Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2020
Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah
I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah Come to Prayer Come to Prayer Come to success Come to success Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest There is none worthy of worship except Allah Peace be upon you all
I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah. He is One and has no partner. and I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is His Servant and Messenger. After this I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. The Gracious, the Merciful, Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help. Guide us in the right path – The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings,
Those who have not incurred displeasure, and those who have not gone astray. The current situation due to the coronavirus pandemic continues to worry everyone alike, be it members of our community or others. People write to me and express their concerns.
They are worried due to the illnesses of their loved ones and close relatives, regardless of the nature of the illness. Due to the situation, many people are immensely worried that even if someone may be suffering from a different illness, but owing to their weak conditions, they may be affected by the pandemic.
Some Ahmadis have also been affected by this illness. In any case, the entire world has been engulfed by this worry. A missionary wrote to me expressing his perplexity at the situation and that one cannot understand what is happening.
He is right and it is true that one is perplexed as to what is going on in the world. However, Allah the Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an regarding the conditions of this present era that, [Arabic] i.e. “And man says, ‘What is the matter with her?’” A hundred years ago, in February 1920,
Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra), whilst mentioning infectious diseases, droughts and storms, gave a brief discourse of this verse by saying that previously there used to be a rare outbreak of an infectious disease or a calamity. However, the current era is such that gates of calamities have been opened.
I too have been saying for the last many years that after the advent of the Promised Messiah (as) and since he especially warned the world about calamities and heavenly afflictions, the frequency of storms, earthquakes and pandemics has increased greatly in the world. Generally, these pandemics and calamities come to caution mankind that
They should fulfil the rights of their Creator as well as His creation. Thus, in these circumstances, it is also incumbent upon us to submit before Allah the Almighty greater than before and we must also draw the attention of the world towards this as well.
Some illnesses, diseases and storms are of such a nature that when they occur in the world, they naturally impact every individual. Hazrat Musleh e Maud (ra) also states that it is correct to say that certain trials have nothing to do with us.
However, since we live in this world, we are also affected, to a certain extent, by various things, such as diseases and droughts. That is, we also are affected by them. It is not the case that divine communities are completely protected from them.
Hazrat Musleh e Maud (ra) states that this would go against the designs of the Almighty God. However, a believer passes through such hardships whilst submitting before Allah the Almighty and being His grateful servant. Thus, as I have mentioned,
We should particularly prostrate before Allah the Almighty these days and seek His Mercy and Grace. Therefore, every Ahmadi should try to prostrate before Allah the Almighty greater than before. Some people make comments that this disease serves as a sign and that there is no need to take precautionary measures or treatment,
Or they make other such comments, which hurt the sentiments of others. We do not know if this is a specific sign or not. However certainly we do say, as I have mentioned just now and a few sermons ago when I referred to the pandemic for the first time,
That there has been a huge increase in heavenly and earthly calamities since the advent of the Promised Messiah (as), Therefore, while it can be referred to as a general sign, however to link the current pandemic with the plague at the time of the Promised Messiah (as)
And to allege that Ahmadis who have been infected or who have died from the current pandemic are, God forbid, of weak faith, are judgements that no one has a right to pass. The plague appeared at the time of the Promised Messiah (as) as a specific sign –
And although the Holy Prophet (saw) has stated that one who passes away owing to such pandemics is deemed as a martyr – however, Allah the Almighty had revealed to the Promised Messiah (as) that this would appear as a specific sign and the Promised Messiah (as) announced this as a sign
And also gave the Jama’at guidance regarding it. The plague that manifested in the time of the Promised Messiah (as) had a unique significance. Further, the Promised Messiah (as) instructed the Jama’at then, in fact he told Mufti sahib, to publish this announcement in newspapers
That he profusely prayed that members of the Jama’at would be saved from the plague. However he also said that the Holy Qur’an establishes that when Divine calamities befall the world, they engulf the righteous as well as wicked and corrupt people. As such people would be judged according to their deeds.
It is not the case that the righteous will remain completely unaffected; rather they too will be impacted. As I have mentioned that Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) has explained that this is law of nature. He further states, the flood at the time of Hazrat Noah (as) affected many,
Whereas there were men, women and children who were oblivious to the claims and beliefs of Noah (as) but yet befell to the calamity. He says further that the Holy Prophet (saw) and the Companions (ra) that engaged in Jihad and their victories and successes were all a means to establish the truthfulness of Islam.
Later also in the era of the Khulafa-e-Rashideen (Rightly Guided Successors), Jihad took place. There were a few defeats but by and large there were successes. He says all of these proved the truthfulness of Islam. Nonetheless alongside the disbelievers, the Muslims also lost their lives in these battles.
Although this jihad took place as a sign for Islam’s truthfulness, it was not only disbelievers who died, rather Muslims died as well. The Muslims who were killed or died were considered martyrs. The Promised Messiah (as) states that similarly the outbreak of the plague serves as a sign for our truthfulness,
And it is possible that certain members of our community may also be martyred by this. The Promised Messiah (as) further states, thus, first and foremost, fulfil the rights due to Allah the Almighty and cleanse your hearts of its inner passions.
Then, fulfil the rights due to God’s Creation and develop true and sincere belief in God. With utmost humility and meekness, supplicate to Allah the Almighty. No day should pass where you do not submit to God, weeping in prayers. Then, the Promised Messiah (as) says that
Alongside this also utilise the practical means and resources that are available. In other words fully and comprehensively adopt all precautionary measures. The Promised Messiah (as) further states that show utmost sympathy and compassion to those individuals and their families who by Divine Fate are inflicted with the plague.
Help and give aid to such persons. Leave no stone unturned in finding a cure or treatment for them. However, the Promised Messiah (as) states that let it be clear that to help such people does not mean that one should become infected themselves
Through close contact with the infected person by the contamination from their breathing or clothes. Indeed, one should show compassion however one should take all precautionary measures and keep themselves protected from its contagious effects. Hence, what one can learn from this is that those who are helping others must take the necessary precautionary measures,
For example, nowadays it is said that one should wear a mask, among other precautions. Likewise, one should refrain from visiting the homes of others unnecessarily and the government has even banned this, so we ought to abstain from doing so.
Nowadays in the UK, despite the government’s ban, there are those who still meet up in parks, etc. There is only permission to go for a walk and to go out to get some fresh air, however it does not mean that one can sit in a park, have a picnic and meet with others.
This is wrong and the government is drawing attention to this again and again. There are those who go in their cars [to these places], but if they claim to go and get some fresh air and exercise in the park, then they should walk to them from their homes, or even cycle.
It is not correct to all sit in the car to go to such places. Councils in certain areas have now announced the [temporary] closure of car parks and that there is no permission for cars to park. In any case, Ahmadis particularly should refrain from such behaviour. Those with the task of aiding others;
A lot of volunteers from Khuddamul Ahmadiyya have come forward, and others too are helping out; they should take all the precautionary measures, discharge their duties with prayers and avoid any kind of negligence. They should not put themselves at risk unnecessarily. That would only be ignorance, not bravery. It is sheer ignorance.
Hence, we must ensure to take great care. The Promised Messiah (as) then stated that if God forbid, one were to die of this disease, they would be considered a martyr, and for such a person, there is no need to perform the ghusl [washing of the body],
Nor to wrap them in a burial cloth. In those days, the people who were overtaken by the plague would be treated as a martyr. The government here has granted certain permissions here we can perform the ghusl and also wrap the deceased in a burial shroud.
In those days, the Promised Messiah (as) stated that in such extremely difficult circumstances, there was no need to do so. He then particularly advised that one should keep their homes clean. The Promised Messiah (as) gave particular instructions in this regard
And said that alongside keeping the homes clean, one ought to keep their clothes clean as well. Have your garments and gutters regularly cleaned. Over here the entire sewage system is underground but the sewers are open, particularly in less-developed countries. So it is very important to also keep the gutters clean.
The Promised Messiah (as) said very specifically that the most important of all is that one should keep their heart clean and to reconcile with God Almighty. Thus, in these circumstances due to the pandemic, where everyone has been affected, and as I mentioned that people have also been writing to me as well,
They ought to pay particular attention to this as well. We should always remember that the path to prayer is always open to us. We must prostrate before God Almighty with the conviction that He has kept the path to prayer open for us and that He listens to our supplications.
If one bows before God, being ever-inclined to Him, He answers our prayers in whatever manner He deems best. In general, we should be praying for ourselves, our dear ones, our relatives, for the Jama’at and for mankind generally. There are many in the world; among whom there may also be Ahmadis as well,
Who do not have precautionary equipment or medical facilities available to them, nor do they have the adequate provisions for food and drink. May Allah Almighty have mercy on them all and on us too. We are striving as a community to provide food and drink etc. to each and every Ahmadi,
But there may well be shortcomings. And despite the fact that there may well be shortcomings in our efforts but not only we try to make food and medication available to Ahmadi households, but we even extend our aid, medication and food etc. to non-Ahmadis wherever there is a need,
And we offer this service selflessly and purely out of sympathy. Even still, certain prejudiced media outlets or self-proclaimed Ulema [scholars] criticise us saying that the service Ahmadis render or the food and medical supplies we provide to help others
Is only to preach to them and to facilitate our means of Tabligh [outreach] to them. In any case, we are not affected by these allegations in any way whatsoever as Allah Almighty knows our intentions and true passion. I shall repeat again today that in this current time,
Pay particular attention to prayers, pay attention to prayers, pay attention to prayers! May Allah Almighty protect the Jama’at in every aspect, on an individual basis and as a Community. May Allah enable me and you all to supplicate and benefit from the acceptance of our prayers.
I would like to say something to all Ahmadi businessmen and that is that they should not unnecessarily try to make extra profit during these days. Instead of trying to make extra profit, especially those people who trade in food items and other essentials,
They ought to sell them at a rate to make the least amount of profit. These are the days in which we can serve humanity and the Promised Messiah (as) also advised us to inculcate a sense of compassion within us.
These are the days in which we can fulfil the rights owed to mankind [Huqooqul Ibaad] and also draw closer to God Almighty. May Allah the Almighty enable every businessman to instead of trying to maximise their profit, may they show a sense of compassion when running their business during these circumstances.
I will now speak about an extremely loyal worker and servant of the Jamaat, Respected Nasir Ahmad Saeed Sahib, who owing to divine decree, passed away on 5th April [2020]. [Arabic] Verily to Allah we belong, and to Him shall we return.
Nasir Ahmad Saeed Sahib was born in 1951 in a village in Daska, district of Sialkot. His father’s name was Taj Din Sahib and was an Ahmadi by birth. He completed his studies until the 8th grade and did not pursue any further education. Under Nazarat Amoor-e-Aama, he was enrolled in Amla Hifazat-e-Khaas in 1973.
In 1985, two years after Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh) migrated from Rabwah – I believe Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh) migrated in April 1984 – nonetheless, in 1985, he was transferred to London from Rabwah and continued to serve. According to the official administrative system of the Jama’at,
Although he reached the age of retirement in October 2010, he continued to render his services. By the Grace of Allah, he had the opportunity to offer duties from the time of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III (rh) until my Khilafat. Nasir Saeed Sahib possessed many qualities.
He would carry out his duty with honesty and dedication. He had a true bond of love for Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. He is survived by his wife, Kulthoom Begum Sahiba, one son, Khalid Saeed and also grandchildren (i.e. the children of Khalid Saeed Sahib). Khalid Saeed Sahib is a volunteer and serves in Hifazat-e-Khaas [Security team].
May Allah the Almighty enable him to show the same loyalty as shown by Nasir Saeed Sahib and enable him to follow in his footsteps. May Allah grant patience and steadfastness to Nasir Saeed Sahib’s wife. A cousin of Nasir Saeed Sahib, Mahmood Sahib of Rabwah,
Who was in the army and was the same age as Nasir Saeed Sahib, writes: “Nasir Saeed Sahib’s parents advised him to join the army as well or to pursue another job. “However Nasir Saeed Sahib replied that if he was to work, he would only work for the Jamaat,
“otherwise he had a small plot of land, which he would tend to.” As mentioned Nasir Sahib then entered Jamaat employment. His relative further writes: “He showed the utmost love and sincerity to all his friends and relatives. “Furthermore, he would discreetly help many poor and needy people.”
One of the Hifazat-e-Khaas members in Rabwah, Shakoor Sahib writes: “I had the opportunity to do duties alongside Nasir Saeed Sahib in London from 1990 to 1998. “I always found him to be extremely loyal and obedient servant of Khilafat.
“He worked with the utmost honesty in all his duties and would always arrive early for duty. “If he received any confidential information, he would never disclose it to anyone, “not even his colleagues and would always advise them to never to disclose confidential matters.” Major Mahmood Sahib, Afsar [In charge] Hifazat-e-Khas, has written:
“Nasir Saeed Sahib was an extremely sincere worker. “He devoted his entire life to Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. “He had no interest in worldly comforts. “His sole objective and intention was to serve his faith. “It was his heartfelt desire to depart this world whilst in his service for the Khalifa
“and indeed this desire of his was fulfilled.” He was exemplary in the hospitality of guests. He would show respect to everyone, young and old alike. He always showed respect to his senior and never said a word of complaint and always acted on instructions obediently.
Major Sahib further writes that he was an exemplary life-devotee and indeed this the truth. He worked selflessly throughout his entire life. Haroon Sahib, a student of Jamia Ahmadiyya Germany writes: “Many times I witnessed that if there were grievances between two people, “he would always seek to reconcile the differences between them.”
He further writes: “I once asked him if he ever went away on holidays? “He replied that for a life devotee, “to serve the Khalifa and perform duties “is all the holidays that one requires and this should be one’s only goal.” Similarly, many people have written about
His qualities such as his hospitality, pleasant nature, love and affection he showed to others. Although he did not hold a prominent office within the Jama’at and served sincerely in his capacity as a worker, however, he was an admired personality and whoever met him would form a close bond with him.
Naseer Bajwah sahib of Germany writes: “He was a man who possessed many excellent qualities. “He would always look at what was in the best interest of others “and would always be ready to help anyone at any time. “Helping other people pleased him greatly and it was a sense of contentment for him.”
Sayyed Owais Sahib, a Khadim from USA has also written about him… people from all different countries have written about him and it would not be possible to mention all of what they have written. “Whenever he would come on [Huzoor’s] tour to the USA,
“he would greet everyone in a cheerful manner and never showed any signs of tiredness. “He would meet all the Khuddam in a loving manner and would advise them accordingly. “One of his great qualities was that he would always encourage the youth.” Feroz Alam Sahib has also written many of his qualities
And has said that Nasir Saeed Sahib was very humble and would take great care of his guests, including Feroz Sahib when he was living alone here. Then mentioning his worship, Feroz Sahib writes: “I saw that during the days when Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh) was unwell,
“I saw that he would be offering the Tahajjud [pre-dawn voluntary] prayers with great fervour.” Hasanat Sahib, the former president of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya [youth organisation] Germany and a life-devotee, has written: “We always looked upon his sincerity in his duties and his loyalty to Khilafat with envy.
“One the one hand, he was an extremely simple man, “but at the same time he had a profound wisdom about him.” He further writes: “In my capacity as president of Majlis Khuddamul Ahamdiyya, “I had the opportunity to learn many things from him. “He never showed any sign of his advanced years,
“and would always remain alert and active like youths around him.” Hasanat Sahib then says: “I saw many times that he never accepted if anyone gave him preferential treatment owing to his age. “He would want to perform duties just like the Khuddam and other security staff.
“He would show a lot of love and respect to those that were younger than him “and we would feel embarrassed by his kind treatment. “He would encourage all the Khuddam who would come to perform duties.” He then mentions a very significant point:
“Other people would teach the youth by talking to them or organising training camps, “however, he showed us through his attentiveness on duty, his sincerity and his prayers. “The training he imparted to us was by demonstrating his selfless duties, “his attentiveness, sincerity and prayers.” He further says:
“Whenever he would meet me he would request to pray that may Allah grant him a prosperous end.” Khalid Ahmad Sahib, who serves in the Russian Desk, has mentioned many qualities of Nasir Saeed Sahib which others have also written about.
In addition to that he writes that not only would Nasir Saeed Sahib discreetly help those in need but he would also remind and encourage the more affluent members of the Jama’at to also help their fellow poor and needy brothers and sisters. Another notable quality of Nasir Saeed Sahib
Was his great hospitality towards guests, particularly during the days of the Jalsa. He would always show heartfelt respect to the guests who had travelled for Jalsa and would even invite many of them to his house, irrespective of whether they were from the Markaz [headquarters] or any other country.
He would daily welcome them in his house morning and evening and casually sit with them and present them with excellent foods. Also, he would present the guests with a prayer mat that had been used in the mosque as a gift. Mentioning the qualities of Nasir Saeed Sahib,
Atthar Zubair Sahib from Germany particularly mentioned about his utmost loyalty with Khilafat, sincerity and that he always spoke in a very loving and soft tone. He states that he often saw that whilst on duty if one of the team members came late to replace Nasir Saeed Saib, he would never complain.
In fact, he would express his gratitude to Allah the Almighty that he had been granted a few extra moments to serve in his duty for the Khalifa of the time. He would always be ever ready to serve in his duty
And even in illness, he would not wish to be replaced from his duty early. In fact, I have heard that even in during his final illness, he enquired the time from his son [and upon being informed], he replied, “This means that I have missed today’s duty.”
Even in a state of extreme illness, he was concerned about fulfilling his duty. Hamza Rashid Sahib, who resides here [in the UK] states that Nasir Saeed Sahib was an extremely loving, supportive and pious individual. He was an example for the Khuddam. He would discharge his responsibilities with great endeavour, effort and diligence.
He had the utmost love for Khilafat and would always remind the Khuddam that they should render this duty of theirs towards Khilafat with great love and should prioritise this duty above all other matters. Syed Taha Noor Sahib, a missionary from Indonesia writes,
“Whenever Nasir Saeed Sahib met me, he would always speak to me about his time in Indonesia “when he travelled in 2000 with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh).” He further writes, “When Nasir Saeed Sahib came to our mosque, there were no arrangements for laundry.
“Therefore we told him that he should give us his clothes “and we would arrange for his clothes to be washed from outside. “However, he and his colleague with him at the time stated that “they would wash their clothes themselves “as they were merely appointed to serve
“and it did not behove their status that others should wash their clothes for them. “Despite continually insisting him, he did not give his clothes.” Now these may seem like very ordinary matters but they reflect the true spirit of a life devotee and how a life devotee ought to conduct themselves
And serves as an example for the younger generation as well. Adnan Zafir Sahib, who previously served as the Mohtamim for Muqami region in UK writes, “Nasir Saeed Sahib would particularly remind us about offering duties.” In addition to the many other qualities he has mentioned about him,
Such as taking care of them while they were on duty or providing them food and water, he particularly mentioned that “He taught me the etiquettes for Khilafat and how to form a strong bond with Khilafat.” “He was an extremely wise person. I would always derive benefit whenever I sought advice from him.”
Atthar Ahmad Sahib, who serves in Hifazat-e-Khas, writes, “I did the Amoomi duty for 9 years; from 2011 to 2020 “and after that joined the Hifazat-e-Khas team. “I once asked Nasir Saeed Sahib that “he had the opportunity to serve for 48 years and served under three Khilafats,
“therefore if he could also impart me with some advice “whereby I could also have the opportunity to serve my duty like him. “Nasir Saeed Sahib replied that in this duty “one has to keep their eyes and ears open but to always keep hold on their tongue.
“And alongside this, one should remain engaged in prayers.” This is a piece of advice which is essential for every life devotee. In fact, it is essential advice for every worker and office-bearer who serves the Jama’at. Indeed, these are words of great wisdom.
He further writes, “He was known as ‘Lala ji’ and having done duty with Lala Ji, “I learnt that when one receives an instruction from their superior, “it must be fulfilled in the exact manner. “He would always fulfil the instruction exactly as he was told
“and would ensure that we also implemented in the same manner “and he would not try to offer his own interpretations of the instruction. “He would carry out the instruction exactly as he received it and would make sure we did the same.
“If we ever said to him that other shift in charge would do it in such and such manner, “he would reply, ‘I am not aware of what they do; I am going to do exactly as I am instructed.’ “Moreover, he would always pray that may God Almighty always keep him fit and active
“and take him in this same state when his time to depart from this world arrived “and not let him be a dependant on others.” Indeed, Allah the Almighty fulfilled this prayer of his. May Allah the Almighty grant the deceased His forgiveness and elevate his station.
May Allah the Almighty also bless his wife with a healthy life and grant her patience and steadfastness. As I mentioned earlier that may Allah the Almighty also enable his son, in fact his progeny, to remain attached with Khilafat and the Jama’at with loyalty.
I personally knew him from when he first came to Rabwah to serve the Jama’at. Indeed, everything that the various people have mentioned is absolutely true. He selflessly rendered his service with absolute obedience. His demise has taken place in such circumstances when not many people can gather for the funeral.
He previously had a heart problem and also underwent treatment for angioplasty. A few days ago he fell ill and was taken to hospital and was admitted by the doctors who reported that he had suffered a serious heart attack. Later, they also reported that he had caught the coronavirus;
Allah knows best whether he caught the virus from someone before being admitted to hospital or perhaps caught it in hospital due to the current conditions. In any case, he remained in hospital for a few days and was undergoing treatment and passed away while in hospital.
Owing to the current government restrictions, the funeral could not be brought here and only a few close relatives were permitted to attend the funeral. Moreover, they have stipulated the condition that the funeral can only take place at the funeral home or at the burial site. Therefore, due to the current conditions,
I will lead his funeral in absentia later some time, inshAllah. As I have mentioned earlier that countless people have written about his qualities and indeed whatever they have written was truly the case as he possessed all of these qualities.
As I said that he has departed this world whilst having rendered his service with utmost loyalty. From observing his life, he fulfilled every oath that he had pledged before God Almighty. Thus, he is counted amongst those individuals regarding whom the Promised Messiah (as) has declared as martyrs.
May Allah the Almighty grant him a station amongst those people. Moreover, may Allah the Almighty grant His Mercy and Forgiveness to all those Ahmadis who have passed away due to this virus. Allah knows best the condition of each individual, however we pray that
May each and every one of them become a recipient of His Mercy and Forgiveness. All praise is due to Allah We laud Him, we beseech help from Him and ask His protection; we confide in Him, we trust Him alone and we seek protection against the evils and mischief of our souls
And from the bad results of our deeds. Whomsoever He guides on the right path, none can misguide him; and whosoever He declares misled, none can guide him onto the right path. And we bear witness that none deserves to be worshipped except Allah. We bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.
O servants of Allah! May Allah be merciful to you. Verily, Allah commands you to act with justice, to confer benefits upon each other and to do good to others as one does to one ‘s kindred and forbids evil which pertain to your own selves
And evils which affect others and prohibits revolts against a lawful authority. He warns you against being unmindful. You remember Allah; He too will remember you; call Him and He will make a response to your call. And verily divine remembrance is the highest virtue.