Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2018
Peace be upon you all, I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah He is alone and has no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is His Servant and Messenger After this I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed.
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. The Gracious, the Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help. Guide us in the right path –
The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings, those who have not incurred displeasure, and those who have not gone astray. Hazrat Asim bin Sabit was a Sahabi (companion) of the Holy Prophet (saw). His father was Sabit bin Qais and his mother’s name was Shamoos bint Abu Aamir.
The Holy Prophet (saw) established a bond of brotherhood between him and Abdullah bin Jahash. At the occasion of Battle of Uhud, when the disbelievers of Mecca launched a sudden attack, which caused a panic among the Muslims, Hazrat Asim remained fixed in his position next to the Holy Prophet (saw).
He pledged allegiance to the Holy Prophet (saw) upon death. He was among the archers appointed by the Holy Prophet (saw). He belonged to the Aus tribe and participated in the Battle of Badr. On the day of the Battle of Badr,
The Holy Prophet (saw) asked the Companions as to how they would fight when confronted by the enemy. Hazrat Asim replied, “O Messenger of Allah (saw), “when they are in range of our arrows, we will use our arrows. “When they come close enough that our stones can reach them, “we will use stones.”
He then lifted three stones in one hand and placed two in the other hand. He then stated, “When they come close enough to attack with our spears, “we will fight them with spears. “When our spears break, “we will fight them with our swords.” Upon this the Holy Prophet (saw) said,
“Indeed, this is the correct way to fight in a battle,” he further said, “whoever wishes to fight, should fight according to the instructions of Asim.” During those times, wars were only fought with swords and spears, and this was the only method of war. Stones were also used.
It was not like nowadays where they kill even innocent people and children by shelling at them. A non-Muslim wrote a book in which he mentions the wars fought by the Holy Prophet (saw) by saying; “One raises allegations against Muhammad as to why he fought wars.
“A few hundred or a thousand people may have died during the battles he fought, “but those who consider themselves ‘progressive’ and ‘advocates for humanity’, “killed more than 70 million people, “the majority of whom were ordinary citizens.” However, today unfortunately Muslims are seeking help from those same people
And Muslims are killing fellow Muslims without any distinction. Instead of using that method, that when the enemy attacks one, one should employ different ways of fighting, they are initiating attacks themselves and thereby killing innocent people.
It is mentioned in another narration that Hazrat Ali (ra) returned with his sword in the day of the Battle of Uhud which had bent due to the intense fighting. Hazrat Ali (ra) said to Hazrat Fatima, “Keep this commendable sword. “It will prove useful in the battlefield.”
The Messenger of Allah (saw) heard what he had said. Thus, he said, “If you have shown excellence with the sword today, “then Sahl Bin Hunaif, Abu Dujanah, “Asim Bin Sabit and Haris Bin Sama have also shown excellent swordsmanship.” In a narration it is mentioned that the Holy Prophet (saw) conferred a favour
To one of the prisoners of Badr, Abu ‘Uzza ‘Amr bin Abdillah – who was a poet – by setting him free. The reason for this was that he said, “O Muhammad, I have five daughters and I am their only guardian. “Hence, please set me free for them as an act of charity.”
Subsequently, the Holy Prophet (saw) set him free. Upon this, Abu ‘Uzza said, “I make a solemn pledge to you that I will never fight you in the future, “nor will I assist anyone in their wars against you”. Hearing this, the Holy Prophet (saw) sent him back and freed him
Without receiving anything in return. When the Quraish were about to leave for Uhud, Safwan bin Umayyah approached and said to him that “You should also come with us.” He said to him “I have made a frim pledge with Muhammad (saw)
“that I will never fight him and neither will I assist in any wars against him. “He had conferred this favour upon me and upon no one else.” Hearing this, Safwan gave him a guarantee that if he were to be killed, he [i.e. Safwan] would adopt his daughters and if he were to survive,
He would give him a mountain of wealth, which would only be for his family. In other words, Safwan was enticing him to join them in the battle by saying that if he were to be killed, he would treat his daughters like his own,
But if he survived he would be given an abundance of wealth. Upon this, Abu ‘Uzza started to gather other Arab tribes and incite them for war. He not only participated himself, rather, he went to gather people from other tribes in order to fight the Muslims.
He then left for the Battle of Uhud alongside the Quraish and was once again imprisoned during the war. No one else from among the Quraish was imprisoned alongside him. Hence, when he was captured he was asked about the oath he made.
He replied, “O Muhammad (saw)! I was compelled to fight as I have daughters to look after. “Please be kind towards me.” He repeated the same excuse saying that he had to look after his daughters and for the Holy Prophet (saw) to show him kindness.
A favour had previously been conferred upon him and he was set free. However, he came out to fight again. Upon this, the Holy Prophet (saw) said, “Where is the pledge that you made with me? Absolutely not! Now it can never be done. “By God! You will not be permitted to roam around Mecca
Saying that you deceived and fooled Muhammad (saw) twice, (God forbid). According to another narration, the Holy Prophet (saw) said that certainly, a believer cannot be bitten twice from the same hole. He then commanded Asim bin Thabit to kill him. Asim stepped forward and decapitated him. Hence, even when they are punished
After committing such injustices and breaking their pledges, people criticise the character of the Holy Prophet (saw) saying that was guilty of cruelties, God forbid. These days [Geert] Wilders, a Politician in Holland, is exceeding all bounds in attacking the character of the Holy Prophet (saw). If he can show examples of the aforementioned forgiveness
To the world or even in his own country, then his allegations can be justified to a certain extent. However, he will never be able to show such examples. Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib has made a mention of the incident of Raji’ and Hazrat ‘Asim in
Seerat Khatam-un-Nabiyyeen [The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets (saw)]. He writes, “In the month of Safar 4 A.H., “the Holy Prophet (saw) assembled a party of ten Companions, “appointed ‘Asim bin Thabitra as their Ameer [leader] “and ordered them to secretly go towards Mecca “and obtain intelligence with regards to the Quraish,
“and then inform him about their plans and motives. “However, this party had not yet departed, “when a few people from the tribes of ‘Adal and Qarah “presented themselves before the Holy Prophet (saw), “and said that ‘Many people from among their tribes were inclined towards Islam’
“and that the Holy Prophet (saw) should send a few men with them, “who could convert them to Islam and educate them. “The Holy Prophet (saw) was pleased to hear their request “and the same party which had been assembled for the reconnaissance mission, “was sent off with them instead.
“However, in actuality, as was later discovered, “these people were liars and had come to Madinah upon the incitement of the Banu Lahyan, “who sought revenge for the execution of their chief, Sufyan bin Khālid, “and had thus contrived the plan that when the Muslims come out of Madinah on this pretense,
“they would attack them. “In lieu of this service, the Banu Lahyan promised the people of Adal and Qārah “a hefty reward of many camels. “When the treacherous people of Adal and Qarah reached between ‘Asfan and Mecca, “they secretly sent a message to the Banu Lahyan
“that the Muslims were accompanying them and that they should come as well. “Upon this, 200 young men from the Banu Lahyan, “100 of whom were archers, set forth in pursuit of the Muslims, “and subdued them at a place known as Raji. “But how could 10 Muslims compete against 200 warriors?
“The Muslims, however, had not been taught to throw in their arms. “The Companions immediately ascended to a nearby hillock and prepared for battle. “The disbelievers, who did not consider deception as being reprehensible, called out to them “and said, ‘Come down from the mountain,
‘we give you a firm promise that we shall not kill you.’ “Asim (ra) replied, ‘We have no confidence whatsoever in your treaties and agreements. ‘We cannot descend on your guarantee.’ “Then, he raised his head towards the heaven and said, ‘O God! You are witnessing our state.
‘Do convey knowledge of our condition to Your Messenger.’ “Hence, Asim (ra) and his Companions stood and fought and were eventually martyred in battle. He further writes, “In the context of this very incident of Raji‘, “a narration has been related that when the Quraish received news also
“that Asim bin Thabitra was among those who had been martyred at Raji “at the hands of the Banu Lahyan, “since Asim (ra) had slain a principal chieftain of the Quraish, “during the Battle of Badr “they especially sent some men towards Raji,
“and emphatically instructed them to return with the head of Asim (ra) or another part of his body “so that they could be put to rest and their thirst for revenge could be quenched. “In another narration it is also mentioned that the mother of the person who was killed by ‘Asim, “Sulafa bint Sa’d,
“had vowed that she would drink wine from the skull of the person who killed her son. “However, the power of God was such that when these people arrived there, lo and behold, “they found swarms of hornets and male honey bees resting upon the body of Asim (ra)
“and they just would not move at all. “These people tried their level best to send off these hornets and bees, “but no attempt proved successful. “Finally, with no other choice, they returned frustrated and unsuccessful. “Soon after, a storm of rain came and took the body of Asim (ra) elsewhere.
“It is written that upon accepting Islam, “Asim (ra) vowed that he would completely abstain from anything that was polytheistic, “to the extent that he would not even touch an idolater. “When Hadrat ‘Umar (ra) was informed of his martyrd and of this occurrence in particular,
“he said, ‘Look how beautifully Allah guards the emotions of his beloved servants. “He fulfilled the vowed of Asim (ra) even after his demise and safeguarded him “from the touch of idolaters.” Hazrat ‘Asim, (ra), is also known as Hami-ud-Dabar i.e. the person who was saved by wasps or bees.
Even after his death, Allah the Exalted protected him through wasps. Following the martyrdom of Hazrat ‘Asim and his companions, the Holy Prophet (saw) offered the prayer of Qunut during the Fajr prayer for an entire month, in which he cursed the tribes of Rihal, Zakwan and Banu Lahyan.
In another tradition it is narrated that “Hazrat Asim would fire arrows towards the enemy and would repeat the following couplet: [Arabic] That is “Death is inevitable and the worldly endeavours are futile, “and whatever God Almighty has decreed for man shall surely come to pass “and man has no choice but to accept it.”
When Hazrat Asim ran out of his arrows, he began fighting with a spear. When that too broke he took out a sword and gave his life in the battle. The second companion I will mention is Hazrat Sahl Bin Hunaif Ansari.
Hunaif was the name of his father and the name of his mother was Hind bint Raafe’. He had two brothers from his mother’s side, Abdullah and Nauman and his children were Asad, Uthman and Sa’ad. The children remained in Medina and Baghdad.
The Holy Prophet (saw) formed a bond of brotherhood between him and Hazrat Ali. He accompanied the Holy Prophet (saw) in all battles including the Battle of Badr. Hazrat Sahl Bin Hunaif had a lofty status, but did not have a strong financial position. Hazrat Abu Uainah relates that he heard Zuhri say that
“From war booty of Banu Nazir the Holy Prophet (saw) gave nothing to any Ansar Companion “except Hazrat Sahl Bin Hunaif and Hazrat Abu Dajana “as they both were in need of financial support.” Ibn Ishaaq states that “After the migration of the Holy Prophet to Medina,
“Hazrat Ali remained in Mecca for three days and nights. “He returned all the possessions to those people “who had given them to the Holy Prophet (saw) to look after. “Following this he came and joined the Holy Prophet (saw) “and stayed in the house of Qulthum bin Hidam.
During the journey Hazrat Ali remained in Quba for a few nights. He states “In Quba there was a Muslim woman who was unmarried. “I saw that each night a man would come to her house and knock on her door.
“Upon this the woman would come out and the man would give her something and she would take it.” He states “I became suspicious regarding this and said to her, ‘O virtuous woman! Who is the person who comes and knocks on your door every night;
‘when you attend to the door, he gives you something, ‘about which I have no knowledge. ‘You are a Muslim woman who does not have a husband. ‘Therefore, coming out at night and meeting a man is not correct.’ “She answered, ‘The person is Sahl bin Hunaif.
‘He is aware that I am alone and have no one with me. ‘Therefore, when night falls he smashes the idols of his people ‘and brings them to me so I can burn them’.” Ibn Ishaaq states that “Hazrat Ali would mention this incident of Hazrat Sahl up until his demise.”
Of how he [i.e. Hazrat Sahl] used this method to eradicate idolatry amongst his people. Hazrat Sahl bin Hunaif was among those great companions who remained steadfast during the Battle of Uhud and took the pledge of allegiance upon death at the hand of the Holy Prophet (saw).
He stood like a shield in front of the Holy Prophet (saw) at a time when the severe attack of the opponents caused the Muslims to disperse. That day he shot arrows on behalf of the Holy Prophet (saw). The Holy Prophet stated: [Arabic]
Meaning “Give arrows to Sahl as it is easy for him to shoot arrows.” It is narrated that “There was a Jewish man by the name Ghazool, “who was an expert spearman and could throw a spear further than anyone. “During the siege of Banu Nazir, “a tent was prepared for the Holy Prophet (saw).
“Ghazool threw a spear that reached the tent. “The position of the tent was moved under the instructions of the Holy Prophet (saw). “After this Hazrat Ali (ra) went in pursuit of the aforementioned individual. “Meanwhile, Ghazool along with a small group were planning to kill one of the Muslim chiefs.
“Hazrat Ali ambushed him and killed the spearman and presented his head to the Holy Prophet (saw). “Those who were with him fled. “The Holy Prophet (saw) sent an expedition of ten men “under the leadership of Hazrat Ali to punish them. “They followed them and killed them
“because they had been secretly planning to carry out various killings. “Hazrat Abu Dajana and Hazrat Sahl bin Hunaif were among the group “that were sent under the leadership of Hazrat Ali (ra). “In those days, there was no single day that would pass by in peace.
“The enemy were waiting to strike at every moment. “Thus, such enemies should have been punished in the same manner of that killing. “After the victory at Khaybar, the Holy Prophet headed towards Wadi-ul-Qara. “When the army of the Holy Prophet reached Wadi-ul-Qurra, “the Jews were already prepared for war.
“They welcomed the Muslim army with a flurry of arrows. “A servant of the Holy Prophet (saw) named Midam was taking off the saddle “of the camel of the Holy Prophet (saw) when a stray arrow hit him, killing him instantly. “The Holy Prophet (saw) immediately instructed to form rows for battle.
“He granted the flag to Hazrat Sa’ad Bin Abadah and gave one flag to Hazrat Khubaab bin Munzir, “the second to Hazrat Sahl Bin Hunaif and the third to Hazrat Abbad Bin Bishr. “In result of this expedition the whole area came under the Muslims and God granted victory to the
“Muslims along with an abundance of spoils of war. “The Holy Prophet remained there for four days and distributed the gains amongst the companions “and left the land and orchards with the Jews.” In spite of the victory, he left the land and orchards with those people, but appointed a Muslim collector.
This is a prime example of the kind treatment, even with the enemy that the possession of land remained with them and some tax was gathered from it. In accordance with the customs of that time if one forcefully took over possessions and land then there was nothing wrong; however, the Holy Prophet demonstrated virtuousness.
Regarding this Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib writes in his book, ‘The Seal of the Prophets’, “When the land of Syria was conquered “and the Christian population that lived there came under the Islamic State. “One day it so happened that two Companions of the Holy Prophet (saw),
“Sahl bin Hunaif (ra) and Qais bin Sa‘d (ra) were sitting somewhere in the city of Qādsiyyah “when a Christian funeral procession happened to pass by. “Upon witnessing this, both Companions stood up in reverence. “Another Muslim who had not remained in the company of the Holy Prophet (saw)
“and was unaware of the moral qualities taught by Islam, “became very amazed and addressed Sahl (ra) and Qais (ra) in astonishment saying, ‘This is the funeral procession of a Dhimmi [a non-Muslim, ‘living in an Islamic State] Christian.’ They responded ‘Indeed! We are aware,
‘but the practice of the Holy Prophet (saw) was that he would stand up even ‘for the funeral procession of a non-Muslim, and he would say, “Do they not possess a soul created by God?'” Thus, this is one way for honouring humanity and ending hatred between religions
And these foundations were laid by the Holy Prophet (saw) and later the companions adopted the same practice. It has been narrated from Abu Wail that “We were in Siffin when “Hazrat Sahl bin Hunaif stood up and said, ‘O People! Consider yourself to be in error,
‘for we were with the Holy Prophet (saw) at the time of Hudaibiya. ‘If we had noticed the conditions of battle, we certainly would have engaged in it.’ “Hazrat Umar bin Khattab then arrived (this is during the incident of Hudaibiya) and said,
‘O Prophet of Allah! Are we not on the right path and the disbelievers in the wrong?’ “The Holy Prophet (saw) replied, ‘indeed!’ He then said, ‘are those who have been martyred from among us not in paradise and theirs in the hell-fire?’ “The Holy Prophet (saw) replied, ‘indeed’.
“Hazrat Umar then said, ‘why shall we then be subjected to such humiliation ‘in regards to our faith by entering this treaty on the day of Hudaibiya? ‘Should we not return back until God settles the matter between us?’ “The Holy Prophet (saw) said,
‘O son of Khattab! I am the messenger of God and He shall never cause me to perish.’ “Hazrat Umar (ra) then went to Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) and repeated to him “what he said to the Holy Prophet (saw). Hazrat Abu Bakr replied, ‘He is the messenger of God,
‘and He shall never cause him to perish.’ (Bukhari. Then he further writes in the Hadith) “It was then that Surah Al-Fath was revealed “and the Holy Prophet (saw) recited the entire Surah to Hazrat Umar. “Hazrat Umar then said, ‘O messenger of God! Is this the victory?’ “The Holy Prophet (saw) replied, ‘yes’.”
Under the commentary of this Hadith, Hazrat Syed Waliullah Shah Sahib writes, “Siffin is a place located between Iraq and Syria where the clash between “Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Muaviyah took place. “When Hazrat Muaviyah’s army realised they were on the verge of defeat,
“they held the Holy Quran high up and said that let the Holy Quran decide between them. “Thus, upon the declaration of Hazrat Ali, the battle came to an end. “Some people objected to the declaration for ending the battle. “Hazrat Sahl was on the side of Hazrat Ali and said to them [Arabic]
“that ‘they should not consider their opinions to be correct’ “because prior to this Hazrat Umar also developed a misunderstanding “but as the events unfolded they ultimately proved that the steadfastness of the Holy Prophet (saw) “and honouring his treaty was truly blessed and he was safeguarded from the dangers.
“He then said that ‘What was being considered by some to be a sign of weakness and humiliation ‘then, in turn became a source of establishing their strength and honour. ‘The Holy Prophet (saw) kept regard of every aspect of the treaty, ‘regardless of how big or small’.”
Although in this particular instance they were betrayed and the desired outcome was not achieved, however a believer should always think positively and one should make every effort to whatever attempt is made to form a treaty for the sake of God Almighty
To oversee all aspects of it is the true hallmark of a believer. Having said that, one should not allow themselves to be betrayed the second time. In that earlier instance [of Huadibiyya], God Almighty had informed the Holy Prophet (saw) and it was in light of it that Hazrat Sahl said
“that if a treaty was being made and the battle would end as a result “then they too should keep Treaty of Hudaibiya in mind and pursue for a treaty.” Hazrat Sahl bin Hunaif relates, “The Holy Prophet (saw) said to me,
‘You are my envoy being sent to Mecca. Go to them and convey my greetings of Salaam. ‘Tell them that the Holy Prophet (saw) instructs them about three things. ‘Not take oath in the name of their forefathers for that is forbidden and a sin. ‘When they sit to relieve themselves,
They should not turn their backs in the direction of the Qibla’,” They should face north and south. “‘Thirdly, after relieving oneself, one should not use bones or dung’.” There is great wisdom in this for they carry various kinds of bacteria which can cause a risk for infection.
In this day and age tissue and water is commonly used but in those days stones and bones were used from the jungle and the Holy Prophet (saw) forbid them from this practise. As it has been just mentioned in relation to Hazrat Ali that he said that his sword did a
Splendid job and the Holy Prophet (saw) also said the same about Hazrat Asim bin Thabit and Hazrat Sahl bin Hunaif that their swords did a splendid job. When Hazrat Ali (ra)’s ba’ait (initiation) was being taken, even then Hazrat Sahl was with him. When Hazrat Ali left for Basra,
He appointed behind him Hazrat Sahl as his representative. He took part in the Battle of Siffin alongside Hazrat Ali. Hazrat Ali also appointed him as the ruler for Iran, however the people there did not accept him and so Hazrat Ali then sent Hazrat Ziad who they liked.
He established a treaty with them and they also agreed to pay the tax. They did not expel him [Hazrat Sahl] because, God forbid, he was doing something wrong, rather everyone has different personalities and different attributes and thus Hazrat Ziad was better able to deal with the people of Iran
And was able to form a treaty and also obtain the tax. Hazrat Sahl bin Hunaif passed away in Kufa in 38 AH, whilst returning from the Battle of Siffin. Hazrat Ali led his funeral prayer. Hazrat Hannash bin Muattar relates, “When Hazrat Sahl bin Hunaif passed away,
“Hazrat Ali came out in the open plain to lead his funeral prayer. “Hazrat Ali recited ‘Allahu Akbar’ [God is the greatest] six times to which “some people did not approve. “They were then informed by him that Hazrat Sahl was a Companion “who had taken part in the Battle of Badr.
“When his funeral procession reached Jabana, “Hazrat Qurza bin Kab, along with some of his companions, met us. “They submitted before Hazrat Ali and said, ‘O Leader of the Faithful! We were not able to be part of the funeral prayer for Hazrat Sahl.’
“Upon this Hazrat Ali gave them permission to offer his funeral prayer “and so he offered the funeral prayer of Hazrat Sahl under the imamat of Hazrat Qurza.” The third Companion who I shall mention is Hazrat Jabbar bin Sakkhar. He was the son of Sakkhar bin Ummaiya.
Hazrat Jabbar along with 70 Ansar [inhabitants of Medina] took the Bait at Aqabah Sania. The Holy Prophet (saw) established a bond of brotherhood between him and Hazrat Miqdad bin Amr. At the time of the Battle of Badr, he was 32 years of age
And he would be sent to Khaybar and other places to assess the produce from the date trees. He passed away in Medina during the era of Hazrat Usman’s Khilafat in 30 AH. He was 62 years of age at the time of his demise.
Hazrat Jabbar took part in the Battle of Badr, Uhud, Khandaq and all other battles alongside the Holy Prophet (saw). Hazrat Jabbar bin Sakkhar (ra) relates that whilst traveling towards Mecca, the Holy Prophet (saw) said, “Who amongst us will go to Asaaya first and prior to us reaching there,
Will prepare the well by covering its holes with soil and fill it with plentiful water.” Abu Owais who is also among the narrators states that “This was the place the Holy Prophet (saw) sent us to.” Hazrat Jabbar then states, “I stood up and offered to render this service.
“The Holy Prophet (saw) permitted me to leave “and I arrived at Asaaya and mended the well and filled it. “I was then overcome with sleep and slept for a while until I was awoken by a person whose camel “was fast approaching the well and he was trying to stop it.
“This person told me to get to the well, “I then saw that this person was in fact the Holy Prophet (saw). “I replied in the affirmative.” He narrates “The Holy Prophet (saw) then sat his camel down near the edge of the water.
“He then told me to bring a vessel and come with him. “I went along with him with a vessel. “The Holy Prophet (saw) performed ablution and I also performed ablution. “The Holy Prophet (saw) then stood for prayer and I stood to his left.”
The first thing the Holy Prophet (saw) did upon reaching was perform ablution and offer prayer. “When I stood on the left of the Holy Prophet (saw), he held my hand and stood me to his right side.” The Holy Prophet (saw) was offering Nawafil prayer [voluntary prayer]
And he decided to also pray alongside the Holy Prophet (saw), however he stood on the left and the Holy Prophet (saw) immediately held his hand and placed him on his right side. When prayer is being offered in congregation and there are only two people in the congregation
Then the second person should stand on the right side of the Imam [one who leads the prayer]. He then states, “We offered the prayer and we had just started it that the others also reached.” On the day of the Battle of Badr, the Holy Prophet (saw) offered the prayer: [Arabic]
O Allah! Become sufficient enough for me against Naufal bin Khwailid.” He was a leader from among the idolaters of Mecca. Hazrat Jabbar bin Sakkhar captured him and Hazrat Ali killed him. The Holy Prophet later enquired as to if anyone had any news about Naufal and Hazrat Ali replied that he had killed him.
Upon this the Holy Prophet (saw) prayed, “All praise is due to Allah, Who accepted my prayer.” He was an extremely bitter opponent, hence the Holy Prophet (saw) prayed to God Almighty to be sufficient for him against him. God Almighty then made the provisions for his death.
It is mentioned in another narration that “When the Holy Prophet (saw) migrated to Madina, “every person desired for him to stay at their home.” There are many narrations in this regard, but the Holy Prophet (saw) stated “Wherever my she-camel kneels I shall stay at that house”.
“As the she-camel passed through the streets everyone was pleading with the Holy Prophet (saw) “to remain with them but he replied by instructing them to clear the way for the she-camel, “i.e. it will sit itself wherever God Almighty pleases. “Hence, it carried on walking till it reached the area
“where there is now the door to Masjid Nabwi and knelt down. “When the she-camel sat down the Holy Prophet (saw) received revelation. “He was still mounted on the she-camel when it stood up and walked ahead slightly.
“The Holy Prophet (saw) had let go of the reins then the she-camel returned to the original spot “it was at previously and lowered its neck to the ground. “It was then that Hazrat Jabbar bin Sakhar tried to raise its neck
“in hope that it would kneel in the quarters of Banu Salma, but it did not get up “and the Holy Prophet (saw) descended saying ‘God willing, I shall remain here.’ and then recited the verse: [Arabic] That ‘And say, My Lord, cause me to land a blessed landing,
‘for Thou art the Best of those who bring men to land.’ (Al-Mu”minun 30). “The Holy Prophet (saw) then said asked ‘Whose house is the closest?’ “Abu Ayub Ansari replied ‘This is my house and this is the door and we have placed the saddle of your camel inside.’
“The Holy Prophet (saw) said ‘Let us go ahead and prepare the place of rest.’ “Hence, he went and prepared his place to rest.” Shaath bin Qais was an elderly man who was a staunch disbeliever and held a lot of malice and hatred in his heart for the Muslims.
“He once passed by a group of Muslims who sat speaking to one another. “When he witnessed their mutual bond of love and unity and the peacefulness between them through “the way they were sat and speaking to one another in a loving and joyful manner; “which he too attained through his acceptance of Islam
“after his enmity in the time of Jahiliyyat (days of ignorance).” In other words he previously held enmity for the people, but through Islam he too achieved this mutual understanding, love and affection; he says that he became infuriated. This is because when they accepted Islam God Almighty united their hearts.
Shaath bin Qais says that “The leaders of Banu Qayla sit in one place “and we can have no agreement until and unless all the leaders gather together. “How can it be that this enmity has transformed into friendship, rather love and affection? “He instructed a Jew accompanying him to go and sit with them,
“to remind them of the Battle of Bu’as and their state prior to it. “Furthermore he should recite to them those chants which they used to sing against one another when “they were two separate tribes. “Therefore, this is what he did
“and one tribe read out some of the couplets they used against the other. “Hearing these couplets rekindled a fire in their hearts “bringing back the days of ignorance to them. “Thereafter the other tribe said that ‘This is what our poet used to recite on that day’
“as he too recited some poetry in the days of ignorance. “Then the first tribe replied saying that ‘This is what our poet used to recite on that day’ “Hence, just as they were all sitting and speaking to one another with love and affection,
“this mischief caused them to start speaking unpleasantly to one another “and an argument ensued as they began boasting. “It reached the point where two of them, “Hazrat Aus bin Qaizi and Hazrat Jabbar bin Sakhr became irritated
“and one of them even said to the other that if you want we can start a fight. “It got to the stage where out of anger both parties designated the place of battle “and starting making claims as they did in the days of ignorance.
“This news reached the Holy Prophet (saw) so he went to the Aus and Khazraj tribes, “accompanied by the Muhajireen Companions. “The Holy Prophet (saw) stated ‘O Muslims, fear Allah, fear Allah, ‘do you all makes claims like in the time of ignorant while I am among you,
‘whilst God Almighty has guided you to Islam, ‘honoured you through it, put an end to your days of ignorance, ‘saved you from disbelief and established love between you? ‘Do you then turn to disbelief once again like in the past?’ “The Companions came to the realisation that this was Satanic mischief-making
“and a plot to turn them against one another. “Therefore, they put down their weapons, “began weeping and the people of the Aus and Khazraj tribes began embracing one another. “Then they submitted to the Holy Prophet (saw) pledging their obedience to him once again.
“God Almighty turned out the fire kindled by their enemy Sha’th bin Qais. “The verse was then revealed: [Arabic] ‘Say, O People of the Book! Why deny ye the Signs of Allah, ‘while Allah is Watchful of what you do?’ (3:99)
Say, ‘O People of the Book! why hinder ye the believers from the path of Allah, ‘seeking to make it crooked, while you are witnesses thereof? ‘And Allah is not unmindful of what you do.’ (3:100) “Hazrat Aus bin Qaizi and Hazrat Jabar bin Sakhr and their companions who behaved as they would
“during the days of ignorance because they were under the influence of Sha’at’s deception, “for such people the following commandment was revealed: [Arabic] ‘O ye who believe! if you obey any party of those who have been given the Book, ‘they will turn you again into disbelievers after you have believed.
‘How would you disbelieve, while to you are rehearsed the Signs of Allah, ‘and His Messenger is present among you? ‘And he who holds fast to Allah is indeed guided to the right path.’ (3:101-102)” This was the condition of the Companions. There was a time when they were deceived by Satanic influence
However, they became regretful immediately after the Holy Prophet (saw) made them realize that they were behaving in the same manners as they would in their days of ignorance so they moved forth towards reconciliation. In fact, they displayed their feelings of love and brotherhood for each other.
Such were there examples that serve as a model for people who get entangled these days due to a false sense of honour and ego over petty issues. If those who were thirsty for each other’s blood and those who were at war with each other became brothers
Then how come those who recite the same kalimah now and those who were born into one Jama’at cannot efface their egos? There are many issues that come to light which are caused by false egos and strained relations are established because of this. Sometimes, such issues last months or even years.
Some youngsters write: “Our familial relations have been strained “but the new generation has the desire to re-establish these relations “but because of our adults this does not happen.” Such people should take heed that the teaching of Allah Almighty is that of love, affection, unity and He has made us one nation.
We should live together as one nation and should not become engrossed in our false egos. May Allah Almighty guide everyone. It is also narrated: “After Hazrat Umar (ra) expelled the Jews from Khaybar, “he took the Ansar and Muhajireen with him. “Hazrat Jabar bin Sakhar and Hazrat Yazid bin Thabit were also with him.
“Both of them used to visit Khaybar in order to evaluate the profits from its land “and they had fixed everyone’s share in accordance with the distribution. “During the distribution of the Valley of Qura “where Hazrat Umar (ra) granted various Companions their shares,
“there he also granted one share to Hazrat Jabar bin Sakhar (ra).” This was the condition of some of the Companions. May Allah Almighty exalt their status continuously. All praise is due to Allah. We laud Him, we beseech help from Him and ask His protection; we confide in Him, we trust Him alone
And we seek protection against the evils and mischief of our souls and from the bad results of our deeds. Whomsoever He guides on the right path, none can misguide him; and whosoever He declares misled, none can guide him onto the right path.
And we bear witness that none deserves to be worshipped except Allah. We bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. O servants of Allah! May Allah be merciful to you. Verily, Allah commands you to act with justice, to confer benefits upon each other
And to do good to others as one does to one ‘s kindred and forbids evil which pertain to your own selves and evils which affect others and prohibits revolts against a lawful authority. He warns you against being unmindful. You remember Allah; He too will remember you;
Call Him and He will make a response to your call. And verily divine remembrance is the highest virtue.