Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2020
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah. Come to Prayer, Come to Prayer Come to success, Come to success Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. There is none worthy of worship except Allah. Peace be upon you all,
I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah He is alone and has no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is His Servant and Messenger After this I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. The Gracious, the Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help. Guide us in the right path – The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings,
Those who have not incurred displeasure, and those who have not gone astray. The name of the companion who I will mention today is Hazrat Abu Talha (ra). The actual name of Hazrat Abu Talha Ansari (ra) was Zaid. He belonged to the Ansar tribe of Khazraj and was the chief of his tribe
And he was more commonly known by his title of Abu Talha. The name of Hazrat Abu Talha (ra)’s father was Sahl bin Aswad and the name of his mother was Ubada bint Malik. Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) had the opportunity to pledge initiation
At the hands of the Holy Prophet (saw) during the second pledge at ‘Aqaba. He participated alongside the Holy Prophet (saw) in all the battles, including the Battle of Badr. When Hazrat Abu Ubaida (ra) bin Al-Jarrah migrated to Medina,
The Holy Prophet (saw) formed a bond of brotherhood between him and Hazrat Abu Talha (ra). Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) was of a light brown complexion and of moderate height and he had never dyed his hair or beard; he kept his hair as they were.
Hazrat Anas (ra) was the stepson of Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) and was the son of his wife’s first husband. Malik bin Nazar was the first husband of Hazrat Umme Sulaim (ra). Following his demise, she was married to Hazrat Abu Talha (ra), through whom Abdullah and Umair were born.
Hazrat Anas (ra) narrates that Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) sent a marriage proposal to Umme Sulaim (ra). She replied, “By God, I would not have any objection to marrying someone like yourself. “However, you are an idolater and I am a Muslim.” This is a narration from Sunan Nasa’i.
She stated that she was a Muslim woman and it was not permissible for her to marry him. She stated, “If you were to accept Islam then I would consider this very act in itself “to be my dowry and I would not ask of anything else.”
Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) accepted Islam and this was declared to be her dowry. Hazrat Thabit (ra) used to say that, “Until this day, I have not heard of any woman’s dowry “to be as esteemed as that of Umme Sulaim (ra).”
Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) participated alongside the Holy Prophet (saw) in the Battle of Badr. Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) narrates that on the day of Badr, the Holy Prophet (saw) announced a decision against 24 men from among the chiefs of Quraish and placed them in a dirty well of the wells of Badr.
Whenever the Holy Prophet (saw) was victorious over a people, he would stay in the battleground for three nights. When the Holy Prophet (saw) stayed in Badr and the third day approached, he ordered for the saddle to be placed on his camel, and so the camel was saddled.
Then, the Holy Prophet (saw) set off and the Companions (ra) also joined him. The companions (ra) stated that they believed that the Holy Prophet (saw) set off for a particular reason. The Holy Prophet (saw) then reached the well and stood at the top of the well
Where the bodies of the 24 men had been placed. This was a closed well. The Holy Prophet (saw) began to call their names as well as the names of their fathers that, “O son of such and such person! Had you obeyed Allah and His messenger, “would you not have rejoiced now?
“Verily, we have received what our Lord had promised us “but have you also received what your lord had promised you?” Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) narrates that Hazrat Umar (ra) submitted, “O Messenger (saw) of Allah! What are you saying to these lifeless bodies?”
The Holy Prophet (saw) stated, “I swear by Him in Whose hands lies the life of Muhammad! “You are not hearing these words any more than they are hearing them.” That is, Allah the Exalted was now relaying these words to them in terms of how terrible their end was.
Hazrat Anas (ra) relates that when the Battle of Uhud took place, people dispersed from Holy Prophet (saw) after being defeated. Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) however remained in front of the Holy Prophet (saw) and stood resolutely behind his shield in front of the Holy Prophet (saw).
Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) was an archer who would pull the string of his bow very forcefully. He had broken two or three bows that day. In other words, he would pull the bow so forcefully that the string of the bow would snap. The Holy Prophet (saw) instructed anyone
Who passed by with a quiver to give it to Abu Talha (ra). In other words, the Holy Prophet (saw) would instruct others that there were plenty of archers and that they should instead give their arrows to Abu Talha (ra), who was standing in front of the Holy Prophet (saw) at that particular moment.
Hazrat Anas (ra) relates that the Holy Prophet (saw) would raise his head and look at the people, upon which Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) used to say: (Arabic). “O Messenger (saw) of Allah; may my parents be sacrificed for your sake!
“Please do not raise your head and look around, lest an arrow of the enemy hits you. “My chest is in front of your chest.” Hazrat Anas (ra) bin Malik relates that, “Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) would shield “the Holy Prophet (saw) with the very same shield [that he was using].
“Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) was an excellent archer. “When he fired an arrow, the Holy Prophet (saw) would look at where it landed.” This is a narration from Bukhari. The previous narration was also from Bukhari as well. During the Battle of Uhud, it is mentioned that Hazrat Abu Talha (ra)
Would recite the following couplet: (Arabic). “My face is there to protect your blessed countenance “and my life ready to be sacrificed for yours.” Hazrat Anas (ra) bin Malik relates, “The Holy Prophet (saw) said to Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) “that ‘Search someone from among your young men, who may assist me
‘so that I may embark on the journey to Khaybar.’ “Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) placed me (that is Hazrat Anas (ra)), “on the back of his mount and took me with him.” Hazrat Anas (ra) relates, “I was a young boy at that time “and had almost reached the age of adolescence.
“I would serve the Holy Prophet (saw) and when the Holy Prophet (saw) “would get off from his mount, I would often hear the him recite the following prayer: ‘O Allah, I seek refuge with You from worry and grief, from incapacity and laziness, ‘from miserliness and cowardice, from being heavily in debt ‘and from being overpowered by others.’” In another account of Hazrat Anas (ra); the first was of Sahih Bukhari, and this too is from Sahih Bukhari; he states,
“The Holy Prophet (saw) entered Medina, but had no servant. “Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) held my hand, brought me to the Holy Prophet (saw) “and said, ‘O Messenger (saw) of Allah, Anas is a wise child, he can be of service to you’”. Hazrat Anas (ra) then says, “I served the Holy Prophet (saw)
“whilst he was journeying and also whilst he remained in his residence. “The Holy Prophet (saw) never questioned me as to why I carried out a task the way I did, “similarly, if there was a task I failed to undertake, “he would never ask me why this was the case.”
I.e., he would never admonish him. Hazrat Anas (ra) bin Malik narrates that he was with the Holy Prophet (saw) when he returned from Usfaan (a place situated between Mecca and Medina). At the time, the Holy Prophet (saw) was riding his camel and had seated Hazrat Safiyyah (ra) bint Huyayy behind him.
All of a sudden, the camel stumbled, causing them both to fall. Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) immediately dismounted his camel, saying, “O Messenger (saw) of Allah, may I be sacrificed for you!” The Holy Prophet (saw) replied, “First enquire about the lady”.
Hazrat Talha (ra) drew a cloth over his face as he went towards Hazrat Safiyyah (ra), and then placed that cloth over her, which shows how much regard he had for purdah. Thereafter, he readied the camel for them to mount once again and they all formed a ring around the Holy Prophet (saw).
When they reached the near the outskirts of Medina, the Holy Prophet (saw) stated: “We are those who return, who repent to their Lord, who worship Him and praise Him.” The Holy Prophet (saw) continued to recite these words until he entered Medina. Whilst narrating this incident, Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) states: “On one occasion when the Holy Prophet (saw)
“was returning from the battle of Khaybar, and alongside him was his wife, Hazrat Safiyyah (ra), “when the camel suddenly stumbled in its path, consequently causing both to fall off. “The camel of Hazrat Abu Talha Ansari (ra) was directly behind them, “so he at once dismounted his camel and said,
‘O Messenger (saw) of Allah! May I be sacrificed for you! Have you sustained any injury?’ “When Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) approached close to the Holy Prophet (saw), “the Holy Prophet (saw) said, ‘O Abu Talha! First go to my wife, go see to my wife’. “The Holy Prophet (saw) said this twice.”
Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) explains that, “Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) had infinite love for the Holy Prophet (saw) “and when the question ever arose about the life of the Holy Prophet (saw), “his attention would be on no other person, “yet the Holy Prophet (saw) told him to go and check on his wife first.”
Hazrat Musleh (ra) presented this account whilst discussing the rights of women. Hazrat Anas (ra) relates, “The Holy Prophet (saw) launched an attack on Khaybar “and we offered the morning prayer when we had approached near Khaybar, “whilst it was still dark.
“The Holy Prophet (saw) then mounted his camel and as Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) mounted his, “I sat behind him on his camel. “The Holy Prophet (saw) made his camel run fast in the valley of Khaybar “and my knee was rubbing against the thigh of the Holy Prophet (saw)
“as they were so close to one another. “Then, due to the heat, or perhaps for comfort, “the Holy Prophet (saw) removed the cloth from his thigh,” i.e. lifted it a little from his leg or his knee, “until I could see the whiteness of his thigh,”
By “thigh” it means the part just above the knee. “When the Holy Prophet (saw) entered the village he stated: (Arabic) ‘Allah is great! Khaybar is destroyed. ‘When we come to a people, it is an evil morning for those who have been warned. “The Holy Prophet (saw) repeated this phrase 3 times.”
Hazrat Anas (ra) continues, “When people came out of their homes to attend to their work, “they said, ‘Muhammad (saw) – Abdul Aziz used to say ‘that some of our companions also used to add the word ‘khamees’ “i.e. army, in addition to the name of the Holy Prophet (saw).’”
Hazrat Anas (ra) states, “We conquered it in battle “and the prisoners of war were gathered together. “Hazrat Dihyah Kalbi came and said, ‘O Messenger (saw) of Allah! ‘Grant me a female-servant from among these prisoners.’ “The Holy Prophet (saw) replied, ‘go and choose a female-servant.’ “He then chose Huyayy’s daughter, Safiyyah.
“Thereupon, someone approached the Holy Prophet (saw) and said, ‘O Prophet (saw) of Allah! You have handed the daughter of the chief of the Quraizah ‘and Nadeer tribe, Safiyyah bint Huyayy, to Dihyah; whereas she is only suitable for you.’ “The Holy Prophet (saw) then said, ‘Bring both of them here’.
“So he went and brought Safiyyah, and Dihyah also came. “The Holy Prophet (saw) said to Dihyah, ‘Choose any other of the prisoners.’” Hazrat Anas (ra) relates further, “The Holy Prophet (saw) then freed Hazrat Safiyyah (ra) “and later married her.” Thereafter, Hazrat Thabit (ra) asked Hazrat Anas (ra), “What did Abu Hamza,”
I.e. the Holy Prophet (saw), “give her in dowry?” to which he answered, “He freed her and then married her, so her freedom was the dowry.” And whilst they were still travelling, Hazrat Umme Sulaim (ra) prepared Hazrat Safiyyah (ra) for the Holy Prophet (saw) and after sending her to him, the wedding took place.
The following day the Holy Prophet (saw) stated, “If anyone possesses something, let him bring it forward” and he lay out a leather tablecloth. Some people brought dates, whilst others brought butter. Abdul Aziz says, “I believe that he also mentioned Sattu [parched grain of barely] as well.”
He then said that this was then all mixed together and knead. This was the Walima [marriage] proceedings of the Holy Prophet (saw). In another narration it is mentioned that after the conquest of Khayber, Hazrat Safiyyah (ra) fell in the lot of Hazrat Dihyah (ra). Many companions, it was not just one companion,
Rather many of the companions came to the Holy Prophet (saw) and spoke words of praise for Hazrat Safiyyah (ra) and also that with respect to her status and rank, it would be befitting if the Holy Prophet (saw) chose her for himself, i.e. to take her in marriage.
Thus, the Holy Prophet (saw) sent a message to Hazrat Dihiyah (ra) and took Hazrat Safiyyah (ra) in exchange for seven prisoners. He then instructed Hazrat Umme Sulaim (ra) to look after her. Then as was mentioned earlier, the Holy Prophet (saw) married Hazrat Safiyyah (ra).
Hazrat Anas bin Malik (ra) narrates that the Holy Prophet (saw) stated, “On this day,” i.e. on the day of the Battle of Hunayn, “whosoever kills a disbeliever, he will be granted the money “and wealth of that disbeliever [as their spoil from the battle].” On that day, Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) killed 20 disbelievers
And took their wealth [as spoils of the battle]. Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) saw Hazrat Umme Sulaim (ra) with a dagger in her hand and asked: “O Umme Sulaim, what is the purpose of this?” She replied: “I swear by God! It is my intention that if a disbeliever passes within range,
“I would strike this dagger into their abdomen.” Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) informed the Holy Prophet (saw) about this incident. This narration is found in Sunan Abi Daud. Hazrat Anas (ra) relates that the Holy Prophet (saw) said the sole voice of Abu Talha was louder and heard above all others in his faction.
The traditions also site “100 soldiers” and “1000 soldiers” rather than a faction – in others words that Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) had a very powerful voice. In 34 Hijri, Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) passed away at the age of 70 in Medina and his funeral was led by Hazrat Usman (ra).
However, according to Ahle Basra (residents of the city of Basra) he passed way during a journey on sea and was buried on an island. Hazrat Anas (ra) relates that during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet (saw), Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) would refrain from voluntary fasting
As he wanted to preserve his strength when engaging in Jihad. Hazrat Anas (ra) further relates that after the Holy Prophet (saw) passed away, he observed that Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) kept fast every single day except for on Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-Ul-Adha. In other words he started regularly observing fast after this.
We find the following example of the hospitality of Hazrat Abu Talha (ra). Hazrat Abu Huraira (ra) narrates that a man came to the Holy Prophet (saw), upon which the Holy Prophet (saw) asked someone to send word to his wives. They replied that they had nothing except water to give.
The Holy Prophet (saw) then asked who would help take care of this guest. Amongst the Ansar, one replied “I will”. Thus, the Ansar took this guest along with him and told his wife to extend the best hospitality possible as this was the guest of the Holy Prophet (saw).
His wife replied that they had no food to give as all that was left was barely enough to feed their children. Her husband told her to prepare that remaining food for the guest, light up the oil lamp and when evening dinner time arrived, to put the children to bed.
Thus his wife prepared the food, lit up the oil lamp and tucked the children into bed. Then she got up and acted as if fixing the oil lamp and blew the candlelight off. Thus the husband and wife made it appear as if they too had been eating
However they in fact spent the night on an empty-stomach. In the morning he went to the Holy Prophet (saw) who said that, “Today Allah the Almighty smiled upon your act”, or he stated that “Allah the Almighty was extremely pleased with this act of theirs”.
Then the following revelation was received: (Arabic – Holy Quran 59:10). “but prefer the Refugees to themselves, even though poverty be their own lot. “And whoso is rid of the covetousness of his own soul – it is these who will be successful.”
Hazrat Anas (ra) relates that when on one occasion the Holy Prophet (saw) cut his hair, Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) was the first to receive some of it. Hazrat Anas (ra) bin Malik relates, “Once Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) asked Umme Sulaim (ra)
“whether she had any food, as he had noticed the Holy Prophet’s (saw) voice was faint “and therefore assumed that he may be hungry. “She replied, ‘Yes’ and then took out some bread made of barley. “She placed the bread in the corner of a loose shawl, wrapped it and handed it to me.
“She also tied a part of the loose shawl around my waist and sent me to the Holy Prophet (saw).” Hazrat Anas (ra) further relates, “I took it with me and found the Holy Prophet (saw) “in the mosque where there were some others as well.
“I stood beside the Holy Prophet (saw) who said ‘has Abu Talha sent you?’ ‘Yes indeed’ I replied. “ ‘Has he sent you with food?’ asked the Holy Prophet (saw) to which I replied ‘yes’. “The Holy Prophet (saw) instructed the companions around him to depart with him.”
Instead of eating the food, the Holy Prophet (saw) asked his companions to come with him and also took the food along with him. Hazrat Anas (ra) states, “I was walking ahead of them when I came across Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) “and informed him that the Holy Prophet (saw) was coming here.
“Hazrat Abu Talha (saw) said: ‘O Umme Sulaim, the Holy Prophet (saw) is coming here ‘in the company of other people but we do not have enough food to feed them.’” The few pieces of bread that were sent were being returned, “She replied: ‘Allah and His Messenger (saw) know best.’
“Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) quicky left from his home in order to meet the Holy Prophet (saw) “as Hazrat Anas (ra) reached home before them. “Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) arrived with the Holy Prophet (saw). “The Holy Prophet (saw) said: ‘O Umme Sulaim, bring whatever you have to eat.’
“She brought bread, which the Holy Prophet (saw) instructed to break into pieces, which she did so. “Hazrat Umme Sulaim (ra) poured Ghee [clarified butter] and presented it as a dish. “The Holy Prophet (saw) then prayed on the bread in the manner God Almighty desired from him.
“The Holy Prophet (saw) then said to call ten people to eat, “they were called inside and they ate until they were content and then they left. “The Holy Prophet (saw) then said to let the next ten people inside “and they ate until they were content and then they left.
“The Holy Prophet (saw) then said to let the next ten people inside “and they ate until they were content and then they left. “The Holy Prophet (saw) then said to let the next ten people inside “and they ate until they were content and then they left.
“Thus, all of them ate to their fill and they totalled approximately seventy or eighty people.” This is one of the narrations that shows the blessings of the prayers of the Holy Prophet (saw). Hazrat Anas bin Malik (ra) narrates that Hazrat Abu Talha (ra)
Owned the most date orchard among all the Ansar in Medina. Among them his most prized orchard was called Berha, which was situated in front of the Mosque and the Holy Prophet (saw) would also visit this orchard and drink from its clean water.
Hazrat Anas (ra) narrates that when the following verse was revealed: (Arabic), “Never shall you attain to righteousness unless you spend out of that which you love;” Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) stood up and said, “O messenger (saw) of Allah! God Almighty states: ‘Never shall you attain to righteousness unless you spend out of that which you love.’ “From my property, my most beloved possession is the Berha orchard, “I offer that as charity in the way of Allah. “I am hopeful that God Almighty will accept this virtue and will be beneficial.
“Thus, you may spend it wherever you wish to do so.” The Holy Prophet (saw) replied, “Well done, this sacrifice is very beneficial,” or perhaps he said, “this sacrifice will be everlasting.” The Holy Prophet (saw) stated, “I have heard your request, “I consider it best if you distribute this amongst your close relatives.”
Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) replied, “O Messenger (saw) of Allah! “I shall do exactly as you have commanded.” And so, Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) distributed this orchard amongst his relatives and the sons of his uncle. Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) has the honour and privilege of being the one
Who buried one of the daughters of the Holy Prophet (saw) after her demise. On the instructions of the Holy Prophet (saw), Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) descended into the grave and placed her blessed body into the grave. Hazrat Anas bin Malik (ra) states that on one occasion, a sudden panic spread in Medina.
The Holy Prophet (saw) took the horse of Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) which was relatively slothful, or perhaps it moved slowly. When the Holy Prophet (saw) returned, he said to Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) that he found his horse to have moved like a flowing river, i.e. that it moved at great speed.
After this incident, no other horse could compete in speed with this horse of Hazrat Abu Talha (ra). Hazrat Anas bin Malik (ra) states that, “The Holy Prophet (saw) would often sit with us. “He would say to my younger brother in a light hearted manner:
“‘O Abu Umair! What did Nuwair do?’ Abu Umair had a pet bird which was called Nuwair. “When it died – or perhaps it flew away – Abu Umair was distraught.” Hence, the Holy Prophet (saw) would say this to him in a light hearted manner.
On many occasions, the Holy Prophet (saw) would be in our home when it would be the time for prayer. Thus, the Holy Prophet (saw) would order the cloth to be laid down which he would usually sit on. Hence we would clean the cloth and place it for prayers,
The Holy Prophet (saw) would stand up to lead the prayers and we would stand in congregation behind him. Hazrat Anas bin Malik (ra) narrates: “When Abdullah bin Abi Talha Ansari was born,” this was the son of Abu Talha and stepbrother of Hazrat Anas from his mother’s side,
“I took him to the Holy Prophet (saw), when at the time he was clothed in his cloak “and was placing coal on his donkey. “He asked me if I had any dates with me, to which I replied in the affirmative.
“I gave him a few dates which he placed in his mouth and chewed it well. “He then opened the child’s mouth and placed them inside for the baby to suckle on. “The baby began to suck on it and the Holy Prophet (saw) then stated,
‘Love for the dates of the Ansar’ i.e. the child also liked them “and then the Holy Prophet (saw) named him Abdullah.” Hazrat Anas bin Malik (ra) states that a child of Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) was ill and when he left the house, the child passed away.
When he returned home, he enquired about the health of the child from his wife, Hazrat Umme Sulaim (ra). She replied, “he is now in more comfort then before.” She then gave him dinner and after spending the night together
She informed him of the passing of their child and that he ought to go and bury him. Thus, in the morning, Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) mentioned the entire incident to the Holy Prophet (saw), who then prayed for his offspring. Hence after this incident he was blessed with a son.
Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) explains this incident in the following manner: “It is not difficult for a believer to sacrifice his life “and in reality for a believer it is nothing significant.” He then said: “With regards to [Asadullah] Ghalib, there are varying opinions “about whether he drank alcohol or not.”
Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) then says: “He was related to us “and I have heard from my grandmothers and [paternal] aunts that he used to drink alcohol. “Even a person who was addicted to alcohol could compose the following verses:” “‘Though I gave my life for Him, ‘twas His in any case ‘To speak the truth I could not repay my dues to Him.’ “In other words, if one were to offer their life in the way of Allah the Almighty,
“it is not an extraordinary feat, for even this life was after all granted by Him. “Hence, to sacrifice one’s life in accordance to the commandment of God Almighty “is not considered as huge sacrifice on his part, because after all his very life belonged to God
“and thus to return something which one has been entrusted “with temporarily does not constitute as a sacrifice.” Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) states, “There is an account recorded in the Ahdaith [traditions of the Holy Prophet (saw)] “regarding a female companion of the Holy Prophet (saw), Umme Sulaim (ra).
“The Holy Prophet (saw) had tasked her husband, Abu Talha (ra), “with some religious duties for which he had to travel outside of the city. “At the time, their child was unwell and, naturally, he was very concerned “about the condition of the child.
“When the companion returned, the child had passed away in his absence. “The mother placed a sheet of cloth over the child’s body and readied herself “by taking a bath and put on some perfume. “Then, whilst displaying great courage, she welcomed her husband home. “Upon arriving, the companion immediately enquired about the child’s health
“and she replied that the child was completely at rest. “The companion then contently ate his meal, took some rest “and also spent the night with his wife. “It was only after this that the wife then stated, ‘I would like to ask something from you.’
“‘What is it you wish to ask?’ said the husband. “His wife then stated, ‘If someone entrusts you with something ‘and then after a while wishes to take it back, should that be returned to him or not?’ “Her husband replied, ‘Which foolish person will not return
‘that which was only kept with him as a trust.’ ‘But after all, one may be a little saddened since they have to return it’, said his wife. “The husband replied, ‘Why should one be saddened; ‘it was not his to begin with therefore there is no question of expressing any sadness over it.’
“The wife states, ‘Well, if that is the case then God Almighty, “Who only granted this child to us a trust, has now taken it back.’” Such was the courage and steadfastness that was displayed by the women in that time. Thus, to offer one’s life is not something significant,
Particularly for a Momin [a believer]. According to the aforementioned Hadith it states that the Holy Prophet (saw) prayed for them and as a result they were blessed with many children. They were granted a son very soon after this incident and were granted with so many blessings
That according to an Ansari companion’s narration, he saw nine sons of Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) and all of them were Qaris [reciters of the Holy Quran]. Asim Ahwal relates that he saw the Holy Prophet (saw)’s bowl with Hazrat Anas (ra).
A crack had appeared in the bowl and Hazrat Anas (ra) has repaired it with silver. It was a large and beautiful bowl made from a very high quality wood. Hazrat Anas (ra) related that on many occasions he had the opportunity to present water to the Holy Prophet (saw) from this bowl.
Ibn Sireen relates that this bowl was joined together with a metal thread and Hazrat Anas (ra) wished to join it together with a thread made of gold or silver. However, Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) told him that he should not make any changes
To what the Holy Prophet (saw) had made himself, thus he abandoned this idea of his. Hazrat Anas (ra) bin Malik relates that he was presenting alcohol made from dates to Hazrat Abu Talha Ansari (ra), Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (ra) bin Al-Jarrah and Hazrat Ubbay (ra) bin Kab,
When someone arrived and informed them that alcohol had been declared forbidden. Upon hearing this, Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) stated, “O Anas! Break these pots!” Hazrat Anas (ra) states that he hit the bottom of the pots with a stone and smashed them all.
Hazrat Anas (ra) bin Malik relates that when the Holy Prophet (saw) passed away, there was an individual in Medina who would prepare the Lahad, [i,e a grave which has have hollow cavity within the actual grave where the body would be placed], and there was another individual who would prepare a simple grave.
The companions (ra) decided that they would pray the Isikhara prayer before their Lord and then send word to both individuals. Whichever of the two came last, they would not use his services. In other words, they would use the services of the one who would come first.
Thus, the message was sent to both individuals and the one who prepared the Lahad came first and the companions (ra) appointed him to prepare the grave of the Holy Prophet (saw). In the commentary of this narration, it states that Hazrat Abu Talha (ra) was the one
Who would prepare the Lahad and Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (ra) bin Al-Jarrah was the one who would prepare the simple grave. This is his complete account. Now, I shall mention some brief details of a deceased member and will also lead their funeral prayer in absentia after the Friday prayers.
The funeral prayer is of respected Babu Muhammad Latif Sahib Amritsari, son of Hazrat Mia Noor Muhammad Sahib, who was a companion of the Promised Messiah (as). He passed away on 26th January 2020 in Rabwah at the age of 90: “Surely to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.”
By the grace of Allah the Almighty, the deceased was a Musi. He was the younger brother of a very prominent and well-known missionary of the Community, respected Maulana Muhammad Siddique Amritsari Sahib. Babu Latif Sahib’s father, respected Mia Noor Muhammad Sahib, was a companion of the Promised Messiah (as).
Babu Latif Sahib’s father took him before Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra) and presented him for waqf [life devotion]. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra) stated that he had two sons, and one of his sons was already a Waqf and was serving as a missionary
And that this son shall also serve all his life like a Waqf. Indeed, he served like a Waqf. After working as an office clerk in the railway department for four years, Latif Sahib presented his services to work for the Jama’at in October 1952 and was granted the opportunity to serve the Community.
His initial posting was in Nizarat Baitul Maal in 1952 and in 1954 he was transferred to the office of Roznama Al-Fazl. In 1961, he was appointed as one of the workers in the Private Secretary Office. He served in the Private Secretary Office
For the last three years of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra)’s Khilafat. He continued to serve in this office during the Khilafat of Hazrat Khalifatul Maish III (rh). After the migration of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh), the Private Secretary Office also continued to operate there as well and he served there till 2014.
In 1985, he was appointed as the Assistant Private Secretary and he fulfilled his duties in a most excellent manner. The total years of his service spanned 62 years, out of which he served for 53 years in the Private Secretary Office in various roles.
He had great skill and talent for his work and worked extremely diligently. Alongside his work, he also had a keen interest for religious knowledge and had extensively studied the literature of the Community. He particularly had the opportunity to serve in the organisational matters of Shura
During the Khilafat of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III (rh) and also after as well. Whilst serving in the Private Secretary Office, he was tasked with various responsibilities, among which he would purchase items on behalf of the office and he would so by spending the Jama’at money with great care and attention.
After the independence of Pakistan, he also had the opportunity to serve in the security of the Markaz [headquarters] in Qadian for some period of time. He has one son and 5 daughters and a few days before his demise, one of his daughters also passed away, who was the wife Zarif Ahmad Qamar Sahib
And their son is a missionary. Three of his daughters are in London and also his son, Atiq Ahmad, who is also serving here [in the Jama’at]. One of the workers at the Private Secretary Office, Rana Mubarak Sahib states
That he had the opportunity to work along with him for 32 years and for many years he rendered his services for the administrative matters of the Shura on his own. He would also advise that whenever one is faced with a worldly problem or concern,
Then alongside prayers, they should work even more diligently in their Jama’at work, then Allah the Almighty alleviates their concerns. If ever a fellow worker made a mistake, he would advise them in a very loving manner. Many other office workers have written the same that he worked extremely diligently
And would advise the fellow office workers. He had great knowledge of the rules and regulations of the Anjuman. He was also very proficient in writing and would always select the most suitable words. Whenever he would buy a new pen, he would write Bismillah [in the name of Allah] with it
And then continue his work with it. He was very punctual in coming to the office but would not leave simply when it was the end of the office hours, in fact he would remain seated in office until his work was complete.
At times, he would spend the entire night working in the office and would go home the next morning. When I was in Rabwah, I also observed this. He would come to the office and I would notice that at even at Maghrib,
He would be coming to the mosque from his office and sometimes at Ishaa or even at fajr, he would be coming straight from the office. He would put great effort in his work and would never be concerned about going home or that the official office hours had finished.
His main objective was to fulfil his Jama’at work. Another great quality of his was that he would never discuss any matter with anyone. Whatever document he was dealing with would always remain discrete and confidential. Similarly, Nasir Saeed Sahib has written that in 1974 when Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III (rh)
Would go to the Islamabad National Assembly, Latif Sahib was also part of the Private Secretary staff that would go with Huzur. Apart from fulfilling his office duties, he would also assist others as well in their work, such as help wash the dishes. In other words, he was an extremely selfless person.
May Allah the Almighty grant him His forgiveness and mercy and elevate His status. May He also enable his children and progeny to continue his good deeds. All praise is due to Allah. We laud Him, we beseech help from Him and ask His protection; we confide in Him, we trust Him alone
And we seek protection against the evils and mischief of our souls and from the bad results of our deeds. Whomsoever He guides on the right path, none can misguide him; and whosoever He declares misled, none can guide him onto the right path.
And we bear witness that none deserves to be worshipped except Allah. We bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. O servants of Allah! May Allah be merciful to you. Verily, Allah commands you to act with justice, to confer benefits upon each other
And to do good to others as one does to one ‘s kindred and forbids evil which pertain to your own selves and evils which affect others and prohibits revolts against a lawful authority. He warns you against being unmindful. You remember Allah; He too will remember you;
Call Him and He will make a response to your call. And verily divine remembrance is the highest virtue.