Ahmadi Muslim VideoTube Friday Sermon Khalifa V Friday Sermon | خطبہ جمعہ | February 14, 2014

Friday Sermon | خطبہ جمعہ | February 14, 2014

Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2014

Yesterday was the 20th of February. This day holds great significance for the Jamaat due to the prophecy of Musleh Maud , the Promised Son, may Allah be pleased with Him, in which the Promised Messiah, on whom be peace, gave the news of a son being born to him.

This son would be pious and righteous, and possess numerous qualities and characteristics. Last Friday sermon, I spoke with reference to the signs of the Promised Messiah, on whom be peace. Today I deemed it appropriate that as this Friday is close to the 20th of February, I should speak on this prophecy.

The Promised Messiah, on whom be peace, deemed this to be a glorious and splendid prophecy. In response to critics, the Promised Messiah, on whom be peace, replied that, “You level these criticisms, however this is beyond human capacity and power “for a prophecy to be made in this manner.

“The prophecy not only entails a mere son being born, “but a son with such qualities and characteristics who would live to an elderly age “and he will be born during his lifetime.” The Promised Messiah, on whom be peace, said,

“If one were to study this prophecy with deep insight and with justice and fairness, “then there can be no doubt whatsoever in this being a heavenly sign.” The Promised Messiah, on whom be peace, addressed the critic saying, “If you have any doubts, then you present any such prophecy containing signs of this manner.”

The Promised Messiah, on whom be peace, went on to say, “One needs to open his eyes, this is not a mere prophecy “rather this is a splendid and glorious sign from the heavens.” The Promised Messiah’s, on whom be peace, objective was to prove the truthfulness of Islam

And to prove the greatness of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, before the world. Here also, the Promised Messiah, on whom be peace, in presenting this prophecy and signs, does not say that this proves his own truthfulness,

Rather says that, “The noble and exalted God has presented this sign in order to prove “the truthfulness and greatness of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, “the chosen one and the noble.” The Promised Messiah, on whom be peace, further says,

“This sign is a fact that is hundreds of times superior and stronger and majestic and glorious “than the sign of bringing a dead person back to life.” Explaining this, the Promised Messiah, on whom be peace, says,

“Bringing a dead person back to life only entails recalling a spirit for a short period of time, “as has been mentioned in the Bible, regarding Hazrat Jesus, peace be on him, or other Prophets, “although criticisms have been raised against this also.

“Even if we were to accept that dead people were brought back to life, “this would not bring any benefit to the world. “Here, however, with the grace and favour of Allah the Exalted “and the blessings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,

“the Seal of all the Prophets has accepted the prayer of this humble one “and has promised to send such a blessed soul, “whose apparent and adherent blessings will disseminate and spread all over the earth.” The Promised Messiah, on whom be peace, says,

“O people, what am I and what significance or status do I have? “Whoever attacks me is in fact attacking my pious and holy leader, “the Holy and Noble Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. “Such a person should bear in mind that he cannot throw dust upon the sun.

“In fact, the same dust that he throws will fall upon his own head, his own eyes, “his own mouth, and would disgrace and humiliate him. “Our noble Holy Prophet Muhammad’s peace be upon him, splendour “would not diminish through his enmity and malice,

“rather Allah the Almighty would manifest it to an even greater degree. “Can you prevent the sun from rising at dawn? “Similarly you cannot cause any harm or damage to the sun of truthfulness “of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. “May Allah the Almighty remove your malice, spite, and rancour!”

There were also some Muslims alongside the non-Muslims who made these criticisms and to whom the Promised Messiah, on whom be peace, levelled this challenge and warning. Nonetheless, as we are aware, in accordance with this prophecy in March 1889, that Promised Son was born. To establish the superiority of Islam

And the splendour and glory of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, on whom be peace, he went on to accomplish those great achievements which will be remembered until the end of time. These were also acknowledged and appreciated even by the non-Ahmadis. Before I go on to speak about some of these achievements

Of Hazrat Musleh Maud, may Allah be pleased with him, I feel it necessary to present the actual words of the prophecy, so that by this being repeatedly presented before us, we can come to know of its greatness and splendour and also its reality.

The Promised Messiah, on whom be peace, wrote an article on 20th February 1886 in the book Sirajun Munir which was called The Sign of Allah the Almighty. This was published as a supplement in the newspaper Reyasehin Amritsar on 1st March 1886,

In this, the Promised Messiah, on whom be peace, wrote: “In these various types of prophecies, which Insha’Allah, God Willing, “will be mentioned and explained in detail in this book, “the very first prophecy which is related to myself today on 20th February 1886 “which corresponds to 15 Jumada Awwal.

“In brief, I will mention certain words by way of example, “and the full details will be published in that book, God willing. “The first prophecy from God the Merciful, the Noble, the Magnificent and High, “the Mercy, the Great, Who has power to do all that He wills,

“glory be to Him and exalted be His name, addressed me in a revelation and said, ‘I confer upon thee a sign of My Mercy according to thy supplications. ‘I have heard thy entreaties and have honoured thy prayers with My acceptance, through My Mercy

‘and have blessed thy journey which was a journey of Hoshiarpur and Ludhiana ‘a sign of power, mercy and nearness to Me is bestowed upon thee. ‘A sign of grace and beneficence is awarded to thee ‘and thou is granted the key of success and victory. ‘Peace on thee, O victorious one.

‘Thus does God speak so that those who desire life may be rescued from the grip of death. ‘And those who are buried in the graves may emerge therefrom ‘and so that the superiority of Islam and the dignity of God’s word ‘may become manifest onto the people.

‘And so that the truth may arrive with all its blessings ‘and falsehood may depart with all its ills. ‘So that people may understand that I am the Lord of power, I do whatever I will, ‘and so that they may believe that I am with thee.

‘So that those who do not believe in God and that deny His religion and His book ‘and His Holy Messenger Muhammad, the chosen one, ‘may be confronted with a clear sign and the way of the guilty ones may become manifest. ‘Rejoice therefore that a handsome and pure boy will be bestowed on thee.

‘Thou shall receive a bright youth who will be of thy seed and will be of thy progeny.’ ” Here Allah The Almighty has removed all potential ambiguity that the son will not be born to any later progeny or family, but he would be the Promised Messiah’s, on whom be peace, own son.

So the Promised Messiah, on whom be peace, continues, “a handsome and pure boy will come as your guest. His name is Amwaeel” In the full prophecy written in Arabic in Anjam-e-Atham, the name Emmanuel is written. So the actual word is Emmanuel.

In any case, the Promised Messiah, on whom be peace, says, “His name is Emmanuel and Bashir. “He has been invested with the Holy Spirit, he will be free from all impurity, “he is the light of Allah, blessed is he who comes from heaven,

“he should be accompanied by grace which will arrive with him. “He will be characterised with grandeur, greatness and wealth. “He will come into the world and will heal many disorders through his messianic qualities “and through the blessings of the Holy Spirit.

“He is the word of Allah, for Allah’s Mercy and Honour have equipped him with the word of majesty. “He will be extremely intelligent and understanding. “He will be meek of heart and will be filled with secular and spiritual knowledge. “He will convert three into four. [Persian] “It is Monday, a blessed Monday.

“Son, delight of heart, high ranking, noble, a manifestation of the First and the Last. “A manifestation of the True and the High, as if Allah has descended from heaven. “His advent will be greatly blessed and will be a source of manifestation of Divine majesty.

“Behold a light cometh, a light anointed by God with a perfume of its pleasure. “We shall pour our Spirit into him and he will be sheltered under the shadow of God. “He will grow rapidly in stature “and will be the means of procuring the release of those held in bondage.

“His fame will spread to the ends of the Earth and nations will be blessed through him. “He will then be raised to his spiritual station in heaven. This is a matter decreed.” So thus as I mentioned, these were the qualities that were prophesied to be possessed by that son.

The world witnessed a son being born, and after remaining in the mantle of Khilafat for a 52 year period, the world became convinced of him being a testimony of all these great qualities, and then he departed this world.

If we ponder on the qualities and characteristics in detail and if we appraise the life of Hazrat Musleh Maud, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, may Allah be pleased with him, then many books would have to be written. It impossible to encompass all of the life and achievements of Hazrat Musleh Maud,

May Allah be pleased with him, in some sermons or speeches. In this respect, every year the Jama’at commemorates Musleh Maud Day on 20th February. Various speakers and scholars, in accordance with their knowledge and insight, speak on this topic. I also have regularly spoken on this topic.

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III, and Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV, may Allah have mercy on them, have respectively also spoken on this issue. Yet it cannot be said that the life of Hazrat Musleh Maud, may Allah be pleased with him, or the prophecy has been covered entirely, or that everyone has come to understand it.

In any case today I will say some things with respect to this prophecy and the life of Hazrat Musleh Maud, may Allah be pleased with him. Rather, not about the prophecy but only one or two aspects of this prophecy. Particularly, the manner in which this spiritual insight and knowledge had an impact

Upon people of the Jama’at as well as non-Ahamdis. Before this, I would like to present an overview of the speeches, discourses, books and lectures of Hazrat Musleh Maud, may Allah be pleased with him. At that time, there was no proper arrangement for recording all of this,

So some of the speeches are complete and some are not. They were written by the transcribers who would record it sometimes there and then. But at times they could not be written in full. Nonetheless the books, lectures and speeches of Hazrat Musleh Maud, may Allah be pleased with him

Are being compiled by the Fazl-e-Umar Foundation into a volume under the name Anwarul Uloom. At present 24 volumes of this work have been published. These cover 633 lectures, speeches and books in otal. According to the foundation, 32 volumes will be published in total.

And there will be a total of approximately 850 lectures, speeches and books I mentioned that 24 volumes have been published until now, Volumes 25 to 29 have been prepared but have not yet been published, which include 163 books, lectures and speeches.

Thereafter there will remain at least three volumes that need to be published. So there will be over approximately 800 books, lectures and speeches within these. There are also his speeches at the occasions of the Friday Sermon, Eid and Nikah. According to the list that has been received, these total 2,076.

At present, 28 volumes of Khutabaate Mahmud have been published consisting of 1,062 sermons. The sermons from 1948 to 1959 will be published from volumes 29 to 39. These will include a further 500 sermons. So this is just a brief outline of his intellectual works.

If we were to look at and read every lecture, speech or discourse, we would find such pearls of wisdom, knowledge and spiritual treasure that it would leave us completely astonished. Once, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III, may Allah have mercy on him, provided the following analysis.

He said, “If we were to take just one aspect of the prophecy “that he will be filled with secular and spiritual knowledge, “this is so wide ranging in scope that we cannot exhaust it however much we speak of it.” In this respect, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III, may Allah have mercy on him, said,

“In this light there is a book of Hazrat Musleh Maud, Tafseer-e-Kabeer. “This is such an astonishing commentary that any person that has read any one part of it “would be compelled to acknowledge that if there was a holy person born in the world

“who had only published part of such a commentary of the Holy Quran with detailed notes, “it would have been sufficient for him to be acknowledged “as a holy person from amongst the holiest persons in the world.

“But this is not all Hazrat Musleh Maud did, he wrote a lot more on the Holy Quran. “I think, Hazat Musleh Maud wrote 8,000 to 10,000 pages just on the commentary of the Holy Quran.” At present, there are 10 volumes of Tafseer-e-Kabeer , which consist of approximately 6000 pages.

Then there are also other notes on Surahs, and he covers the commentaries in his other speeches. On the topic of Kalaam, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II, may Allah be pleased with him, has written 10 books and articles. This is in accordance with the review of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III at the time.

In the 10 volumes of the Tafseer-e-Kabeer, they cover Surah Al-Fatiha to Surah Al- Bakra, that is the first two Surahs. Then from Surah Yunus to Surah Ankaboot. That is from the 10th to 29th Surah. Then in between commentaries were not published. Then from Surah an-Naba to Surah al-Naas.

Thus approximately 59 verses had commentaries written by Hazrat Musleh Maud, may Allah be pleased with him. This commentary consists of approximately 6,000 pages. At the time it was written in very small font, if it was written in accordance to the font today it may go up to 10,000 to 12,000 pages.

In any case it is being re-printed and will be available to the public soon Insha’Allah. In total, there are 114 Surahs of the Holy Quran so 55 Surahs have not been included in the commentary. Then there are 10 books and articles on Kalaam.

31 books and articles were written on spirituality, Islamic beliefs and creed. On the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, he wrote 13 books and articles, 4 books and articles on history, 3 books and articles on jurisprudence, 25 books and articles on the politics of pre-partition India,

And 9 books and articles on the post-partition politics and establishment of Pakistan. He wrote 15 books and articles on the political situation of Kashmir. Then specifically on the topic of the history of Ahamdiyyat, he wrote approximately 100 books and articles.

There are a huge number of other articles. As Isaid that this Tafseer would go above 800. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III, may Allah have mercy on him says, “As has been foretold by the prophecy, he will be filled with secular and spiritual knowledge,

“glance over this and we see the secular as well as spiritual knowledge, “and the amazing thing is, whenever he wrote an article or book “everyone says that no one could have written it better. “Whenever he took a leading role in politics or ever gave any advice or counsel in politics,

“even the greatest opponents were compelled by his matchless and fearless abilities. “In short the aspect of that he will be filled with secular and spiritual knowledge “is extremely in depth and detailed. We cannot even reach its 1000th part.” As Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III, may Allah have mercy on him said,

“If we just look at the commentary of Hazrat Musleh Maud, may Allah be pleased with him, “that alone is enough to make exalted the status of Hazrat Musleh Maud. “Most certainly, the commentaries provided a new means of understanding the Holy Quran

“and unlocked the mysteries of the deep insight and knowledge of the Holy Quran. “That will always remain part of Hazrat Musleh Maud.” I will present comments made by non-Ahmadis with respect to the commentary of the Holy Quran. Alama Niaz Fati Buri Sahib wrote in one of his letters

To Hazrat Musleh Maud, may Allah be pleased with him, “ Tafseer-e-Kabeer volume II is before me today.” This person was not an Ahmadi so he writes that, “I am studying it with great minute detail. “There is no doubt in it that in the study of the Holy Quran,

“you provide an entirely new perspective. “This commentary is the first of this type. “Rationality, reasoning and argumentation has been presented with great excellence and harmony. “Your deep knowledge, deep insight, your extraordinary manner of thinking and eloquence, “your excellent means of argumentation and reasoning is evident in every word.

“I regret that I was not familiar with this commentary until now, “if only I could study all the volumes of this commentary. “Yesterday, reading the commentary of Surah Hud, I came to know your thoughts on the Prophet Lot. “My heart trembled and I was compelled to write.

“The perspective you exhibited in writing the commentary on it, in comparison to commentators, “it is impossible for me to fully appreciate and praise this. “May Allah the Almighty grant you a long life.” He gave this prayer. Then the Alama Niaz Fati Brui Sahib in another letter wrote,

“I studied Tafseer-e-Kabir , the commentary. “I read it constantly and consistently at nights. “How did I rate it? This requires a great amount of detail. “However, in brief words, it can be understood that in my view, “this is the first of this type of commentary in Urdu,

“which to a large degree can satisfy the human mind. “There is no doubt that your movement has committed this service to Islam, “which is so great and phenomenal that even your opponents cannot deny this fact.” Akhtar Sahib, MS, was in the department of Urdu of Patna University.

Regarding the commentary of professor Abdul Manan Bitil, former head of the department of Persian of Patna College, he presents one of his eye witness accounts. “One after the other, I sent volumes of Tafseer-e-Kabeer “of Hazrat Musleh Maud, may Allah be pleased with him,

“to professor Abdul Manan, former head of the department of Persian of Patna college “and Principal Shukina college. “After reading these commentaries, he became so impacted that he sent copies “to the academics of the Arabia Shamsal Huda School of Patna to read.

“One day, they summoned some of the academics and enquired their opinions from them. “One sheikh said ‘Such a commentary is not found amongst the Persian commentary.’ “Professor Abdul Manan asked, ‘What is your view in comparison to the Arabic commentaries?’ “These scholars kept quiet.

“Sometime later one of them said, ‘All of the Arab commentaries cannot be found in Patna; ‘only after studying all commentaries from Egypt and Syria can a correct viewpoint be formulated.’ “The professor started mentioning all the old commentaries in Arabic;

“he said, ‘We do not find an equal in any language to Mirza Mahmud’s commentary. ‘You can order all the commentaries in Egypt and Syria ‘and speak to me after some months.’ “All these scholars remained wonderstruck.” Then Sayed Jafer Hussain Sahib, the advocate, sent an article to one of the newspapers, Sidke-Jadid,

In which he wrote to the editor of this newspaper, “In search of Dar-u-Salam when I was sent to prison, “three days later I was sent the reasons for my imprisonment in writing. “They had submitted extracts from my speeches from the last three or four years;

“the allegation levelled was that I wanted to replace the government of India “with an Islamic government. “I was astonished that someone as humble as me faced such a large allegation. “But I slowly came to realise that such a meaning could be extracted from my speeches.

“I said that I was a lost traveller; I had a set destination but I did not know the path to it. “Whether it is the Anjuman Etihadul Muslimeen or some other community, “this is the condition of all of them. “Two days later I started studying Tafseer-e-Kabeer.”

One of his friends had given it to him in jail, who had taken it with him. “By reading this commentary I found a living Islam.” This person was not an Ahmadi. “I found everything that I was in search for.

“After reading Tafseer-e-Kabeer, I was enlighten with the Holy Quran for the first time. “To leave my own community and to enter the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, “which all the scholars had made to look like something abhorrent, was not a trivial thing.

“But after the truth had become evident, there was no concern of any danger. “So I fell down in prostration night and day and prayed that, ‘O Allah show me the right path.’ “I spent many months in this state. “I say to you truly that the place of my prostration was filled with tears.

“I am certain that my prayers were accepted because I became steadfast in my determination to accept Ahmadiyyat. “Through a letter, I told Hazrat Mian Waseem Sahib in Qadian that I desired to take the Bai’at. He says, “A large part of my imprisonment was spend in Sakandar Abaad jail.

“The jailer was an educated Muslim and was well aware of all correspondences of inmates, “because only after his approval did the letters get sent out. “Although it was not something good, but due to lack of courage I would try

“that when I was writing to Qadian, it should not come into the knowledge of the jailer. “The Majlis Itahadul Muslemeen of Hyderabad is a very powerful community.” This is of Hyderabad, India. “The jail staff and all other inmates would treat me with great love and friendship.”

That is as a result of the organisation he belonged to. So he says that, “Although no one apart from the prison guards could meet me “without the knowledge of the jailer, my letters would be posted to Qadian. “However the letters that would be sent from Qadian to the jail

“would most certainly have to come into the knowledge of the jailer. “When the Bai’at form came from Qadian, it caused a lot of havoc in the jail “and the secret could no longer remain intact.” He said, “Finally the jailer came to me with the letter and the Bai’at form.

“He spoke to me very sympathetically, ‘What are you doing? ‘Leave this commentary of the Holy Quran ‘and instead I will give you commentaries by Abdul Kalaam Muzan and Mulana Maududi ‘and your viewpoints will be rectified.’ “So then he brought both those commentaries which in fact were just translations

“and were just commentaries here or there. “Before I filled the Bai’at form and sent it, I studied both these commentaries. “A person studying the Tafseer-e-Kabeer becomes so competent “that he can critically review all other commentaries. “Thus I said to the jailer that in both these commentaries there were places which were obscure,

“where there are mistakes in the translations and meanings are limited or unfulfilled; “it was easy for me to do this “because Tafseer-e-Kabeer also includes the lexiconic explanations of the Holy Quranic terms. [ARABIC] “None shall touch the Holy Quran except those who are purified.”

He says, “I have mentioned all these details so these allegations can be dispelled upon me “that I delayed taking the Bai’at. “I read the commentaries of the non-Ahmadis then I read Tafseer-e-Kabeer “and I compared them and understood the truth.” He says, “I sent the Bai’at form and I remained engaged in prayers

“whether the Bai’at will be accepted or not.” He says that “My fear did not prove wrong. “Before accepting my Bai’at, Hazrat Musleh Maud, may Allah be pleased with him, said ‘It is the responsibility of an Ahmadi to be loyal to his country, ‘and he should act only within the confines of the law.’

“I replied that the commentary of Hazoor has infused all of this in my heart. “A few days later, when I learnt from Qadian that my Bai’at had been accepted, “I fell down in prostration.”

He says that “I read in one place in Tafseer-e- Kabeer that the Khalifa, who would be Musleh Mau “would be the means of procuring the release of those held in bondage. “So I requested Hazrat Musleh Maud, when I was still in jail “that he should pray for my release.

“Hazoor prayed that may Allah the Almighty provide the means for your release. “Just a few days later, I was released. “I am living proof of this part of the prophecy “that he will be a means of procuring the release of those held in bondage.” There are various Western scholars of Europe and America

And I will present one example. AJ Arberry is a British Orientalist, and a scholar of Arabic Persian, and Islamic studies. He says, “This new commentary and detail of the Holy Quran is a big achievement” – referring to the five volume English commentary, “The current volume is a first stage of this achievement.

“Some 15 years ago, Jama’at Ahmadiyya scholars in Qadian started this amazing work. “This work was carried out under the encouragement of Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad. “The work was of towering nature. “That is to produce an edition of the Quran with accurate and corresponding translation in English.

“And with this English translation should be a commentary on every verse. “The first volume which is published at this time consists of the first 9 Surahs of the Holy Quran. “There is a detailed introduction written by Hazrat Mirza Mahmud Ahmad himself.

“In this introduction, his Holiness has said that whatever has been written in this commentary “is a representation of the spiritual knowledge “that the founder of the Ahmadiyya Community has explained in his books and statements. “And the knowledge that was later expressed by the first Khalifa or by himself, the second Khalifa.

“Therefore, we can say that this translation and commentary represents the Quranic perception “as outlined by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at.” In fact there are other people as well, even amongst the Arabs. In Syria, Dr. Anas says, “In search of the truth and light, I read the books and commentaries of various scholars.

“This includes Sultanul Arafeen, Hazrat Mualvi ibn Arabi, and Dr. Muhammad ibn Hadami “and also other commentaries. “However I did not find that pleasure, that delight and excellence “that is found in the commentary written by Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad. “I was searching for commentaries that my body and soul had experienced,

“Then I came across the Tafseer-e-Kabeer on the Jama’at website; “there I found the light and truth which encapsulated my heart.” Then there is a Jamal Sahib from Morocco. He enjoyed a long exchange of letters with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV, may Allah have mercy on him.

He says, “During this exchange, I received the first volume of Tafseer-e-Kabeer from the Centre “When I read this commentary and compared it with various other commentaries, “I found huge differences. “I found in that the explanations of various knowledge and wisdom, “and also the summary of the call of the Sharia,

“whereas other commentaries were satisfied with mere shells scratching on the surface. “Studying this commentary painted such a beautiful picture of Islam in my heart, “which penetrated my soul.” Then the lectures of Hazrat Musleh Maud, may Allah be pleased with him, had a great impact on other non-Ahamdis. This they acknowledge.

Hazrat Musleh Maud, may Allah be pleased with him, delivered two lectures on the request of the Punjab Literary League. The leader was associated with Punjab University. The first lecture in accordance with this was on the status of the Arabic language amongst the languages of the world.

This was delivered on 31st May 1934 at the YMCA Hall, which was on Mall Road in Lahore. This was presided over by Dr. Burqat Ali Qureshi MA PhD, Principal Islamia College. The lecture lasted one and half hours. The audience listened with rapt attention.

In the conclusion, Dr. Qureshi thanked Hazrat Musleh Maud, may Allah be pleased with him, and advised the audience to benefit from the address. He expressed the desire to listen to such academic topics in the future. Amongst the audience were people of every intellectual denomination.

After the speech of Hazrat Musleh Maud, may Allah be pleased with him, Lala Qamar Sain Sahib, former Chief justice of Kashmir and the president of the session, expressed his sentiments of gratitude in a speech in English. He said, “Today the very able and competent lecturer

“provided a masterful and expert and interesting speech, which I was delighted to hear. “When coming to listen to the lecture, I thought it would be delivered in the traditional manner. How do such people present it normally? He says, “It is a well-known fact that

“once an Arab was asked to explain the reason why Arabic is the best language. “The Arab responded that there are three reasons why Arabic is the best language. “First he says, ‘Because I live in Arabia. ‘Second, because Arabic is the language of the Holy Quran

‘and third, because in paradise, Arabic will be spoken.’ “I thought that this will be a similar discourse to explain the superiority of Arabic, “however, the actual lecture was extremely scholarly and philosophical in its magnitude. “I would like to say with certainty to Mirza Sahib,

“that I listened to every single word of his lecture with great attention and rapt focus. “I benefited hugely and I hope that the impact and effect of this lecture will be long lasting.” Then Sayed Abdul Kadir Sahib MA Vice Principle of Islamia College Lahore; his views are as follows.

He was the head of the department of History. Islam and communism was a subject of an article he wrote in a newspaper Sunrise Lahore. He says that , “The economic system of Islam and communism, “which was a lecture by Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad Sahib,

“the Imam of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat; I had the honour of listening to this. “Like the other lectures, which I also had the opportunity to listen to, “burnished academic thoughts that were filled with information. “Mirza Sahib possesses God-given capabilities. “He had complete proficiency and competency on every aspect of this subject.

“For this reason, his thoughts and view points deserve and are worthy to be respected and to be pondered on.” There is a need to disseminate this book in the outside world. Normally it is though that the concept of the Islamic economic system

Was first presented by Madudi Sahib, but well before this Hazrat Musleh Maud may Allah be pleased with him, gave this incredible and knowledge filled lecture. This book is now being translated into English. English speaking Ahmadis should read this, and those who have an interest in economics should also be given this book.

Lala Ram Chand Muchindar who presided over the event, he said that, “I consider myself extremely fortunate to listen to such an invaluable speech. “I am extremely delighted that the Jamaat is progressing prominently. “The lecture which you have just heard contains extremely priceless and new aspects.

“I benefitted to great avail.” Then he says “It was an error on my part that “I thought Islam and it’s law only care for Muslims and do not care for non-Muslims. “However, today the Imam Ahmadiyya Jamaat through his lecture has explained, “that Islam teaches equality for all.

“I was extremely delighted to hear this. “I will explain to my non-Muslim friends what excuse could they have “in not respecting such a kind of Islam? “I would like to repeatedly and immensely thank the Imam of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jaamaat, “that he benefited us with his extremely knowledgeable speech.”

This is just a glimpse of just one aspect that, he will be filled with secular knowledge contained in the prophecy. May Allah The Almighty enable us to study the huge treasure of knowledge of Hazrat Musleh Maud may Allah be pleased with him. As has been given to us and just has been explained

He covered a huge and varying range of different subjects and topics. May Allah The Almighty enable all of us to benefit from them. May we increase our knowledge in spiritual insight. I will also lead a funeral prayer after the Friday prayers.

It is of one of the sons of Hazrat Musleh Maud, may Allah be pleased with him. He was born to Hazrat Sarah Begum Sahiba, who was from Bihar. His name was Sahibzada Mirza Hanif Ahmed Sahib.

He passed away on 17th February at 9 o‘clock at Tahir Heart Institute in Rabwah, at the age of 82. [ARABIC] “Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.” (2:157) He was my maternal uncle. He was born on 24th March in 1932.

Hazrat Musleh Maud, may Allah be pleased with him, like all his other sons, dedicated his life in childhood. And thus his education was in accordance with this Waqf. He received his religious education from Madarasa Ahmadiyya and Jamia Ahmadiyya Qadian. He passed his matriculation examination privately and then he passed his BA.

He attained LLB from Lahore with the condition that he will not practise In 1962 he went abroad to serve the Ahmadiyya Community. And he served as Principal in the Secondary School in Sierra Leone until 1969. He was an extremely scholarly and knowledgeable person.

After 20 years of hard work, he compiled a book containing the Promised Messiah’s (as) valuable pronouncement and poetic verses in Urdu, Persian and Arabic and also his revelations. The book was titled “The Promised Messiah’s (as) education in respect to the insight of the Quran.”

This is an excellent and knowledge filled book and was published in 2004. He published another book of the Promised Messiah’s (as) Urdu, Persian and Arabic poetry. He was married in 1959, to the daughter of Zainul Abedeen Waliullah Shah Sahib, who was the maternal

Uncle of Hazrat Khalifa-tul Masih IV, may Allah have mercy on him, Tahira Begum Sahiba. They had four children, Mirza Sulman Ahmad who is in America, and three daughters, Amtul Mumin Hinna, wife of Dr Khalid Tasleem Ahmad of Rabwah.

There’s Mina Mubarak, the wife of Mirza Ahsan and Amtul Samih, the wife of Farukh Khan. His wife relates that whilst living in Sierra Leone, he had the first science block built in an Ahmadi School in the city. He had this block constructed with great attention and supervision.

Qamar Suleman went on a tour there and says, “The people of Sierra Leone still remember Sayed Sahib. He would take care for the upbringing of the orphans and would help them privately. He cared greatly for his friends and he would always value his friendship and fulfil them.

When a close friend passed away he looked after his family, and arranged the children’s marriages. And in this way he greatly fulfilled the rights of the friendship. Amongst the children of Hazrat Musleh Maud he had the greatest proficiency in Persian. . He knew Persian very well.

He was very well read in the terms of the books of the Promised Messiah, on whom be peace. It is for this reason that he wrote the books he did. If he did not have good knowledge in the Promised Messiah’s books, he could not have written this.

His wife says that he told her himself he had read some or perhaps all of the Promised Messiah’s (as) books 20 or 25 times. He had extraordinary love for Qadian. In spite of bad health for a few years, he would regularly go for the Qadian Jalsa. He had huge belief in prayer.

His daughter says that, once he related an account of a companion. He saw in a dream that his rank was continuously being elevated. So then he thought that he not performed any such actions to warrant this.

Upon this, he was told, “You have left behind a pious progeny that are regularly praying for you, “and thus through this every day your rank increases.” So thus he would constantly council his children to pray for him regularly

May Allah The Almighty enable his children to remain on that path of goodness and virtues which Hazrat Musleh Maud, may Allah be pleased with him, prayed for his progeny and for his Jammat and the manner in which he wished them to become; may they fulfil that.

May the children testify to this prayer, and may the remaining family of the Promised Messiah and the entire Jamaat also live up to this. Hazrat Musleh Maud, may Allah be pleased with him said about his children, “May their children and the children of their children eternally be in Your trust,

“which Satan cannot reach. “May they be those who give precedence to their faith over worldly matters.” May Allah The Almighty have mercy and forgiveness on Sayed Zada Mirza Hanif Ahmad Sahib. May he constantly elevate his status and rank. May his children truly fulfil the right and dues and do justice of

Being in the blood line that they are associated with. Mirza Hanif Sahib had a deep relationship with me, this was even before Khilafat and after Khilafat of relationship of love greatly increased. However this included humility, loyalty, dedication to extraordinary levels. May Allah The Almighty continuously elevate his rank

And may Allah The almighty enable his children to maintain a special bond with Khilafat.

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