed truth always comes out victorious.’ “When I heard these blessed words of the Promised Messiah (as) I was reassured and extremely happy.
“I was expectant that I would always remain on the truth and Allah would always grant me victory. “From that day until now, Allah Almighty has never caused me to suffer defeat.” Hazrat Chaudhry Muhammad Ali Sahib narrates: “My father went to attend a Jalsa at Sialkot.
“When he returned, he started carrying out preaching. “He had himself done the Bai’at, [The Oath of Allegiance] and then returned. “Through his preaching the people of Ghatyalian were becoming Ahmadi’s in multitudes. “I heard from Ghulam Rasool Basra Sahib,
“when the Promised Messiah (as) saw that multitudes of people were Ahmadi in Ghatyalian , “he said, ‘Is Ghatyalian a village or city?’. Up this, the brother of Chaudhry Muhammadi Ali Sahib, “Hakim Ali Sahib said, ‘That this report is true’.” This is a further endorsement of the following narration.
Hazrat Sheikh Abdur Rasheed Sahib: “Maulvi Muhummad Ali Sahib Kopri, a non-Ahmadi, would visit here. “He had an extremely good voice, many women would attend his sermons. “His voice was melodious. “His recitation of the Holy Quran was very good, and would attract many people.
“He would stay there for two to three months on end. “He started opposing the Promised Messiah (as) and he would also utilize foul and profane language. “We held discussions and debates with him. “My father responded by removing me from the home.
“My mother was stricter because she was under the strong influence of that Maulvi Kopri; “my parents said that they will disown me. I had to remain away from home for months on end. “My mother would say to my father, ‘He used to be completely unconcerned for the religion,
‘he would sleep most of the time. ‘Now he offers prayers regularly, he even offers Tahujjud, on what basis should I disown him?’.” On the one hand they opposed the Promised Messiah (as) and so they would disown him,
But on the other hand they realized that since he became an Ahmadi, he had transformed himself. He says, “Keeping a view of materialistic desires they [the parents] would say that leave Mirzayyat. “I would always respond that, “Explain to me”. “I had numerous discussions with Maulvi Muhammad Hussain Sahib.
“Maulvi Muhammad Hussain Sahib owed us some money. “My father would send me to ask him for the money. “Coincidently, once Maulvi Sahib published a poster, “in which he rejected the concept of a blood thirsty Messiah, “and he said that it is based on fabricated Hadith or traditions.”
In other words there is no evidence for them with their authenticity. “This poster reached the Promised Messiah (as). “When he saw this, he prepared an investigation, “and Dr Muhammad Ismail Sahib of Gorgaun was sent to this Maulvi. “He went to the Ulema to obtain a Fatwa [edict],
“some religious clerics provided a Fatwa while some would not.” That is, when the poster of Maulvi Muhammad Hussain reached the Promised Messiah (as), he sent him to obtain the Fatwas from others, in order to investigate what they said about this matter. However, some gave edicts against this, whilst some avoided giving any edicts.
He states, “Dr Sahib who was sent there for the investigation to the various Maulvis, “to obtain the edicts by the Promised Messiah (as) and told the Promised Messiah (as), “that, ‘At times I would give grapes and other fruits to the Maulvis, ‘and they would give me edicts accordingly’.
“He would give gifts to the Maulvis, present some fruits who would then say: ‘Take any edict you want from us’.” This still prevails today although the only difference is the rate has increased. He says, “Although the Maulvis had refused giving edicts previously,
“they would still give it after once I gave them some gifts. “The Promised Messiah (as) would partially cover his face with part of his turban, “and smile at this anecdote.” He said, “I was aware of this poster and the edict he had given.
“Subsequently when I would debate Maulvi Hussain Sahib, I would mention that your creed, “regarding the Mahdi is what you have printed that the bloody thirsty Mahdi will not come, “regarding this you say that the Hadith are weak are unreliable and there’s no evidence for them,
“yet you claim in public that the Mahdi will come, why are you providing contradictory statements? “Why do you not present what you truly believe? He would not however provide me with any reply, “and would always say that, ‘Go and become Mirzai, what have you got to do with this.’
Hazrat Sheikh Muhammad Ismail Sahib, son of Sheikh Maseeta Sahib relates: “It once occurred, that after the Asr prayer the Promised Messiah (as) remained in Masjid Mubarak, “a new friend said, ‘Huzoor, a Maulvi visited our village,
‘at night the non-Ahmadis made him to stand upon the roof of a house and to deliver a sermon. ‘We also went there where he related the Hadith of “There is no prophet after me”, ‘and incited people into great passion, and said repeatedly: “Look people, the Holy Prophet (saw),
“has said this that there will be no Prophet after me”, ‘whereas Mirza Sahib of Qadian says, “I am a Prophet and I am a Messenger”. ‘He then said in Punjabi that: “What shall we do. “How can we believe Mirza Sahib to be a Prophet and a Messenger?”.
“He said, I stood up and I said Maulvi Sahib, when the Holy prophet (saw) stated, “that after Masjid Nabvi there will be no Mosque, how will you interpret this statement? “I will interpret the Hadith regarding there being no Mosque after the Prophet’s Mosque,
“as you interpret the Hadith regarding no prophet coming after the Holy Prophet (saw). “Any so-called Prophet who had cancelled the Shariah [law] brought by the Holy Prophet (saw), “cannot truly be a Prophet, because the Holy Prophet’s Shariah or laws are final, “no prophet can come bringing any new law.”
“In any case, the Maulvi Sahib looked astonished and started hurling abuse.” This is what happens when they have no reply. “I said that we will not respond to your abuse. “The Promised Messiah (as) was extremely happy to hear what this friend said “and smiled considerably.”
The same issue is raised today, most of the time people’s minds are being poisoned, by exactly such statements, because, they state that there can be no prophet after the Holy Prophet (saw), whereas the Ahmadis believe Mirza Sahib to be a Prophet. In Pakistan, the actual opposition is based on this very issue,
And through this they incite others. Mukarram Mian Sharafat Ahmad Sahib, relates the account of his late father Hazrat Maulvi Jalaluddin Sahib. He writes: “My father was extremely enthusiastic about serving the faith, “that even in an elderly age he would surpass the efforts of younger people.”
In one of the Friday Sermons of 1934, the era of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra), he called his father’s passing away a martyrdom, and he acknowledged that he worked more than young people. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II said: “I have observed three people, “who work like madmen in their preaching efforts.
“Firstly the late Hafiz Roshan Ali Sahib, second is this Maulvi Sahib, “and third is Maulvi Ghulam Rasool Sahib Rajikee. “These three neither seek day or night but remain engrossed fully in preaching.” This is another account of Mian Sharafat Ahmad Sahib, regarding his late father, Maulvi Jalaluddin Sahib. He writes:
“My father would relate a dream regarding his preaching efforts which I will note down here.” He said, “Once I saw in a dream that the Promised Messiah (as) comes to our house or our village, “I cannot recall exactly which one it was, and he asked me for a pen.
“After this, I wake up. After some time, I went to Qadian. “I took along with me two pieces of cloth of white colour, “which was washed by the dhobi,” Whose job it was to wash clothes. ‘Raijae’ is a Punjabi word, a piece of cloth or a long piece of cloth.
So he said, “I took this along with me as well as two pen holders of different colours, “and presented this as a gift to the Promised Messiah (as). “I asked him about the interpretation of asking for a pen in my dream. “The Promised Messiah (as) compassionately accepted my humble request and said:
‘You have fulfilled your dream. ‘The pen means that you should serve the faith, both in writing and verbally’. “My father would relate that, ‘After that moment, ‘I would use all my energy and efforts and capabilities to carry out preaching’.” By the Grace of Allah, his preaching bore fruit, both his brothers became Ahmadis,
One of them was a renowned scholar in the area. Maulvi Muhammad Ali Sahib Sakhna Zaira of District Ferozepur. When the opponents came to learn that both these brothers, Maulvi Jalaluddin Sahib and Maulvi Muhammad Ali Sahib had become Ahmadis, they were utterly shaken and dismayed.
Muhammad Ali Boria and Mahmood Shah Waz were non-Ahmadis and left Zaira weeping. They departed weeping and crying embracing each other as if a close relation had passed away, because they had become Ahmadis. Through the efforts of Maulvi Sahib, Inzeela District Ferozepur, Karepar Lo Dekay Raknay Wala,
Ludhiani, all had Jama’ats established which were very sincere, by the grace of Allah. Another account of Mian Sharafat Ahmad Sahib, relating his father Maulvi Jalaluddin Sahib is as follows: “My father in 1924 went to Malkana to preach. “There he preached the message of Islam to the Punjaro and to the Mulkano people.
“Apart from these groups of people, “he also established connections with the notable and respectable people of this area. “He would even meet the rulers and governors of that time despite his ripped and ragged clothes. “Seeing this, the people of the area were completely amazed that a person of 78 years old,
“holding his bag is going around in his ragged clothes with a passion to make people Muslim, “and accept Ahmadiyyat, and they were very positively influenced by this. “He would also tell them to give donations and they would happily give it to him, “because they knew that this community was making good efforts.
“Through his efforts and endeavours, many people joined the movement.” Hafiz Ghulam Rasool Wazeerabadi Sahib states: “On one occasion the Promised Messiah (as) was in the house of Mian Bashir Ahmad Sahib, “and both doors of the house lead to two covered alleyways. “The Promised Messiah (as) gathered many people and said:
‘I have established the high school so that people can be educated here, ‘and then carry out preaching outside but it is unfortunate that people after acquiring knowledge, ‘they then continue their businesses and my objective is not fulfilled. ‘Is there anyone who would dedicate his son purely to acquire religious knowledge?’
“At the time, my late son Maulvi Abaidullah who was very young was alongside me. “I handed him over to the Promised Messiah (as). “The Promised Messiah (as) held his hand in his blessed hand, “and he handed him over to Maulvi Fazaldin Sahib Sialkoti, “who was an assistant in Madrasa Ahmadiyya.
“And said, ‘Hand this boy over to Mufti Muhammed Sadiq Sahib’. “In those days, the head master of Madrasa Ahmadiyyat was Mufti Sahib. “In short, he was admitted to Madrasa Ahmadiyyat and then became a great scholar. “Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra) in his era of Khilafat sent him as a Missionary to Mauritius.
“He carried out preaching for nearly seven years there. “Finally due to Divine wisdom, Allah the Almighty caused him to die. “After that his wife, one daughter and one son were left behind, “and in accordance with the instructions of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra) in 1924, “I brought them back.
“After two years, his wife Fatima Bibi who was the daughter of my younger brother, “Hafiz Ghulam Muhammed Sahib, passed away. “She was also an extremely eloquent preacher.” It is written here that she too, i.e. his wife, was also an excellent preacher. May Allah have Mercy and forgive her.
He says: “Now both children are under my care and my moral upbringing by the grace of God Almighty.” This is an old letter and was written at the time. “The girl is married and the boy whose name is Bashiruddin lives with me. “He is studying in Madarasa Ahmadiyya.
“It is my heart-felt desire that after his studies, “he should take the place of the late Maulvi Abaidullah Sahib, the Martyr, “in the field of preaching.” With the Grace of Almighty Allah he did gain the opportunity.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih the II (ra) sent him to Mauritius and he stayed there for quite some time. Perhaps his children still live there now. None of his progeny went onto become missionaries but in any case he also carried out preaching, in Mauritius and he serve there for long period of time.
Mian Sharafat Ahmad Sahib writes further about his late father, Hazrat Maulvi Jalaluddin Sahib. He said, “He was going to Mauza Ganuka Nangle to lead the Jumma, the Friday Prayers. “On the way as he started feeling hungry, he bought some chick peas for two coins.
“After eating the chickpeas, he cleaned off his clothes and prepared to travel on. “As soon as he left the side path, a heat wave struck him. “It was the summer, he fell unconscious and fell on to the floor. “A passerby went to a police station and reported,
“that, ‘A Qadiani Maulvi is lying on the road with heat stroke’. “A police man who knew him came running. “He could not find any horse carriage or any other mode of transport along the way. “He supported him up and bought him near to the town.
“The heat wave was blowing quite strongly from in front. “There was no energy left in him. “There was a terrace outside the town and he laid down upon that. “Many people said, ‘Keep going on,’ but he said ‘No, I have gone as far as I needed to’.
“People gave him medicine but none of them had any affect. “Many said, ‘We shall send a telegram to your son’. “He said, ‘My son is quite young, he will become worried. ‘I will leave everything to God.’ “After these words where he said that he wanted to serve his Master and in complete obedience,
“and in complete submission, he returned to his Lord.” Surely to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return. The narrator says, “The deceased’s funeral was offered by non-Ahmadis, “because there were no Ahmadis there and they buried him. “May Allah Almighty grant them reward.
“On the second or third day, Ahmadis came to know about his death and they informed me, “that is his son and also Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra). “Huzoor (ra) mentioned him in the Friday prayers and led his funeral prayer in absentia.
“He had done Wasiyyat, therefore his tomb stone was placed in Bahishti Maqbarah.” May Allah Almighty continue to elevate the rank of all these past elders and may their spirits continue to be infused within us and future generations. In the end I shall present some extracts of the Promised Messiah (as).
In one place he (as) states: “I consider those Maulvis erroneous who are against modern sciences. “In fact, they do so to hide their own faults and weakness. “They have it embedded in their heads that, “researching modern sciences turns one against Islam and leads one astray.
“They have declared that intellect and science is completely contrary to Islam. “As they do not have the capacity to critique flaws of philosophy, “in order to hide this failing, they concoct that it is not warrantable to study modern sciences. “Their soul trembles at the name of philosophy and prostrates before new researches.”
Then the Promised Messiah (as) says, “‘They have not been given the true philosophy, “which is generated from Divine revelation with which the Holy Qur’an is replete. “That is only and only given to those and those alone, “who devote themselves to Allah the Exalted with extreme humility and morality.
“Whose hearts and minds are rid of the stench of arrogant thoughts, who confess their weaknesses, “whilst acknowledging sincere devotion to God.” The Promised Messiah (as) further states: “Thus, it is required that today modern science is acquired for the purpose of service to faith,
“and to propagate the Word of God, and should be acquired with great endeavour. “However, it is also been in my experience and I mention this as a caution that those people, “who get involved in this science single-mindedly” they do not acquire knowledge about religion,
“and are so obsessed and engrossed that they do not keep the company of any spiritual people. “They did not possess any Divine light of their own accord. “Such people usually stumbled and became distant from Islam. “Rather than making the sciences secondary to Islam,
“they tried in vain to make Islam secondary to the sciences, “and in their assumption became providers of religious and national services. “However, remember that only that person can serve religion,” Only that person can serve the religion, “Who has heavenly light inside him.” Therefore, we need to endeavour to acquire this heavenly light.
Then the Promised Messiah (as) says, “The reason I have said all of this is so that all of you, “who have a connection with me and due to this connection have become parts of my body.” To be considered among the parts of his body is a great honour,
This word that Promised Messiah (as) has used that, “Those who have a connection with me, “as a result of which have become limbs or part of my body”. Now limbs or part of the body cannot work on their own, whatever the brain or the mind directs the body or the limbs follow.
Therefore, this is a huge responsibility on every Ahmadi, and all of us need to fulfil this expectation of the Promised Messiah (as). We need to carry out those tasks that are in accordance with the true teachings of Islam, and the Holy Qur’an and which the Promised Messiah (as) has repeatedly advised us regarding,
Without this we cannot do full justice to our Bai’at (Oath of Allegiance). The Promised Messiah (as) states: “You have become parts of my body so act upon all of this, “with intellect and the word of God carry out your endeavours, so that true discernment knowledge,
“and the light of conviction can embed and establish within you. “And so that you can become the means of removing people from darkness and bringing them into light. “This is because the foundation for objections now is on the basis of material criticism,
“and different researches and sciences, therefore it is necessary that you learn all this, “so that before you provide a reply you can understand the reality of the criticism’s made.” Then the Promised Messiah (as) says:
“Listen to what I say and remember it well that if what one says is not from the sincerity of heart, “and does not have practical scope, it cannot be effective.” Whatever you want to say should be from the sincerity of heart,
And your practice should be in accordance to what you say, otherwise it will have no impact. The Promised Messiah (as) says: “The great truthfulness of our Prophet (saw) is evident from exactly this, because the success, “and winning of the hearts that he received a measure of,
“has no equal in the entire history of mankind. “All this came to pass because the Holy Prophet (saw) words and deeds conformed perfectly.” Therefore, it is our duty to properly follow the blessed model of the Holy Prophet (saw), and this can only come about when our words match our deeds.
It is then that God-willing, our efforts will bear excellent fruits and rewards. May Allah Almighty enable us to fulfil this wish of the Promised Messiah (as), that we may become those who propagate the religion, and that we become those who show people the straight path,
And that we fulfil the due rights of becoming his limbs or part of his body, and may there never be a contradiction in our word and deed. May we never be overwhelmed by the forces of anti-Christ and also materialistic knowledge. May Allah Almighty enable us to understand this fundamental principle.
Today once again, I will lead the funeral prayer, of absentia of the Sultan of Agadesh of Niger. He passed away on 21 February at the age of 75. “Surely to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return”. His name was Al Haaj Umar Ibrahim.
In September 2002, he was able to accept Ahmadiyyat. He was highest Sultan in Niger and he was the president of all the traditional rulers in Niger. He was also one of the four special members of the cabinet of the President. From the 15th century of Islamic calendar, he began his Sultanate of Agadesh.
From 1960, he became the Sultan of Agadesh and was the 51st Sultan. So for approximately 51 to 52 years, he remained the Sultan. He was very well respected in Niger. In the area of Agadesh whenever various turmoil and disorders broke out,
He played a key role in establishing peace, in other words he was the symbol of peace. He attended the Benin Jalsa in 2002, with his 12 strong entourage, in a two and a half thousand-kilometre journey. After the Jalsa he remained in Benin for one week,
And he visited different places with Amir Sahib and saw Ahmadiyyat from close by. Prior to his departure, he expressed to Amir Sahib, that, “I want to do the oath of allegiance before leaving”, thus with his 12 strong entourage, they all entered the fold of Ahmadiyyat,
And he said that seeing thousands of people offering prayers in Benin Jalsa, has caused him to be exuberant and filled with joy. We come from a Muslim country, but we have never seen such a large gathering purely for the sake of Allah.
In 2003, he attended the UK Jalsa Salana. This is the first time he met me. He was a person of high moral standards, very friendly, a loving person and a possessed many great moral qualities. When he learnt of the demise of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih the IV (rh),
He went to the Niami mission house himself, and offered his condolences to the Missionary in charge. He has 18 sons and twelve daughters because he had four or five marriages at different times. The Missionary in charge Niger, Akbar Sahib, narrates that on two occasions,
He had the opportunity to visit Agdash and that the Sultan was extremely hospitable. He would greatly respect the Missionary in charge. He says that, “Whenever the Sultan came to the capital, “and I learnt of this I would go to meet him and he would meet me most lovingly.
“He would always ask about the circumstances of Jama’at and also about Khalifatul Masih”. In April 2004 when I went on a tour of Benin, he came to Parako, which is a neighbouring country of Niger. From where a delegation of 62 people had arrived.
In this delegation included the late Sultan of Agadesh with an entourage of eleven people, and a meeting with me was held there. He informed me there that he had travelled for three or four days and nights to reach there. It is extremely difficult to travel in a desert.
He carried out a journey of two to two and a half thousand kilometres to reach there. We discussed various things there, photos were also taken, he was extremely happy. Amongst the Ahmadis of Niger there is great sincerity, loyalty and devotion.
Despite the fact that he was a Sultan and he was amongst the most senior Sultans, there was great humility and humbleness within him. May Allah Almighty elevate his rank. All praise is due to Allah. We laud Him, we beseech help from Him and ask His protection;
We confide in Him, we trust Him alone and we seek protection against the evils and mischief of our souls and from the bad results of our deeds. Whomsoever He guides on the right path, none can misguide him; and whosoever He declares misled, none can guide him onto the right path.
And we bear witness that none deserves to be worshipped except Allah. We bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. O servants of Allah! May Allah be merciful to you. Verily, Allah commands you to act with justice, to confer benefits upon each other
And to do good to others as one does to one ‘s kindred and forbids evil which pertain to your own selves and evils which affect others and prohibits revolts against a lawful authority. He warns you against being unmindful. You remember Allah; He too will remember you;
Call Him and He will make a response to your call. And verily divine remembrance is the highest virtue.