Ahmadi Muslim VideoTube Friday Sermon Khalifa V Friday Sermon | خطبہ جمعہ | 27 | December 2019

Friday Sermon | خطبہ جمعہ | 27 | December 2019

Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2019

Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah.

I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah. Come to Prayer Come to Prayer Come to success Come to success Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. There is none worthy of worship except Allah. Peace be upon you all,

I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah He is alone and has no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is His Servant and Messenger After this I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.

All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. The Gracious, the Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help. Guide us in the right path – The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings,

Those who have not incurred displeasure, and those who have not gone astray. I was relating the accounts of Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah in the last sermon. Today, I will continue to narrate some further details about him. Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah was one of the twelve leaders appointed

On the occasion of the second bai’at at ‘Aqabah. Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib (ra) writes the following about him in Seerat Khatam an-Nabiyyeen: “He was from the Banu Sa‘idah dynasty of the Khazraj tribe “and was the chieftain of the entire Khazraj tribe.

“In the blessed era of the Holy Prophet (saw), he was counted among the most eminent of the Ansar. “So much so that after the demise of the Holy Prophet (saw), “some of the Ansar held him worthy of caliphate,” i.e. his name was proposed from among the Ansar.

“He passed away during the era of Hazrat Umar (ra).” Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah, Munzir bin Amr and Abu Dujanah accepted Islam, all of them broke the idols of their tribe Banu Sa’idah. At the time of his migration towards Medina, as the Holy Prophet (saw)

Was passing by the houses of Banu Sa’idah, Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah, Hazrat Munzir (ra) bin Amr and Hazrat Abu Dujanah (ra) said to him, “O Messenger (saw) of Allah! Please come to us. We have honour, wealth, strength and power.” Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah also said, “O Messenger (saw) of Allah!

“There is nobody in my nation who would have more date orchards “or more wells than me along with wealth, power and large numbers.” Upon hearing this, the Holy Prophet (saw) replied, “O Abu Thabit! Make way for the camel.

“It has been ordered to follow a certain path. Thus, is it will go where it pleases.” As I mentioned previously, the name of Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah was among the leaders who were appointed. He was the leader of Banu Sa’idah. The Holy Prophet (saw) established a bond of brotherhood

Between Hazrat Sa’d (ra) and Tulaib (ra) bin Umair, who had migrated from Mecca to Medina. According to Ibn Ishaq, the bond of brotherhood established by the Holy Prophet (saw) was between Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah and Hazrat Abu Dhur Ghaffari (ra).

However, Waqidi has rejected this suggestion because, according to him, the Holy Prophet (saw) established this bond of brotherhood between the companions before the Battle of Badr and Hazrat Abu Dhur Ghaffari (ra) was not present in Medina at that time. He did not participate in the battles of Badr, Uhud and Khandaq.

He presented himself to the Holy Prophet (saw) after these battles. In any case, this is the argument given by [Waqidi]. It is said that there was no house in the tribe of Aus and Khazraj where 4 consecutive generations of their men had displayed such high levels of generosity and open-heartedness,

Except for Dulaim, then his son Ubadah, then his son Sa’d, then his son Qais. There were many famous accounts about the generosity of Dulaim and his family. When the Holy Prophet (saw) came to Medina, Sa’d (ra) used to send a big bowl

Daily for the Holy Prophet (saw) of either meat or ‘thareed’, pieces of bread cooked in meat, or ‘thareed’ made of milk or ‘thareed’ made of made of vinegar and olives or he used to send the Holy Prophet (saw) a bowl of fat but most often he used to send a bowl of meat.

Hazrat Sa’d (ra) would also send the bowl of food to the houses of the wives of the Holy Prophet (saw). According to some narrations, there were also such days where there would be no food in the household of the Holy Prophet (saw),

So it may well be that Hazrat Sa’d (ra) would send the food majority of the time rather than on a daily basis, or that he used to send the food in the early days, or that perhaps, out of his generosity and concern for the poor, the Holy Prophet (saw) would distribute the food

Amongst the less-privileged or offer it to his guests, which is why no food would remain in his home. In any case, there is another narration in which Hazrat Zaid (ra) bin Thabit states, “When the Holy Prophet (saw) stayed at the home of Hazrat Abu Ayyub Ansari (ra), “he had nothing to offer.

“So the first thing I brought to offer him was a bowl with a dish of wheat-bread. “The dish was made of meat and milk, so I presented that to the Holy Prophet (saw) and said, ‘O Messenger (saw) of Allah, my mother has sent this bowl for you’.

“The Holy Prophet (saw) replied, ‘May Allah grant His blessings upon it’. “The Holy Prophet (saw) then called his Companions and they also ate from it. “I had only just reached the door when Hazrat Sa’d bin Ubadah (ra) also came with a bowl,

“which was being carried upon the head of one of his servants, as it was large bowl. “I stood at the door of Hazrat Ayyub (ra) “and I lifted the cloth from the bowl to see what was inside. “I saw a dish with bones, which the servant then presented before the Holy Prophet (saw).”

Hazrat Zaid (ra) further states, “We lived in the neighbourhood of Banu Malik bin Najjar “and three or four of us would take turns to bring food every evening to the Holy Prophet (saw) “during the 7 months that the Holy Prophet (saw) resided in the house of Hazrat Ayyub Ansari (ra).

“In that period, food would arrive to the Holy Prophet (saw) on a daily basis without fail “from Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah and from Hazrat Asad (ra) bin Zurarah.” This particular narration has also clarified somewhat that food was brought to the Holy Prophet (saw) every day for the first 7 months.

It was no doubt also sent after that period, but perhaps without the same regularity. Hazrat Zaid (ra) then further states, “Seeing as the Holy Prophet (saw) “had stayed at the house of Umm-e-Ayyub for 7 months, “when asked with regards to which of the food was the most favourite of the Holy Prophet (saw),

“she answered, ‘I never witnessed the Holy Prophet (saw) ever requesting ‘for something specific to be prepared for him. ‘Similarly, I never saw the Holy Prophet (saw) criticise the food that was brought to him.’ “Hazrat Ayyub (ra) told me that one night, Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah sent a bowl

“for the Holy Prophet (saw) which contained ‘Tufaishal’,” a type of broth, “which he drank to his fill. “Apart from that occasion, I never once saw the Holy Prophet (saw) eating to his fill. “We would also prepare this for the Holy Prophet (saw).”

If food was ever brought to the Holy Prophet (saw) – he would never request for anything, or ask for anything specific to be prepared or criticise the food in any way, nevertheless, he really liked this particular dish that was sent and enjoyed eating it.

Thereafter, when the Companions learnt that the Holy Prophet (saw) enjoyed this meal, they would prepare their food accordingly. Hazrat Zaid (ra) then states, “We would also prepare ‘harees’, “a well-known dish made from wheat and meat, which the Holy Prophet (saw) also enjoyed.

“For the evening meal, there would always be between 5 to 16 Companions “with the Holy Prophet (saw), depending on the amount of food prepared.” Whilst mentioning the days in which the Holy Prophet (saw) resided at the home of Hazrat Abu Ayyub Ansari (ra), Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib (ra) writes:

“The Holy Prophet (saw) stayed in this home for seven months, “or according to Ibni Ishaq, he remained here until the month of Safar 2 A.H. “In other words, the Holy Prophet (saw) remained here until the construction of Masjid-e-Nabawi, “and the adjacent living-quarters of the Holy Prophet (saw).

“Abu Ayyub (ra) would present food to the Holy Prophet (saw), “and then, whatever would remain of it, he would eat himself. “Due to his love and sincerity, he would eat from where the Holy Prophet (saw) had taken his food. “Other Companions (ra) would also present food to the Holy Prophet (saw).

“As such, among these people the name of Sa‘d (ra) bin Ubadah, chieftain of the Khazraj tribe, “has been mentioned particularly in history.” Hazrat Anas (ra) relates that Hazrat Sa’d bin Ubadah (ra) said to the Holy Prophet (saw), “O Messenger (saw) of Allah, come and visit our home”.

So the Holy Prophet (saw) went with Hazrat Sa’d (ra) to his house. Hazrat Sa’d (ra) brought dates and sesame seeds for the Holy Prophet (saw), then a bowl of milk, which the Holy Prophet (saw) drank out of. Qais bin Sa’d (ra), the son of Hazrat Sa’d bin Ubadah (ra),

Relates that when the Holy Prophet (saw) came to meet us at our home, he greeted them, saying ‘Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you’, i.e. the Holy Prophet (saw) conveyed his peace to them. Qais (ra) then says, “My father, Sa’d (ra) replied in a low voice.

“So I asked him, ‘Will you not call the Holy Prophet (saw) in?’ “Hazrat Sa’d (ra) answered his son saying, ‘Allow the Holy Prophet (saw) to send down further blessings upon us.’ “The Holy Prophet (saw) then greeted them once more before departing.”

That is to say when the Holy Prophet (saw) conveyed his peace, he answered in a low tone so that the Holy Prophet (saw) would once again convey his greetings, and in turn, their home would be blessed. In any case, he says, “The Holy Prophet (saw) departed after saying salam once more,

“so Sa’d (ra) followed behind and said, ‘O Messenger (saw) of Allah, I heard your greetings ‘and answered in a low voice so that you may send down further blessings upon us.’” Hence, the Holy Prophet (saw) returned with Hazrat Sa’d (ra).

Hazrat Sa’d (ra) then asked the Holy Prophet (saw) if he would like some water to wash up, and so he did. Hazrat Sa’d (ra) then presented the Holy Prophet (saw) with a cloth dyed with saffron or wars, a yellow plant which grows in Yemen, which is used to dye clothes.

The Holy Prophet (saw) wrapped it around himself, then raised his hands and prayed, “O Allah, send down your blessings and mercy upon the progeny of Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah.” In relation to this account, the narration of Hazrat Anas (ra) states that

Once the Holy Prophet (saw) wished to enter the house of Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah and said “Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you”. Hazrat Sa’d (ra) replied, “Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you too” in a low voice, which the Holy Prophet (saw) did not hear.

The Holy Prophet (saw) then conveyed his ‘Peace’ three times and each time Hazrat Sa’d (ra) answered in the same manner, whereby the Holy Prophet (saw) could not hear him. Therefore, the Holy Prophet (saw) returned. Hazrat Sa’d (ra) then went after the Holy Prophet (saw) and said,

“O Messenger (saw) of Allah, may my parents be sacrificed for you, every time you said ‘Peace’, “I heard it with my own ears and answered in a way whereby you could not hear my voice. “My only desire was to receive as much of your prayers and blessings as possible.”

He then brought the Holy Prophet (saw) to his home and presented raisins before him. The Holy Prophet (saw) ate them and said, “May the pious people continue to eat from your home, “may the angels send down their merciful prayers “and may those fasting open their fasts in your home.”

I.e. the Holy Prophet (saw) prayed for him. Allama ibn Sireen states, “When night would descend, “the companions (ra) would take one or two people “from the Ashaab-e-Suffa to their homes and give them food. “Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah would take 80 companions home and give them food,”

I.e. this would be the case on many occasions, however, there are narrations in which it is recorded that there were days in which the Ashaab-e-Suffa companions would remain without food. Nonetheless, the companions would look after these poorer companions, who would sit near the residence of the Holy Prophet (saw).

Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah would care for them the most. One year after migrating to Medina, in the month of Safar, the Holy Prophet (saw) set out for Abwah, which is located 23 miles from Juhfa, in the direction of Mecca. This was also the place where the grave of Hazrat Amina,

The mother of the Holy Prophet (saw), was situated. The colour of the Holy Prophet (saw)’s flag was white. On this occasion, the Holy Prophet (saw) appointed Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah as his representative or Ameer of Medina. Another name for Ghazwah Abwah is Ghazwah Waddan.

Whilst mentioning Ghazwah Waddan, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib (ra) writes in Seerat Khataman Nabiyyin: “At times, it was a custom of the Holy Prophet (saw) “to set out with the Companions himself “and on some occasions he would dispatch a company in the leadership of a Companion.

“Historians have given separate names to each one of these two types of campaigns. “As such, a campaign in which the Holy Prophet (saw) “personally took part has been termed a ‘Ghazwah’ by historians. “A campaign in which the Holy Prophet (saw) “did not personally take part is referred to as a Sariyyah’or Ba‘ath.

“However, it should be remembered that in a Ghazwah or Sariyyah, “it is not necessary to set out specifically for the purpose of Jihad by the sword. “Rather, every such journey in which the Holy Prophet (saw) personally participated, “whilst in a state of war is known as a Ghazwah,

“even if it was not specifically for the purpose of fighting. “In the same manner, every such journey which was undertaken by a community “as per the command of the Holy Prophet (saw) is known as a Sariyyah or Ba‘ath “in the terminology of historians, even if its fundamental purpose was not of battle.

“However, out of ignorance, some people consider every Ghazwah and Sariyyah “to be a battle campaign, which is incorrect.” It has already been mentioned in the previous sermons that divine permission of Jihad by the sword was granted in the month of Safar, during the second year of migration.

“Since immediate action was required to protect the Muslims from the dangerous intentions “and threatening schemes of the Quraish, the Holy Prophet (saw) set out from Medina “with a community of the Muhajireen, in the name of Allah the Exalted. “Prior to departure, the Holy Prophet (saw)

“appointed Sa‘d (ra) bin Ubadah, Chief of the Khazraj, as the Amir of Medina in his absence, “and set out towards the south-west of Medina on the road to Mecca “until he finally reached Waddan.” The details of this account have previously been mentioned as well. “The people of the Banu Damrah resided here.

“This tribe was a branch of the Banu Kinanah “and in this manner these people were the paternal cousins of the Quraish. “Upon reaching here, the Holy Prophet (saw) engaged “in discussions with the chieftain of the Banu Damrah, and settled a treaty by mutual agreement.

“The conditions of this treaty were that the Banu Damrah would maintain friendly relations “with the Muslims and would not aid an enemy against the Muslims. “Furthermore, when the Holy Prophet (saw) called upon them in support of the Muslims, “they would come immediately.

“On the other hand, on behalf of the Muslims, the Holy Prophet (saw) agreed “that the Muslims would maintain friendly relations with the Banu Damrah “and would aid them whenever it was required. “This treaty was formally written and signed by both parties. “After an absence of fifteen days, the Holy Prophet (saw) returned.

“Another name for the Ghazwah of Waddan is also the Ghazwah of Abwa’. “This is because the village of Abwa’ is closely situated to Waddan “and this was the same place where the noble mother of the Holy Prophet (saw) passed away. “Historians write that in this Ghazwah, along with the Banu Damrah,

“the Holy Prophet (saw) was conscious of the Quraish as well. “This means that in actuality, this campaign of the Holy Prophet (saw) “was to put down the threatening schemes of the Quraish. “Furthermore, its objective was to dispel that poisonous and threatening influence, “which the caravans of the Quraish, etc.,

“had created against the Muslims amongst the tribes of Arabia,” the Quraish would spread false propaganda against the Muslims among other tribes, “and due to which the state of the Muslims was extremely vulnerable during these days.” With regards to Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah participating in the Battle of Badr,

There are two varying opinions. Waqidi, Madayini and ibn Qalbi are of the opinion that Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah participated in the Battle of Badr, however, according to Ibn Ishaaq, Ibn Uqbah and Ibn Sa’d, he did not participate in the Battle of Badr.

Nonetheless, a narration of At-Tabaqat Al-Kubra sheds further light on this incident. It states that Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah was not present in the Battle of Badr. He was making preparations for the battle and would visit various houses of the Ansar to ensure they were prepared for the battle.

However, before the army left for Badr, Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah was bitten by a dog and as a result of this he was not able to participate in the battle. The Holy Prophet (saw) stated that although Sa’d (ra) did not participate in the battle,

He desired fully to partake and thus granted him a share from the spoils of the battle. Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah participated in all the battles alongside the Holy Prophet (saw) including the battles of Badr, Uhud and Khandaq. A narration of Al-Mustadrak has recorded that during the Battle of Badr,

The flag of the Ansar was carried by Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah. When departing for the Battle of Badr, Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah gifted a sword called ‘Azab’ to the Holy Prophet (saw), which he then used during this battle.

Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah also presented the Holy Prophet (saw) with a donkey as a gift. The Holy Prophet (saw) had 7 chain armours, one of which was named “Zaatul Fudhool” owing to its length. Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah gave this chain armour to the Holy Prophet (saw)

When he had departed for the Battle of Badr. This chain armour was made of iron and it was the same chain armour that the Holy Prophet (saw) gave to Abu Sham – a Jew – as assurance, in exchange for barley weighing 30 Saa’ [a unit of measure equal to approximately 2.5 kg].

This chain armour was kept as assurance with him for one year. Hazrat Ibn Abbas (ra) narrates: “During battles, the flag of the Holy Prophet (saw) would be carried “by Hazrat Ali (ra) and the flag of the Ansar would be carried by Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah.

“When the battles would intensify, the Holy Prophet (saw) “would be near the flag of the Ansar,” i.e. the enemy would concentrate their efforts towards the flag of the Ansar because the Holy Prophet (saw) would position himself near their flag. Hazrta Usama bin Zaid (ra) narrates that on one occasion,

The Holy Prophet (saw) was riding a donkey and underneath him was a blanket that was made in ‘Fadak’. The Holy Prophet (saw) placed Hazrat Usama bin Zaid (ra) behind him and they made their way to enquire about Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah, who was ill at the time.

During those days, Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah was in the compound of Banu Harith bin Khazraj. The incident being narrated took place prior to the Battle of Badr. Hazrat Usama bin Zaid (ra) relates that whilst travelling they went past a gathering

In which Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool was also sat – at the time he had not become a Muslim. This is the very incident in Abdulla bin Ubayy bin Salool was discourteous towards the Holy Prophet (saw). Nonetheless, whilst the Holy Prophet (saw) was riding past,

The dust from his mount fell on the gathering that was seated beside the road, Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool covered his nose and said, “Do not cast dust upon us!” The Holy Prophet (saw) offered greetings of Salaam [peace] and stopped, dismounting off the animal.

The Holy Prophet (saw) then invited them towards Allah and recited the Holy Qur’an. Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool replied, “Is there nothing better than what you say. “Even if this were true, do not come to our gathering and disrupt it. “There is no need to say these things in our gathering,”

I have narrated this incident before as well, “rather go back to where you came from and inform those who come to you.” Upon hearing this, Hazrat Abdullah (ra) bin Rawaha, who had accepted Islam and was a Companion, stated, “Nay O Prophet (saw) of Allah! You should come to our gatherings

“and recite this to us as we greatly enjoy this.” Consequently, the Muslims, idolaters and Jews began to quarrel with one another and were almost about to attack one another, however the Holy Prophet (saw) continued to calm them down. Eventually, they stopped and the Holy Prophet (saw) mounted his animal

And set off and reached Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah. The Holy Prophet (saw) asked Hazrat Sa’d bin Ubadah (ra), “O Sa’d! Have you heard what Abu Hubaab said to me today?” The Holy Prophet (saw) was referring to Abdullah bin Ubayy. The Holy Prophet (saw) then related to him the entire incident.

Hazrat Sa’d bin Ubadah (ra) replied, “O Prophet (saw) of Allah! “Forgive him and overlook [this act of his]. “I swear by Him, Who has revealed the Holy Quran to you that God Almighty has now “established the truth which He has bestowed upon you.

“The people of this town had previously decided to appoint him, “i.e. Abdullah bin Ubayy, as their leader and to place the crown of leadership upon his head. “However, when Allah the Almighty did not allow this to happen owing to the truth

“which God Almighty has revealed to you, he began to burn in his fire of jealousy. “This is the reason why he uttered this.” i.e. he was about to be appointed as the leader, however, with the arrival of the Holy Prophet (saw), this was taken away from him.

That is why he was jealous of the Holy Prophet (saw) and said the aforementioned. Upon hearing this, the Holy Prophet (saw) forgave him. When the idolaters and the People of Book would cause affliction to the Holy Prophet (saw) and his Companions (ra), they would in turn forgive them

As per the commandment of God Almighty: (Arabic). “You shall surely be tried in your possessions and in your persons “and you shall surely hear many hurtful things from those who were given the Book before you “and from those who set up equals to God.

“But if you show fortitude and act righteously, that indeed is a matter of strong determination.” God Almighty then stated: (Arabic). “Many of the People of the Book wish out of sheer envy from their own selves that, “after you have believed, they could turn you again into disbelievers.

“But forgive and turn away from them, till Allah brings about His decree. “Surely, Allah has the power to do all that He wills.” The Holy Prophet (saw) would always prefer to forgive, just as God Almighty had commanded him to do so. Eventually, God Almighty granted them permission to challenge the disbelievers

In the Battle of Badr and through this battle, God Almighty brought an end to the leaders of the Quraish. Consequently, Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool and other idolaters said that this community [i.e. the Muslims] is now beginning to succeed.

Upon witnessing the defeat of the disbelievers, they affirmed belief in the Holy Prophet (saw) and pledged allegiance to him, thereby entering the fold of Islam. In a narration by Hazrat Anas (ra), the Holy Prophet (saw) sought counsel from the Companions

About the Battle of Badr, Hazrat Sa’d bin Ubadah (ra) also gave his advice. When the Holy Prophet (saw) was informed that Abu Sufyan was heading towards them, he sought advice from the Companions. The narrator states: “Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) gave his advice, “but the Holy Prophet (saw) did not agree.

“Similarly, Hazrat Umar (ra) wished to give his advice, “but again the Holy Prophet (saw) did not accept it. “Then, Hazrat Sa’d bin Ubadah (ra) stood up and said: ‘O Messenger (saw) of Allah! You seek counsel from us. ‘I swear by Him in Whose hand is my life,

“if you command us to jump into the sea with our horses, we will do so. ‘If you command us to chase the enemy all the way to Barqul Imaad, we will do so.’” This is a coastal city of Yemen, which is situated at a distance of 5 days travel from Mecca.

The narrator then says: “The Holy Prophet (saw) gathered the people “and they began the journey until they reached Badr.” Having heard Hazrat Sa’d bin Ubadah (ra)’s submission, the Holy Prophet (saw) began the journey along with his companions until they reached the plains of Badr.

When they reached there, the people assigned to collect water for the Quraish were also there. Among those assigned was a boy with dark complexion from the Banu Hajjaj. The Muslims captured him and enquired about Abu Sufyan and his army.

Initially they had heard that Abu Sufyan was travelling with a large army or group. Nonetheless, they enquired about Abu Sufyan from him. He said that he had no knowledge about Abu Sufyan, however, Abu Jahl, Utbah, Shaibah and Umayyah bin Khalf are certainly present in the army.

When he said this, they began to hit him and so he said, “Alright, I will tell you about him. “Abu Sufyan is also among them.” However, when they let go of him and again enquired where Abu Sufyan was, he replied with the same response that he had no knowledge where Abu Sufyan was,

Although Abu Jahl, Utbah, Shaibah and Umaiyyah bin Khalf are among the army which has camped near Badr but Abu Sufyan is not with them. And so, when he repeated this statement of his, they again began to hit him. The Holy Prophet (saw) was offering his prayers at the time

And when he became aware of this situation, he concluded his prayers and stated, “I swear by Him, in Whose hands is my life, when he speaks the truth, “you beat him and when he utters falsehood, you let him go.” The narrator [of this tradition] states that the Holy Prophet (saw) then stated,

“Whatever this young man is saying, is the truth.” The Holy Prophet (saw) then pointed towards the exact spot with his hands where certain individuals from the enemy were going to fall in the battlefield of Badr. The narrator states that every single one of them was killed and fell in the exact spot

Where the Holy Prophet (saw) had already pointed out from before where they were going to die. Prior to the Battle of Uhad, one Friday evening, Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Muaz, Hazrat Usaid (ra) bin Huzair and Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah stood guard outside the door

Of the Holy Prophet (saw) in Masjid Nabwi until Fajr. When the Holy Prophet (saw) was about to leave for Medina, he mounted his horse, placed his bow on his shoulder and grabbed hold of his spear. Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Muaz and Hazrat Sa’d bin Ubadah

Began to ride ahead of the Holy Prophet (saw). Both of these companions were wearing their armour, while the rest of the people were on the right and left of the Holy Prophet (saw). Whilst describing the conditions at the time of the Battle of Uhud, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib (ra) writes:

“After observing the Asr Salat, the Holy Prophet (saw) set out from Medina “with a large community of the Companions (ra). “The chieftains of the Aus and Khazraj tribe, Sa‘d (ra) bin Muaz and Sa‘d (ra) bin Ubadah “proceeded along, running slowly, just ahead of the mount of the Holy Prophet (saw),

“and the rest of the Companions moved forward-positioned to the right, “left and behind the Holy Prophet (saw).” Hazrat Sa‘d (ra) bin Ubadah was among those Companions (ra) who stood resolutely with the Holy Prophet (saw) during the Battle of Uhud. When the Holy Prophet (saw) returned to Medina from the Battle of Uhud

And dismounted his horse, he was supported by Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Muaz and Hazrat Sa‘d (ra) bin Ubadah to his house. The Holy Prophet (saw) had sustained injuries, therefore when he dismounted from his horse, he took the support of these two companions. Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah relates that during the Ghazwah of Hamra-ul-Asad,

Their main provisions for food were dates. The Ghazwah of Hamra-ul-Asad took place in Shawal, 3 AH. When the Holy Prophet (saw) returned from the Battle of Uhud, the Quraish stopped at Rauha, which is situated approximately 36 miles from Medina. Whilst here, the Quraish thought that since the Muslims have suffered greatly,

Therefore they should return and launch a sudden attack on Medina. Owing to the loss suffered by the Muslims, they will not be able to fight back. Subsequently, when the Holy Prophet (saw) learnt about their intentions, he decided to set out and pursue the Quraish and reached Hamra-ul-Asad.

Hamra-ul-Asad is approximately 8 miles from Medina towards the direction of Dhul-Hulaifah. When the army of Quraish found out that the Holy Prophet (saw) was approaching, they quickly ran towards Mecca. When they found out that instead of showing weakness, the Muslims were in fact coming to attack them, they ran away.

The narrator of this tradition states that Hazat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah brought 30 camels and dates to Hamra-ul-Asad, which was more than sufficient for their needs. Among the camels he brought, two or sometimes three camels would be slaughtered daily which they would all eat from.

The Ghazwah of Banu Nazir took place in Rabi-ul-Awal, 4 A.H. in which the Holy Prophet (saw) besieged the fortresses of the Banu Nazir for 15 days. The Holy Prophet (saw) expelled them [from Medina] just like the people of Khayber were expelled. When the Holy Prophet (saw) received the spoils on this occasion,

He called for Hazrat Thabit (ra) bin Qais and told him to bring his people. Hazrat Thabit (ra) bin Qais submitted, “O Prophet (saw) of Allah! Do you mean the people of Khazraj?” The Holy Prophet (saw) replied, “No, bring all the people of Ansar.”

Hence, he went and called the people of Aus and Khazraj. The Holy Prophet (saw) praised Allah the Almighty which He is most worthy of and then recounted the favours of the Ansar which they conferred upon the Muhajireen whereby they allowed them to stay in their houses and gave the Muhajireen precedence over themselves.

Thereafter, the Holy Prophet (saw) stated that if they wish, he will evenly distribute the spoils from the Banu Nazir, which the Muslims acquired without engaging in any actual battle against them, between the Ansar and Muhajireen. In such a case the Muhajireen will continue to live in their houses

And partake of their wealth and will be afforded their rights which had been established owing to the bond of brotherhood that was formed between them. However, if they wished, he could distribute all the wealth among the Muhajireen as a result of which they will leave their houses.

In other words, they will receive the entire share of the wealth but will then leave the houses of the Ansar and will no longer have any of the rights they previously had as a result of the bond of brotherhood that established between them.

Upon this Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah and Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Muaz submitted to the Holy Prophet (saw) that the Holy Prophet (saw) could distribute the entire wealth among the Muhajireen and not give anything to the Ansar, but even then they can still continue to live in their houses as

They were living before and the rights which were established for them as a result of the bond of brotherhood that was formed between them will also remain, i.e. they can continue to live freely in their houses. All of the Ansar unanimously agreed to this.

Upon this the Holy Prophet (saw) stated, “O Allah! Grant Your mercy to the Ansar and their sons.” Hence, the spoils granted to the Holy Prophet (saw) on this occasion were distributed among the Muhajireen. Apart from two companions from among the Ansar, nothing was given to the Ansar.

The two companions were Hazrat Sahl (ra) bin Hunaif and Hazrat Abu Dajna (ra) who were in need of it. Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Mauz however was granted the sword of Abu Huqaiq. Hazrat Sa’d (ra)’s mother, Hazrat Hamrah (ra) bint Masud was from among the female companions.

She passed away when the Holy Prophet (saw) had left for the Ghazwah of Domat-ul-Jandal. This Ghazwah took place in Rabi-ul-Awal, 5 A.H. Hazrat Sa’d (ra) accompanied the Holy Prophet (saw) in this Ghazwah. Saeed bin Musayyab relates that Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah’s mother passed away

When the Holy Prophet (saw) was not in Medina. When he leant of the news of his mother’s demise, he requested Holy Prophet (saw) to lead her funeral prayer and the Holy Prophet (saw) lead her funeral prayer. Hazrat Sa’d (ra) received the news almost a month later.

Hazrat Ibn Abbas (ra) relates that Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah sought guidance from the Holy Prophet (saw) in regards to a promise his mother had pledged but passed away before she could fulfil it. The Holy Prophet (saw) stated that he should fulfil it for her.

Hazrat Saeed bin Musayyab relates that Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah presented himself before the Holy Prophet (saw) and submitted, “My mother has passed away but she did not leave any inheritance. “If I were to offer some Sadaqah [charity/alms] on her behalf, will that grant any benefit to her?”

The Holy Prophet (saw) replied in the affirmative. He then submitted, “Which type of Sadaqah do you prefer most?” The Holy Prophet (saw) replied, “Provide water”. It seems that at the time there was an extreme shortage of water and there was a great need for it.

According to another narration, it is reported that Hazrat Sa’d (ra) dug a well and stated that this well was on behalf of Umme Sa’d. Allama Abu Tayyab Shams-ul-Haq Azeem Abadi has written in the commentary of Abu Daud that when the Holy Prophet (saw) mentioned that the greatest form of Sadaqah

Is to provide water it was because there was a great shortage of water at the time. Also, it could be because out of all things, the need for water is generally required more. He further writes that the reason why the Holy Prophet (saw) considered providing water

As the greatest form of Sadaqah was because water is most beneficial in religious as well as worldly needs, and particular in countries where the climate is hot. It is for this reason that Allah the Almighty has mentioned this favour of His in the following verse: “And We send down pure water from the sky.” Due to its general need, extreme heat and shortage of supply, water was greatly valued in Medina, in fact, even today water is greatly valued and governments are always urging to take care of it.

However, Hazrat Sa’d (ra) did not just simply dig a well but in fact Hazrat Ibn Abbas (ra) states that Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah was from among the Banu Saidah and when his mother passed away, he was not present at the time.

He went to the Holy Prophet (saw) and said, “O Messenger (saw) of Allah! “My mother has passed away and at the time I was not with her” He learnt of her demise upon his return – earlier perhaps I said that he learnt of this news

Whilst he was still travelling, but in any case, he was not present at the time of her demise. He came to the Holy Prophet (saw) and said, “I was not present at the time of her demise. “If I offer some Sadaqah on her behalf will this grant her any benefit?”

The Holy Prophet (saw) replied, “Yes.” Hazrat Sa’d (ra) then stated, “O Prophet (saw) of Allah! “I call you to witness that I will donate my orchard, Makhraf, on her behalf.” Hazrat Sa’d (ra) bin Ubadah spent very generously and openheartedly in charity and for the needy.

I will continue to relate his account in the future sermon, God Willing. All praise is due to Allah. We laud Him, we beseech help from Him and ask His protection; we confide in Him, we trust Him alone and we seek protection against the evils and mischief of our souls

And from the bad results of our deeds. Whomsoever He guides on the right path, none can misguide him; and whosoever He declares misled, none can guide him onto the right path. And we bear witness that none deserves to be worshipped except Allah. We bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.

O servants of Allah! May Allah be merciful to you. Verily, Allah commands you to act with justice, to confer benefits upon each other and to do good to others as one does to one ‘s kindred and forbids evil which pertain to your own selves

And evils which affect others and prohibits revolts against a lawful authority. He warns you against being unmindful. You remember Allah; He too will remember you; call Him and He will make a response to your call. And verily divine remembrance is the highest virtue.

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