Ahmadi Muslim VideoTube Friday Sermon Khalifa V Friday Sermon | خطبئہِ جمعہ | October 20, 2017

Friday Sermon | خطبئہِ جمعہ | October 20, 2017

Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2017

Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah. I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah.

Come to Prayer Come to Prayer Come to success Come to success Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. There is none worthy of worship except Allah. Peace be upon you. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah He is alone and has no partner

And I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is His Servant and Messenger After this I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to the Almighty Allah who Lords over all the universe. The Gracious, the ever Merciful.

Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help. Guide us in the right path The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings, those who have not incurred Thy displeasure, and those who have not gone astray.

In the previous Friday sermon, I read out an excerpt by the Promised Messiah (as), in which he said regarding the general state of Muslims that, “Had they not come to be in this current state and had they not distanced themselves completely

“from the essence of Islam, then what was the need for my coming? “The state of the faith of these people has become extremely feeble. “They are absolutely unaware of the meaning and the purpose of Islam.” He further stated – and this was not read out previously – that,

“These people think, ‘What is it about us that may be deemed contrary to Islam? “We declare that there is none worthy of worship except Allah [la ilaha illAllah].” In other words, Muslims generally consider that they express that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, observe the prayers, observe the fasting during

The prescribed days of fasting and pay the zakat [obligatory alms]. The Promised Messiah (as) states, “I, however, say that all of their actions do not have the manner of righteous deeds. “Otherwise, if these are righteous deeds, then why do they not produce pure results?

“They are only considered righteous deeds if they are free from all mischief and corruption. “However, you do not find such things in them.” Today, we see that the worst kind of disorder is found in Muslim countries and in Muslim groups. They are busy killing each other.

Although everyone says “La ilaha illAllah”, but kills people who also says “La ilaha illAllah”. He usurps their rights and tries to harm them through all possible means. Is this the teaching of the Holy Qur’an upon which these people are acting?

Is this the example of the Holy Prophet (saw), which these people are following? Nowadays, we observe that materialism is prevalent everywhere. Even if people invoke the name of religion, it is only to make a success out of their politics and, in their own estimation, to establish their governments or to rescue them.

However, the following statement by Hazrat Aisha (ra) regarding the life and character of the Holy Prophet (saw) is worth being written in gold. That is, [ARABIC] i.e. “If you wish to know about his character and his habits, then study the Holy Qur’an, “which describes his life and character in detail.”

He established such examples so that the believers, his followers may act according them and not merely in order to raise slogans. That is also what Allah the Exalted has stated that, “You cannot establish a true relationship with Me by merely reciting “La ilaha illAllah.”

“Rather, if you wish to attain my love, follow my beloved Prophet and adopt his character and “you will become my beloved and reach the station, which is the station of Allah’s nearness. “Otherwise, your slogans are hollow.” Thus, Allah the Exalted states: [ARABIC]

Say, ‘If you love Allah, follow me: then will Allah love you and forgive you your faults. “And Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful.” [Holy Quran Chapter 3, Verse 32] Can the state of Muslims today be that of those whom Allah the Exalted loves?

Clerics – whom the general Muslims believe to be Allah’s loved ones and those near to Him – are the ones who are creating the most disorder in the world. Even in Pakistan there are some analysts, columnists, journalists and other people have even started mentioning in the media that this plight of the Muslims

Is a result of these so-called scholars. Hence, at this time the general state of Muslim scholars demands for someone to be present to inform them of the reality of the Holy Qur’an as well as that of the Sunnah [practical example of the Holy Prophet (saw)].

According to His promise, Allah the Exalted has sent this person [i.e. the Promised Messiah (as)] however, the scholars do not wish to listen to him, nor do they allow others to listen to him. Rather, they have created a general state of fear, terror, disorder and corruption by

Issuing edicts of heresy against the one who has come from Allah the Exalted. Every day this allegation is levelled against the Promised Messiah (as) that he, God forbid, established the Jama’at in order to acquire and fulfil his worldly desires and in order to elevate his personal status.

Nevertheless, we are aware that he was an ardent devotee of the Holy Prophet (saw) and that Allah sent him in order to complete [the spread] of the Shari’ah of the Holy Prophet (saw). We were only able to understand and comprehend the profound knowledge and sciences of the Holy Qur’an through him.

He guided us on every occasion using the teachings of the Holy Qur’an. Hence, he mentioned this verse [Say, ‘If you love Allah, follow me: then will Allah love you] on different occasions and presented the meanings from various perspectives.

These are the very aspects, which can enable a person to acquire the nearness of Allah and become His loved one, which in turn safeguards a person from the state of disorder and corruption. Apart from this, there is no other way for Muslims

To retain their existence other than to firmly establish and uphold peace in their countries and to manifest the glory and grandeur of Islam in the world. Virtuous outcomes will be acquired and established when the Holy Prophet (saw) will be followed in its true essence.

Otherwise the declaration of faith that there is none worthy of worship except Allah will remain a hollow slogan and so will the part Muhammad (saw) is the messenger of Allah. To elaborate on this verse I have chosen extracts of the writings of the Promised Messiah (as).

On one occasion, the Promised Messiah (as) says: “The cause for the internal division of Muslims is the love for this [material] world. “The reason for this is that if merely the pleasure of Allah the Exalted had been given “preference to, it would easily be understood that the principles of such sect are clearer.

“Furthermore, they would accept them and become one. “Now, when this disorder is being created due to the love of the world, how can such people “be called Muslims when they do not follow the footsteps of the Holy Prophet (saw)? Allah the Exalted has said: [Arabic]

That is “Say, ‘If you love Allah, follow me: then will Allah befriend you’.” The Promised Messiah (as) says, “Instead of the love of Allah the Exalted and instead of following “the Holy Prophet (saw), they have given preference to the love of this world.

“Is this called following the Holy Prophet (saw)? Was the Holy Prophet (saw) a worldly person? “Did he, God forbid, take interest or demonstrate negligence in fulfilling his responsibilities of “Divine commandments? Did he, God forbid, possess even an element of hypocrisy and pretence and

“did he give preference to the world over religion? Contemplate [over this]! “Following the Holy Prophet (saw) means to follow his footsteps and “then to observe how Allah the Exalted showers His blessings.” However, the practical state of Muslims these days, moreover, the practical example demonstrated

By Allah the Exalted testifies to the fact that their condition is worsening. Countries are fighting with one another. Muslim countries are approaching and begging others to fight other Muslim countries. In the recent few days, the president of USA has once again announced that restrictions are being

Placed against Iran, and this is taking place contrary to the belief of the whole of Europe, the European Union and other countries are also against this decision. Even in the UK, a columnist has written that the entire world is against this decision by the President of the USA.

However, there are three such countries that say that USA is acting appropriately. The USA itself is one of them, the second is Israel and the third is Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is giving permission to a non-Muslim country to wage war against a Muslim country. As a matter of fact, it is supporting it.

Hence, these are the conditions of Muslims and this is exactly what the Promised Messiah (as) has depicted when he mentioned that the Muslims are divided. How then will they acquire the blessings of Allah the Exalted? The Promised Messiah (as) has explained how a person can truly act virtuously and

Can acquire the pleasure of Allah the Exalted. He has also mentioned how one can attain the rewards of Allah the Exalted and how can such people the Promised Messiah (as) himself acquired these rewards. The Promised Messiah (as) says, “I speak truthfully…”

Edicts are issued against the Promised Messiah (as) that he has, God forbid, deviated from the teachings of the Holy Prophet (saw) and the teachings of Islam. The Promised Messiah (as) says: “I say truly and I do so based on my experience that

“none can truly act virtuously, attain the pleasure of Allah the Exalted, “nor derive benefit from these rewards, blessings, profound wisdoms, truths and visions, “which are acquired at the highest stage of the purification of the soul” (when a person reaches the highest stage of the purification of the soul,

(only then does he receive rewards and blessings from Allah the Exalted and “until he subjugates himself in following the Holy Prophet (saw). “Furthermore, evidence of this is found in the very words of God the Exalted: “Say, ‘If you love Allah, follow me: then will Allah love you.” The Promised Messiah (as) says: “I am a practical and living proof of this statement.

“In this age and era, Allah the Exalted shares communion with me as I have immersed myself in the “being of the Holy Prophet (saw) and have followed him completely. “Subsequently, Allah the Exalted showed his affection towards me.” Thus, [in reply to] those who raise allegations against the Promised Messiah (as) that he has

Decreased the status of the Holy Prophet (saw), the Promised Messiah (as) has affirmed himself that the status that he has acquired was through loving and truly following the Holy Prophet (saw). The person, whom the world considers to have decreased the status of the Holy Prophet (saw),

Is in fact the true and ardent devotee of the Holy Prophet (saw), who followed him in the true essence. As a result of loving His beloved [the Holy Prophet (saw)], Allah the Exalted blessed him in such a manner that he also made the Promised Messiah (as) His beloved.

Regarding the task assigned to him due to his complete submission of the Holy Prophet (saw) the Promised Messiah (as) says: “I was sent to once again establish the lost grandeur “of the Holy Prophet (saw) and “manifest to the world the verities of the Holy Qur’an and all of this is prevailing.

“However, those who have a cover over their eyes are unable to witness this.” Then, elaborating on this verse, at one place the Promised Messiah (as) says: “Say, if you desire to become dear to God and have your sins forgiven, then you must follow me.”

This is the translation of this verse of Allah the Exalted. The Promised Messiah (as) says “What does it mean to follow me? “It means that this command is such that an individual is not deprived from seeking the mercy

“of God and becomes a source of deliverance from sins, making one a beloved of Allah Almighty.” The Promised Messiah (as) continues by saying: “Your claim to have love for Allah the Almighty “will only be proven authentic and complete if you follow the Holy Prophet (saw).”

He says “It is clear from this verse that man cannot become God’s beloved and “deserving of His nearness with any of his self-devised spiritual exercises and efforts. “The Divine splendor and blessings cannot descend on anyone “until a person is completely absorbed in the obedience of the Holy Prophet (saw).

“A person who loses himself in the love of the Holy Prophet (saw) and “endures every type of sacrifice, “receives the radiance of faith and love that liberates him from everything other than God and “delivers him from sins and becomes a source of salvation. “He lives a virtuous life in this world and

“is rescued from the narrow, dark graves of carnal passions. “This is mentioned in a hadith, where the Holy Prophet (saw) has said: [ARABIC] ‘I am the one to raise up the dead and they will be revived through me.’ The spiritually dead are revived by the Holy Prophet (saw) and

His followers become the beloved of Allah Almighty. In another place the Promised Messiah (as) further elaborates on this by saying: “Allah Almighty has shown a way to obtain great happiness through the obedience of “the Holy Prophet (saw) as He clearly mentions in the verse [ARABIC]

‘Say, That is, follow me so that Allah befriends you.’ “This does not mean that one engages in worship superficially. “If this was the essence of faith then what would be the significance of prayer and fasting “if someone was to do something and refrain from certain things on his own accord?”

This should not be mistaken with praying superficially, rather, the due rights of prayers should be offered. Prayers should be offered on time and one should pray with the mindset that he is standing in front of Allah Almighty, otherwise worship is meaningless.

The Promised Messiah (as) says “Islam is not merely the name of a religion, rather, “in reality it means that one offers themselves like a lamb to be sacrificed “just like the Holy Prophet (saw) said ‘My death, my life, my prayers and my sacrifices

“are all for the sake of Allah and I am the first one to submit.’ Hence, those who are truly obedient raise the standards of their acts of worship. Every one of us should reflect on this and improve in this regard otherwise our claims of devotion and obedience will be hollow.

Commenting on the Holy Prophet (saw)’s perfect belief in God, the Promised Messiah (as) says: “Say, ‘If you love Allah, follow me: then will Allah love you.’ “Man can become God’s beloved by showing complete obedience to the Holy Prophet (saw).

“This leads us to believe that he was the model of perfect belief in God.” The Promised Messiah (as) infers that the Holy Prophet (saw) possessed complete belief in God. He (saw) held such a status that cannot be reached by anyone and

For that reason Allah Almighty declared him to be a model of performing worship and other morals. The Promised Messiah (as) says: “Man cannot develop complete love of Allah Almighty without “using the morals and attributes of the Holy Prophet (saw) as his guide.

“Thus , Allah Almighty says ‘Say, “If you love Allah, follow me: then will Allah love you.”’ “True obedience of the Holy Prophet (saw) is to adopt his morals.” And so firstly there is the hue of worship and secondly there is the hue of high moral standards.

To be a true followers means to instil the moral characteristics within you that have been outlined in the Holy Quran. As has mentioned previously that Hazrat Ayesha (ra) said [ARABIC] – to determine his [i.e. The Holy Prophet’s (saw)] moral standards, read the Holy Quran as they were an illustration and reflection of it.

Therefore this is also why it is necessary for us to read the Holy Quran. Before we advise others, we need to assess our own condition that after accepting the Promised Messiah (as), to what extent have we made the Holy Quran our code of conduct and incorporated it into our bai’at?

To what degree do we remain steadfast on truthfulness and justice? To what extent do we make efforts to establish the rights of others? The Promised Messiah (as) says at one place: ‘Not every person has the capability to meet with God by his own doing and this is why an

“intercessor is necessary and that intercessor is the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet (saw). “Thus one who forsakes him can never achieve his purpose and be successful. “Man is in fact a servant and the servant’s role is to follow the instructions of his master.

“Therefore if you wish to receive the blessings of the Holy Prophet (saw) then become his servant. “Allah the Almighty says in the Holy Quran: [Arabic] Meaning ‘O My servants who have committed excesses against their own souls.” The Promised Messiah (as) states: “In this instance the word people is referred

“to as servants rather than ordinary individuals. “In order to become the servant of the Holy Prophet (saw) it is vital for one to send “salutations upon him and to obey every one of his commandments “and refrain from those acts that he declared unlawful. [Arabic]

In other words “If you love Allah the Almighty then show complete obedience to “the Holy Prophet [saw] and devote and give yourself up entirely in his way” – and thus Allah the Almighty will love you.

Thus even a serial sinner if he desires to truly reform himself can win the love of Allah by engaging in istighfar and following the example of the Holy Prophet [saw]. Then the Promised Messiah (as) says: “One way of pleasing Allah the Almighty “is to demonstrate true obedience to the Holy Prophet (saw).”

We see that people have become embroiled in all sorts of customs and rituals. Many a type of harmful innovations and customs are practised by people after the death of person whereas it should be prayers and supplications that are offered for the deceased.

When these misguided rituals are performed they not only run contrary to the Holy Prophet [saw], in fact they are also an insult to the Holy Prophet (saw). The new customs that have been concocted do not only violate the Holy Prophet’s [saw] instructions rather in one sense they are an affront to him.

Now, those who passed laws of blasphemy against the Holy Prophet [saw] are the ones most deeply involved in practising such harmful innovations. The Promised Messiah (as) continues regarding the nature of the insult such people show to the Holy Prophet (saw): “It is as if they do not consider the Holy Prophet (saw) sufficient

“because had they done so, why would they need to stoop to this “low level of forming these customs and rituals.” And so these people who hurl edicts at us of being infidels need to look at their own state. The Promised Messiah (as) then says at one place:

“The Holy Prophet (saw) says if you love Allah the Almighty then follow me. Following me will result in Allah the Almighty loving you and He will forgive you of your sins. The Promised Messiah (as) states: “Thus, it is evident from this verse that until one does not completely follow

“the Holy Prophet (saw), he cannot attain the grace and blessings of Allah the Almighty “and neither is one granted the insight and wisdom which can vanquish his life of sin “and the fiery nature of his inner desires. ” The expression, ‘the Ulema [scholars] of my Ummah’ applies to such people.”

If one wants to attenuate the passions of his inner-self then one must show complete subservience to the Holy Prophet (saw) and follow his noble example. Likewise, if one wishes to attain true insight and wisdom and become his beloved then one must follow the Holy Prophet (saw).

If one seeks to lead a life free from sin then one must follow the Holy Prophet (saw). Those who accomplish this attain the status of those regarding whom the Holy Prophet (saw) stated that the Ulema of my Ummah will be like the prophets of the Bani Israel [the House of Israel].

However, this certainly does not apply to the Ulema of today and they have not achieved this status because they do not believe in the everlasting grace and blessings of the Holy Prophet (saw). They do not believe that one can attain such blessings from the Holy Prophet (saw).

Furthermore, regarding the status of the Holy Prophet (saw), the Promised Messiah (as) states: “The highest status of the Holy Prophet (saw) was that he was the beloved of God, “however God Almighty also taught the others so that they may attain this status too as He states: ” ‘[Arabic text]’.

“That is, Say, ‘If you love Allah, follow me: then will Allah love you’ ’’ God Almighty made this proclamation through the Holy Prophet (saw). The Promised Messiah (as) further states: “Ponder over this greatly! What more does one need when the love for the Holy Prophet (saw)

“enables one to become the beloved of God.” In other place, the Promised Messiah (as) states: “One who claims that salvation can be achieved without the Holy Prophet (saw), “utters a lie as this is completely contrary to what God Almighty has taught us. ” God Almighty states: ” ‘[Arabic]’

” That is, ‘O Prophet Muhammad (saw)! ” ‘Let the people know: If you love God Almighty then follow me: then will Allah love you.’ ” Without following the Holy Prophet (saw) no one can attain salvation. “Those who harbour enmity against the Holy Prophet (saw) will also be held accountable.

“This is part of our faith.” On one occasion, the Promised Messiah (as) was having a debate in the form of submitting question and answers with a Christian. The Christian presented a reference in regards to the status of Jesus (as) in which Jesus (as) states:

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” Jesus (as) also stated: “I am light” and “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” In other words, he stated that he is the light, one who shows the way

And one who gives life, so they should come to him. Upon this the Christian scholar asked the question that “Did the founder of the Islam, “the Holy Prophet (saw), ever speak of himself in these terms?” The Promised Messiah (as) replied to this and said: “The Holy Quran clearly states: ” ‘[Arabic text]’

” In other words, ‘Say, If you love Allah, follow me: ” ‘then will Allah love you and forgive you your faults.’ ’’ The Promised Messiah (as) further states: ” The promise, that by following the Holy Prophet [saw] one is loved by God, “surpasses all the sayings of the Messiah,

” for there can be no station higher than attaining the love of God.” Jesus (as) said that “Come and acquire the light” , however God Almighty here states to the Holy Prophet (saw) that he should declare that one who

Follows him can become the beloved of God Almighty and will also have his sins forgiven. The Promised Messiah (as) further states: ” Who is more worthy of proclaiming himself the light than he who leads to God’s love? ” This was the period when the Christian missionaries were widely preaching Christianity

In India and hundreds of thousands of Muslims had entered the fold of Christianity. The Muslim Ulema [scholars] and leaders failed to defend Islam and present the great status and grandeur of the Holy Prophet (saw) in such a manner that would silence the non-Muslims.

It was in such a time that the Promised Messiah (as) challenged them as he was the one whom God Almighty had sent to present the true status of Islam and the Holy Prophet (saw) to the world.

The history of India bears testimony to the fact that it was this great champion of God who defended Islam from the onslaughts from the Christian missionaries with strong proofs and arguments that not only stopped them in their tracks but also defeated them.

We find in history that this was acknowledged by the Muslims of that time. In fact, even in this present era it has been acknowledged by the Ulema who oppose us. A few years ago, Dr Israr-ul-Haq, who has now passed away,

Admitted that it was Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian who truly defended Islam in those days. Nevertheless, this is a fact that the manner in which the Promised Messiah (as) elevated the honour of Islam and the Holy Prophet (saw), no other scholar was able to do so.

The Promised Messiah (as) then presented a very beautiful argument from the verse, ” [Arabic]” in order to prove that Jesus (as) passed away. The Arabs in particular very firmly believe Jesus (as) to be alive in the heavens. In any case, the Promised Messiah (as) refutes this claim by presenting the argument and states:

” In my view, a Momin [believer] is one who “follows the Holy Prophet (saw) and only such a person can attain a lofty status.” Just as God Almighty Himself states: “[Arabic text] ” That is, “Say, If you love Allah, follow me: then will Allah love you.” The Promised Messiah (as) states:

” True love demands that one develops a deep bond with the actions of one’s beloved.” One should have a close relationship and attachment. The Promised Messiah (as) further states: ” Death is included in the Sunnah [practise] of the Holy Prophet (saw)” (In other words, the Holy Prophet (saw) also experienced death).

” The Holy Prophet (saw) passed away therefore who can yearn to live forever, ” or approve of it for anyone else that he lives on forever.” No one can live eternally among the followers of the Holy Prophet (saw) and neither would anyone have this desire who truly believes in the Holy Prophet (saw)

Or believe in a doctrine which considers someone else to have an eternal life. The Promised Messiah (as) states: ” True love demands that one should become wholly immersed in subservience to the Holy Prophet (saw) ” in that he has complete control over his inner passions

“and reflects as to whose Ummah [community] he belongs to. ” “In such an instance where one holds the belief that Jesus (as) is still alive in the heavens, ” how can then he truly profess to love and follow the Holy Prophet (saw)? ” Since he accepts Jesus (as) to be considered more superior

” and declares the Holy Prophet (saw) among the dead ” and is content in believing Jesus (as) to still be alive. ” On the one hand they claim to love the Holy Prophet (saw) and follow his commands, yet on the other hand, by accepting that the Messiah (as) is alive

In the heaven they accept him to be superior. Thus, in this day and age, it is only the Promised Messiah (as) who defended the Islam and the Holy Prophet (saw) from every attack, as well as elevating his status. This was the purpose of the advent of the Promised Messiah (as),

Yet the [Muslim] clerics only raise allegations against him. Whilst explaining the fact that it is only the Holy Prophet (saw) that is alive, the Promised Messiah (as) states: “Just ponder over the fact that contrary to the Qur’an and the Sunnah “when people assert that Prophet Jesus (as) is alive in the heavens,

“it grants the priests an opportunity to raise allegations. ” They immediately say that ” ‘your prophet has perished and (heaven forbid) he is buried in the earth. ” In fact this has taken place on certain television channels and owing to this the Arabs were uneasy about this matter.

Eventually, when they heard our arguments through the Arabic programme called ‘Hiwaar’ on MTA, many people appreciated our arguments and accepted them, yet, the clerics do not accept them. The Promised Messiah (as) further states: “they [the priests] say Prophet Jesus (as) is alive in

“the heavens, then whilst slandering the Holy Prophet (saw) they would say he has perished.” It is the Christian priests who spontaneously respond by saying: ” your prophet has died and (heaven forbid) he is buried in the earth”. Furthermore, Christian propaganda has consisted of defaming the Holy Prophet (saw)

By saying that he has died. The Promised Messiah (as) states: “Contemplate over this matter and tell me that is this belief ” not a stain on the Prophet who was the greatest of all the messengers “and the Seal of the Prophets?

” Indeed they taint him and are guilty of blasphemy against the Holy Prophet (saw).” The Promised Messiah (as) further states: “It is my firm belief that the misfortune and calamity that has befallen them” “is due to the fact that they have given Priests ample opportunity “to slander and defame the Holy Prophet (saw).” The condition of the Muslims is due to this very reason. The Promised Messiah (as) further elaborates: “On the one hand they verbally proclaim

“that the Holy Prophet (saw) is the greatest of all Prophets, ” i.e. the Holy Prophet (saw) is the most superior of all the prophets, “whilst on the other hand they believe that he passed away after sixty three years “and the Messiah (as) is alive until this very day.

” Whereas the God Almighty refers to the Holy Prophet (saw) by saying: ‘ [Arabic] ‘ ” That is: ‘And great is Allah’s grace on thee’ . “Is this statement of God Almighty false?” The Promised Messiah (as) continues: “No! It is absolutely correct,

“but those that assert that the Holy Prophet (saw) has perished are liars. “There is no declaration that is more degrading that this. ” The truth of the matter is that the Holy Prophet (saw) was granted certain attributes “that were not bestowed to any other prophet.

” It is my belief – and I hold this statement very dear – that any individual who does not consider ” the Holy Prophet (saw) to be living is a Kafir [disbeliever].” The Promised Messiah (as) further states: “How unfortunate it is that the very people who attribute themselves to the Holy Prophet (saw),

“they themselves pronounce him dead (heaven forbid). “Instead the Prophet, whose people God declared to be: ” ‘[Arabic]’ “that they were smitten with abasement and destitution, they consider him to be alive.” Having mentioned that fact that after the Holy Prophet (saw) no previous prophet can appear;

I.e. since Jesus was a prophet of the Mosaic dispensation and has passed away, therefore no prophet of the Mosaic dispensation can now appear, the Promised Messiah (as) then states: “This blessing can only be sought through complete obedience of the Holy Prophet (saw),

“because it is only the Holy Prophet (saw) that is a living prophet.” Thus, due to complete obedience to the Holy Prophet (saw), God Almighty sent the Promised Messiah (as) in this era as the awaited Mahdi and Messiah. His status is that of a subordinate, non-law bearing prophet.

Hence the Promised Messiah (as) states: “This honour that I have been bestowed is not due to any “ability of mine, but it is only due to the grace of God Almighty that I have been granted that “which was not bestowed to the prophets, messengers and sages of the past.

“It would have been impossible to have been granted this blessing it were not for my complete “devotion to my chief and master, the Pride of the prophets, the Best of all the Creation, “Prophet Muhammad, the Chosen one (saw). “Thus, whatever has been conferred upon me has been due to

“my obedience to the Holy Prophet (saw). “Through this complete and perfect knowledge I know full well that no individual can reach “God Almighty unless they show obedience to this Prophet (saw), “nor can they be granted absolute wisdom. “At this point I wish to mention that after complete and faithful obedience to

“the Holy Prophet (saw) the first thing that is established “inside is a pure and unblemished heart; ” That is, the love of materialism is removed from the heart ” and instead it is replaced with thirst for an eternal and everlasting fulfilment.

” After this, owing to this virtuous heart one is bestowed the most perfect “and pure love for God Almighty.” When one attains his love in this world then he is bestowed with the love of God Almighty. One inherits all these blessings if they obey the Holy Prophet (saw) as God Almighty has stated:

“[Arabic]” Say “If you love Allah, follow me: then will Allah love you.” In fact, if one side claims to have love for the other without it being mutual is a mere fallacy. If man truly loves God Almighty, then God also loves that individual. He is then widely accepted among the earth

And hundreds of thousands of people are bestowed with true love for that individual. He is then blessed with a power of attraction and granted a light, which always remains attached to him. Thus, observe how in this age, Allah the Almighty has instilled love in the hearts of people

Living in the remotest parts of Africa, where hundreds of thousands of people are accepting Ahmadiyyat and the Promised Messiah (as). The Promised Messiah (as) states: “When one loves God Almighty wholeheartedly “over all worldly objects, and the grandeur and majesty of all beings other than God are “removed from his heart

“in fact he considers everything else to be akin to a dead insect “then God Almighty descends upon his heart with a great manifestation, “just as if a clear mirror is placed before the moon, “owing to the reflection of the moon it can be said metaphorically

“that the same moon in the sky is present in the mirror. ” In the same manner God descends upon that heart and makes that heart His throne. “This is the reason why man has been created.” Thus, the Promised Messiah (as) was the complete devotee of the Holy Prophet (saw)

And it is for this reason that God Almighty loved him and honoured him by declaring him to be the Promised Messiah and Mahdi as well as a subordinate prophet. Having accepted the Promised Messiah (as), may Allah the Almighty enable us to appreciate him

And also enable us to become completely devoted to the Holy Prophet (saw). May he enable every single one of us to follow the example of the Holy Prophet (saw) according to our abilities and capacities, and may He enable the Muslims to accept and follow the ardent devotee of the Holy Prophet (saw).

All praise is due to Allah. We laud Him, we beseech help from Him and ask His protection; we confide in Him, we trust Him alone. and we seek protection against the evils and mischief of our souls. and from the bad results of our deeds.

Whomsoever He guides on the right path, none can misguide him; and whosoever He declares misled, none can guide him onto the right path. And we bear witness that none deserves to be worshipped except Allah. We bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.

O servants of Allah! May Allah be merciful to you. Verily, Allah commands you to act with justice, to confer benefits upon each other. And to do good to others as one does to one ‘s kindred and forbids evil which pertain to your own selves;

And evils which affect others and prohibits revolts against a lawful authority. He warns you against being unmindful. You remember Allah; He too will remember you; call Him and He will make a response to your call. And verily divine remembrance is the highest virtue.

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