Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2019
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah. Come to Prayer Come to Prayer Come to success Come to success Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. There is none worthy of worship except Allah. Peace be upon you all,
I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah He is alone and has no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is His Servant and Messenger After this I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. The Gracious, the Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help. Guide us in the right path – The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings,
Those who have not incurred displeasure, and those who have not gone astray. There are a few more accounts of Hazrat Zaid (ra) bin Haritha which I shall relate today. In relation to an expedition which was sent to the Banu Sulaim in Rabi-ul-Akhir 6 A.H.,
Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib (ra) writes in Sirat Khatam-ul-Nabiyeen: “In this month, Rabi-ul-Akhir 6 A.H., the Holy Prophet (saw) dispatched a few Muslims “to the tribe Bani Sulaim under the command of his freed slave and previously adopted son, “Zaid (ra) bin Harithah.
“This tribe resided in the region of Najd at a place called Jamum “and had been at war against the Holy Prophet (saw) for some time now. “As such, this tribe played a significant role against the Muslims “in the Battle of the Ditch as well.
“When Zaid (ra) bin Harithah and his companions reached Jamum, “which was located at a distance of approximately 50 miles from Medina, they found it to be empty. “However, they were able to find the whereabouts of where a portion of the Banu Sulaim
“were grazing their cattle, from a woman named Halimah from the Muzainah tribe, “who was from among the opponents of Islam. “Therefore, benefiting from this intelligence, Zaid (ra) bin Harithah attacked the place. “This sudden attack caused most of the people to flee and they dispersed here and there.
“However, the Muslims were able to capture a few prisoners and some cattle, “which they took hold of and returned to Medina. “Coincidentally, the husband of Halimah was also among the prisoners, “and although he was an enemy of war, considering Halimah’s assistance, “not only did the Holy Prophet (saw) release Halimah without ransom
“but also released her husband as an act of benevolence. “Thereafter, Halimah and her husband happily returned to their homeland.” In relation to another expedition of Hazrat Zaid (ra) bin Haritha which was sent to Is and took place in Jamadi’ul-Ula 6 A.H., Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib (ra) writes in Sirat Khatam-ul-Nabiyeen:
“Not many days had passed since the return of Zaid (ra) bin Harithah, “when the Holy Prophet (saw) sent him from Medina once again during the month of Jamadi’ul-Ula, “commanding 170 companions. “The scholars of Sirat have written that the cause of this expedition was
“that a caravan of the Quraish was arriving from Syria and that the Holy Prophet (saw) had sent “this squadron for the interception of this caravan. “However, here it is sufficient to allude to the fact “that these caravans of the Quraish were always armed
“and whilst travelling between Makkah and Syria they passed very closely by Medina, “and so they were a constant threat. “Other than this, as has already been mentioned in the preliminary discussion on this topic, “these caravans would provoke the tribes of Arabia against the Muslims wherever they passed.
“Due to this, a dangerous fire of animosity had been ignited throughout the country “against the Muslims, due to which their interception was necessary. “In any case, upon receiving news of this caravan, “the Holy Prophet (saw) dispatched Zaid (ra) bin Harithah to meet it. “He moved forward with such intelligence, seizing the opportunity,
“that he was able to successfully reach Is and intercepted the caravan. “Is is the name of a place situated at a distance of four days’ travel from Medina, “towards the ocean. “Since this was a sudden attack, “the people of the caravan were unable to combat this assault of the Muslims.
“They left all their belongings and fled. “Zaid captured a few prisoners and took hold of the caravan’s load, “set off to Medina and presented himself before the Holy Prophet (saw). “It should be remembered that every expedition that was sent, or any battle that took place,
“was because there was always news of some threat from the approaching caravans “and that they were conspiring against the Muslims in order to launch an attack. “Hazrat Zaid (ra) bin Haritha was sent on another expedition in Jamadi-ul-Akhir in 6 A.H. “which was sent to Tarif.
In relation to this Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib (ra) writes: “Sometime after the Ghazwah of Banu Lihyan, in Jamadi-ul-Akhir 6 A.H., “the Holy Prophet (saw) dispatched a squadron of 15 men in the command of Zaid (ra) bin Haritha “towards Tarif, which was located at a distance of 36 miles from Medina.
“In those days, the people of Banu Thu‘labah resided there, “but before Zaid (ra) bin Haritha could reach it, “the people of this tribe received a timely alert and dispersed. “After a temporary absence of a few days, “Zaid (ra) bin Haritha and his companions returned to Medina.”
Neither did any battle take place and nor did they go after and search for them. Then there is another expedition of Hazrat Zaid (ra) bin Haritha towards the location of Hisma, which took place in Jamadi-ul-Akhir 6 A.H. In relation to this, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib (ra) writes: “In this month, Jamadi-ul-Akhir,
“the Holy Prophet (saw) sent Hazrat Zaid (ra) bin Haritha with 500 “Muslims towards Hisma to the north of Medina, which was the settlement of the Banu Juzam. “The purpose of this expedition was because a companion of the Holy Prophet (saw)
“named Dihyah Kalbi (ra) was returning from Syria after meeting the Caesar of Rome. “He was accompanied by goods as well, some of which were in the form of gifts, etc. “from Caesar, while some were goods of trade.
“When Dihyah (ra) passed by the region of the Banu Juzam, the chief of the tribe, Hunaid bin Arid, “took a party of his tribe and attacked Dihyah (ra), “and seized all his goods to the extent that they left nothing on the body of Dihyah (ra) “except for a few torn clothes.
“When news of this reached the Banu Dubaib, which was a branch of the Banu Juzam, “some of whom had become Muslim, “they chased this party of the Banu Juzam and reclaimed the stolen goods. “Dihyah (ra) took these goods and returned to Medina. I.e. the companions of the Holy Prophet (saw).
“Upon reaching there, Dihyah (ra) related all the circumstances to the Holy Prophet (saw), “upon which the Holy Prophet (saw) sent Hazrat Zaid (ra) bin Haritha, “and sent Dihyah (ra) along with Zaid (ra) as well. “The squadron of Zaid (ra) progressed forward to Hisma,
“journeying very intelligently and cautiously, hiding at day and travelling by night. “They attacked the Banu Juzam in the morning exactly. “The Banu Juzam retaliated but were unable to successfully confront the sudden attack “of the Muslims and fled after a brief fight. “The battlefield remained in the dominance of the Muslims
“and Hazrat Zaid (ra) bin Haritha returned with many goods, wealth and cattle, “as well as approximately 100 prisoners. “However, Zaidra had not yet reached Medina when the Banu Dubaib tribe, “which was a branch of the Banu Juzam, received news of this expedition of Zaid (ra).
“In the company of their chieftain, Rufa‘ah bin Zaid (ra), “they presented themselves before the Holy Prophet (saw) and said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! We have become Muslims ‘and we have been granted a written document for the protection of the rest of our people.
‘Why then were the people of our tribe included in this attack?’ “The Holy Prophet (saw) responded, ‘Yes, you are correct, but Zaid was not aware of this.’ “The Holy Prophet (saw) repeatedly expressed his grief for the people “who were killed on this occasion.
“Upon this, a companion of Rufa‘ah (ra) named Abu Zaid (ra) said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! We ask nothing for those who were killed, ‘this was an accident due to a misunderstanding which has passed. ‘But as for those who are alive, the property of our tribe
‘which has been seized by Zaid should be returned to us.’ “The Holy Prophet (saw) said, ‘Yes, you are correct,’ “and he immediately sent Hazrat Ali (ra) towards Zaid (ra). “He also sent his own sword as a symbol with the message to Zaid (ra)
“that all the prisoners and wealth which had been seized from this tribe be released at once. “Upon receiving this order, Zaid (ra) immediately released the prisoners “and returned the wealth acquired in spoils as well.” Thus, this was the noble example of the Holy Prophet (saw) in relation to honouring his covenant.
He did not inflict any injustice upon them. It is possible that some of the tribes may have intentionally ally took part in the battle but since this was a misunderstanding on the part of the Muslims, therefore the Holy Prophet (saw) released them all and retuned their wealth.
Then there is mention of another expedition of Hazrat Zaid (ra) bin Haritha towards Wadi’ul-Qura which took place in Rajab 6 AH. It is stated that, “After approximately one month after the expedition of Hisma, “the Holy Prophet (saw) once again sent Zaid (ra) bin Haritha to Wadi’ul-Qura.
“When the squadron of Zaid (ra) bin Haritha reached Wadi’ul-Qura, “the people of the Banu Fuzarah were ready for combat. “As such, numerous Muslims were martyred in this expedition, “and even Zaid (ra) himself was badly wounded, but God saved him by His grace. “Wadi’ul-Qura, which has been mentioned with relevance to this expedition,
“is an inhabited valley situated on the Syrian route north of Medina, “wherein many settlements resided. “This is why it became known as Wadi’ul-Qura, i.e., the Valley of Settlements.” The Battle of Mu’tah took place in 8 AH. Mu’tah is a place near Balqa in Syria.
Describing the causes and motives behind this battle, Allamah Ibn Sa’ad writes that, “The Messenger (saw) of Allah appointed Harith Bin ‘Umair as an envoy “and sent him with a letter to the king of Basra. “When he arrived at Mu’tah, he was martyred by Sharjeel Bin ‘Amr Ghassani.
“None of the envoys of the Holy Prophet (saw) were martyred except Hazrat Harith Bin ‘Umair.” In any case, this incident was very distressing for the Holy Prophet (saw). When he called the people, who numbered 3000, they immediately gathered in Jurf.
The Holy Prophet (saw) announced that Zaid (ra) Bin Harithah was the commander over all of them. He prepared a white flag to give it to Hazrat Zaid (ra) and instructed him, “Go to the place where Harith Bin ‘Umair was martyred “and to convey the message of Islam to those people.
“If they accept, then well and good. “Otherwise, beseech Allah’s help against them and fight against them.” The Battle of Mu’tah was fought in 8 A.H., during the month of Jamadiul Awwal. It is narrated by Hazrat ‘Abdullah Bin ‘Umar that, “Allah’s Messenger (saw) appointed Zaid (ra) bin Haritha
“as the commander of the army during the Battle of Mu’tah and said, ‘If Zaid is martyred, Ja’far should take over his position, and if Ja’far is martyred, ‘Abdullah bin Rawaha should take over his position.’” This army is also called “Jaishul Umaraa” [Army of Leaders].
This is mentioned in Sahih Bukhari as well as Musnad Ahmad Bin Hanbal. It is also mentioned in that narration that Hazrat Ja’far said to the Messenger (saw) of Allah that, “I did not think that you would appoint Zaid as an Ameer over me.”
The Holy Prophet (saw) said, “Never mind about that for you do not know what is better.” Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra), while mentioning the Battle of Mu’tah, said – I have mentioned some of this incident in one of my sermons a couple of weeks or months ago.
Nevertheless, since I am mentioning accounts of Hazrat Zaid (ra), I will repeat this again. Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) writes, “The Holy Prophet (saw) appointed Hazrat Zaid (ra) as the commander of this military campaign. “However, he also added, ‘I am appointing Zaid (ra) as the commander of the army.
“If Zaid (ra) is killed while fighting, Ja’far should take over the command in his position, “and if Ja’far is killed, ‘Abdullah bin Rawaha should take over the command “and even if he is killed then anyone whom the Muslims collectively agree upon, “should take up the command of the army.
“As he said these words, a Jew was also sitting in his company. “He said, ‘Although I do not believe you to be a prophet, but if you are truthful ‘then none of these three individuals would return alive ‘because anything uttered by a prophet is certainly fulfilled.’
I had mentioned this several months earlier as well. According to the narration, the Jew went to Hazrat Zaid (ra) and told him. Nevertheless, Hazrat Musleh-Maud (ra) has stated the narration as such. Hazrat Musleh-e Maud (ra) further narrates that, “The jew went to Hazrat Zaid (ra) and said,
‘If your Messenger is true, then you will not return alive.’” “At this, Hazrat Zaid replied, ‘Regardless of whether I return from this battle alive or not, ‘it is an undeniable truth that our Messenger is a true Messenger.’ “Allah’s wisdom so ordained that this incident was fulfilled exactly in that way.
“Hazrat Zaid was martyred. Then, Hazart Ja’afar took up the command. He was also martyred. “Then, Hazrat ‘Abdullah Bin Rawaha took up the command of the army and was also martyred. “It was well-nigh that chaos may spread among the army
“but Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed took the flag in his hand on the behest of the Muslims. “Allah gave victory to the Muslims through him and he returned the army safely.” In Bukhari, we find this narration in the following manner. Hazrat Anas bin Malik narrates that, “The Holy Prophet (saw) said that,
‘Zaid took the flag and was martyred. ‘Following this, Ja’far grabbed hold of it and was also martyred. ‘Then, Abdullah bin Rawaha took the flag and he was martyred as well.’ “As the Holy Prophet (saw) made this announcement, tears were flowing from his eyes.
“The Holy Prophet (saw) then said that, ‘Following this, Khalid bin Waleed grabbed hold of the flag ‘even though he was not a leader and he was victorious.’ “When the news of the martyrdom of Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha, Hazrat Ja’far “and Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin Rawaha reached the Holy Prophet (saw),
“he stood up in order to give tribute to them and he started doing so by mentioning Hazrat Zaid. “The Holy Prophet (saw) said, ‘O Allah, forgive Zaid! O Allah, forgive Zaid! ‘O Allah, forgive Zaid!” “Following this, the Holy Prophet (saw) said, ‘O Allah, forgive Ja’far and ‘Abdullah bin Rawaha.’”
Hazrat ‘Aisha (rh) relates that, “When Hazrat Zaid (ra) bin Haritha, “Hazrat Ja’far and ‘Abdullah bin Rawaha were martyred, “the Holy Prophet (saw) sat down in the mosque and grief and sorrow were visible on his face.” In Tabaqat-ul-Kubra it is written that, “When Hazrat Zaid (ra) was martyred,
“the Holy Prophet (saw) went to his family in order to offer his condolences. “When the Holy Prophet (saw) went there, his daughter was in such a state “where signs of weeping were visible on her face. “Upon this, tears started to flow from the eyes of the Holy Prophet (saw) as well.
“Hazrat Zaid bin Abada said, ‘O Prophet of Allah, what is this? Tears are flowing from your eyes!’ “The Holy Prophet (saw) replied that: (Arabic) “that is, ‘This is the love of a beloved for his beloved.’” Mentioning the martyrdom of Hazrat Zaid (ra), Allama ibn Sa’d writes that,
“The Holy Prophet (saw) appointed Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha “as the leader of the army sent to Mu’tah and, “in fact, he made him the leader of the other leaders. “When the Muslims and the idolaters confronted each other, “the leaders appointed by Holy Prophet (saw) were fighting on foot.
“Hazrat Zaid (ra) took the flag and commenced the battle and others also joined him in the battle. “During the battle, Hazrat Zaid was pierced by a spear and was martyred as a result. “At the time of his martyrdom, he was fifty-five years old.
“The Holy Prophet (saw) led the funeral prayer of Hazrat Zaid and said that, ‘O people! Seek forgiveness for Zaid, he swiftly entered the abode of paradise.’” Hazrat Usama, the son of Hazrat Zaid, relates that the Holy Prophet (saw) would take him
I.e. Hazrat Usama and Hasan and say, “O Allah! Love both of these as I love both of them.” Hazrat Jabala relates that until the Holy Prophet set out for a battle, he would not give his weapons to anyone but Hazrat ‘Ali and Hazrat Zaid. Hazrat Jabala mentions another narration that,
“The Holy Prophet (saw) was given two camel saddles as a gift. “He kept one himself and gave the other one to Hazrat Zaid.” Then, Hazrat Jabala narrates again that, “The Holy Prophet (saw) was gifted two cloaks. “He kept one for himself and gave the other one to Hazrat Zaid.”
In another place it is mentioned that, “Hazrat Zaid (ra) bin Haritha was called “the beloved of the Holy Prophet (saw).” In relation to Hazrat Zaid, the Holy Prophet (saw) said that, “The most beloved to me “from among the people is he on whom Allah has bestowed His favour; that is Zaid.”
Allah the Exalted bestowed His favour upon him through Islam and the Holy Prophet (saw) did so by granting him freedom. The gist of what history books have recorded about the Battle of Mu’tah is that, in order to respond to the Battle of Mu’tah, the Holy Prophet (saw) prepared a huge army
In the month of Safar during the 11th year following the migration, and in this month of the 11th year after migration, the Holy Prophet (saw) instructed the people to prepare for battle against Rome. Although there is no direct connection with Zaid (ra) bin Harithah of the army prepared for Mu’tah,
As he was martyred before it took place, mention of Hazrat Zaid bin Harithah still exists in (historical accounts of) the preparation and purpose of the army so I will mention that part of history here. A part of this has probably been mentioned already a while ago during the mention of Hazrat Usama.
In any case, Hazrat Usama (ra) had not taken part in the Battle of Badr – at the time of the battle he was far too young – but because at that time I was mentioning the companions in general, he was mentioned in that.
Nonetheless, on the day after this army was prepared, the Holy Prophet (saw) called over Hazrat Usama bin Zaid (ra), and, handing over the command of this expedition to Hazrat Usama (ra), said, “Go toward the place where your father was martyred,” and, regarding their departure toward the nation of Syria, the Prophet said,
“When you depart, travel swiftly and reach the enemy before news of your approach reaches them. “Then, first thing in the morning, attack the people of Balqa (Ahl-e-Ubna).” In Syria, Balqa’ is the name of a region situated near Mu’tah which was where the battle of Mu’tah took place.
And Balqa is a region situated in Syria between Damascus and the Valley of Quraa’. About this place, it is recorded that a person from the people of Prophet Lot (as) named Baaliq populated the area. And it is written about Daroom that it is a place found on the way to Egypt
Where the battle for Palestine took place. In any case, the Holy Prophet (saw) instructed them, “Raze these places to the ground with your horses, to avenge Hazrat Zaid.” The Holy Prophet (saw) further said to Usama, “Take guides who can show you the way as well,
“and also take such people as can perform the duty of reconnaissance – “people who can properly inform you of the prevailing situation and circumstances there. “May God Almighty grant you success, and return quickly.” At the time of this battle, the age of Hazrat Usama was between 17 and 20 years old.
The Holy Prophet (saw) tied a flag with his own hands and said to Usama, “With the name of Allah, strive in His path, and battle him who denies God.” Hazrat Usama took this flag in his hands and left, delegating the flag’s responsibility to Hazrat Burairah (ra).
This army began to gather at a place called Juruf. Juruf is also a place situated about three miles from Medina. The total number of this army is recorded as 3000. All of the Ansar and Muhajireen companions of the Holy Prophet (saw) were part of this army.
Among them were some very prominent companions as Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra), Hazrat ‘Umar (ra), Hazrat ‘Ubaidah (ra) bin Al-Jaraah, and Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Abi Waqas, but the commander appointed over this army was Hazrat Usama (ra), who was only 17-18 years old.
Some individuals did object that a young boy had been made the Ameer at such a young age over the companions who migrated with the Holy Prophet in the very early period of Islam. At this, the Holy Prophet (saw) became very upset.
He had a cloth tied around his head, and had over himself a mantle. He stood at the pulpit and announced, “O ye people, what is this thing that has reached me “which you say about Usama’s (being made) commander over you? “If you have objected to my making Usama the Ameer over you,
“then know that you have also objected to my making his father your Ameer before this.” Then the Holy Prophet (saw) went on to say, “I swear to God, “he also possessed the qualities of leadership,” Referring to Hazrat Zaid bin Harithah. “and after him, his son also possesses within himself the qualities of leadership.
“He was among those people who were dearest to me, “and both of these (meaning father and son) deserve all the good in the world.” Then the Holy Prophet (saw) instructed, “So take a lesson of goodness from him, “meaning Hazrat Usama (ra), for he is among the very best of you.”
This took place on a Saturday, 10 Rabi’ al-Awwal, i.e. two days prior to the demise of the Holy Prophet (saw). The Muslims departing with Hazrat Usama (ra) had said farewell to the Holy Prophet (saw) and joined the army at a place called Juruf. The illness of the Holy Prophet (saw) had increased,
Yet he continued to insist on sending forth the army of Hazrat Usama (ra). On the Sunday, the state of the Holy Prophet (saw) had worsened even further and Usama returned, the Holy Prophet (saw) was in a state of semi-unconsciousness and people were giving him medicine that day.
Hazrat Usama (ra) lowered his head and kissed the Holy Prophet (saw). The Holy Prophet (saw) could not speak, but he raised both his hands to the sky and placed them on the head of Hazrat Usama (ra). Hazrat Usama (ra) states that he understood that the Holy Prophet (saw) was praying for him.
Hazrat Usama (ra) then left to re-join the army. On Monday, the Holy Prophet (saw) improved somewhat. He then said to Hazrat Usama (ra), “Depart with the blessings of God Almighty”. Hazrat Usama (ra) took leave from the Holy Prophet (saw) and set off, instructing his men to march on.
All of a sudden, a man came and brought a message from his mother, Hazrat Umm-e-Aiman (ra) that it seemed the Holy Prophet (saw) was at the final stages and that his health had deteriorated significantly. As soon as he heard this terrible news, Hazrat Usama (ra) returned with Hazrat Umar (ra)
And Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (ra) to see the Holy Prophet (saw). When they reached, they found him taking his last breath. On Monday 12 Rabi- al-Awwal, after sunset, the Holy Prophet (saw) passed away. As a result, the Muslim army returned from Juruf to Medina.
Hazrat Buraidah (ra) planted the flag of Hazrat Usama (ra) at the door of the Holy Prophet (saw). When the oath of allegiance was taken at the hand of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra), he ordered Hazrat Buraidah (ra) to take the flag to the house of Hazrat Usama (ra)
To depart once more for the original purpose, i.e. to take the army which the Holy Prophet (saw) had prepared. Hazrat Buraidah (ra) carried the flag to the front of the army. After the demise of the Holy Prophet (saw), the sedition and apostasy had spread
Across the whole of Arabia, be it in ordinary men or men of influence, it had spread within approximately all the Arab tribes and their hypocrisy had become evident. In that period, the Jews and the Christians were staring in amazement, eager to see what happens next and began also making preparations to take revenge.
With the demise of the Holy Prophet (saw) and due to the small number of Muslims, their state was like that of a sheep during the night of a storm. The Muslims were in a very dire situation. Prominent companions had suggested to Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) that
Due to the severity of the situation, he should delay sending off the army of Hazrat Usama (ra) and that they should be sent some time later. Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) refused, stating that even if beasts dragged his body around,
He would still send this army, in accordance with the instructions of the Holy Prophet (saw) and he will implement the instructions given by of the Holy Prophet (saw). Even if there remained not a single resident but him, he would still meet this decision.
Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) duly upheld the decision of the Holy Prophet (saw) and put it into implementation by instructing all those in the army of Hazrat Usama (ra) to re-join them in Juruf. Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) stated that every single person who was part of the army of Hazrat Usama (ra)
And whom the Holy Prophet (saw) had instructed to join, must not remain behind, nor shall he ever grant them permission to do so. They must join them, even if they must go on foot. Nonetheless, the army was assembled once again.
Owing to the delicate situation, the Companions advised again to stop the army from leaving. According to one narration, Hazrat Usama (ra) asked Hazrat Umar (ra) to convince Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) to revoke the order of sending the army
So they can remain behind to contest against those who had rebelled and protect the Khalifa and the Holy Prophet (saw)’s grave against an attack from the idolaters. Aside from this, some Ansari Companions said to Hazrat Umar that if the Khalifat ar-Rasool – Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) – is resolute on sending the army,
Then he ought to request Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) to appoint a leader of the army that is more senior in age than Usama. Hazrat Umar (ra) went to the Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) and presented the opinions of the companions to him.
However once again, Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) replied with the same firm resolve saying, “Even if the predators of the jungle enter Medina and take me away, “even then I will never revoke a directive issued by the Holy Prophet (saw).”
When Hazrat Umar (ra) informed Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) about the opinion of the Ansar Companions, he asserted with authorit, “Usama was appointed as the leader by the Holy Prophet (saw) “and you want me to remove him from his position!”
Upon hearing the unwavering directive of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) and his resolve to see it fulfilled, Hazrat Umar (ra) met with the people who were part of the army. When the people enquired as to what happened, Hazrat Umar (ra) replied in an angry tone saying, “Remove yourself from me immediately.
“It was because of you all that I was admonished today by the Khalifa of the Holy Prophet (saw).” In line with the orders of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra), when Usama’s army gathered at a place called Jurf, Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) also came there. He met the army and arranged them himself.
The scene at the time of departure was also astonishing. At the time Hazrat Usama (ra) was riding his mount, whereas the Khalifa of the Holy Prophet (saw) – Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) – was walking beside him. Hazrat Usama (ra) said, “O Khalifa of the Prophet (saw)!
“Either you take a mount to ride, or I will descend from mine.” Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) replied, “By God! Neither shall you descend from your mount, “nor will I take a mount for myself. “Am I not able to use my two feet and stride forward in the cause of Allah?
Each time a Ghazi [one who fights in the cause of God] takes a step, “God Almighty rewards him the equivalent of 700 good deeds and he is elevated 700 times in rank, “as well as having 700 of his sins forgiven.”
Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) required the assistance of Hazrat Umar (ra) in Medina for several matters. However, Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) did not keep Hazrat Umar (ra) behind on his own accord. Instead he sought permission from Hazrat Usama that if he thought appropriate to grant Hazrat Umar (ra) permission to remain behind.
Hazrat Usama (ra) responded to the call of the Khalifa and permitted Hazrat Umar (ra) to remain behind. After this incident, everytime Hazrat Umar (ra) would meet Hazrat Usama, he would say, (Arabic) “Peace be upon you, O Ameer”. In response, Hazrat Usama would say: (Arabic)
“O Leader of the Faithful! May God Almighty shower his forgiveness on you.” In the end, Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) gave the following words of advice to the army, “Do not show disloyalty nor break your covenant; do not commit theft, “do not mutilate any corpses of the enemies;
“do not kill young children, women and the elderly; do not cut date palm trees nor burn them; “do not injure any sheep, cow or camel except for those you slaughter for consumption.” He then further says, “You will pass by a people “who have withdrawn to the Church for worship, leave them be.
“Similarly, there will be people who bring you food in dishes to eat. “If you wish to eat therefrom, you ought to recite “Bismillah [In the name of Allah] before eating. “Then you will certainly meet a people who would have shaved their heads from the middle,
“but will have locks of hair on the sides. “For them you ought to strike them slightly with your swords and then defend yourselves. “May God Almighty protect you from all slander and safeguard you from the epidemic of the plague.” Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) then turned to Hazrat Usama and said,
“Carry out all the tasks assigned to you by the Holy Prophet (saw).” Through this conversation, whilst on the one hand Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) taught Hazrat Usama the Islamic etiquettes of war – in which one cannot commit injustice against anyone else –
On the other hand it is also evident that Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) was convinced that this army would be victorious. That is why he said, “You will be granted victories.” Thus, Hazrat Usama (ra) set off on the 1st of Rabiul Aakhar, 11 AH. Hazrat Usama and his army travelled for days on end
And according to the instructions of the Holy Prophet (saw), they eventually reached the area in Syria known as Ubna. The following morning, the army attacked the inhabitants from all four sides. The slogan raised on this occasion was, (Arabic) meaning, “O You, who have been granted divine succour, fight!”
In this battle, whoever came up against a Muslim who performs Jihad in the way of God was killed and many were taken prisoners. They gained a large amount of spoils from the war, from which one fifth was taken out and the rest distributed amongst the army.
The portion for the one riding a mount was twice as much as those on foot. After the battle, the army camped in this very place for one day and then set off for Medina on the following day.
Hazrat Usama (ra) sent an individual ahead of the army to Medina to relay the good news. In this battle, not a single Muslim was martyred. When this triumphant army returned to Medina, Hazrat Abu Bakr along with the Ansar and Muhajireen, went outside of Medina to welcome them.
Hazrat Buraidah (ra) was waving the flag ahead of the army. Upon reaching Medina, the army went to Masjid Nabawi. Hazrat Usama (ra) offered two nawaafil [voluntary prayers] and then went home. According to varying narrations, this army spent between 40 and 70 days outside of Medina.
Sending the Army of Usama (ra) proved to be beneficial for the Muslims because the people of Arabia had begun to say that if the Muslims were weak and frail, they would never send this army on the expedition. Thus, through this, many of the disbelievers became alerted
And refrained from carrying out their plans against the Muslims. Through the grace of Allah and His Support, Hazrat Usama (ra) fulfilled the words of the Holy Prophet (saw) to the letter. In terms of organisation and management of the army he was very successful and this expedition proved to be a great triumph.
The Holy Prophet (saw) had stated that Hazrat Usama was an exceptional leader. God Almighty’s grace, the prayers of the Holy Prophet (saw) and his Khalifa proved that Hazrat Usama, like his martyred father Hazrat Zaid, was not only worthy to lead, but he also had a lofty status owing to his morals and qualities.
It was the firm resolve and tremendous courage of the Khalifa that he sent this army, despite several internal and external dangers as well as certain allegations. Then through the triumph and success, God Almighty taught the Muslims their first lesson
That after the demise of the Holy Prophet (saw), all blessings lie in the obedience to Khilafat. The Promised Messiah (as) has mentioned this in his book Sirrul Khilafah. Nevertheless, may God Almighty shower His boundless mercy on Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha (ra) and his son, Hazrat Usama,
Who were the beloved and dear ones of our master and guide, the Holy Prophet (saw). After the Friday prayers, I will lead two funeral prayers in absentia. The first funeral prayer is of Mr Siddique Adam Dambia Sahib, who was a missionary serving in the Ivory Coast.
He had been unwell for quite some time and had an operation for his prostate last year. Similarly, he had some complications with his kidneys and was on dialysis. Owing to his ongoing treatment he was staying in Abijaan. Recently his health deteriorated and was subsequently taken to the Military Hospital,
Where he passed away on 14th June. To Allah we belong and to Him shall we return. Siddique Adam sahib was born in Lausangeh, a village in the Ivory Coast, in 1950. He accepted Ahmadiyyat a short while before 1977. Aside from his wife, he is survived by 7 daughters and 2 sons.
Having dedicated his life for the services of the Community in 1981, he travelled to Pakistan on foot with two other friends. They travelled for approximately 1 year and enduring the hardships of the journey, they eventually arrived in Rabwah in 1982 and began studying in Jamia Ahmadiyya.
He completed his studies in 1985/86 and then returned to the Ivory Coast. Until his demise, he had the opportunity to serve as a missionary in various countries of West Africa for a period of over 30 years. The details of his journey Pakistan is as follows: When Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III (rh) toured Ghana,
The visit of the Khalifa of the time brought about a revolutionary transformation within him. He returned to ivory coast and arranged for his passport to be made and then along with his friend, made preparations to travel to Pakistan in order to meet the Khalifa.
During that same period, a young man from Mali, Umar Maaz Sahib, who is now a missionary of the community, came to the mosque in Abijaan and accepted Ahmadiyyat owing to a dream he had seen. A few days after accepting Ahmadiyyat, Umar Maaz Sahib expressed his strong desire
To visit the town of the Promised Messiah (as) and also to meet the Khalifa of the Promised Messiah (as). Thus, all three of them decided to travel to Pakistan and began their journey on 20th August 1981. They set off from Ivory Coast and in the first leg of their journey,
They arrived at Ghana and met Wahab Adam Sahib, who was serving as the Amir and Missionary-in-Charge. After offering supplications and prayers, they travelled across Benin from Togo and reached Lagos, a city in Nigeria. After stopping at the mission house in Lagos, the missionary-in-charge there also bid them farwell
With prayers and supplications and were also given some financial help, before setting off for Cameroon. They entered Chad via Cameroon and whilst in Chad, they were imprisoned and had to endure great difficulties. Nonetheless, they remain patient and steadfast and continued on with their journey.
It was virtually impossible to continue on with their journey from Chad, however God Almighty guided them through a dream by telling them to join the army. Thus, they tried to join the Libyan army and God Almighty granted them miraculous help and the impossible was made possible.
There was a time, when the Libyan government decided to expel all the foreigners from the country, however God Almighty made such provisions that not only was this ruling overturned but they were also permitted to join the Libyan army on a voluntary basis and were commissioned to serve protecting
Its frontiers for almost 8 months. When the war was over, they expressed their desire to travel to Pakistan to their in-charge. The in-charge told them to stay with them for a little longer and he will arrange for them for an international passport to travel to the USA
And that they could go there instead of Pakistan. However, they thanked him for the offer but declined and told him that they would like to go Pakistan for the purpose of studies. The Pakistani Embassy refused to grant them a visa, but through their army in-charge,
God Almighty provided them with an air ticket for Karachi and thus they arrived at the airport on 27th November 1982 in order to travel to Pakistan. Once more they witnessed the help of God Almighty. Their army in-charge introduced them to a police officer and told him that
They are travelling to Pakistan to seek Islamic studies and requested him to assist them in every way possible. The police officer helped them greatly and their aeroplane left from Damascus in the night and arrived at Karachi in the morning.
Although they had arrived at Karachi but worried as they did not have any visa. After supplication and prayers, they presented their passports to the passport control officer, who asked them a few questions and they told him that they were travelling to Pakistan for the purpose of study.
Subsequently, the officer stamped and signed their passports and then asked them where they will be travelling to in Pakistan. They told him that they wanted to go to Rabwah, upon which he enquired whether they were Qadiani. Before any ill thought could enter his mind and consequently influence him to cancel the stamp
He had issued, one of his colleagues said that even if they are Ahmadi, just let them go as they are only here for the purpose of studies. Nonetheless they had such a strong desire and passion to go to Rabwah and meet the Khalifah of the Promised Messiah (as),
They did not even realise to enquire whether there was a Jama’at in Karachi or any local member who they could in get touch with so that their journey could be made somewhat easier. However, without making any contact with the local Jama’at,
They headed straight to the railway station and asked to purchase a train ticket to Rabwah. The person issuing the tickets at the station was a very selfish person and filled with prejudice, he said that they do not issue tickets to Ahmadis. However, after arguing with him for two hours,
He gave them the ticket for the cheapest carriage and charged them double the price. It took them 24 hours to reach Rabwah from Karachi. However, they had an intense desire to meet the Khalifah of the Promised Messiah (as) and they endured such a difficulty journey to finally reach Rabwah.
After reaching Rabwah, they went to Dar-ul-Ziafat. They did not speak Urdu, however when they heard the words, “Khalifatul Masih IV” being uttered by everyone around them, they became a little apprehensive and enquired about the matter and were subsequently informed that Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III (rh) had passed away
And now Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh) had become the Khalifah. They then had the opportunity to meet Hazrat Khalifatul Masih and in 1982, they enrolled in Jamia. After completing his studies in Jamia, he returned to Ivory Coast and was posted to serve in various countries.
From 1981 to 1991, he was posted in Ivory Coast; from 1991 to 1992, he served in Niger; from 1992 to 1994, he served in Benin; from 1994 to 1996, he served in Togo and from 1996 till his demise, he served in Ivory Coast. Basit Sahib, a missionary from the Ivory Coast, writes that,
“Sadiq Adam Sahib had a deep love for Khilafat and was a devoted servant of the community. “He states that he had the opportunity to work with him for a very long period of time “and he was a very regular in his prayers and in offering the Tahajjud “and was blessed with true dreams.
“He also had a great ability to offer interpretations of dreams and would often relate “the meanings of the dreams of his friends and relatives. “He would regularly submit his monthly report to the Markaz [central headquarters of the Jama’at].” He would regularly write to me for prayers as well
And it was his habit to always write in Urdu. He was extremely pious and very punctual and took all of his responsibilities seriously. He would always be mindful of being punctual and whatever work was assigned to him, he would ensure to complete it within the set time.
He was always ready and willing to go on long tours and would carry out his preaching efforts in a very loving and soft tone. He would always mention the evils of the Dajjal, the signs of his advent
And the current ills of the time and would then speak about the advent of the Imam Mahdi. Those listening to him would always be impressed by his style of speech and would always achieve success in his Tabligh efforts. Owing to his Tabligh tours in the north of the country,
God Almighty rewarded his efforts with thousands of converts. He would always mention his journey to Pakistan and also the grace of God Almighty granted to him. As a proof of the truthfulness of the Promised Messiah (as), he would always give the example of how God Almighty has granted
Helpers to the Promised Messiah (as) in even far-off lands, who are willing to make sacrifices in the way of faith and how God Almighty would grant them His rewards and thus grant help and succour to His beloved Mahdi. Siddique Adam Sahib’s style of speech was extremely attractive for the locals
Who spoke the local language, Jula. He would also present programmes on the radio. These programmes were of a very high standard and were very popular. May God Almighty grant him His forgiveness and mercy and elevate his station. May He also grant his children patience and steadfastness
And enable them to continue his good deeds. The second funeral prayer is of Mia Ghulam Mustafa Sahib Mirak from the district of Okara. He passed away on 24th June at the age of 83 – To Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.
The deceased was Ahmadi by birth and had great passion for worship. He was very regular in the congregational prayers and also in offering the Tahajjud prayer and would call the Fajr Adhan at his local mosque. He would always wake up his family members for Fajr
And God Almighty had granted him the ability to keep the fast of Ramadan right till his demise. He had a great desire for Tabligh and would always some way or another convey the message of Ahmadiyyat to everyone he met. He was a very sociable, pious and sincere individual.
He had a great bond of love with Khilafat and would regularly listen to the Friday Sermons and would also his children to listen as well. He would always serve the official guests who had come from the headquarters and was always at the forefront in offering financial sacrifices.
He also had the opportunity to build a well in Tharpakur and provide water to the thirsty. He organised all his Wassiyyat payments prior to his demise. A few years before his demise, he had the opportunity to donate his house to the Jama’at and himself moved into a small room in the mosque.
The house is currently being used an accommodation for the local missionary. The deceased was a Moosi and leaves behind 5 daughters and 3 sons. He is the father of Ghulam Murtaza Sahib, who is serving as a missionary in Burundi and was not able to go back for his father’s funeral.
He was not able to retun to Pakistan for his mother’s funeral either. Ghulam Murtaza Sahib endured these two tragedies with great patience and steadfastness. May God Almighty further increase him in his patience and steadfastness and enable him to fulfil his Waqf with loyalty. Two of his grandsons, Qasim Mustafa Sahib
And Muhammad Safeer-ul-Din Sahib, are both serving as missionaries. Another grandson, Bilal Ahmad, is a Waqf-e-Nau and became a doctor this year and entered the field of Waqf. May God Almighty grant him His mercy and forgiveness and elevate his station.
Ghulam Murtaza Sahib, who is a missionary, is busy conveying the message of God away from his homeland and as I said he could not go back for the funeral. May God Almighty grant him patience and steadfastness to bear this loss. After the Friday prayers, I will lead their funeral prayers, God Willing.
All praise is due to Allah. We laud Him, we beseech help from Him and ask His protection; we confide in Him, we trust Him alone and we seek protection against the evils and mischief of our souls and from the bad results of our deeds.
Whomsoever He guides on the right path, none can misguide him; and whosoever He declares misled, none can guide him onto the right path. And we bear witness that none deserves to be worshipped except Allah. We bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.
O servants of Allah! May Allah be merciful to you. Verily, Allah commands you to act with justice, to confer benefits upon each other and to do good to others as one does to one ‘s kindred and forbids evil which pertain to your own selves
And evils which affect others and prohibits revolts against a lawful authority. He warns you against being unmindful. You remember Allah; He too will remember you; call Him and He will make a response to your call. And verily divine remembrance is the highest virtue.