Friday Sermon – Khalifatul Masih V – Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Year 2017
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah. I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah.
Come to Prayer Come to Prayer Come to success Come to success Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. There is none worthy of worship except Allah. Peace be upon you. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah He is alone and has no partner
And I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is His Servant and Messenger After this I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to the Almighty Allah who Lords over all the universe. The Gracious, the ever Merciful.
Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help. Guide us in the right path The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings, those who have not incurred Thy displeasure, and those who have not gone astray. The translation of this verse is as follows: “Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, “but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets; “and Allah has full knowledge of all things.” [33:41] In Pakistan, from time to time, under one pretext or the other,
Politicians as well as religious clerics continue to express their animosity against Ahmadis. In their view, this is the easiest way to gain a following and confederates from among the nation and to gain popularity among them. The biggest weapon that can be used to stir up the emotions of Muslims
Is the weapon of Khatm-e-nabuwwat [finality of Prophethood]. Hence, whenever a political party is losing its credibility, or the graph of a politician’s popularity or his merit is falling, whenever so-called religious organisations want to gain political prestige, whenever they want to humiliate a rival organisation, political party or a politician,
They link them with Ahmadis and say, “Look! What grave injustice is about to be committed! “These people want to include or are in the process of including the “Ahmadis among the mainstream Muslims, under the influence of foreign powers.” Whereas Ahmadis, in their view, deny ‘Khatm-e-nabuwwat’. These so-called sympathisers of Islam say that,
“We will not allow the honour of the Holy Prophet (saw) to be injured and “we will never allow such injustice to take place.” What grave injustice it is that Ahmadis be called ‘Muslims’.” Then, when they say that, they will even lay down their lives for this cause,
The representatives of the rival party, which may well be governing, immediately get up in parliament and say that, “It is out of the question that Ahmadis be accorded any rights.” Rather they will raise this slogan that the few rights, albeit as third-class citizens,
Which they are enjoying at the moment due to being Pakistani citizens, should also be ceased. Everyone has his own political agenda and vested interests. However, Ahmadis are drawn into them unwillingly and without any connection because they are a soft target.
Members of parliament – those from the governing party as well as those from the other parties speak wholeheartedly against Ahmadis. Thus, this is exactly what we witnessed recently in the national assembly of Pakistan, when a political party or the governing party was altering the words of a constitutional amendment
Due to it’s own vested interests. There was a lot of commotion recently in Pakistan. The world has become witness to all this as a result of the media coverage. Therefore, there is no need to elaborate this further. As far as the Ahmadiyya Community is concerned,
Neither have we ever asked a foreign power to grant us the status of ‘Muslims’ before the law and the constitution while instigating an amendment into the constitution of the Assembly of Pakistan, nor have we ever begged any Pakistani government for this,
Nor do we require a certificate from any assembly or government in order to be called Muslims. We call ourselves Muslims because we are Muslims. Allah the Exalted and His Messenger (saw) have declared us to be Muslims. We recite the Kalima, “There is none worthy of worship except Allah; Muhammad is His Messenger”.
We believe in every pillar of Islam and article of faith. We have faith in the Holy Qur’an and believe the Holy Prophet (saw) to be Khatm-un-Nabiyeen as Allah the Exalted has stated in the Holy Qur’an and as I have just recited. We have firm conviction that the Holy Prophet (saw) is Khatm-un-Nabiyeen.
As a matter of fact, the Promised Messiah (as) has very clearly and elaborately written on many occasions that “The person, who denies the [concept of] Khatm-e-Nubuwwat, “I consider him to be irreligious and outside the fold of Islam.” He is neither an Ahmadi, nor a Muslim.
Hence, this unrest which they create against us and this allegation which they level against us that we deny the [concept of] Khatm-e-Nubuwwat and that we, God forbid, do not believe the Holy Prophet (saw) to be Khatm-un-Nabiyeen, is an extremely foul allegation.
This allegation has been raised against the Jama’at and against the Promised Messiah(as) since the time of the claim of the Promised Messiah (as). From time to time, as I mentioned, whenever they need to acquire their objectives, these people feel an urge to raise this issue.
In one of his sermons, Hadhrat Khalifat-ul-Masih II (ra) said that this allegation is raised against us and we inform them of their error by saying that how can we reject the [concept of] Khatm-e-Nubuwwat even though we read the Holy Qur’an, have faith and believe in the Holy Qur’an
And furthermore, the Holy Qur’an declares the Holy Prophet to be Khatam-un-Nabiyeen. Upon this, non-Ahmadi scholars raise this allegation, which they have also taught the general public and this allegation is raised even today. As a matter of fact, due to their mutual relationship and due to the media,
Scholars of other countries, being influenced by these so-called scholars from Pakistan, say that, God forbid, Ahmadis do not believe in the Holy Qur’an and consider the revelations of Mirza Sahib to be superior to the Holy Qur’an. Hence, when Arabs become aware of the reality and enter the fold of Ahmadiyyat by doing Bai’at,
They have said that when we asked our scholars about their view regarding Ahmadiyyat, they told us such kind of things in that Ahmadis do not believe in the Holy Qur’an, they have made a separate Qur’an and book, they do not believe the Holy Prophet (saw) to be the last prophet, rather,
They believe Mirza Sahib to be the last prophet, their Hajj is different, they do not go for Hajj, they have a different Qibla [direction of prayer] and they do not pray facing the Khana Ka’ba [house of God in Mecca]. These people [converts] say that when we researched into this,
The falsehood of these so called scholars became exposed. Furthermore, these false allegations of the non-Ahmadi Maulvis [clerics] against Ahmadis become the means of the acceptance of Ahmadiyyat for many. Thus, by telling lies, these Maulvis are in one way doing Tabligh for us.
How can this be possible for us not to believe in the Holy Qur’an and to not believe the Holy Prophet (saw) to be Khatam-un-Nabiyeen, when the very revelations of the Promised Messiah (as) declare the Holy Qur’an to be the book of God and hold it to be the fountain of all virtues and
Declare the Holy Prophet (saw) to be Khatam-un-Nabiyeen. This has been mentioned in the revelations. A revelation of the Promised Messiah (as) with regards to the Holy Qur’an is: [Arabic] that is, “every virtue is found in the Holy Qur’an.”
The Promised Messiah (as) also said “Those who honour the Qur’an, will be honoured in heaven.” It has never been mentioned that we should honour his revelations. The revelations of the Promised Messiah (as) are subservient to the Holy Qur’an. They carry no status independently and on their own.
Whatever virtues we must find, whatever guidance we must search for, if we wish to seek guidance with regards to a certain matter in the society, we do so through the Holy Qur’an. Furthermore, many revelations of the Promised Messiah (as) elaborate and explain this. Similarly, there are countless extracts of the Promised Messiah (as)
With regards to the Holy Prophet (saw) being Khatam-un-Nabiyeen. Apart from this, there is this revelation in which the very phrase Khatam-un-Nabiyeen has been used. The revelation is: [Arabic] “Invoke blessings on the Holy Prophet (saw) and his progeny, “who is the chief of the children of Adam and the Khatam-un-Nabiyeen.”
This revelation was received on several occasions. Then, there is also this revelation: [Arabic] that is, “Every virtue emanates from Muhammad (saw). The Promised Messiah (as) writes in his book, Tajalliyat-e-Ilahiyyah [Divine Manifestations] “If I was not a part of the Ummah [nation] of the Holy Prophet (saw) and would not be his follower,
“even if my deeds were equivalent to mountains, “I would not have received this honour of Divine communion. “Because, apart from the prophethood of Muhammad (saw), every other prophethood has ended.” Thus, the Promised Messiah (as) is also subservient to the Holy Prophet (saw) and
His revelations are also subservient to and an elaboration of the Holy Qur’an. If we, God forbid, considered the revelations of the Promised Messiah (as) to be superior to the Holy Qur’an, then why is it that today we are spending our money and
Making financial sacrifices for the sake of publishing translations of the Holy Qur’an? Instead of this, we would be publishing the revelations of the Promised Messiah (as). Until now, the translation of the Holy Qur’an has been completed and published in 75 languages.
The translation into other languages is still in progress and will be published soon, InshaAllah. Translations of selected verses of the Holy Qur’an have already been published in 111 languages. The great Islamic governments and affluent religious organisations should state that in how many different languages they have published the translation of the Holy Qur’an?
It is us Ahmadis, who understand the true meaning and spirit of Khatam-un-Nabiyeen and it is Ahmadis, who are publishing God Almighty’s declaration of the Holy Prophet (saw) being the Khatam-un-Nabiyeen in various countries of the world and in their respective languages. Despite this, these people raise allegations that Ahmadis, God forbid, deny Khatm-e-Nubuwwat.
The Promised Messiah (as) has taught us such understanding and comprehension of Khatm-e-Nubuwwat, which these people, who claim to be the custodians of Khatm-e-Nubuwwat, cannot even come close to. Elaborating the fact whether we believe the Holy Prophet (saw) to be Khatam-un-Nabiyeen or not, the Promised Messiah (as) said in one gathering,
“It should also be remembered that the allegation raised against me and my Jama’at, that we do not “believe the Holy Prophet (saw) to be Khatam- un-Nabiyeen is a grave fabrication against us. “The conviction, comprehension and insight, with which we believe the Holy Prophet (saw) to be
“Khatam-un-Nabiyeen, others do not even believe in the smallest fraction thereof, “nor are they capable of doing so. “They do not understand the truth and secret of the [concept of] Khatm-e-Nubuwwat, “which is placed in the term Khatam-un-Nabiyeen. “They have only heard this term from their forefathers but are oblivious of its true meaning
“and what Khatam-e-Nabuwwat really means and what it really means to believe in it. “However, God Almighty knows that “we deem the Holy Prophet (saw) as Khatam-ul-Anbiya with full conviction. “God Almighty has opened the true meaning of Khatam-e-Nabuwwat upon us to such a degree that
“we experience the immense taste of this sweet drink of intuitive knowledge that we received and “no one other than those who are made to consume it understand it.” Explaining the true essence of the meaning of Khatam-e-Nabuwwat, the Promised Messiah (as) says:
“God has sent us such a Prophet (saw), who is the seal of believers, seal of the holy people and “the Seal of the Prophets, and has sent down on him this book “which is the most perfect book and is the seal of all the books.
“The Holy Prophet (saw), who is the Seal of the Prophets, through him prophethood was completed. “This prophethood has not stopped like one stops someone’s breathing and causes them to die. “Such end is nothing to be proud of, but in truth what was meant is that the Holy Prophet (saw)
“prophethood has been perfected, meaning that the qualities of all the Prophets were given to him. “All the different qualities given to all the prophets, from Adam (as) to Jesus (as) Son of Mary “were all brought together in the person of the Holy Prophet (saw).
“And so it was in this way he was regarded as Khatam-ul-Nabiyeen. “In the same way, all the various teachings of different religions and different exhortations “have been perfected by the Holy Quran, and thus the Holy Quran has become ‘Khatam-ul-Kutub.’
“Hence, this is the reality that our opponents are heedless of and they are in the grasp of scholars “who desire not to let them go because they have turned religion into a business and “it will be affected if their followers find out about the truth.”
While elaborating on the meaning of Khatam- ul-Nabiyeen, the Promised Messiah (as) says: “I wish to reaffirm that the principle meaning of the expression Khatam-ul-nabiyeen is that the “qualities of Prophethood beginning with Adam (as) found perfection in the Holy Prophet (saw). “This is the obvious meaning.
“The other meaning is that the circle of the excellences of Prophethood was completed “with the advent of the Holy Prophet (saw). “It is absolutely true that the Holy Qur’an perfected all the previous teachings which were “incomplete and thus Prophethood also reached its perfection.”
That is, all the teachings of the Holy Qur’an perfected everything that was brought by the previous prophets because their status was not as elevated [as the Holy Prophet]. This teaching and Shariah was revealed to the Holy Prophet (saw) and Prophethood was perfected.
It is not possible for any other human being to reach any further perfection after the revelation of the Holy Qur’an on the Holy Prophet (saw). Thus, the Promised Messiah (as) says: “Islam itself testifies the verse: ‘This day have I perfected your religion for you’ “These are the signs of Prophethood.
“There is no need to discuss their deeper meanings. “The principles are self-evident and clear and are known as established verities. “It is not necessary for a believer to get involved in their exposition. Faith is required. “We can stop an opponent if he raises an objection.”
If he is persists then we can ask him to provide the proof of the issues [related to his arguments] and how he responds to them. The Promised Messiah (as) says “The seal of the prophethood is “one of the signs of the prophethood of Holy Prophet (saw).”
“The fact that the Holy Prophet (saw) is Khatam-ul-nabiyeen is one of his signs and “it is necessary for every Muslim to believe in it.” As I mentioned before, if someone does not believe in the Khatam-e-Nabuwwat then
The Promised Messiah (as) says such a person is not a Muslim; he falls outside the fold of Islam. While confirming the true status of the term Khatam-ul-nabiyeen, and the eminence of Islam and its superiority on other religions, the Promised Messiah (as) states: “When arguments and wisdom reach its pinnacle, that is,
“the name given to Khatm-e-Nabuwwat [finality of prophethood]. “Beyond this, those who criticise are nothing short of an atheist.” The Promised Messiah (as) states: “Everything contains signs (manifest signs) and “in order to understand them one requires complete wisdom and an illuminate insight.”
If one has complete wisdom and knowledge of faith, as well as a radiance bestowed from God Almighty, only then one can understand these matters. The Promised Messiah (as) states: “After the advent of the Holy Prophet (sa) faith and wisdom “were perfected and other nations were illuminated.
“No other nation was bestowed such a radiant and illuminate teaching. “Had they received it, why could they not then influence the Arabs?” No other nation was granted this perfect teaching. Every prophet that appeared was sent to a specific area.
The Promised Messiah (as) states this is proof the Arabs had no knowledge of God nor about faith. Those who had knowledge and were acquainted [with other faiths] did not accept them because they were not a perfect teaching nor the perfect light.
If perfect light was found in faiths of the past, then they would have had impact on the Arabs. The Promised Messiah (as) states: “From the Arabs arose the moon that would illuminate every nation “and shine its light upon every region.” This is the status of the Holy Prophet (saw) that he was
To enlighten every nation and every city and his light was to reach every corner of every area. The Promised Messiah (as) states: “It is only the Quran that has the honour of succeeding over all “religions of the world when dealing with Tauheed [oneness of God] and prophethood.”
The proofs and arguments presented by the Holy Quran with regards to Tauheed and prophethood are such that were not granted to any religion. Thus, this in turn means that the faith was perfected and the Holy Prophet (saw) was to be the Seal of the Prophets (saw).
The Promised Messiah (as) says: “It is a true honour that such a book has been bestowed to “Muslims. Those people who attack the teachings and guidance granted by Islam, “they do so merely out of resentment and in a state of disbelief.
It is Islam that arose from the Arabia and spread to the corners of the world in its original form. This continues to spread until this very day. Thus, in today’s age, the Ahmadiyya community is using all its strength and resources to preach the
Status of Tauheed and prophethood to every town and every street in every village. Thus, today only we can comprehend the true meaning of Khatm-e-Nabuwwat and the Shariah bestowed to the Holy Prophet (saw). It was only the Promised Messiah (as) who explained the status of the Holy Prophet (saw) to the other religions.
He not only explained his status, but in fact stated that the teachings of other prophets had been interpolated to such an extent that it was difficult to determine the status of their prophets and whether they were truthful or not. This was another magnificence of the Holy Prophet (saw) that
He explained the truthfulness and reality of the prophets of the past. Regarding this the Promised Messiah (as) states: “Only that teaching may be perfect which nurtures and supports all of the human faculties, “rather than that which only focuses on one.
“Look at what the doctrine of the Gospel says, as against to what the human nature states? “The Human faculties and nature is a practical manifestation of God’s book.’ (The human nature and one’s natural faculties are a practical manifestation of His book).
“This is the book in the oral form, which is called the Book of God, or God’s teaching, “why would it be against the design of creation?” The guidance which God Almighty has revealed in the oral form and is known as the Holy Quran and
The book of God cannot go against the natural design of man because the natural faculties of man are the practical embodiment of those teachings that are found in the oral form the of the book. One’s faculties are the practical manifestation of the book. The Shariah is the oral form the book.
“Similarly, if the advent of the Holy Prophet (sa) had not taken place then the morals, guidance, “miracles, and the spiritual powers of the former prophets would have been criticized. “But the Holy Prophet (saw) came and declared them to be pure, this is why the signs of his prophetic
“office manifest brighter than the sun, and there are countless signs of his. “Criticising his prophetic office or the signs of his prophets Office is as if it is day and “a stubborn blind person says that it is night. “I say again, other religions would have remained in the dark,
“if the Holy Prophet (saw) had not come. “Belief would be lost, and the earth would have been destroyed by God’s curses and punishment. “Islam is like a lit up lamp, which has also led others out of the darkness.
“Read the Torah. You will find it is difficult to find anything about paradise and hell. “Look at the Gospel, there is no sign of Tauheed. “Now tell me, there are no doubts that both these books were from God, “but what knowledge and spiritual radiance can you find in it?
“The true and real spiritual radiance, which is necessary for the salvation, is in Islam. “Look at Tauheed, wherever you open the Quran, you will find something about Tauheed. “It seems like a drawn sword that cuts the root of polytheism.
“In the same way one can find all the various aspects of prophethood in such clear light “that it is impossible to be more obvious.” Thus, this is the reality of Khatm-e-Nabuwwat that the Promised Messiah (as) taught. Today, the clerics look for opportunities to blame each other,
However none of them have the courage to show other religions their true teachings and blemishes; nor could they prove the superiority of the Holy Prophet (sa). This was the work of the Promised Messiah (as) and through, his knowledge and training, the Ahmadiyya Community is continuing this.
Yet despite this in their [the opponents] eyes we are disbelievers and they are believers. With regards to the true nature of his claim, the Promised Messiah (as) explains by saying: “Can that unfortunate fabricator who himself claims to be an actual messenger and prophet
“believe in the Qur‘an? Further, can that individual who believes in the Qur‘an, “similarly who believes the verse: [ARABIC] “to be the word of God, say after the Holy Prophet (saw) that he is a prophet and messenger? “The Seeker of Justice should bear in mind that in no circumstance has this humble self ever
“been a claimant to prophethood or apostleship. “Furthermore, is the use in every speech of such words with the literal meanings commonly found “thereof in lexicons not indicative of heresy? “I do not even like to do this as there is a possibility that ordinary Muslims may be deceived.
“That notwithstanding, I am not able to hold back, on the basis of being ordained to do so, “from stating those discourses and dialogues which God Almighty has blessed me with, in which the “words ‘Prophethood’ and ‘Apostleship’ were extensively used. “I say time and time again that in the words Prophet or Messenger used in the revelations “in my respect are not to be implied in the actual usage of the words. “In reality I bear witness with all my might that our Prophet (saw) is the Seal of the Prophets,
“and that after him there shall appear no prophet, new or old. [Arabic] “Whosoever says after our Prophet and Master that he is verily a prophet or messenger in “the literal sense of the words, he is an imposter and has abandoned the Qur‘an and the clear
“commands of the Shariah; he is an infidel and arch-liar.” “In short, our belief is this: whosoever claims to be a prophet in the true sense and deliberately “leaves the Holy Prophet‘s garb of blessings, and on separating from the pure fountainhead openly
“declares himself to be a prophet of God, that individual is an atheist. “It is well possible that an individual of this nature will construct his own creed, bring changes “in worship and further modifications and alterations to divine commandments.
“Certainly he is the brother of Musaylimah the Liar and there is no doubt about his disbelief. “Is it possible to say about such a corrupted character that he believes in the Qur‘an?” Thus, one who adheres to the Shariah can be bestowed honour from God Almighty, but not
One who moves away from subservience to the Holy Prophet (saw) nor can he call himself a Muslim. Further expounding on this the Promised Messiah (as) states: “We are Muslims and we believe in God Almighty’s book, the Holy Quran.
“We also firmly believe that the Holy Prophet (saw) is the prophet and messenger of God, and “moreover that he came with the perfect faith. “We also believe that he is Khatam-ul-Anbiya and there can be no other prophet after him except one
“who has been nurtured from the fountainhead of his beneficence (as the Promised Messiah (as) was) “and whose advent was in accordance to his prophecies. “And, that God Almighty grants honour to the saints of this Ummah through divine discourse and “they are adorned with the attributes of the prophets.
“However, they are not prophets in the real sense because the Holy Quran has completed all that is “required from the Shariah and they are granted the true comprehension of the Holy Quran however “they do not add anything from themselves to it and nor take anything away from it.
“And, one who adds anything to the Holy Quran from himself or takes anything away from it is a “rebellious Satan. “In our view, Khatam-e-Nabuwat means that all the excellences have reached their pinnacle in the “Holy Prophet (saw), who is greatest among all the prophets and messengers of God Almighty.
“We also believe that after the Holy Prophet (saw) one can only attain the status of a prophet who is “from among the Ummah [followers] of the Holy Prophet (saw) and is completely devoted to him and “received all his beneficence and radiance from his spiritual light.
“There is no question of dishonour [to the Holy Prophet (saw)] in this state nor is it implicated. “This prophethood is not at all independent nor is this status to be startled at. “In fact, it is the Ahmad (sa), the chosen one, who has appeared in the reflection.
“A person who witnesses his a reflection shown to him by God Almighty is not dishonoured “because one does not feel dishonoured when it comes to one’s own sons and students. “Thus, he who appears after having received the grace and blessings of the Holy Prophet (saw) and
“becoming wholly immersed in him, his advent is in fact as if it were the Holy Prophet (saw) himself “because he has reached the pinnacle stage of complete devotion to him and is adorned with his “attributes, clad in his garb and has taken his spiritual form from the Holy Prophet (saw).
“Such a person attains a perfect state due to the grace and blessings of the Holy Prophet (saw) and “this very fact testifies to the blessings of the Holy Prophet (saw). “People can witness the excellences of the Holy Prophet (saw) through such devotees who due to
“their perfect love and sincerity are wholly devoted to the Holy Prophet (saw) and it is “completely foolish to present any argument against this because this is a proof from God “which proves that the Holy Prophet (saw) was not Abtar i.e. without any male issue
“and one who ponders over this does not require any detailed explanation. “The Holy Prophet (saw) was not the physical father of any men but “due to the blessings of his prophethood, he is the father of all those who have achieved a
“perfect state in their spirituality and he is seal of all the prophets and “the leader of all the chosen ones. “Now, only he can enter the divine court of God Almighty who has the imprint of the Holy Prophet’s “seal and completely follows his practise.
“No other practise or form of worship shall be accepted before God Almighty from one who does not “declare the prophethood of the Holy Prophet (saw) and does not remain firm on his religion. “One who separates himself from the Holy Prophet (saw) and does not follow him with all his
“strength and might, shall perish. “There can be no new Shariah after the Holy Prophet (saw) and nor can one abrogate his book “and commandments or make any changes to his holy book. “There is no rain which can match the Holy Prophet (saw)’s powerful rainfall (i.e. spiritual rain)
“One who moves away even an iota from adhering to the Holy Quran, deviates away from faith. “No one can attain any success unless they adhere to that which has been established “by the practise of the Holy Prophet (saw). “One who abandons even the smallest piece of guidance of the Holy Prophet (saw),
“he falls astray. “Moreover, one who claims to be a prophet from within this Ummah but does not hold the belief “that he has received his guidance from the Holy Prophet (saw), nd that he is nothing without his “blessed model; and that the Holy Quran is the most perfect law,
“then such a person shall perish and shall be counted among the disobedient and rebellious. “And, one who claims to be a prophet but does not hold the belief that he is from the Ummah “of the Holy Prophet (saw); and that everything he attained is due to the grace and blessings of the
“Holy Prophet (saw); and that he is one of the fruits from the garden of the Holy Prophet (saw); “and that he is a droplet from the powerful rain of the Holy Prophet (saw); “and that he is a ray from the light of the Holy Prophet (saw), then such a person is accursed and
“the curse of God Almighty is also cast upon his companions, followers and helpers.” The Promised Messiah (as) is not sending this curse upon himself and his Jama’at. Rather, it means that he believed that he received the most spiritual blessings and grace from the
Holy Prophet (saw) and it is the Promised Messiah (as) who attained a rank where God honoured him with the status of a non-law bearing prophet due to his subservience to the Holy Prophet (saw). The Promised Messiah (as) states: “Under the heavens there is no prophet other than the Holy Prophet (saw).
“There is no book other than the Holy Quran. “Whoever opposes this will drag himself towards hell.’ The Promised Messiah (as) has on countless occasions explained the true meaning of Khatam-e-Nabuwat and its true status and also his own status in respect to it.
He also said that if the Muslims remained firm on their faith and truly followed the Holy Prophet (saw) then what need was there for his advent? Thus, in one place he states: “In terms of worldly examples, we can cite the example of Khatam-e-Nabuwat
“as the moon which starts off in the form of crescent and gradually reaches its perfect stage “fourteen days later where it is referred to as Badr. “Similarly, the excellences and qualities reached their perfection in the Holy Prophet (saw).
“Those who are of the belief that the door to prophethood has been forcefully shut and “believe that the Holy Prophet (saw) should not be given greater regard than Yunus bin Amittai, “such people have failed to understand its true essence and have no knowledge of “the Holy Prophet (saw)’s attributes and excellences.
“Despite their lack of understating and knowledge, they claim that “it is we who do not believe in Khatam-e-Nabuwat.” They have failed to understand this and yet they claim that we are the ones who do not believe. The Promised Messiah (as) further states:
“What shall I say to people who suffer from such ailments and how shall I pity them? “If their state was not like this and they were not far removed from faith…” If the Muslims were not in the current state that they are in today where they have no understanding
Of the true essence of Islam and were not far from faith, then Promised Messiah (as) states that, “Then what was the purpose of my advent? If their faith was unblemished and their spirituality was “complete, then was the need for my advent? The state of their faith had deteriorated and
“they are completely oblivious to the reality and purpose of Islam. “Otherwise there is no reason for him to harbour enmity against truthful people which makes one a “disbeliever.” This means that the one who is on the right path and has been sent by God Almighty,
But also believes in the Holy Prophet (sa) with full conviction, there is no reason for one to harbour enmity against such an individual, ie. harbouring enmity for the Promised Messiah (as), who has been sent by God Almighty, will make an individual a Kafir [disbeliever].
Why do Muslims who profess the Kalima [declaration of faith] declare us to be disbelievers? The one who declares another a disbeliever is himself removed from the pale of Islam. The Hadith of the Holy Prophet (saw) is witness to this very fact.
Thus, these people who declare us to be disbelievers fall prey to their own ploy. Therefore, out of our sentiments sympathy for these Muslims who profess the Kalimah, we say to them to reform their conditions and ponder deeply about what God desires from us.
It is my wish that the few extracts I have presented become a source of guidance for civilised Muslims, and instead of raising allegations against us, they use it as a means of reforming their conditions. With regards to the Pakistan [national] Assembly and the change in the wording of the constitution,
After it had been settled, a Member of Parliament unnecessarily made an inflammatory speech. This speech was not only intended to ignite the false honour of the members of the assembly, but was an attempt to incense the general public and cause disruption throughout the country so that the entire population rises against Ahmadis.
Alongside this it was an attempt to show himself as a leader that was loyal to the country in order to breathe new life into his political career. However, some rational politicians, media personalities and civilised people have expressed their dislike.
For this reason we should have hope that a civilised faction exists in Pakistan who have begun to voice their opinions against such false statements. They have then explained to him what the real facts are. This Member of Parliament attempted to make a claim that it was an insult to his pride and
Honour that the physics department at Qaid-e-Azam University was named after Doctor Abdus Salam, as he is a Kafir [disbeliever] and does not believe in finality of Prophet Muhammad (sa). He should think himself that the person who named this department was the previous head of his very
Own political party, who was not only the former Prime minister, but also his own father-in-law. Why did he not show his honour then and when this took place, why did it not kindle his honour then? The only reason is that currently their party is facing heavy criticism and they believe that in
To save themselves, they can raise their voice to say anything that comes to mind against Ahmadis. As far as Ahmadis are concerned, we have no concern for whether it is named after him or not. In fact, on the day they named the department after him the people closes to the late Dr Salam,
His son as well as the rest of his children wrote a letter to the Prime Minister of Pakistan – for which they are yet to receive a reply – expressing their astonishment that it took the Pakistan government twenty years after the demise of Doctor [Salam] Sahib to name a department after
This exceptional Pakistani Scientist. They also wrote that despite the fact that their father was declared non-Muslim according to the constitution – for which he was deeply saddened – he never relinquished his Pakistani citizenship. Moreover Britain, Italy and even India offered to grant him citizenship,
Yet he always stated that he will remain loyal to Pakistan and endeavour to improve the condition of Pakistan, and this is exactly what he strived to do. In short, the children of Doctor Salam Sahib wrote to the Prime Minister of Pakistan at the time
Stating that they are Muslims and in order to seek the pleasure of God they remain attached to the Ahmadiyya Community and have accepted the Promised Messiah (as). They said: “Owing to the fact that our rights are usurped in Pakistan and what we say is not
“accepted, we, as the members of the Salam family, do not express any pleasure at this decision by “the government of Pakistan and distance ourselves from it and will remain disassociated with it.” This was the reaction by the children of Doctor Salam Sahib.
If the Pakistan Assembly wish to change the name, then they can do so with ease. The Salam family and the Ahmadiyya Community will not be affected by it. He [the Member of Parliament] then stated that Ahmadis should not be enrolled into the army.
The history of Pakistan bears witness to the fact that to date, every Ahmadi that joined the army offered every sacrifice for their country. Usually people [in the army] such as soldiers, Junior Commissioned officers, Majors or even Colonels offer sacrifices, however Ahmadis are such that even after reaching the rank of General
They did not retreat from the trenches. There were Ahmadi Generals among those that were martyred. The Pakistani media is bringing it up with clear facts. They are questioning what he said. The media are highlighting the names of General Akhtar Malik and General Ali, as well as General Iftikhar who was martyred.
The aforementioned Member of Parliament, who delivered this provocative speech only reached the rank of Captain in the army. Then on becoming the son-in-law of the Prime Minister, or Chief Minister, he resigned from the army and joined the race for wealth by entering politics.
If he had any sentiments of love for his country, he should have stayed in the army and offered sacrifices for it. Another allegation raised against Ahmadis is that they do not serve their country and are not loyal to their country. However, I can say with full conviction that today,
It is only Ahmadis in Pakistanwho follow the teaching of “loyalty to country is part of faith.” They are willing to sacrifice their life and wealth and are currently doing so. We do not make speeches to advance political agenda, nor do we have any association with politics.
We are willing to sacrifice our life for our faith, however we are not the ones who use religion to aid our political agenda, nor are we guilty of murder in the name of religion. We believe wholeheartedly that the Holy Prophet (saw) is the Seal of the Prophets.
In order to protect his honour we are ready to offer any sacrifice, and this is something we carry out, and God Willing, we shall continue to offer this sacrifice. It is the duty of the Ahmadis residing in Pakistan to pray for the country
In which Ahmadis offered sacrifices from the outset, that may God Almighty protect it, and may He protect us from the oppressive tyrants and the self-indulging clerics. May Pakistan be counted amongst the liberated and civilised countries of the world. All praise is due to Allah.
We laud Him, we beseech help from Him and ask His protection; we confide in Him, we trust Him alone. and we seek protection against the evils and mischief of our souls. and from the bad results of our deeds. Whomsoever He guides on the right path, none can misguide him;
And whosoever He declares misled, none can guide him onto the right path. And we bear witness that none deserves to be worshipped except Allah. We bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. O servants of Allah! May Allah be merciful to you.
Verily, Allah commands you to act with justice, to confer benefits upon each other. And to do good to others as one does to one ‘s kindred and forbids evil which pertain to your own selves; and evils which affect others and prohibits revolts against a lawful authority. He warns you against being unmindful.
You remember Allah; He too will remember you; call Him and He will make a response to your call. And verily divine remembrance is the highest virtue.