Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2017
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah. Come to Prayer Come to Prayer Come to success Come to success Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship except Allah. Peace be upon you. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah He is alone and has no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is His Servant and Messenger After this I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed.
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to the Almighty Allah who Lords over all the universe. The Gracious, the ever Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help. Guide us in the right path
The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings, those who have not incurred Thy displeasure, and those who have not gone astray. [Recitation of the Holy Quran, Surah at-Taubah, verse 100) “And as for the foremost among the believers, the first of the Emigrants and the Helpers,
“and those who followed them in the best possible manner, “Allah is well pleased with them and they are well pleased with Him; “and He has prepared for them Gardens beneath which flow rivers. “They will abide therein for ever. “That is the supreme triumph.” [Holy Quran Chapter 9, verse100]
In this verse, the companions of the Holy Prophet (saw) have been mentioned; those, who took the lead; those, whose spiritual rank is the highest amongst all; those, who have left all others behind in respect of their standards of faith and their acting in accordance with the teaching of Allah the Exalted.
These are the people, who were the first ones to believe and who left their examples as role models for others, who were to come after them, so that those others may follow their role models. Thus, here, [with this verse], Allah the Exalted has nominated the companions
To be role models for those who were to come later and declared that He is pleased with their standards of faith and actions which they used to perform. They too held attaining the pleasure of Allah the Exalted, to be the prime objective of their lives.
They remained among the grateful servants of Allah the Exalted under all circumstances. Thus, Allah the Exalted states that those who will continue to follow those examples by adhering to faith, sincerity, loyalty and righteous deeds, such people will continue to receive the favours of Allah the Exalted.
Allah the Almighty, informing the Holy Prophet (saw) of the high status of the companions, declared their obedience to be a source of attaining guidance. Hence, it is stated in a hadith that Hazrat Umar (ra) narrates that “I heard the Holy Prophet (saw) say…the Holy Prophet (saw) said,
‘I asked Allah the Exalted regarding a disagreement among my companions, ‘upon which Allah the Exalted revealed to me that, ‘O Muhammad (saw)! The status of your companions, in My view, is like that of the stars in the sky. ‘Some are brighter than others but light is intrinsic to all of them.
‘Thus, whosoever follows any of your companions, I will consider him to be on the right path.’” He will guided in the Eyes of Allah. Hazrat Umar (ra) also said that the Holy Prophet (saw) said, ‘My companions are like stars. Whomsoever, among them, you will follow, you will attain guidance.’
This is the status Allah the Exalted accorded to the companions of the Holy Prophet (saw). Each one of them is a guiding light for us. Relating about the status and the rank of the companions and about Allah being pleased with them
And them being please with Allah, the Promised Messiah (as) said at an occasion that: “The honourable companions demonstrated such truthfulness in the cause of Allah the Exalted “and His Prophet (saw) that heard the voice of the verse [Arabic: “Allah is well pleased with them, and they are well pleased with Him.” ]
“This is a lofty status, which the companions acquired. “This means that Allah was pleased with them, and they were pleased with Him. “The beauty and excellences of this status cannot be expressed in words.” Words cannot encompass the beauty and excellences that are contained therein.
“To be pleased with Allah the Exalted is not the task of a human being. “Rather, it is the highest state of placing one’s trust in God, devotion, “being pleased with God and submission to Him. “After reaching this state, a person is no longer displeased with his Lord in any form.
“Furthermore, for Allah the Exalted to be pleased with His servant “is dependent on the servant’s utmost truthfulness and loyalty, “the highest standard of purity and cleanliness and his absolute obedience.” The Promised Messiah further writes: “This indicates that the companions “had crossed all stages of comprehending God and gaining His nearness.”
Elaborating on this, the Promised Messiah (as) states, “Purify your heart so that your Benevolent Master becomes pleased with you (he is advising us) “and so that you become pleased with Him.” In other words, so that you will never be displeased with Allah the Exalted in any form.
Furthermore, in order to please Allah the Exalted you must elevate your truthfulness and loyalty to the highest standard, your purity to the highest standard, your cleanliness to the highest standard and you must also establish the highest standard of obedience.
The Promised Messiah (as) said that “If you do so, your Benevolent Master will be pleased with you “and you will be pleased with Him. “As a result of this, He will place blessings in you as well as in your words.” Blessings are acquired once this status is achieved.
The companions are an exemplary model for us if we wish to gain the nearness of Allah the Exalted. Even if their mutual disputes can be seen on occasions, Allah the Exalted has characterised them as worthy to be followed and illuminated stars. On one occasion, mentioning the status and rank of his companions,
The Holy Prophet (saw) says that “You should be fearful of Allah the Exalted with regards to my companions. “Do not make them a target of [your] taunt and reproach. “Whosoever will love them, will do so as a result of loving me. “And whosoever will display hostility towards them,
“will in fact do so as a result of displaying hostility towards me. “Whosoever will cause them grief, has in fact caused me grief “and whosoever has caused me grief has in fact caused Allah grief and displeased Him. “Thus, it is evident that he will be punished by Allah.”
Then, on one occasion the Holy Prophet (saw) says “Do not reproach my companions.” There are various Muslim sects and when they raise allegations against one another, Shi’as in particular, they say many things about the companions. The Holy Prophet (saw) said “Do not reproach them and do not criticise any of their actions.
“By God, in Whose hand is my life, even if you give charity of gold equivalent to the “to the Mountain of Uhud, you will not receive the same reward as them, “which they received as a result of spending merely one or two portions or even half thereof.”
Thus, these are people, whose status and rank is very high and who are an example for us. We must follow them if we wish to acquire the pleasure of Allah the Exalted. We should never speak against any of them, nor should we think ill of them.
We should not try to gauge their status according to our standards of measurement; This is wrong. Enlightening us about the status and rank of the companions, the Promised Messiah (as) states, “If one observes with an eye of justice the sacrifices the companions of
“our perfect Guide (saw) made in the cause of God and His Prophet (saw); “they were exiled, endured cruelties, bore various forms of hardships and sacrificed their lives, “however, they marched forward with truthfulness and devotion. “Thus, what caused them to be so devoted?
“It was the passion for the true God, the rays of which had penetrated their hearts. “Therefore, even if you compare this with any other prophet, “you will be unable to find an example to match the teaching of the Holy Prophet (saw),
“his self-purification, his ability to make his followers loathe the world [materialistic things] “and to bravely shed their blood for the sake of the truth.” The Promised Messiah (as) states, “This is the status of the companions of the Holy Prophet (saw).
“Their mutual love and affection has been depicted in two sentences [verses] of the Holy Qur’an that [Arabic: Surah Al-Anfal: 64] “In other words, this sort of affection would most “certainly not have been created even if mountains of gold had been spent.” The Promised Messiah (as) says,
“Now, there is another Jama’at of the Promised Messiah, “which has to adopt the character of the companions [of the Holy Prophet (saw)]. “The Jama’at of the companions was that community, in praise of which the Holy Qur’an is filled.”
“Are you like them? Whereas, God says that the Messiah will be accompanied by such people, “Who will be similar to the companions. “The companions were those, who sacrificed their wealth and their homeland in cause of the truth “and left everything behind.
“Perhaps you have often heard the incident of the Siddiq-e-Akbar [Hazrat Abu Bakr], (ra). “Once, when people were asked to spend their wealth in the cause of God, “he presented all of his possessions. “When the Holy Prophet (saw) inquired what he had left behind, he replied that
‘I have left God and His Prophet (saw) in my home.’” The Promised Messiah (as) says, “Can you believe that the chief of Mecca [only] wore a blanket and the attire of the poor?” The status of Hazrat Abu Bakr was as the chief of Mecca.
However, when he became a Muslim, he started to wear [only] a blanket. “You may consider these people had become martyrs in the cause of God. “For them it was destined that paradise lies under the swords. “However, we must not endure such hardship as [the commandment of] [Arabic] has been revealed for us.
“In other words, no wars will be fought during the time of the Mahdi.” Then, whilst depicting the way in which the companions lived, the Promised Messiah (as) says, “Look! Were the great companions of the Holy Prophet (saw), “may Allah be pleased with all of them,
“desirous of enjoyment and fond of eating and drinking, “as a result of which they became victorious over the disbelievers?” Did they merely desire ease, which enabled them to be triumphant over the disbelievers? “This is incorrect! Even in previous scriptures, it has been mentioned with regards to them
“that they will stay awake [in prayer] during the nights and fast during the days. “Their nights were spent in the remembrance of God and in contemplation. “Furthermore the following verses of the Holy Qur’an “have entirely depicted their way of living by stating that [Arabic Al-Anfal: 61 and Aal-e-‘Imran: 201]
“tie your horses at the frontier, whereby you may frighten the enemy of Allah and your enemy. “O ye who believe! Be steadfast and strive to excel in steadfastness and be on your guard.” Continue to be patient and demonstrate patience. The Promised Messiah (as) states, “What is the meaning of Ribaat?
“The horses which are tied at the frontier of the enemy are called Ribaat. “Allah the Exalted commands the companions to be prepared to confront the enemies. “Through this word of Ribaat, He turns their attention towards truly being prepared. “They were entrusted with two tasks.
“Firstly, to physically confront the enemy and the second was to confront them spiritually.” For spiritual confrontation there is also a command for Ribaat and that one must be prepared at all times. He states that “in the dictionary Ribaat also means the soul and the human heart and remarkably
“it is only those horses that are tamed and well-trained which can do this. “Nowadays the teaching and training of horses are carried out in this manner and they are tamed and “taught just as children are taught with special care and attention.”
If they are not taught then they cannot be tamed and will be completely useless. Instead of being of use they will end up feared and harmful. The soul also has to be trained in this way and kept under control and teach it.
Thus, Ribaat will only happen when a believer endeavours to make progress in knowledge and in actions and by controlling his desires. How excellent was the example of the companions who were born as a result of the spiritual power of the Holy Prophet (saw). I shall present some of these examples.
We find the example of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) in the writings of the Promised Messiah (as) that at the time of need he brought all the goods in his house to present it. Listen now to an incident highlighting his humility and fear of God.
Once Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) had an disagreement with Hazrat Umar (ra). They argued for a long time to the point where their voices were raised out of anger. Afterwards when it had ended, Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) went to Hazrat Umar (ra)
And apologised for raising his voice during the altercation and for using strong words. However, Hazrat Umar (ra) refused to forgive him. Thereupon Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) went to the Holy Prophet (saw) and related the whole incident. He said that “I have come to you to apologise for this,”
Upon which the Holy Prophet (saw) replied “May Allah forgive you.” A short while later Hazrat Umar (ra) began feeling remorseful and embarrassed and realised his fault. He too went to the house of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) and asked to be pardoned. When he arrived he did not find him in the house.
He then went to the Holy Prophet (saw). When the Holy Prophet (saw) saw him his face became red out of his displeasure. Seeing the Holy Prophet (saw) displeased with Hazrat Umar (ra), Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) fell to his knees and said the fault was his so forgive Hazrat Umar (ra).
This was his humility and fear of God. Hazrat Umar (ra) also felt embarrassed and went to him begging pardon. Both parties felt embarrassed from both sides. This was that pure society which the Holy Prophet (saw) established and those who lived in it became the recipients of God Almighty’s pleasure.
There is an incident regarding the humility of Hazrat Umar (ra) when a man said to him that you are better than Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra). Hazrat Umar (ra) began weeping and said “By God just one night and day of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra)
“is better than the whole lives of Umar (ra) and his offspring. “Shall I tell you of the state of that night and day?” The questioner said “Yes, tell me.” He said “His night was that when the Holy Prophet (saw) had to migrate in the night “and Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) accompanied him.
“His day was that when the Holy Prophet (saw) passed away and “the Arabs denied praying and giving the Zakat. “At that time, against my advice, he resolved to do Jihad and “God Almighty made him successful in this and proved him to be right.”
Then there is another great companion of the Holy Prophet (saw), Hazrat Usman (ra), who was also the third Caliph. His life was full of many great qualities including his compassion and kind treatment. Hazrat Ayesha (ra) relates that Hazrat Usman (ra) was the most kind and compassionate
Than anyone else and also feared God Almighty the most. When the issue of expanding the Masjid Nabvi [the Holy Prophet’s mosque] came about and at the time there were many who were willing to offer sacrifices for their faith, the Holy Prophet (saw) said that all of the neighbouring houses
Should be included for the expansion of the mosque. Therefore, it was evident that that these houses had to be bought from the owners. At this point, it was Hazrat Usman (ra) who stepped forward immediately and offered to buy those houses and gave 15,000 Dirhams and purchased the area.
The Muslims once faced great shortage of water supply. There was a well which belonged to Jew and it was difficult to access water from there. Hazrat Usman (ra) purchased the well at whatever the price the Jew set and arranged the water supply for the Muslims.
This was his great compassion for his fellow people. Then there is Hazrat Ali (ra). Ameer Muawiyah once told someone to describe the attributes of Hazrat Ali (ra). He said “Will you listen to what I have to say about him?” He replied “Yes, speak.”
It is clear and we know that people are opposed to him. “If you must listen then hear that he possessed great courage and was very strong. “He spoke decisively and decided matters with justice. “A fountain of knowledge and wisdom flowed from him.
“He dreaded the splendour of the world and loved seclusion at night i.e. “his favourite act at night was worship rather than being indulged in worldliness. “He would weep often and ponder over things for a long time. “He would live a very simple life like us.
“By God, despite our love and affection for him, “we would refrain from saying anything to him or say anything openly due to his awe. “He respected religious people and would give shelter to the poor. “He would never give hope to the powerful if they were pursuing a false claim.
(If one was powerful and had false claim or greed, and wished to gain benefit from him out of greed (he would not give him the occasion and seize him. The weak would not lose hope with his justice). “These were the qualities of Hazrat Ali (ra).”
Upon hearing this Ameer Muawiyah said that “You speak the truth and began weeping.” Abdur Rahman Bin Auf (ra) was a companion of the Holy Prophet (saw). He held a high status in terms of his financial sacrifices. He was a very wealthy trader and had riches in abundance.
Once, when someone was circling the Kaaba he heard the voice of someone praying “O Allah! Save me from the covetousness of my soul.” When he came to see who it was he saw Abdur Rahman Bin Auf (ra). On one occasion his [commercial] caravan arrived at Medina which had 700 camels loaded with wheat,
Flour and other products. This enormous caravan became the talk of the town of Medina that such a big caravan has come. This news reached Hazrat Ayesha (ra) so she said that “I heard the Holy Prophet (saw) saying that Abdur Rahman (ra) is Heaven-bound.”
When Hazrat Abdur Rahman (ra) came to know of this he came to Hazrat Ayesha (ra) saying, “I call you to witness that I dedicate this whole caravan of 700 camels fully loaded with goods, “including the camels, in the way of Allah.”
One can appreciate the high status of Hazrat Abdur Rahman (ra) from the incident when once he had an altercation with Hazrat Khalid (ra). The Holy Prophet (saw) stated: “O Khalid! Do not say anything to my companion. “Even if one of you gave a mountain-full of gold the size of Uhud
“you would still not reach the morning and evening “of Abdur Rahman Bin Auf (ra) which he has spent doing Jihad in the way of Allah.” Another companion was Saad Bin Waqas (ra). The incident of declaring his faith after accepting Islam is so, he himself states that
“When I accepted Islam my mother asked me what religion have you now adopted? “You must forsake this religion in any case “otherwise I will not eat or drink anything and will go on a hunger strike until I die. “As a result the people will say to you that you killed your mother
“and reproach you for killing your mother.” He says “I told her not to do this because I can never leave my religion, “but she did not listen and for three days and nights she did not eat or drink anything. “She became weak from starvation.
“I then went to her and told her ‘by God, even if you had 1000 lives “ ‘and one by one they all left you I would still not leave my religion.’ When she saw this resolve of her son she started once again to eat and drink.
God Almighty states that we should obey our parents and serve them, but when it comes to matters of faith and of God then one must first listen to the word of God. Saad Bin Waqas (ra) also had the opportunity to serve and guard the Holy Prophet (saw).
Hazrat Ayesha (ra) relates that when the Holy Prophet (saw) travelled to Medina there were days when the circumstances were very difficult. Because of this he could not sleep well at night. Many nights went by like this.
One night he said how good would it be if one of God’s servants would come and keep watch at night. The danger would not be there and I would be able to sleep at night with ease or rest for a little while (for the little time which he would rest).
Hazrat Ayesha (ra) says that while he was saying this all of a sudden we could hear the sound of weapons. Then the Holy Prophet (saw) asked who is it? The reply was I am Saad. He then asked the reason for his coming.
He said that I felt that there was a threat to your safety so that is why I have come to keep watch. Thus the Holy Prophet (saw) slept comfortably and prayed for him. Zubair bin Al ‘Awaam, who was one of the Companions (ra) of the Holy Prophet (saw),
Was absorbed in the fear of Allah. He was always fearful to do something that Allah Almighty would hold him accountable for later on. On one occasion, his son enquired, “Why do you not narrate multiple sayings of the Holy Prophet (saw) as the other Companions (ra)?”
He responded: “I have been with the Holy Prophet (saw) ever since I accepted Islam “and have never been separated from him. “that is, he had accompanied the Holy Prophet (saw) “and had heard many things from him and had many references of various narrations
“but I fear this warning of the Holy Prophet (saw) [in which he stated]: “ ‘Anyone who attributes something inaccurate to me should prepare their abode in hell.’” So he was ever anxious and fearful,lest he should say something which he may have misunderstood and found it to be incorrect.
He was also very courageous and brave. When the siege of Alexandria was prolonged, he tried to climb the wall of this fortress using a ladder. His companions warned him about the severe spread the plague inside the fort. He responded: “It does not matter.
“We are here to combat the spear as well as the plague” and he climbed the fortress wall without paying any heed to the warnings of his compatriots. He was very wealthy and would give away a majority of his earnings in charity for the sake of Allah Almighty.
Then there is an account of a companion named Talha bin ‘Ubaidullah (ra) who was also very rich and would spend in the way of Allah Almighty. On one occasion he sold a portion of his possessions to Hazrat ‘Uthman (ra)
For seven hundred thousand dirham and spent that entire amount in the way of Allah Almighty. Hospitality was also a special virtue of his. On one occasion, three needy people from a tribe accepted Islam and came to the Holy Prophet (saw). The Holy Prophet (saw) asked who amongst the companions (ra)
Will take the responsibility of supporting them? Hazrat Talha (ra) cheerfully agreed to do this and took all three of them to his home and arranged for their stay. He continued to host them until he made them members of his household.” It is narrated: “[He took care of them] until death did them apart.”
Hazrat Talha (ra) also fulfilled the rights of friendship and brotherhood to the utmost degree. After receiving word from Allah Almighty, when the Holy Prophet (saw) announced forgiveness of Hazrat Ka’ab bin Malik Ansari (ra) -who was excommunicated for not participating in the Battle of Tabuk-
Hazrat Talha (ra) ran up to Hazrat Ka’ab bin Malik (ra) and welcomed him in a frenzy and immense joy when he entered the gathering of the Holy Prophet (saw). He shook his hand and congratulated him. Hazrat Ka’ab would always mention that no one else welcomed him
In such a passionate manner as Hazrat Talha (ra). One of his attributes that relates to marital relations was shared by one of his wives: “Hazrat Talha (ra) would return home joyously with a smile on his face.
“He was a very busy person but he would not return home with such expressions on his face “that would scare away his family members. “He would return home in a pleasant and delightful mood and would go out in the same manner.
“He would always treat his family members in a polite manner and was always happy. “It never occurred that his mood would change when he was at home or when he went outside. “She states: ‘When I asked for anything, he never showed miserliness “ ‘and would always give [readily].
“ ‘He would also give when I did not ask for anything “and would not wait for me to make a demand for something.’” That is, he would take care of all her needs instead of waiting until she made a request for something.
He would try to figure out ways to fulfill the needs of everyone in the household. He had four wives and all of them were pleased with him. She states: “He was very appreciative when we did anything good “and when we made a mistake, he was forgiving.”
Thus, these are the principals that lead to matrimonial harmony and strengthen the conjugal relations. Hence, this is a model for us to follow. An incident regarding the obedience to Khilafat of a companion, Abdullah bin Masood, has been narrated as follows:
Hazrat Umar (ra) appointed him to the people of Kufa in order to teach and morally train them. He also wrote to the people of Kufa stating that he actually needed him in Medina but for their sake he would make a sacrifice and would send him in order for their moral training.
Such was his status. Similarly, Hazrat Usman (ra) also honoured his high status and in fact appointed him as the Amir of Kufa. He was also appointed to the the duty of arbitration and overseeing the treasury. Since the people of Kufa would create mischief and this subsequently led to many issues,
Hazrat Usman (ra) relieved him from his duty as the Amir and called him back to Medina. However, the people of Kufa pleaded with him that he should not go back and stay with them. They also assured him that they would take the responsibility of ensuring that no one caused him any harm.
Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (ra) replied that obedience to the Khalifa of the time was obligatory upon him and that he could never allow himself to disobey him and open the door to any kind of evil and returned to Medina. In regards to Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (ra),
One of the narrators stated that he had sat in many gatherings of the companions but Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (ra) was unrivalled in respect to his detachment from the world and deep attachment with the hereafter. Even in his general appearance, he was very elegant. Despite his detachment from materialistic things,
A servant who worked for him once said that his clothes would be made from a beautiful white cloth and would wear a perfume of excellent quality. Hazrat Talha (ra) says regarding Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (ra) that his perfume had such beautiful fragrance that even in the darkest hours of the night,
Due to his fragrance one could tell that Abdullah bin Masood (ra) was coming. Thus, he made use of worldly objects, but at the same time he was not deeply attached to it either. Then, there is Hazrat Bilal (ra), who endured every kind of difficulty but he always proclaimed the oneness of God.
He would be dragged across hard stones and hot sand but despite this, he remained firm on his faith and would always repeat the words, ‘Ahad, Ahad’ [one God] and that there is none worthy of worship expect Allah and Muhammad (saw) is His messenger.
Then, Sa’d bin Mu’az who was an Ansar [those who originally lived in Medina], while representing the Ansar on the day of the Battle of Badr fulfilled the expectations the Holy Prophet (saw) had from the Ansar by declaring to the Holy Prophet (saw):
“O Prophet of Allah! We have believed in you and affirmed your truthfulness and bear testimony “that the teaching you have brought is the truth. We have pledged to you on the basis of this that “ we shall hearken to your words and obey it immediately.
“Thus, O Prophet of God! Do as you will and inshAllah you will find us at your side. “Even if you command us to jump into the sea, “we shall jump and not a single one of us shall remain behind. “We do not shy away from facing the enemy
“and we know very well how to face the enemy with great courage and valour. “We firmly believe that God Almighty will demonstrate all that through us “which shall be a source of delight for your eyes. “Therefore, take us wherever you wish.” Thus, it was these people who fulfilled their covenants
And established their examples and God Almighty was pleased with them. These are just a few examples of the companions but history is replete with such incidents. These are people who are worthy for us to follow. The Promised Messiah (as) states: “Success is completely impossible if one let goes of the Holy Quran.
“To attain success in this way is a mere fantasy which these people are currently in pursuit of. “Place the example of the companions before you; “when they obeyed the Prophet of God (saw) “and gave preference to their faith over all worldly things “then God Almighty fulfilled all that which He had promised them.
“In the early period, the opponents would mock them that they cannot even freely walk outside “and yet they claim to become kings. “However, by immersing themselves in the obedience to Holy Prophet (saw) “they achieved all that which they did not have for centuries. “They loved the Holy Prophet (saw) and the Holy Quran
“and would spend day and night in obedience to the Holy Prophet (saw). “They completely abandoned the traditions and practises of the Kufaar [non-believers]. (i.e. they completely abandoned all the practise of the Kufaar when they accepted faith and completely followed the teachings of Islam).
“As long as Islam remained in this state, they continued to attain success and ascendancy.” On one occasion, relating the excellences of the companions, the Promised Messiah (as) stated: “The companions of the Holy Prophet (saw) were loyal to his every command to such an extent,
“the likes of which have not been witnessed amongst the companions of other prophets. “The level of obedience for the commandments of God Almighty is praised throughout the Quran. “It has been mentioned that when the prohibition for alcohol was announced, “all the containers of alcohol were poured out and
“it has been narrated that alcohol filled the [open drains of the] streets. “After this, such a heinous act was not witnessed from any of them. “Thus, once they repented from alcohol, they never drank it and instead became its sworn enemy. “Observe their level of patience and unceasing obedience.
“The manner of obedience, loyalty, love and passion they displayed for the Holy Prophet (saw) “was to a level not attainable by anyone. “If one reads the condition of the followers of Moses (as), “it is evident that [at one point] they wished to stone Moses (as) [to death].
“Similarly, the disciples of Jesus were so irresolute and lacking in their belief that “even Christians were forced to accept the fact that Jesus (as) “had declared them to be weak in their faith. “They were guilty of treachery against their teacher
“and also showed such disloyalty that they abandoned him in the time of difficulty. “One of them had him arrested and the other rejected him by cursing him. “However, the companions of the Holy Prophet (saw) had such strong will “that God Almighty has given testimony to the fact that they did not hesitate
“to even sacrifice their lives and every attribute of faith was visible in them. “Abid [the one who worships], generosity, loyalty and courage, which are the conditions of faith, “the likes of which are not found in any other nation.” The Promised Messiah (as) continues by saying:
“The example of the intensity of the trials and hardships endured by the companions “is not found in any other nation [in history]. “These courageous people endured all hardships, but never abandoned Islam. “When the persecution reached their limit, “they were eventually forced to leave their homes and migrated with the Holy Prophet (saw).
“When the mischief of the disbelievers exceeded all bounds, “they sealed their fate and God Almighty appointed these very companions “to punish the rebellious ones. “Thus, a people who would previously spend their nights in worship in mosques, “who were few in number and ill-equipped,
“were forced to step into the battlefield to stop the onslaught of the opponents. “These were [known as] defensive Islamic wars.” Then in another place, the Promised Messiah (as) has written briefly: “If one studies the era of the Holy Prophet (saw) and his companions, “one would discover that they were simple people,
“just as a vessel becomes clean after polishing, their hearts were the same in that they were “filled with divine light and free from the filth of carnal passions. “In essence, they were the true embodiment of the statement: [Arabic].” The Promised Messiah (as) states:
“If one becomes pure in this manner and illuminates themselves like a polished vessel, “then it will be instilled in him to derive benefit from the blessings “bestowed by God Almighty. “However, how many people exist that are the embodiment of the verse [Arabic] ?”
Thus, we should endeavour to reform ourselves and keep our [spiritual] vessels clean. Since we have accepted the Promised Messiah (as), the Imam of the age and ardent devotee of the Holy Prophet (saw), then we must strive to act on all the teachings mentioned by the Promised Messiah (as).
The first example was set for us by the Holy Prophet (as) and after that by his companions. Only by following these examples can we become true Muslims. May Allah the Almighty enable us to do so. All praise is due to Allah. We laud Him, we beseech help from Him and ask His protection;
We confide in Him, we trust Him alone. and we seek protection against the evils and mischief of our souls. and from the bad results of our deeds. Whomsoever He guides on the right path, none can misguide him; and whosoever He declares misled, none can guide him onto the right path.
And we bear witness that none deserves to be worshipped except Allah. We bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. O servants of Allah! May Allah be merciful to you. Verily, Allah commands you to act with justice, to confer benefits upon each other.
And to do good to others as one does to one ‘s kindred and forbids evil which pertain to your own selves; and evils which affect others and prohibits revolts against a lawful authority. He warns you against being unmindful. You remember Allah; He too will remember you;
Call Him and He will make a response to your call. And verily divine remembrance is the highest virtue.